Frame by Frame Analysis - Dark Knight

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Sound Underlying rumble to stir audience.

In the frame we see very the brandishing of the Warner Bros logo, ironically on the back set of Dark night. This could represent the major film companys backing of the heroic character in the film, The Dark Knight and also lets the audience know because of recognisable logo, the film will be of high quality.

Sound None
Zoom into flourishing, hypnotic, dark clouds, the shape of a bat being showing, this represents Zooming into the story and how darkness enveloped the story within, whilst also showing the involvement of a key Bat character and his life. Also the way the darkness from the shot physically consumes the audience by Zooming in leaves us unable to escape.

Sound The score (suspense building music)

The establishing shot of a built up city and the constant zoom into a single point leaves again no escape for the audiences attention. Music intensity gradually increasing at this point, the introduction of an almost Ticking sound, implies that time is running out and also a near deafening drone of a single note instils fear unto the audience.

Sound The Score + Window explosion.

Zooming into an entirely mirrored building gives the audience the immediate sense of their lack of control in the story, not knowing what may be coming next or from where. The slightly off centre explosion leaves the audience jumping in the seats keeping them on the edge.

Sound Cocking of gun

The introduction of the first character, who possesses no dialogue and immediately we notice his lack of identity by wearing a mask. The stereotype of Clowns being associated with fear, enhances our understanding of this character as somebody of evil or criminal nature.

Sound Firing of grapple hook

Idealistic American bank heist is the basis of the scene which already stirs creativity and imagination in the audience as to their potential involvement in a rebellious act. However this sense of power and security is soon changed after the development of the storyline and attitudes of characters as to whose side they may wish to be on.

Sound The Score

Zoom up to a particularly more mysterious character this time holding his mask by his side. We never see any of the other characters identities revealed except this one, so the director is drawing our attention to this particular character so that we understand the change of not knowing his identity to understanding this characters full potential.

Sound Intensity and tempo changes indicating change

Sound, a gentle drum beat like a heart beat is played. Mysterious character clambers into the unmarked truck, placing mask on.

Sound The score, Gravel from landing

The two masked characters outrageously zip line from skyscraper to skyscraper showing their relentless nature. Also this provides a sense of perspective for the audience, not only of location and height, but of the length the characters are prepared to go to.

Sound Exchange of dialogue reveals plans

Characters talking about The Job, the audience gain understanding of the task at hand, whilst also the descriptions of a key character in the story the guy who planned the job. This is an ironic twist that the audience later find out about. Character in the back calmly loads his gun in preparation, indicating again his lack of fear and his level of control.

Sound Dialogue
Characters talk about the guy who planned the job The Joker and the camera shot allows us to see the mysterious character in the backside, staying silent but still being in on the conversation. This leads the audience into false suspense because although visually the characters in the front have the most undertaking in the scene in proportion to the character in the back, his underlying power is yet to be demonstrated.

Sound Dialogue
Characters work together to complete the task of disabling the alarm, however their incompetence and obsession with completing the task leaves them nave as to what their fate could be.

Sound None
5 characters arrive at we can assume is the targeted building. Which we sooner find out is a bank. The three characters race to enter the building showing that money in this instance is the only thing that matters, their greed for of which will soon summate the death of them.

Sound Gun Shots/Screams

Reinforce terror created by masked characters, a light joke from one of the clowns Hands up pal, Im making a withdrawal instigates comic relief from a quite terrifying moment. The way the camera pans the whole scene, and shows close ups on vulnerable characters increases audience integration into the storyline through them empathising with desperate characters.

Sound Dialogue
Here a key camera shot shows the first instance of betrayal in the scene, as one masked character completes his allotted task the other shoots him to increase his value in the share of the money. A clever ploy imposed by The Joker into which he assumes all of the characters will be ignorant enough to not realise that they too may be under threat.

Sound Unzips Bag

This close up shot, shows a bag filled with grenades a devastating, heart stopping moment with the thought of disastrous consequences. The image of giving grenades to humans is something no one in their right mind would ever consider doing. A insight into the evil nature of The Joker.

Sounds Ring Pull Out Of Grenade

Handing grenades to innocent victims also creates fear within the audience as now the civilians in the scene have no method of escape through using their hands. No hope or way out for the civilians. Painstaking image as the audience wait in anticipation as to what decision the people with grenades will make.

Sound Inaudiable
Here we have the first insight into the heroic nature of the film and good conquering over evil. This person whom we can only assume has a high status within the firm, uses a shotgun to eliminate one of the clowns. The shock throws the remaining two clowns into confusion as he frivolously fires the gun. However this characters good streak is brought an abrupt end as the evil characters once again triumphs over him.

Sound Heavy Breathing

The masked character clambers out from behind the desk and lays an entire clip into the hero, he tilts his head to show remorse but the mask he wears does not allow us to see his true expression, his Heavy Breathing shows how he too can experience fear and exhilaration but however once one bad turn has been made there is no going back for this character.

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