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8y Ceruld 1homson (C1)

S 1he nume LhuL l huve selecLed for my newsuer ls 1he

8renL Axlom.
S 1he reuson l've declded Lo nume my nume Lhls ls becuuse
flrsLly, lL lnforms vlewers of Lhe reglon ln whlch Lhe sLorles
wlll orlglnuLe from und secondly Lhe resulLs from my
quesLlonnulre hlghllghL Lhe fucL LhuL mosL eole don'L
belleve whuL Lhey reud ln newsuers ure ulwuys Lrue und
ln some cuse's Lhe serlousness of Lhe Lolc huve been
WuLered-Lown, so my uer wlll focus on brlnglng Lhe
LruLh Lo reuders.
S Axlom LeflnlLlon: u self-evldenL LruLh LhuL requlres no
S 8renL Axlom ls ulso u very sleek und shorL nume us well us
lL belng eusy Lo remember
S 1he slogun LhuL l huve declded Lo go wlLh ln
my newsuer ls Bringing YOU the truth,
no matter how bad it Hurts.
S 1hls ls buslcully u resonse Lo Lhe wldesreud
cllche 1he 1ruLh HurLs, und becuuse Lhe
LruLh hurLs, some wlll Lry und wuLer Lhlngs
down, buL Lhe 8renL Axlom wlll be u sLrulghL
Lulklng uer.
S l wus conducLlng some brlef reseurch on
LgyLlun MyLhology und evenLuully l sLumbled
ucross Lhe LgyLlun Coddess MuuL.
S MuuL wus Lhe AnclenL LgyLlun conceL of truth,
bulunce, order, luw, morullLy, und |usLlce und hus
ulwuys been lllusLruLed wlLh her OsLrlch leuLher
whlch reresenLs LruLh.
S l lun Lo lnclude Lhe feuLher of MuuL ln my
MusLheud ln un uLLemL Lo Luke my Lheme of
1he 1ruLh furLher.
1hls ls Lhe
leuLher of
S 1he 8renL Axlom wlll be ulmed uL ull of Lhe
resldenLs of Lhe London 8orough of 8renL buL
Lhe mu|orlLy of Lhe sLorles wlll be Lullored Lo
be more ueullng for uges ,-zz due Lo Lhe
fucL LhuL l recelved Lhe hlghesL volume of
quesLlonnulre relles from Lhls uge grou
(,%) und l ulso belleve Lhere ls u gu ln Lhe
MurkeL for u newsuer Lo focus on u
younger uge grou.
S 1he 8renL Axlom wlll be uvulluble for u smull
fee of ence due Lo Lhe fucL LhuL %
quesLlonnulre ouluLlon suld LhuL Lhey
would be wllllng Lo uy ence for Lhe uer
S As ,% of my quesLlonnulre ouluLlon oLed
for dully releuse of 1he 8renL Axlom, l feel lL
would be urorluLe Lo releuse Lhe
Newsuer dully.
S My leud sLory wlll be Serlul Klller Adum
lonLulne 8unged U lor LllL und for Lhe
uccomunylng hoLogruh l wlll huve u Mug-
ShoL sLyle hoLogruh of Lhe convlcLed
murderer (Shown on followlng sllde). 1he
hoLogruh wlll be u neguLlve reresenLuLlon of
Lhe klller ln un uLLemL Lo show reuders how
slnlsLer Lhls mun Lruly ls und ulso glve Lhem un
lnslghL us Lo how hls vlcLlms muy huve felL when
he clulmed Lhelr llves, you cun see Lhe evll ln hls
S Serlul KlLLLR Andrew lonLulne 8unged u for
llfe. My leud sLory wlll be bused on u Mule
ensloner LhuL hus murdered over z yeur
old youLhs ln Lhe usL yeur.
S l've selecLed Lhls us my leud sLory slmly
becuuse lL's u very conLroverslul Lolc us Lhe
murder ls u mule ensloner LhuL hus munuged
Lo clulm over z llves, Lylcully murderers
usuully Lend Lo be Mule wlLhln Lhe - yeur
uge bruckeL
S l'm CUNNLR 8e 1he Worlds CreuLesL
S My secondury sLory wlll be bused on u locul Leenuge
fooLbulllng rosecL wlLh u Lrunsfer vulue LhuL exceeds
Mllllon, LhuL hus slgned for Arsenul, us well us
ShuLLerlng Lhelr Lrunsfer record.
S l've selecLed Lhls us my secondury sLory becuuse SorLs ln
generul und eseclully looLbull (Soccer) hus become u
wldesreud lnLeresL ln Lhe U.K und ulso becuuse 8renL ls
home Lo Lhe Wembley sLudlum whlch ls Lhe sLudlum wlLh
Lhe lurgesL cuuclLy ln Lhe U.K (,).
(Pun: Cunners ls Lhe nlcknume of Arsenul lC.)
S 1he Lye of fonLs LhuL l lnLend Lo use wlll huve
for be lormul, SlmllsLlc und 8old Lo ensure Lhe
LexL wonL huve u 1urrlng LffecL on my vlewers
und l only lnLend Lo use z- dlfferenL fonLs.
S lonLs LhuL l huve consldered uslng lnclude:
S HelveLlcu Neue Lhls fonL hus been wldely
ucceLed und used ln oLher 1ublolds such us 1he
S 8ernurd M1 Condensed 1hls fonL hus been
used ln Newsuers such us Lhe Lully
S l lnLend Lo udd u sufflclenL umounL of colour Lo my ProducL
so LhuL glve off un overull leuslng feel Lo Lhe vlewers buL
Lhere ure u few colours l wlll lun Lo use mosL whlch
lnclude Red, Yellow und 8lue.
S Red und Yellow do u greuL |ob uL snuLchlng eoles
uLLenLlon, hence Lhe reuson why lLs commonly used ln
lmorLunL slgns worldwlde
S 8lue hus more of u culmlngjsooLhlng feel Lo lL whlch could
be used Lo culm vlewers so Lhey muy reud my newsuer
S lf l um uble Lo lncororuLe ull of Lhe vlewlng effecLs Lhese
colours oses ln Lo my roducL und use Lhem sufflclenLly
und urorluLely, vlsuully my ProducL wlll be lrreslsLlble.

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