Morning Calm Weekly Newspaper - 28 October 2011

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OCTOBER 28, 2011

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OCTOBER 28, 2011

Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea

Volume 10, Issue 4


Yongsan Youth Tour Firehouse Page 5

Seoul Air Show Takes Flight Page 9

Counselor of the Year Page 22

OPSEC stressed
Watch what you throw away
By Walter T. Ham IV Eighth Army Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth Army personnel took a close look at the ways that they can help safeguard important information Oct. 1821 during an Operations Security Analysis and Program Management Course. Service members and civilians learned how to manage an effective OPSEC program using techniques such as checking dumpsters for improperly disposed of documents. The course was taught by Chris Turner Sr. and Tony Maybrier from the Joint OPSEC Support Element at the Joint Information Operations Warfare Center in San Antonio. The Joint OPSEC Support Element traces its roots to the Purple Dragon Team established by the U.S. Pacific Command during the Vietnam War. Both instructors encouraged students to regularly emphasize the importance of operations security to force protection and mission accomplishment. OPSEC saves lives, said Turner, who travels around the world teaching OPSEC courses to Department of Defense personnel. Maybrier said good OPSEC also applies to the military family. x

Eighth Army OPSEC Program Manager Maj. Yokeitha A. Ramey (left) and Sgt. 1st Class Anthony Adkins check the dumpsters on Yongsan for improperly disposed of items. U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Kim Gye-myeong

Education Week to highlight services available

By Hong, Seung-hui Camp Humphreys Public Affairs
CAMP HUMPHREYS Army Education Week is scheduled for Nov. 14-18, and the Camp Humphreys Army Education Center is holding a series of events and briefs then to let the community know what services are available. The Theme this year is Supporting Soldier and Family readiness. Speakers will give information on Central Texas College, the University of Maryland, and the University of Phoenix graduate school. There will also be briefings on the Montgomery G.I. Bill, the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill, financial aid, the Army Career and Alumni Program, and services available to spouses. To open the conference, there will be a cake-cutting ceremony with scholar Soldiers and Col. Bryan Barker, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, and the brigades senior enlisted Soldier, Command Sgt. Maj. Leeford Cain. Light refreshments will be served. Beverly M. Suenaga, education services officer, said, The purpose of the event is celebrating and honoring Soldiers who have had remarkable academic achievement. The Army Education Centers primary goal is to make Soldiers better leaders through learning, and Nancy J. Claycomb, an education counselor, said the week will highlight the choices service members and their Families have. What a good opportunity, she said. We have a variety classes such as business courses, criminal justice and so on. Education Center personnel help Soldiers, Family members, civilians, and retirees who want to further their education. For more Information, call Claycomb at 753-8902 or Suenaga at 753-8905. x

USFK News USAG Red Cloud USAG Casey USAG Yongsan USAG Humphreys USAG Daegu P02 P05 P05 P09 P21 P25

Sights & Sounds P03 Command Perspective P04 Photo Feature Page P16

The Morning Calm
Published by Installation Management Command

NEWS Nutrition can help battle cancer

By Master Sgt. Aki Summers Field Operating Base Korea
YONGSAN GARRISON I was diagnosed with Stage I Cancer on Jan. 3, at age 35. I had no family history of this disease, nor any symptoms. Also, I have never smoked nor drank alcoholic beverages. One would think the odds were low with my history, but the truth is that one in three persons will get some form of cancer during their lifetime, according to the courtesy of National Cancer Foundation. This is why I am sharing my story with you. As we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness this month, we should look at doing what we can to prevent this disease from affecting our families. Since being diagnosed, my lifestyle and the nutritional value in foods have become a focal point for me. I had a carcinoid tumor in my small intestine, which had grown over the course of five to seven years to the size of a small golf ball. Thankfully, it was successfully removed in February and I am still very thankful to Dr. Inae of the 121st Medical Hospital. The tumors removal was a bid to prevent a recurrence of the tumor and subsequent spreading. I had to undergo a complete lifestyle change, especially with my diet. Given the slight improvement on the Chromagratin A (CGA) blood test, which was from 131 to 99 from the month of March to May, my healthy eating habits have contributed greatly toward living and being healthier. Being a survivor in the third stage of cancer, I am certain that I am on my way to achieving the normal CGA test, which is normally from 20 to 94, but is there any relationship between nutrition and cancer, or does cancer emanate from genetic factors? Scientific groups have studied the nutritional value of food with regard to prevention of cancer as well as heart disease. Researchers Walter Willett and Patrick Skerrett allege that reviewing the nutritional value in foods and the way it affects health, especially on people suffering from cancer and cardiovascular diseases, helps to substantiate the importance of verifying nutritional value of every meal served, since there are a number of contradictory views derived from various nutritionists studies. My focus and attention to each of you is relaying the importance of the disease of cancer. My personal experience in relation to cancer plays a very crucial role in the substantiating facts below about cancer. Cancer emanates from uncontrolled growth of cells, which eventually destroy the genes. The spread of the tumor is facilitated by the presence of blood or lymph nodes throughout the body. Given the high prevalence rate of cancer, various scientific studies have delved into the study of identifying the very person who is at risk of being infected with cancer. Basing my knowledge on the inference of MIT cancer researcher Robert Weinberg, who cites that the presence of foreign bodies, including smoke from tobacco, as well as internal origin play a major role in damaging DNA cells, I am in a position of evaluating the real cause of cancer in my life. The fact that I have never smoked and cancer does not run in my family eliminates the hereditary factors as well as the presence of foreign bodies from smoke in relation to cancer in my life. Willett and Patrick assert that nutrition plays a key role in eradicating the cancer as well as heart disease. However, eradicating cancer and heart disease has faced contradictory inferences, as some nutritionists are of the view that proper eating habits revolve around taking foods that serve the role of improving the health status as opposed to shedding weight. Therefore, consumption of fruits and vegetables in plenty is recommended because they contain photochemicals, which play a key role in eliminating toxins emanating from consumption of inorganic foods as well as refined oils that we consume in our day-to-day life. High protein foods, on the other hand, are discouraged because they facilitate the growth of tumors if consumed in amounts above that required. Therefore, much emphasis should be put on consuming cruciferous vegetables, as they are rich in sulforaphane as well as isothiocyanates chemicals, which play a crucial role in prevention of cancer. Tomatoes, peaches, grapefruits, watermelon, and papaya should also be consumed in abundance, since the lycopene chemical found in them plays a crucial role in preventing oxidative damage, thus reducing the chances of being infected with cancer. More so, even though much has not been credited to grapes, onions, and apples, they contribute greatly in decreasing chances of being infected with cancer as well as heart disease, since they are rich in photochemical known as flava-


USAG-RED CLOUD Commander: Col. Hank Dodge Public Affairs Officer: Kevin Jackson Writer/Editor: Franklin Fisher Staff Writers: Pfc. Mardicio Barrot, Pvt. Yi, Jae-gwang USAG-YONGSAN Commander: Col. William P. Huber Public Affairs Officer: Mark Abueg CI Officer: Jane Lee Layout Editor: Sgt. Hong Moo-sun Staff Writers: Staff Sgt. Cody Harding, Pfc. Choi Sung-il, Pfc. Han Samuel , USAG-HUMPHREYS Commander: Col. Joseph P. Moore Public Affairs Officer: Ed Johnson CI Officer: Steven Hoover Writer/Editor: Wayne Marlow Staff Writer: Pfc. Han Jae-ho USAG-DAEGU Commander: Col. Kathleen A. Gavle Public Affairs Officer: Philip Molter CI Officer: Mary Grimes Staff Writers: Pvt. Bang Bong-joo, Sgt. Kim Min-jae Interns: Park Min-jin, Lee Sae-mi,, Lee Seung-bin, Raven Calloway
This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of U.S. Army Garrisons in Korea. Circulation: 9,500 Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive written contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation of the equal opportunity policy is corrected. Oriental Press President: Charles Chong Commercial Advertising Telephone: 738-5005 Fax: (02) 790-5795 E-mail: Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758 Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 738-4068 E-mail:

noids. Remember the old saying, You are what you eat? Well, everyone needs to incorporate sugar in their diet. However, the type of sugar that my family and I consume should only come from organic sugar or healthy sweeteners, since refined sugar attracts growth of tumors. This lifestyle change now makes me more aware of what my family and I must eat to stay healthy and for me to stay in remission. Given the current policy of providing information concerning nutritional value and the amount of calories in meals, key questions still remain: how much effort do you put in verifying the nutritional value of chemicals within diverse fruits and vegetables with regard to control of cancer? What can each of you do to further educate yourselves on the disease that continues to increase in numbers amongst us? Educate yourselves. Ensure you are eating a proper healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables, getting a good nights rest, and exercising at least three times a week for 30 to 45 minutes. Healthy eating and positive life style changes are key to possibly preventing cancer from striking you or a loved one. x Air Force Master Sgt. Aki Summers is the Superintendent of Field Operating Base Korea (FOB-K). This spring, shortly after being diagnosed she started a cancer support page on Face book in hopes of getting and sharing information with others so that it may make a difference in someones life. It can be accessed at uer1ya

The Morning Calm

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Air Force Master Sgt. Aki Summers, after being diagnosed with cancer, started a support page on Facebook. It can be accessed at Courtesy photo

OCTOBER 28, 2011



Police Blotter
The following entries were excerpted from the police blotters the previous week. These entries may be incomplete and do not imply guilt or innocence. Area I AWOL. The subject failed to report to his place of duty at the designated time. The subject was placed on AWOL status by his unit commander, flagged in DBIDS and a Be on the Lookout order was issued for his apprehension. Drunk and Disorderly Conduct. The subject was intoxicated and belligerent at a private location in Seoul. The subject was apprehended and transported to the PMO where he was administered a PBT with a result of 0.306 percent blood alcohol content. The subject was released to his unit and later reported to the PMO where he was advised of his legal rights, which he invoked. Area II Traffic Accident with Injuries; Damage to Property; Driving Under the Influence of an Intoxicant; Driving Wrong Way on One Way Street. The subject, while operating a POV under the influence of an intoxicant, crossed into the incoming lane and struck the victims POV at his residence in Seoul. KNP responded to the scene and tested the subjects BAC with a result of 0.071 percent. The subject sustained injuries consisting of an abrasion and scratches to his head. The victim sustained injuries consisting of abrasions to his back and neck. Damage to the subjects vehicle consisted of disabling damage to the hood, under carriage and entire front portion of the vehicle. Damage to the victims vehicle consisted of disabling damage to the front portion of the vehicle. Area III Wrongful Destruction of Government Property. Unknown person(s), by unknown means, caused damage to the victims truck which was secured and unattended in a parking lot on USAG-Humphreys. Damage to the truck consisted of dents to the right rear door and window shattered. Larceny of Private Property. Unknown person(s) removed the victims sunglasses, which were unsecured and unattended, from the front desk of USAG-Humphreys Lodge. The victim then looked over the security camera footage and stated he saw a man in a yellow short-sleeve shirt that he believed to have taken the sunglasses. The victim rendered a written sworn statement attesting to the incident. Investigation continues by MPI.

Namsangol Pavilion: A Traditional Place to Romp

The Cheonugak is found at the Namsangol Hanok Village, an attraction in Seoul that has been preserved to appear as a typical Korean village looked during the Joseon Dynasty. The Joseon Dynasty was a sovereign state lasting from 1392 to 1897 . This Cheonugak represents a public gathering place where Koreans from the Joseon Dynasty era would meet for a meal, music and dance. Admission to Namsangol Hanok Village is free, and the site can be found outside of Chungmulo Station off exits 3 and 4. U.S. Army photo by Russell Wicke

SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Offpost events and activities

Seoul Walking Trails The City of Seoul has website,, where one can find all the walking paths that exist throughout the city. Although it is only in Korean, English readers can make use of the satellite imagery and illustrations. Up to 110 trails have been documented on the site under five categories: culture and history-themed routes; trails based on nature and ecology; greenway paths; forested trails; and village trails. There are links to ecological information systems, GPS data, Google open API, and other information, and the user can zoom in and out of the satellite images. The launch of the site is part of a larger project in which mountain hiking routes are being constructed and upgraded and is due for completion in 2014. According to the plan, Seouls four innermost mountains will be linked by a 20-kilometer-long culture and history-themed trail. The citys outermost mountains (excluding Mt. Deogyangsan), will be connected by a 182-kilometer-long nature and ecology route. Of the forested paths, some of the more popular ones to hike are the Jiyangsan forest path, Gangdong Greenway, and Geungyosan forest path. Jeju Walking Festival (Nov. 9-12) If taking leave in November, the Jeju Olle Walking Festival makes for a great destination. It is an organized walk that unfolds on scenic roads on Jeju Island, the most popular tourism destination in Korea. Participants walk along outstanding sights, a mixture of numerous small volcanic mountains, the coasts, and stone walls. During the festival, each village on the walking path greets participants with delicious local food and a colorful array of traditional performances. Participants will complete one course of the Jeju Olle courses each day and experience diverse cultural events. The festival begin last year and will continue to be hosted every November. For more information, visit the homepage of Jeju Olle Walking Festival and apply online: Yangcheon: The Last Hyanggyo Of all the old structures in Seoul, there is only one remaining Hyanggyo, which is a Joseon-era Confucian temple, school, and shrine. Hyanggos were government-run provincial establishments during the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) and Joseon Dynasty (July 1392 - August 1910). The last remaining hyanggy is called Yangcheon and it is 600 years old. It is from the Joseon era, used as a temple, school, and a memorial hall to honor distinguished scholars and statesmen. It was one of the top educational institutes where talents were trained by master instructors. It was also a place where cultural relics were well-preserved, and, therefore, still exist today. The Seoul Metropolitan Government deemed Yangcheon a cultural relic in 1963, and the government vows to preserve this school forevermore as its the only one that remains. Yancheon is located at Gangseo-gu, Gayang-dong 234 (Hyanggyo-gil 50), below Gungsan (Mt. Gung) and faces south. Natural History Museum Surrounded by sea on all sides, Busan in South Korea has always been interested in marine life. This led to the establishment of the Busan Marine Natural History Museum on June 10, 1994. The museum highlights the significance of biological diversity by collecting, preserving, classifying, displaying, experimenting on, researching, studying and exhibiting items related to marine life and marine natural history. The Museum exhibits about 21,000 sea items from 100 nations and this marine museum has become the central axis of a network of all the maritime museums in the country. For more information, visit the website at or call the museum at (051) 553-4944.

Source:;,, No endorsement implied.




Wise energy use benefits all of us

By Kathleen A. Gavle Daegu Garrison Commander
DAEGU GARRISON October is a month of Months. Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Disability Employment Awareness Month, Dental Hygiene Month and Depression Awareness Month, to name but a few. However, let me take a few minutes of your time to discuss another important October event Army Energy Awareness Month. Does anybody not understand that the entire U.S. Government, and that includes the U.S. Army, operates under a fundamentally different fiscal reality? A reality that will be a fact of our lives for the foreseeable future. That means that we in the Installation Management business must seek every ounce of efficiency while running our installations. We need to show the American taxpayer that we are smart and responsible stewards of their money. Did you know that the utility bill for USAG Daegu, which is mostly energy driven, amounts to more than $1 million per month? Did you know that any money we save on energy goes right back into the same fund that pays for the services we provide to the community, such as transportation and facility operating hours? Let me put this in perspective. Lets say your monthly utility bill at home is $500. Wouldnt a reasonable goal be to save 10 percent every month? Shouldnt be too hard and by the end of the year, you would have saved $600. Now, translate that into the Garrisons budget. A 10 percent savings of $12 million is $1.2 million! Imagine what we might be able to expand in other areas if we could each just save 10 percent of our energy use on post! Really, this is not rocket science. Turn off lights every time you leave the office or room. Turn off computer

Col. Kathleen Gavle

monitors and printers and copiers at the end of the day. Set thermostats five degrees lower in winter and 5 degrees higher in summer. Close doors and windows when heating or air conditioning are on. Turn off exterior fire or safety lights during the day. Turn off porch lights and decorative lights before retiring for the evening. The truth is that energy efficiency and security is a cornerstone of the Installation Management Community Campaign Plan, and there are reasons beyond saving operating dollars that its the right thing to do. As Army Secretary McHugh, Chief of Staff Gen. Odierno and Sgt. Major of the Army Chandler said at the beginning of October, To accomplish our global mission, the Army requires assured access to energy to meet our operational needs and power our installations While the Army is taking steps at the enterprise level, achieving energy security requires active participation from all of us as individuals. This is really an area where each and every one of us can and should Make a Difference! x

OCT 28, 2011



At the Camp Red Cloud fire station Oct. 21, children from a local Korean elementary school clamor to board a fire engine. Hosting school visits is just one of several ways the Camp Red Cloud fire department keeps ties to the Korean community. It also has mutual-aid pacts with local Korean fire departments. U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Lee Jae-gwang

Firehouse keeps ties to communities

By Franklin Fisher
CAMP RED CLOUD They dont get called to as many off-post fires as they used to, but the Camp Red Cloud fire chief says his department continues its longstanding close ties with the Korean community. That involvement includes giving occasional fire safety talks at local schools and hosting visits from local school kids, something the U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud fire station did recently during its annual Fire Prevention Week. The departments fire prevention team spent two days in mid-October at Casey Elementary School as part of National Fire Prevention Week. They gave a fire safety presentation to more than 350 students. With the Red Cloud team were firefighters from the North Gyeonggi Province fire department, who brought along a 30-foot high, inflatable fire escape trainer whose emergency chute kids were allowed to slide down. Earlier, on Oct. 11 at Red Cloud, both departments teamed up for the same fire safety presentation to about 30 students from the off-post International Christian School in Uijeongbu. And a group of Korean elementary school kids visited the Red Cloud fire station Oct. 21 and met firefighters as well as the stations Dalmatian mascot, Sparky, always a hit with kids. The day before, the department played its role in an Uijeongbu City emergency response exercise. The drill simulated a terrorist-related incident. It saw local firefighters, police, Korean Army and other emergency responders rehearsing the actions theyd have to take in a real incident. The purpose was to bring the entire response team together on a major incident, so that should they get called on one, everybody knows basically what their role will be, said USAG Red Cloud fire chief John Cook. And, always, the departments offpost involvements include mutual aid agreements under which it responds to calls for assistance from local Korean fire departments and can call on them for help too if needed, said Cook. The department has mutual aid arrangements with five Area I locales: Uijeongbu, Dongducheon, Yangju, Paju and Pocheon, he said.

Mutual aid pacts, school visits, key parts of involvement

So we all know that if a big thing happens youre going to need help, and our nearest help is our own community outside the gate, said Cook. It was until only a few years ago, he said, that the Red Cloud fire department rushed to more off-post fires than all other U.S. Army fire departments Korea-wide. But in recent years the calls for Red Cloud to render mutual aid have declined steadily to about four a year as local fire departments have become increasingly well-equipped and trained, Cook said. This year theres been only one so far, in April to a storage area fire just outside Red Cloud. The trend has been down because of improved fire safety and the ability to take care of the fires early on their end, he said. The department also holds friendly get-togethers with their area fire department and other emergency service counterparts about four times yearly, Cook said. So we have a lot of interaction, he said. We know each other fairly well, face-to-face. So the idea is that if something happens, were not meeting on the fire ground saying, What do you want us to do? x

Kids from an elementary school in Uijeongbu delight in watching Sparky, the Camp Red Cloud fire department mascot, during an Oct. 21 visit to the post firehouse. U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Lee Jae-gwang




News & Notes

Club Closure The Mitchells Club kitchen and dining area will be closed to patrons from 1:30 9 p.m., Oct. 28 for special functions. The Bulls Eye Lounge will be open. Road Closure The road on the back of Camp Red Cloud along the golf course between barracks bldg. 270 and bldg. 289 is now closed permanently to vehicular traffic. The closure is necessary to increase the bases force protection posture and upgrade security measures, thereby eliminating one highspeed avenue of approach to a critical infrastructure on post. The closure is NOT being driven by recent up upgrades to our golf course. However, it is being done in conjunction with those upgrades in order to maximize the limited funding provided to the USAG Red Cloud for the improvements. Fall Festival The Church of God in Christ Protestant congregation will hold its Fall Festival from, 6:30 8:30 p.m., Oct. 28 at Camp Red Clouds Warrior Chapel. The families and childrens festival includes games with prizes, toys, a cakewalk and Hot Stuff Pizza. To RSVP, send an e-mail to For more information, call 7326703. West Casey Trunk or Treat The West Casey Protestant Service is sponsoring a Trunk or Treat Oct. 29 from 6 8 p.m. at a parking lot behind the Army Community Service building at Camp Casey. The event includes free candy and food, face painting, bobbing for apples and a bounce house. For more information, call 730-5680. New Business Hours The following business hours at Camps Casey and Hovey will take effect Nov. 1. Camp Casey Community Activity Center, bldg. 2236: Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sunday and U.S. holidays, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. For more information, call 730-4601. Camp Casey Arts and Crafts, bldg. 2236: Monday to Saturday, 11 a.m. - 8 p.m., closed Tuesdays, Sunday and U.S. holidays, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. For more information, call 730-4642. Camp Hovey Community Activity Center, bldg. 3974B: Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sunday and U.S. holidays, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. For more information, call 7305124. Retiree Dental Service Dental exams and cleanings for Area I retirees and their spouses are available Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. at Yongsan Garrison, dental clinic # 2, bldg. 5107. Appointments must be made by phone or walk-in by Oct. 24. For more information call 7364779/7096.

William Alexander, (left), director of the 2nd Infantry Division Museum at Camp Red Cloud, talks with students from the Dongducheon Foreign Language High School during their Oct. 21 tour of the museum. U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Lee Jae-gwang

Teens gain new insight into Korean War

By Lee Jae-gwang
CAMP RED CLOUD As a teenager whos growing up in her native South Korea, Shim Ae-rim has of course seen photos and articles about the Korean War. But she hadnt grasped how severely that war ravaged her country until a recent visit to the 2nd Infantry Division museum at Camp Red Cloud, she said. Shim, 16, was one of 15 students from the Dongducheon Foreign Language High School who visited the museum on a bright, sunny Oct. 21. They saw numerous displays, photos, maps, and artifacts documenting the Korean War of 195053 and the 2nd Infantry Divisions prominent role in it. Also highlighted were aspects of the divisions history from World War I, World War II, and the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ive been taught our history through textbooks, but from the pictures and stories here, I realize how great a disaster the war really was, Shim said of the Korean War. I could actually feel it physically. The students were members of the schools English-language media clubs, some with the newspaper club, Veritas, others with its broadcasting club. One student videotaped the museum tour for later broadcast at the school. Another interviewed museum director William Alexander for an article in the paper. Alexander and museum historian Yi Yong-kwon had given them historical talks. The presentations had a similar eyeopening effect on some of the others. I really didnt know about our own history, said Kim Ah-ram, 17. But here, I learned that so many Koreans died in the Korean War and I was quite surprised. The tour inspired Han Na-sung, 17, to want to try to delve into how the war affected her own family. I didnt have any interest in history but this tour inspired me to be interested in it, said Han. Now I want to ask my family if any of our relatives served in the military during the Korean War. But the tour also gave a rare glimpse into what a U.S. military installation looks like from the inside, students said. The post is like a little America in Korea, said Kim. And Kang Tae-hee found it very surprising that the American military installation looks like a little town. The school hopes to make 2ID museum tours a regular part of its English program, said Shin Jae-wook, who heads its English education department.x

Casey students don caps against illicit drug use

At Casey Elementary School Oct. 19, children and teachers wore special hats to during Cap on Drugs day, part of the schools participation in Red Ribbon Week, a drug and substance abuse prevention event observed each October against illicit drug use and its consequences. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Mardicio Barrot

OCT 28, 2011

New help for troops Fast attack brings taekwondo win learning languages
By Franklin Fisher By Brian Lamar Defense Language Institute
MONTEREY, Calif. Being stationed overseas can cause a condition called barracks rat syndrome. One symptom is a discomfort with unknown languages and cultures. To combat this, teams of experts at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center have come up with a solution. Called the Korean HeadStart2 program, its designed to give troops basic skills with the hostnation culture and language. The HS2 program is available in 16 languages and DLIFLC plans for 10 more to be available to servicemembers in the 2012 fiscal year. The production plan for HeadStart2 is based on requirements that are built from a list called the Strategic Language List and are an agreed-upon schedule of production of language products from DLIs curriculum working group, said Clare Bugary, DLIFLC Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations. Unlike most other commercial language software products, HS2 is geared for servicemembers through vocabulary and in-game exercises oriented toward military scenarios. And Soldiers can earn up to 16 points toward advancement to sergeant or staff sergeant. The format of the HS2 program consists of two main sections; Sound and Script, and Military. The Sound and Script portion introduces the writing system and provides basic information about the languages numbers, colors, grammar, and pronunciation of the target language in 20 separate tasks. The military section focuses on topics like medical emergencies, cordon-and-search, and even basic commands. A sense of importance and immediacy is created through animated military scenarios that force a servicemember to recall vocabulary terms to navigate the situations successfully. Within the program are more than 100 PDFs with writing drills for practice in the target language. Other features include culture notes, grammar notes, an Arabic script writing tool, a sound recorder, and a glossary. The HS2 program exposes users to more than 1,000 key terms and phrases, and provides communication tools of value to Korea-based troops. The HeadStart2 program can be accessed via: AKO / ATRRS, DKO, JKO, JLU, MarineNet and on the Institutes HeadStart2 language resources page at x CAMP STANLEY He had been learning taekwondo for a while but now, on a cloudy Saturday at Camp Stanley recently, Pfc. Brandon Mooreerbe was facing his first tournament. He was one of about two dozen soldiers who signed up for the 2011 Warrior Country Taekwondo Championship held Oct. 22 at the Camp Stanley Fitness Center. Mooreerbe, 21, of Brownsburg, Ind., knew that hed be facing an especially aggressive opponent, Pfc. Christopher Brown, 23, of Chicagos South Side. Both were members of the 2nd Infantry Divisions taekwondo demonstration team, and both were heading into their first tournament, in the red belt 140 159 pound class. Mooreerbe knew Brown would likely come on like a wolverine. I knew I had a run for my money, said Mooreerbe. I knew he was aggressive and he would attack quickly, and a lot. Brown fought three opponents that day. And yes, Brown attacked quickly and a lot. Hed close fast and unleash a storm of blows. The kicks came in flurries and struck his opponents protective padding with quick, sharp thuds. In the match with Mooreerbe, Brown got off a sharp kick to the head, then another. He was droppin his guard and I knew I could hit him with a good-to-go head shot, said Brown. Brown won all three matches and took first place in his red belt weight class. He kidded Mooreerbe. I told him, Im not gonna say nothin today. But tomorrow, when we rewind the tapes, Im gonna have somethin to talk about at work. For Mooreerbe, the first tournament was an important training experience. It was just my first round, he said. I didnt know what to expect. Now I do. The following were declared winners in their respective belt and weight categories:



During the 2011 Warrior Country Taekwondo Championship at the Camp Stanley Fitness Center Oct. 22, Pfc. Christopher Brown gets advice from his coach, Pak Su-ho. U.S. Army photo by Franklin Fisher
Red belt, 140 159 lbs: Christopher Brown, Headquarters and Headquarters Support Company, Division Special Troops Battalion; Red belt, 160 179 lbs: An Jae-hee, Headquarters and Headquarters Support Company, Division Special Troops Battalion; Blue belt, 160 179 lbs: Kevin Stewart, Company D, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment; Black belt, 160 179 lbs: Roman Stanfill, Headquarters and Headquarters Support Company, Division Special Troops Battalion. x

New software applications for mobile devices such as this iPad are helping students at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, Calif. In addition Soldiers worldwide can now earn promotions points by taking the online Headstart2 program developed by DLI. U.S. Army photo




OCTOBER 28, 2011



T-50 aircrafts fly in formation while emitting smoke during the Seoul Air Show above the K-16 Air Base Multi-purpose Field, Oct. 22. - U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Han Samuel

Community enjoys K-16 Family Fun Day and Seoul Air Show
By Pfc. Han Samuel
YONGSAN GARRISON - K-16 hosted a Family Fun Day in conjunction with the Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition better known as the Seoul Air Show Oct. 22. Community members gathered to take pictures of the aerial acrobatics held at the nearby Seoul Air Base, and enjoy the great weather, food and entertainment at K-16. For the entertainment, K-16 invited several groups such as the 2nd Infantry Division Band, a traditional Korean Samulnori team, rock bands, and a disc jockey to provide music and amusement for the day. K-16 also provided transportation to the Seoul Air Base and back, all throughout the day, to accommodate community members who wished to visit the Aerospace and Defense Exhibition, which was a fifteen minute drive from K-16. Although the Seoul Air Base hosted the actual show, the view from the K-16 Multi-purpose Field was spectacular. During the air shows, which were held in the morning and afternoon, spectators could be seen spread out all over the K-16 Multi-purpose Field eagerly tracing the movements of the jets with their cameras and pointed fingers. The air show included remarkable demonstrations such as creating a heart and the Korean flag out of smoke from the aircrafts, as well as other visually stimulating stunts as the jets flew in formation. At the Aerospace and Defense Exhibition, many U.S. and R.O.K aircrafts and vehicles were put on display to the public. In addition, numerous organizations involved in aviation and the production of aviation machinery and equipment, such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin, were featured. These organizations situated themselves in booths to display their products and developments and to provide educational material to interested passersby. Spectators seemed amused as they took pictures, scribbled on notepads and commented on each of the displays set up by the various organizations. At K-16, Army and Air Force Exchange Services catered to the community by selling an assortment of grilled foods. Along with AAFES, 2-2 Aviation Assault Battalion Families held a fundraiser selling various delicious treats and chili con carne, next to the K-16 Fitness Center BBQ area. According to Leah Williams, a spouse of a 2-2 ASLT BTN Servicemember, funds collected from the days sales would be used to support the Family Readiness Group program for the company. Sales seemed to go well, especially due to the instant popularity of the chili among the community members. The various entertaining performances, air show, and air exhibition presented ample sights and leisure for a day of fun at K-16. x

(Above) Spectators search the sky for the F-15 aircraft that demonstrated difficult aerial maneuvers at the Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition held at Seoul Air Base, Oct. 22; (Below) Servicemembers and families of the 2-2 Aviation Assault Battalion sold delicious treats and chili con carne to raise funds for the Family Readiness Group, during the K-16 Family Fun Day and Air Show held at the K-16 Air Base Fitness Center BBQ Area, Oct. 22. - U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Cho Hyun-gon

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News & Notes

Quartermaster Laundry Price Increase Due to the increase costs in supplies, energy and labor, the Quartermaster Laundry must unfortunately increase prices. Effective November 1, there will be an average increase of 5.3% on our service fees. We have avoided raising our prices for as long as possible, but we can no longer prolong the inevitable. We will also no longer provide One (1) Day Special Service. Thank you for your continued patronage. For more information, call 736-6666.

SAES greets First Lady of Georgia

By Pfc. Choi Sung-il
YONGSAN GARRISON - Georgias First Lady Sandra Deal visited Seoul American Elementary School and showed her special interest and care for the school Oct. 17. It was her first visit to Korea after her husband, Nathan Deal, was elected as governor of Georgia this January. Deal, who was born to parents who chose teaching as a profession had been a school teacher for almost 16 years before she became the first lady. She taught students from elementary to high school and has always missed her former life of teaching. During their visit to Korea Oct. 15 to 19, she decided to visit SAES on her own choice and learn more about the education and programs on Military posts. Deal was escorted by Dolphin Delegates, students who represent SAES and lead tours of the school for visitors. She witnessed different classes of each grade and met all the students and teachers. In every classroom she



2011 Irregular Warfare Conference Special Operations Command Korea will host the 2011 Irregular Warfare Conference at the Dragon Hill Lodge November 7-9. This years theme, Irregular Warfare during Stability Operations, will include topics such as contemporary irregular warfare and stability operations in practice, irregular warfare and stability operations in Korea, and how irregular warfare impacts stability operations in an unknown environment. The Republic of Koreas Special Warfare Command will also provide an equipment display and martial arts demonstration. For further information about the conference, and to register, go to sockor/events.htm, or contact Maj. Cheree Kochen at Cheree. or Capt. David Kim at David.Kim4@korea.

The First Lady of Georgia Sandra Deal, a former school teacher, makes her inaugural visit to Korea and meets with Seoul American Elementary School students, teachers and faculty members Oct. 17. - U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Choi Sung-il
answered every question from students about the state of Georgia and her experience as a teacher, mother, grandmother and volunteer. She and her husband have been interested in education which is really great, SAES Literacy Support Specialist Janie Stewart said after a short discussion with Deal who looked at the programs and materials for every grade in detail. We need that kind of support from the people way up higher than our level and its a great chance to show them what schools in the Military provide. Deal delivered her sincere message to every student and teacher she met. Its very important to learn as much as you can, said Deal. You are going to be future leaders and were getting old. Our leaders need to be smart and have wisdom from experiencing and learning in a lot of different ways. And its important to be kind because if you want people to vote for you, you have to have a kind heart. x

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By Staff Sgt. Cody Harding

Civilians receive honors by USFK

Oct. 20. The ceremony coincided with Civilian Employee Appreciation week, a time set aside by the U.S. Army to thank its Civilian workforce. USFK spared no expense in providing a proper ceremony for the Civilians, beginning the ceremony with a 17 gun salute followed by an invocation by Col. Gregory Williamson, the USFK Command Chaplain. Gen. James Thurman, the USFK Commanding General, then took the podium to thank the honorees for their hard work. He reminded those present to take time to thank their Civilian counterparts for the service they provide. This mission cannot succeed without the dedication and hard work of our Civilian employees, Thurman said. They are as important as our uniformed Servicemembers in making the ROK/US Alliance the strongest in the world. As administrators, managers, technicians and laborers, they perform critical tasks that keep our Families safe and the alliance prepared to fight tonight. Out of 92 nominees, 19 Civilians were honored for their commitment to USFK, ranging from Camp Casey in Area One to Humphreys and Taegu further south. The winners were voted as the best American and Korean employee in certain sectors, such as management or customer service. Each of the 19 awardees was given a plaque and a hearty handshake from Thurman. x

Cost of Living Index The COLA index for Seoul will decrease by 2 points on November 16 and another 2 points on December 16 for a total of 4 points. The link to the survey results can be accessed on the 175th Financial Management Center website at under Whats New. For more information, call 725-5260.

YONGSAN GARRISON - The Military completes its mission through the combined strength of its Servicemembers and Civilians, working together in bases across the world to provide the warfighter with support both on and off the battlefield. To show appreciation for their hard work to the United States Forces Korea, the USFK chain of command held the Civilian Employee of the Year awards ceremony at Knight Field, Yongsan,

Retiree Appreciation Day U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan is holding the annual Retiree Appreciation Day on Saturday November 19 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the R & R Bar and Grill. Free to all retiree ID card holders and their Families. Come out for food, information, health screenings and fun. For more information, call Mark Wade at 730-4133.

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Gen. James Thurman, the USFK Commanding General, presents the Civilian Employee of the Year Award in the Korean Service Corps to Mr. Won, Chae-yon during a ceremony on Knight Field Oct. 20. - U.S. Army photo by Spc. Amber Smith

OCTOBER 28, 2011



Old movie remake

By Sgt. Hong Moo-sun
What is an old movie, cartoon, or television series that you would love to see remade? Find out what more than 8,500 Yongsan community members are talking about by becoming a USAG Yongsan Facebook Fan at! (Comments are kept in their original form)

EUSA Band participates in 2011 Asian Gaelic Games

Dave Coward
Facebook Fan

NONE! Hollywood ruins enough classics with their constant remakes. Id rather see them be creative and come up with interesting NEW stories.

Eighth Army Band plays at the 2011 Asian Gaelic Games in Suwon, South Korea on Oct. 16. Courtesy photo by Jennifer Aloisi See yourself in the Morning Calm when you become a USAG Yongsan Facebook Fan. Just post your travel photos to our page with a quick description covering who, what, when, where and why and well see you in the paper. Your Yongsan PAO team

Cody Harding
Facebook Fan

Donald Rumsfeld meets Yongsan eye-to-eye

By Staff Sgt. Cody Harding
YONGSAN GARRISON - Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense for the Bush Administration until 2006 and a public servant for over 50 years, visited Yongsan Garrison to promote his memoir with a book signing at the Post Exchange Oct. 13. His memoir, Known and Unknown, was released in February with two interesting conditions. First, all of the proceeds from the book would go to veterans charities, as he had already turned down his advance for the book. The second move was to release, in conjunction with the book, thousands of documents on a public database online at his website. The documents are referred to throughout his memoir, and are stored in a library index on his site, giving readers the ability to check the official documentation with his story. This mixture of online reference directly tied to the book

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Since Doctor Who has been remade, and Cosmos is getting a remake next year, then Id have to say either the series Twin Peaks or an old cartoon called Exo-Squad with a refresh. Both, by the way, are worth checking out on their own.

Dave Satterfield
Facebook Fan

The Munsters - a great TV series made for kids just coming home from school, complete with Fred Gwynne and Yvonne De Carlo. Awesome!!! Actually, I think this is one classic that can only be replicated, never improved.

meant that it was, Rumsfeld said, the first book made for the information age. Rumsfeld first met with USAG Yongsan Command Sgt. Maj. John Justis, in a small room inside the PX for coffee and pastries. Rumsfeld presented him with a personally signed copy of the book and the two spoke about their various experiences within the Military, Rumsfeld reflecting on his time as both an aviator and an ambassador. See DONALD RUMSFELD, Page 12

Mark Wood
Facebook Fan

Spectreman! They used to show it on TBS...feels like a million years ago.

Phillip Lamb
Facebook Fan

M.A.S.K. - A cartoon long forgotten but always entertaining!

Donald Rumsfeld, the former Secretary of Defense for the Bush Administration, signs a copy of his memoir to Sam, a 5th grade student at Seoul American Elementary School during a book signing at the Yongsan Post Exchange Oct. 13. The proceeds of the book are going to veterans charities, and Rumsfeld publicly stated that he is receiving no profit from the sales. - U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Cody Harding




Chefs Night Around The World

Yongsan Community Members toast glasses in appreciation of Chef Mullers fabulous cooking during the Chefs Night Around the World at the R&R Bar and Grill, Oct. 20. - U.S. Army photo by Staff Pfc. Han Samuel

Garrison Commander Col. William Huber arrived shortly after with his own copy of the memoir. After a brief talk with both Huber and Justis, Armed Forces Network Korea interviewed Rumsfeld during which the former defense secretary answered questions about his memoir along with his attempts to transform the Military during the Bush Administration. When asked about what he would tell the people of Yongsan, Rumsfeld was clear. The wonderful opportunity for me is to be able to look them in the eye, shake their hand and tell them how much we value their service to the country, Rumsfeld said. To see some of their Families and tell them as well that their service is important. That theyre performing something for our country that is highly valued, and Im grateful to them and I know the American people are grateful. The book signing began as Army Capt. Victor Kareh, a pilot with the 4th Squadron, 2nd Aviation Regt., 2nd

from Page 11

Combat Aviation Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, was the first man to get his signed copy from Rumsfeld. Even after noon, the line led from the podium to another section of the PX, with dozens waiting in line to meet with the former secretary of defense. During that time, Rumsfeld refused to sit down, instead wishing to stand to meet the people of Yongsan eye to eye. Keith Urbahn, Rumsfelds chief of staff for five years and a member of the Navy reserve, said that it has been a terrific experience to travel with Rumsfeld on his tour, both on and off base. Everywhere we go, we try to visit a Military post, said Urbahn. Not because it necessarily sells a ton of books or because he doesnt have other meetings, but because he genuinely loves being around the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces. Hes energized from it, and he appreciates having the chance to get to say thank you to all of the people, many of whom he served alongside during his time as SecDef. x

OCTOBER 28, 2011

FTX includes ceremony to highlight Soldiers sacrifice

By Spc. Karina Law 6th Battalion, 52nd ADA
SUWON AIR BASE Soldiers of the 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery held a field training exercise here Oct. 21 that included a notional memorial ceremony. As they walked into the chapel they were greeted to the sounds of mournful bagpipes, and a pair of boots, a rifle, a helmet pair of identification tags were in front of the altar. The Soldiers stood in silence as the chaplain came to give the chilling details of the event. Four soldiers had lost their lives in a IED explosion. Four of their own were now gone. This was the training scenario that greeted them, a scene that many Soldiers have seen and many others hope never to experience With this training exercise, those that have never experience such an event were able to feel the weight of a Soldiers sacrifice. Its the kind of exercise you hope to never see in real life said 1st Sgt. Eric Bernal of A Battery. Sergeant John Gifford of Headquarters Battery provided the bagpipes, adding more impact to the event. The event was organized by the 6-52 command team in order to give Soldiers a realistic outlook on the true nature of war. Operations Command Sgt. Maj. Jonathan Holmes said, All spectrums of warfare were covered. x



Specialist Henrique Magalhaes, a chaplains assistant with the 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, salutes during a notional memorial ceremony during the units field training exercise. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Karina Law




Staff sergeant named Counselor of the Year

Signal brigade NCOs tested on many areas
By Pvt. Ji, Seung-lee 1st Signal Brigade Public Affairs
YONGSAN The 1st Signal Brigade held its Career Counselor of the Year competition here, during which three Soldiers assigned to the brigade competed to be named the best career counselor in the unit. Master Sgt. Franklin E. Jacobs, the senior career counselor for Brigade, planned and coordinated the event. The brigade competition was held in order to select the best counselor to represent the brigade at the 311th Signal Command and NETCOM Fiscal Year 2012 Army Command Career Counselor of the Year Competition, Jacobs said. The competition tested the capability, commitment and competence of the contesants through three phases: The Army Physical Fitness Test, a 50question exam; and a board competition. Competing were: Staff Sgt. William G. Powell, 304th ESB; Staff Sgt Brian M. Yee; 41st Signal Battalion; and Staff Sgt Ayla L. Higgs, 36th Signal Battalion. Preparation for the board consisted mainly of reviewing and aiming a clear understanding of current regulations, policy messages, and how these affected 1st Signal Brigade Soldiers. Not only did I need to know current retention guidance, I had to be able to explain policies, restrictions, and options to Soldiers in a way that they could understand, Higgs said. The APFT and 50-question exam covered the first day of the competition and also the next morning. The board test was held with the Soldiers appearing before a panel comprising the brigade command sergeant major, brigade senior career counselor, and three other senior career counselors assigned to 8th Army. It was a little more stressful compared to other boards that Ive been to. Regular Army boards you can just memorize answers to the questions from

Candidates of the 1st Signal Brigade Career Counselor competition, Staff Sgt. Ayla L. Higgs, 36th Signal Battalion, Staff Sgt. William G. Powell, 304th ESB, and Staff Sgt. Brian M. Yee, 41st Signal Battalion, report in at the board portion of the competition at Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Signal Brigade at Camp Coiner. U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Ji, Seung-lee

m excited to move forward to represent our team.

Sgt. Ayla Higgs 1st Signal Brigade Counselor of the Year
the Army Study Guide, Higgs said. This board was more based on using your retention knowledge to answer scenario questions, questions that Soldiers in the unit would normally ask you. So it wasnt as cut and dry trying to prepare. The winner of the competition was Higgs, who she will represent the 1st Signal Brigade in the NETCOM Career Counselor of the Year competition in Phoenix on Nov.6. The winner of that competition will go on to compete for the title of Department of the Army Career Counselor of the Year in Washington, D.C. I was shocked that I had won, especially because I am the newest Career Counselor, Higgs said. But I do know that is what motivated me to do my best. Im very excited to move forward to represent our team at NETCOM. x

First Signal Brigade Command Sgt. Maj. Arthur T. Swingler congratulates the winner of the career counselor competition, Staff Sgt. Ayla Higgs. U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Ji, Seung-lee

Candidates do pushups for the Army Physical Fitness Test portion of the competition. U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Ji, Seung-lee

OCTOBER 28, 2011

Area II Worship Schedule
Worship Services


Area I Worship Schedule

Worship Services
Collective Protestant Thursday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Gospel Sunday Sunday Stanley Chapel COGIC Sunday KATUSA Sunday Tuesday Catholic Services/Mass Sunday Sunday 10:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. West Casey Stone Chapel Stanley Chapel West Casey Chapel Warrior Chapel Crusader Chapel Hovey Chapel Memorial Chapel, 12:30 p.m.

Area III Worship Schedule

Worship Services

Area IV Worship Schedule

Worship Services

Liturgical Sunday Traditional Sunday Contemporary Sunday Sunday Sunday Nondenominational Sunday Gospel Sunday Mision Pentecostal Hispana Sunday United Pentecostal Sunday KATUSA Tuesday

9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m.

Memorial Chapel Brian Allgood Hospital South Post Chapel K-16 Chapel Hannam Village Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Brian Allgood Hospital Brian Allgood Hospital

Collective Protestant Sunday Gospel Spanish Church of Christ ChapelNext

11 a.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.

Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel Freedom Chapel

Collective Protestant Sunday Church of Christ Gospel Contemporary Wednesday Friday KATUSA Tuesday Tuesday Catholic Services Mass Sunday

10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Walker

Catholic Mass Sunday 9 a.m. M, W, T, F 11:45 a.m. Saturday 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. (youth) KATUSA Tuesday Korean-American Service Wednesday 6 p.m. 7 p.m.

12:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m.

CRC Warrior Chapel CRC Warrior Chapel Stone Chapel

Seventh-Day Adventist Saturday Episcopal Sunday

9 a.m. 11:45 a.m.

Camp Walker Camp Carroll

Catholic Services 9 a.m. 11:30 a.m. CRC Warrior Chapel West Casey Chapel Catholic Mass Saturday Sunday Sunday M, W, T, F 1st Sat. Jewish Friday 5 p.m. 8 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 9 a.m. 7 p.m. Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel

The Command Chaplains Office is here to perform, provide, or coordinate total religious support to the United Nations Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army Servicemembers, their families and authorized civilians across the full spectrum of operations from armistice to war. Visit the U.S. Forces Korea Religious Support site at: for helpful links and information

Latter-day Saints Worship Sunday 4 p.m.

West Casey Chapel

Korea-wide Army chaplain points of contact

USAG Yongsan Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jeffrey D. Hawkins:, 738-3009 Chaplain (Maj.) Terry E. Jarvis:, 738-4043 USAG-Humphreys Chaplains Chaplain (Maj.) John Chun: 754-7274 Chaplain (Maj.) Michael Frailey 754-7274 USAG-Red Cloud Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Suk Jong Lee:, 732-6169 Chaplain (Maj.) Alfred Grondski:, 732-6016 USAG Daegu Chaplains Chaplain (Maj.) James Drake:, 764-5455 Chaplain (Capt.) Mike Jones:, 765-8991




Humphreys makes a difference

Above, Anisha Downs is all smiles as she rakes leaves at Deog Dong San Park Park during Make a Difference Day. Below, Kevin Campbell brings a bag of trash to the growing pile. U.S. Army photos by W. Wayne Marlow

Above, Tiana Green opens the bag for her brother, Deante, who deposits a piece of trash. The Greens were two of the approximately 110 volunteers who pitched in to clean Deog Dong San Park on Make a Difference Day Oct. 22. Left, Jeremiah Bundren gets a grip on the situation. Below, bags of trash stand in testament to the difference made by volunteers. U.S. Army photos by W. Wayne Marlow

OCTOBER 28, 2011




Keeping the Promise

Its about honoring our commitment to Soldiers and Families.

Visit to see what the Army Family Covenant can mean for you or someone you know.

Hispanic heritage celebrated

By Staff Sgt. Alexis Ramos 1st Signal Brigade Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON People walking to lunch near the Main Post Club here were surprised and attracted by the resonating rhythmic sound of a salsa band and a mans voice singing Spanish in sync with lively tunes escaping the building. As people entered the building, ushers were there to greet and guide attendees into the R&R Bar and Grill where the music was being performed. The location marked the start of Area IIs Hispanic Heritage Observance hosted this year by the 41st Signal Battalion, 1st Signal Brigade. The 41st Signal Battalion executive officer, Maj. Beresford Doherty, explained the goal of the Hispanic Heritage Observance was to enhance the cross-cultural of not only the Hispanic culture, but to promote harmony among all military members, their Families, and the civilian work force. This years theme for the annual event was, Many backgrounds, many stories, one American spirit, said Doherty. After an invocation was given, the Korean and the United States of America national anthems were sung and a proclamation was read. Next, the events theme was followed in a friendly competition titled, Who Am I? The competition had attendees raising their hand after hearing a brief biography and trying to guess the name of the individual to match the bio. If the attendee guessed correctly, they were given a gift card to the Post Exchange. Some of the names guessed correctly included Roberto Clemente, Sonia Sotomayor, and Cesar Chavez. After the guessing game, the crowds attention shifted to two couples from Club American Latina, who gave one separate performance each of bachata and salsa dancing. This was followed by the introduction of the guest speaker, Lt. Col. Enrique Ortiz Jr., executive officer for the 65th Medical Brigade. During Ortizs speech, he touched on different aspects about Hispanic Heritage. He asked about the significance of Sept. 15 to everyone and gave a coin to one Soldier who answered correctly with the answer of the independence day for five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Ortiz then made everyone laugh about how his father went with him to the university he was accepted into to ensure he did not have to pay for anything. After telling the audience about his background, Ortiz made the following closing statement: I believe it is important to remember what our fellow Hispanic Americans have contributed historically here in Korea. We must remember the 65th and we must remember our Medal of Honor recipients: Pfc. JosephRodriquez, Cpl. Rodolfo Hernandez, Cpl. Benito Martinez, but above all we must remember the thousands of Hispanic Americans and this includes all of you here today which have served




Above, the 2nd Infantry Division band entertains the crowd during Area IIs Hispanic Heritage Observance on Yongsan Garrison. Right, instructors from Club American Latina give a demonstration of bachata dancing. U.S. Army photos by Staff Sgt. Alexis Ramos

Lynch imparts lessons to cadets

By Keith E. Smith IMCOM
AUSTIN, Texas Lieutenant Gen. Rick Lynch, commanding general of the U.S. Army Installation Management Command, visited with cadets from the University of Texas Army ROTC Battalion during a visit to the campus. Youre being given a wonderful opportunity to serve as a leader, Lynch said. We expect you to adapt and innovate. Lynch stressed the importance of balance. What lasts is your family, Lynch said. At the end of the day youre going to take off your uniform, but youll always be the husband of your wife or the wife of your husband and the parent of your children. Lynch outlined expectations for the cadets and encouraged them to be morally upright. Youre going to embark on a career much like your current peers, where youre going from a university setting probably straight into combat, he said. From day one you have to be the moral compass. The general encouraged the cadets to surround themselves with competent subordinates and to learn how to delegate while taking care of their units. The only way you take care of them is be down there with them and to look down, not up, Lynch said. If you take care of them, theyll take care of you.x

here in Korea since the war. All with many backgrounds, all with many different stories, all have served here in Korea for one Army spirit. Freedom is not free and we appreciate you and your Families sacrifices as well as the contributions you have given the mission here in Korea. We celebrate you and your heritage and our heritage. I honestly hope and pray that your Army spirit helps you achieve the one American spirit. Thank you. x

Lieutenant Gen. Rick Lynch, commanding general of the U.S. Army Installation Management Command, meets with cadets from the University of Texas during a visit to the campus in Austin. U.S. Army photos by Keith E. Smith

OCTOBER 28, 2010





USAG HUMPHREYS Evaluation program pays off for 35th ADA

OCTOBER 28, 2011 By Capt. Jeremy Tennent 6th Battalion, 52nd ADA
SUWON AIR BASE Theres nothing like letting your work be reviewed by somebody else to catch mistakes, and improve the quality of the performance. Thats the idea behind the 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigades External Evaluation program. The Soldiers of D Battery, 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, received guests from the 2nd Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery, in order to improve their performance and review procedures. The exercise involved 24-hour operations and covers every aspect of battery operations in an Air Defense environment. Sometimes, the exercises test the mettle of the crews responsible for defending the skies over Osan. We were in the middle of shift change when they called for inbound tactical ballistic missiles, said 2nd Lt. Emily Neumann, while reviewing the procedures with the launcher reload specialists. The evaluation revealed some opportunities for improvement in the shift change procedures. One aspect of Deltas operation that received glowing praise was the maintenance on a generator. Sergeant Thomas Migut was justifiably proud of his equipments readiness for inspection by an outside authority. My stuff is tight, and I love my job, said Migut. Sergeant 1st Class Patrick Kilgore, the inspector from 2-1, was smiling with approval as he went over the electronic maintenance record and compared it with the generator in front of him. This is good, this is the standard, this is what we are hoping to see when we come up here, he said. The evaluation also covered command post operations, one of the technically demanding aspects of a PATRIOT battery, with Spc. La Thasha Albertson and Sgt. Kacee Love being evaluated by Sgt. 1st Class Dage Andrade. Theyre doing fine, said Andrade, who added that more practice would help improve some procedures. The refinement covers all aspects of operations, including force protection. Sergeant Johnny Hart was manning the front gate, ensuring that security procedures were followed to the letter. Its a good chance to practice our stuff, Hart said. The external evaluation process lasts for one week. x


Right, Sgt. Johnny Hart of the 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, covers security procedures with Sgt. Nela Swindale during an external evaluation. Below, Sgt. 1st Class Patrick Kilgore reviews a generator maintenance record with Sgt. Thomas Migut. U.S. Army photos by Capt. Jeremy Tennent

Soldiers, families visit potato farm

By 1st Lt. Casey Harrell 35th Air Defense Artillery
PYONGTAEK Soldiers and Families with the 35th Artillery Brigade visited a local potato farm in Pyeongtaek Mountains as part of the units continuing effort to maintain strong U.S.-Korean relations. It is my honor and privilege to participate in this good neighbor program. This was one of the very special events hosted by 35th ADA to enhance the relationship between the Korean community and U.S. Soldiers, in order to help make our understanding of the cultural more realistic and fun, said Sgt. Evette Campbell, who has participated in nearly a dozen activities this year. Designed with the purpose of enhancing the Soldiers and Family members awareness of the Korean cultural experience, the tour, gained the support of nearly a dozen Soldiers and numerous family members from Camp Carroll and Suwon. I have always wondered how the variety of vegetables, such as garlic, ginger, red or black pepper, and potatoes were actually grown here in Korea, Sgt. William Johnson said. So it was fascinating to see how the potatoes, in my favorite soup (kamja guk) developed in such a mountainous region. During the event, more than 30 traditional farmers came to show their support and teach the children about cultivation. A tour to the potato farm is more than just picking grass, Johnson said. I learned a great amount of knowledge about the culture and I cant begin to express my gratitude for the opportunity that was granted to me today. The ceremony marks a new chapter in the 35th ADA attitude toward building even better relations within the Korean community. My heart is just so full of gratitude to all the volunteers for giving themselves to such a noble cause, said Kim, Hyon-guk of the 35th ADA Brigades S5 section. The Soldiers and family members had a good deal of interaction with traditional ecologists and farmers and I feel this experience will provide for them the educational aspect that goes behind producing and transporting the various vegetables that make up about a third of the countrys total gross domestic product. Since taking command of the 35th ADA, Col. Eric Sanchez 35th, has continuously championed the notion for the Soldiers to get out and participate in every event with the Korean community. x




News & Notes

VFW Halloween Party The local Veterans of Foreign Wars, Camp Humphreys Post 10223, is hosting a free Halloween Party Oct. 29. Children must depart the area before 5 p.m. For the kids, there will be a costume contest, a piata, movies and treats. During the adult event, there will be karaoke, a costume contest and general fun times until 2 a.m. 2nd CAB Festivities The 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade is hosting an adults only Halloween Party Oct. 29 from 7 to 10 p.m., in the Community Activity Center. The uniform is Halloween costume. Tickets cost $10 for staff sergeant and below and $20 for everyone else. Contact a company executive officer for tickets. Flu Shots For Children The Camp Humphreys Immunization Clinic will be providing the flu mist or shot influenza vaccine to students enrolled at Humphreys American School Oct. 29. The vaccines will be administered at the Immunization Clinic, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Each child must have a consent form completed by a parent or guardian, who must accompany their children. For more information, call the school nurse at 753-6472, or the clinic at 753-7658. Trick Or Treat Hours Trick or Treating in the Family Housing Area will be from 5:307:30 p.m. on Oct. 31 Meet the Command Team Set The monthly Meet the Command Team event is scheduled for Nov. 1 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the lobby area of the Main Exchange. CUB Scheduled The Community Update Brief, or CUB, will be held in the Community Activity Center starting at 1 p.m. on Nov. 1. Super Gym Closure The Super Gym will be closed Nov. 2 from 1 to 3 p.m. for an exercise. Other dates where the gym will be close are: Nov. 7-8 for Sergeant Major of the Army visit and Nov. 14-16 for Soldier Show. Incheon Rice Festival Trip BOSS and the Community Activity Center are taking a trip to the 13th Incheon Rice Cultural Festival Nov. 5. The cost is $11 and departure from the CAC will be at 9 a.m. To sign up or for more information, call 753-8825 or 753-8970. Community Yard Sale The next Community Yard Sale is scheduled for Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The fee is $10 for a spot and table. Anyone within 60 days of PCS will be charged only $5 (must show orders to get the discount). For more information, call 753-3013.

6-52 helps with aerospace exhibition

By Capt. Jeremy Tennent 6th Battalion, 52nd ADA
SEOUL AIR BASE Soldiers from B Battery, 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery established a static display for the 2011 Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition. While airplanes roared overhead, with pilots displaying their aerobatics skills, Iron Horse Soldiers took time to answer questions and pose for photographs with curious guests. The display featured two PATRIOT launchers and a radar, with the Soldiers in front able to answer questions and interact with the thousands of visitors to the exhibition, held at Seoul Airbase in Seongnam. Second Lt. Jacob Kristy, who was in charge of the detail, said, The reaction of the Koreans and others has been great. They come up and are very curious. They thank us for being in Korea and for helping to defend their country. Sergeant Anthony Urban called the experience an eye-opener. Its been really great to be here, he said. I get to learn a lot, not just about

Soldiers with the 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery explain PATRIOT operations to interested passersby at the 2011 Seoul Aerospace and Defense Exhibition. U.S. Army photo by Capt. Jeremy Tennent

air defense, but about all the other aircraft here. The other Soldiers present in support of the display were Staff Sgt. Clyde Gardner, KATUSA Cpl. Lee Sa-ra, Pfc. Jose Cerros, Pfc. Megan Moss, Pfc. Justin Ater, Pvt. Daniel Holldorf, and Pvt. Jonathan Miller. Spending the week at the air show required a great deal of coordination with fellow military units, and Kristy praised the Air Force and the Korean military for their support and oversight of the sprawling defense industry exhibition. x

35th ADA teams with Navy unit

Brigade, Sailors join forces for Fleet Synthetic training exercise
By 1st Lt. Casey Harrell 35th Air Defense Artillery
OSAN AIR BASE Soldiers from the 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade observed the Pacific Ocean while taken part in the four-day Fleet Synthetic Training-Joint Exercise (FST-J). The fleet exercise, known as a sea war fighter, employs the Navys continuous training environment with joint training and experience through network infrastructure to provide the training to participating units in their respective homeports. During the planning stage, 35th ADA Patriot teams were requested to assist in the two-week training event. The exercise was an excellent training opportunity that the Navy has provided, said Norreal Lee, who served as a crew chief in Oregon. Training for this particular exercise was more beneficial for the crews because they were able to help implement and recommend equipment requirement in order to better serve on the team within their maritime operations. Soldiers assigned to the supporting battalions, were also sent to San Diego to execute various portions of the FST-J exercises. The execution portion of the exercise went according to plan, said 2nd Lt. Richard Spikes. I would recommend that we continue to develop tactical operators with exposing them to the world outside of their normal work environment. As a result, I feel that we

gained a better understanding of our mission when it comes to Air Defense. During the exercise, each team member and operator was given the chance to brief their portion of the mission, while receiving feedback in relation to their scheme of maneuver and concept of support for the FST-J. The exercise was a great opportunity for operators to work with other services on how they operate, said Sgt. 1st Class Arnall Spann, 35th ADA Air Defense Artillery fire control officer NCOIC. It gave us a chance to work directly in the same environment that we would in the event of war. I also feel that it helped us to excise our wartime capabilities as a cell to stand up our remote locations and still direct our PATRIOT units from anywhere. In addition, the 35th ADA, commanded by Col. Eric Sanchez looks forward in participating in joint exercises that build continuity between 35th and U.S. Navy, Spann said. x

OCTOBER 28, 2011

Having a ball


Dressing Up

Question of the Week:

What will you children be for Halloween and why did they choose that costume?

Kylie Steege
My son is going to be a Monkey. He is 10 months old so we picked it because its his nickname.

Ashley Webber
My son is going to be Spider-Man. He is a huge fan of action heroes and Spider-Man happens to be his favorite this month ;) My daughter is going to be a bumblebee... she didnt have much choice :)

CAMP HUMPHREYS Soldiers from Camp Humphreys and Camp Casey participate in a friendly soccer match. U.S. Army photo by Mike Mooney

Pam-Jesse Millard
My 8-year-old daughter will be Punky Brewster because she dresses and acts a lot like her. My 3-year old son will be Danny from Grease because he loves dancing to Go Grease Lightning.

Volunteers recognized
By Steven Hoover
CAMP HUMPHREYS Volunteer awards recognition and various organizational updates were among the highlights at the Humphreys Garrison Community Town Hall meeting Oct. 18 in the Community Activity Center here. Humphreys Garrison Commander, Col. Joseph P. Moore, hosted the quarterly meeting, which is conducted in a presentation and question-answer forum. It is an opportunity for community members to find out what is happening throughout the garrison and to ask questions about things that concern them. And, for the first time, the Town Hall could be viewed on Facebook through the video program USTREAM. Viewers could also submit questions on Facebook and receive real-time answers from the garrison commander. Although some who tuned in said they had a problem hearing the festivities, for the most part the effort was received well. To begin the evening, Moore and Denise Chappell, the Army Community Service Volunteer Corps coordinator, presented the Volunteers of the Quarter for the fourth quarter of 2011. They were: 1st Sgt. Kevin Campbell, (Active Duty Soldier), assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys, for volunteer hours completed with Humphreys American School, the English program at Cheongdam Middle School and the Paengsong Welfare Center Program; Jessica Dunn (Family Member), for her work with the Painted Door Thrift Store and the Girl Scouts; Tekedra Bryant (Youth), for her work as the Camp Humphreys Army Family Action Plan conference reporter; and the unit honoree was 3-2 General Support Aviation Battalion, for providing more than 1,100 volunteer hours in various endeavors. There was no nominee in the KATUSA Soldier or Retiree categories for this quarter. Also, Outstanding Community Support awards were presented to: Humphreys Garrison Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation and Army Community Service; the Camp Humphreys United Service Organization (USO); and the Area III Retirement Services Office. The next Town Hall meeting is scheduled for Jan. 10, 2012, at 6 p.m., in the CAC. As with previous meetings, presenters slides and answers to all submitted questions are posted on the garrison website, http:// x

BOSS event rocks

By Capt. Jeremy Tennent 6th Battalion, 52nd ADA
SUWON AIR BASE Being stationed here can seem remote, but the Better Opportunity For Single Soldiers program here combated that with a chance for Soldiers to work together to win playing the video game Rock Band. The contest emphasized creativity and teamwork. Remember, said BOSS President Spc. Kevin Gonzalez. You are being graded on your showmanship, not your score in the game. Four bands made it to the final round held in the Suwon Community Army Center, with a grand prize of a three-day pass for the winners and gift cards for the runners-up. Judges for the final found included Capt. Christopher Chambers, commander of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery; and 6-52 Operations Command Sgt. Maj. Jonathon Holmes. Winning the competition was Da Number 12 MRE, with four members from F Company, 6-52. Private 1st Class Tenisha Graves, Pfc. Antonio Vasquez, Pfc. Ronnie Alford, and Pfc. Lonnie Conaway all donned costumes reminiscent of George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic. We won! shouted Alford, following the competition, Ive got the trophy in my hand. Coming in a close second was T1Drop, representing B Battery, with Sergeant 1st. Class Scott McAlester, Sgt. Matthew Dennis, Pfc. Brandon Sumas, and Pvt. Robert Creamer. x

Both of my daughters are going to be light-up stick people. They saw them once a long time ago and thought they were cool. Both are too mature to choose cartoon characters, etc. LOL.

Kathy Rauch

My 1-year-old is going to be Tinkerbell! She seems to love Tink!

Angie Renollet

My son is almost 2 and he is going to be a Soldier, just like daddy.

Laura Johns




OCTOBER 28, 2011

Story and photo by Sgt. Kim Min-jae

Camp Walker hosts first ever Naturalization Ceremony

this time we conduct some tests for qualifying. Applicants will at that time be tested on their knowledge of U.S. history, government, reading, and writing. Once each of these requirements have been met, an Oath of Allegiance is administered during a naturalization ceremony. According to Leigh, this is the first time the naturalization ceremony has been held in Daegu. T h i s i s a n o t h e r re a s o n t h i s ceremony is so meaningful because we usually hold them in Yongsan Garrison, he said. However, this year ceremonies have been spread out so that we could hold them in places like Camp Walker, Camp Casey, and Camp Humphreys. With the naturalization ceremony completed, Leigh said he is happy to provide assistance to Soldiers and their



32nd KSC takes a shot in the arm to avoid the flu

Story and photo by Lee Seung-bin
DAEGU GARRISON With the cold season fast approaching, the staff at Wood Army Medical Clinic on Camp Walker isnt wasting any time doing what it can to ensure flu shots are available to authorized personnel. A team of health care representatives, Capt. Laura Carpenter, Head Nurse/ Medical-Surgical Nurse, Sgt. Anne Sparks, healthcare specialist, and Spc. Marcel Roth donned their gloves and with needles in hand, began administering flu shots to 80 members of the 32nd Korean Service Corps, commanded by Mr. Yun, Song Hwan, Oct 13. According to Carpenter, flu season should be taken seriously. The Department of Defense is responsible for providing vaccines for all Soldiers, family members, and authorized DOD employees through contracts with the manufacturing companies, she said. Each year each branch of service contracts for a certain number of doses of influenza vaccine to vaccinate their particular service members, dependents and DOD employees. Last year the Department of the Army contracted for 1.97million doses. Cpt. Carpenter added, The Department of Defense has a goal to vaccinate 90 percent of all Service Members and required Civilian employees by Dec. 1. We will however, continue to vaccinate the population through the regular f lu season as supplies last. Seasonal flu activities typically peak in January and even February. This is the time the clinic tends to see a lot of patients with the sniffles. Flu season, however, can last as long as May. For 32nd KSC Company Commander Mr. Yun, Song Hwan, the service provided by the health care team is much appreciated. The U.S. Army works to ensure the KSC members can get flu shots every year. This is just one more example of how working together better helps the KSC Bn. carry out its wartime mission of providing support to U.S. forces in Korea, he said. Carpenter wanted to leave the Area IV community with some simple guidelines that might ensure a healthy and happy holiday season isnt spoiled by the f lu. To keep yourself and loved-ones from falling victim to influenza, you can follow these simple guidelines -- First, sharing is nice, but always wash your hands afterwards, especially if someone is sick, she said. Second, cover your mouth and nose with your arm when you sneeze. Third, stay home if youre sick, especially if you have a fever. Fourth, avoid rubbing your nose, mouth and eyes. We usually

DAEGU GARRISON Family, fellow Soldiers and friends from throughout Area IV gathered at the Evergreen Club on Camp Walker Oct. 21 to welcome 13 new American citizens. The first ceremony of its kind to be held on a U.S. Army Garrison Daegu installation. Brig. Gen. Paul C. Hurley, Commanding General, 19th ESC was also among those attending. Hosted by USAG Daegu A r my Com m u n i t y S e r v i ce s, t h e ceremony consisted of personnel representing 11 countriessome as far away as Colombia, and as close as the Philippines. Explaining the importance of the event, Francis W. Leigh, a representative from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services from the U.S. Embassy in Seoul said, The importance of the naturalization ceremony is that it is in that moment that an individual becomes a U.S. citizen. After they have taken the oath, they then have the rights and privileges someone born in the United States would have. As might be expected, the naturalization process is not an overnight effort. According to Leigh, there are specific guidelines that applicants must adhere to. Before an individual can apply for naturalization, he or she must meet a few requirements. First, it is necessary to file a Form N-400, an application for naturalization. That form is processed through the Nebraska service center, and is eventually forwarded to Seoul. The entire process usually takes two to three months. Once we receive the file, we contact all service members or spouses, and then schedule an inter view two weeks out, Leigh continued. During

family members. They can always contact the U.S. Embassy for guidance. I would encourage them to ask any question they might have. We will be happy to answer questions regarding immigration issues or concerns. Service members and their spouse are defending our country, and some of them do not have citizenship yet. So, we are here to assist them because they deserve it. x

Brig. Gen. Paul C. Hurley, Commanding General, 19th ESC explains the importance of the Oath of Allegiance to Soldiers who took part in a Naturalization Ceremony held Oct. 21 at Camp Walkers Evergreen Club.

get sick by transmitting germs to our nose, mouth and even eyes. Lastly, always practice good health habits --get plenty of sleep, drink plenty of fluids, manage your stress, eat healthy, nutritious foods -- especially fruits and veggies. x

Sgt. Anne Sparks administers a flu shot to a member of the 32nd KSC Company, Camp Henry.


Story and photo by Lee Sae-mi
DAEGU GARRISON Army lodging is an important part of any military installations quality of life initiative. Thats why Meejeom Green, General Manager of Area IV lodges, is committed to providing every authorized Soldier, Family member, Retiree, and DoD Civilian the best possible comfort during their brief stay at the very modern, and award winning U.S. Army Garrison Daegu facilities. The lodge, according to Green, is a temporary place for incoming personnel to USAG Daegu Army Garrison. Making their way from various military and government installations from around the world, the Camp Walker and Camp Carroll lodges offer comfort and a sense of home away from home to hundreds of personnel annually. To make the stay of these sometimes weary travelers a positive experience, Green turns to her dedicated staff for support. Every day is an exciting


News & Notes

Employees make Camp Walker Lodge feel like home

day for me because of the great mission that we have. I like to place emphasis on the training of my staff, motivating the employees and assuring them that what they do is so important. Therefore, we have slogans like working friendly, whatever it takes, and be courteous, in our pocket at all times. They remind us why we are here and who we are here for. I think that when we are proud and understand our mission, the rest of comes naturally, she said. Chiming in on the words of her supervisor, Kim Sun-re, a front desk clerk at the Walker Lodge explained the importance of constantly being on top of things around the clock. She said, My work is like my life. I enjoy what I do. The head of housekeeping, Son Jong-oK said that the slogans motivate here to go a good job, while Cho Tae-wuk, assistant manager of operations, prides himself in maintaining work schedules and the training of his fellow employees. These individuals put a lot of effort into enhancing customer quality of life for the Soldiers and family members visiting the lodge, and they accomplish their goals by providing exceptional guest accommodations, customer service, and superb maintenance of the lodge, commented Green. All the hard work by the lodge staff has paid off. The Camp Carroll facility beat out its Army competition by winning the 2007 Lodge of the Year Award. In 2009, Camp Walker won that same award. The Camp Walker Lodge consists of 64 rooms, while Camp Carroll boasts 50 rooms of equal comfort and convenience. Providing the community with the best possible support and care, Green said she is proud of what her staff has accomplished. She said, Im very proud. It is a credit to my staff. I often tell my employees that they are my boss. I say this because they really are the ones who work so hard to make a difference for the Soldiers and family members that come through our doors. Thats why practicing the slogan I will smile and greet a guest before they greet me is so important. This is why the lodge is often referred to as the home away from home. x

CYS Services We will be offering twice monthly (most months) classes designed for families to spend time together learning something new and fun. Activities will be for registered members only-will take place at the School Age Center (Walker bldg # 257) Parents MUST attend and participate. Parents can call Parent Central Services at 764-5298 or stop into sign up prior to class. Must be signed up to attend. All ages are welcome. Financial Counseling Services Financial counseling for Soldiers and family members with emphasis on managing personal finances and tracking spending habits. Development of a personal financial plan, retirement plan, and college saving plan. Call the ACS financial readiness program office, 768-8127 or 768-7112.

Kids Club Register your child for our Jr. Membership Program. Program benefits include quarterly appreciation nights, $5 gift coupon for thier birthday and other great events. Open to kids ages 5-12. For more information, call the Evergreen Community Club, 764-4060. Curfew in effect Effective immediately, A PeninsulaWide curfew is in effect. This curfew occurs between 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. Sunday through Friday morning of a normal work week and 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. on Friday night, Saturday-Sunday mornings. This curfew applies to all USFK military personnel, and is urged as a guideline to follow for all family members and civilians. Tobacco Cessation Class Area IV Tobacco Cessation Class every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Optometry Conference Room of Wood Medical Clinic, Camp Walker. For more information call 764.5497

The Camp Walker Lodge is a temporary home away from home for many U.S. Soldiers and Family members arriving or departing or just visiting USAG Daegu and the Southeast Hub.

DHS holds Homecoming Parade on Camp Walker

New Speed Limit In order to keep the area safe for the students and staff near Daegu High School on Camp Walker, the speed limit on Rhode Island St. will remain at 25 KPH. Please observe the new speed limit, as MP patrols will be out in force observing you - both on Camp Walker and Camp George - as the new school year begins. Lets all keep it in low gear and make their job boring - and keep our children safe.

Table Tennis Championship T h e U S AG D a e g u p re l i m i n a r y Tournament will be held at the Camp Carroll Community Center November 12 at 2 p.m. Winnners will advance to play in the IMCOM Tournament from November 18 to 19. Monetary prizes and trophies will be awarded. For more information call 764-4123 or 765-8325

The rain could dampen the spirits of the USAG Daegu community, or keep them from lining the streets to support Daegu High Schools homecoming parade before their football re-match with Seoul American High School, Oct. 21. The parade helped boost the fighting spirit of the DHS Warriors who traversed Camp Walker singing, shouting, and step-dancing toward victory. U.S. Army photo by Park Min-jin

OCTOBER 28, 2011



You Can Make A Difference

By Pv2. Bang Bong-joo
In the Installation management business, we ask three fundamental questions: Are we doing the right things? Are we doing things right? And we want to ask for YOUR answer to the final question: What are we missing? Is there something were not doing now, within our power to do, that could help improve the quality of life here in Daegu?

Sharing spaces: The old and the new

JooRahm Kim
Facebook Fan

I think USAG Daegu is doing a great job. I havent felt inconvenience staying in Garrison as enlisted. I want to encourage USAG Daegu and all worker for their hard work.

The more things change the more they stay the same. A horse and buggy ride along Main Street was a common sight to see during the 2011 Gyeongju World Culture Expo recently held in Gyeongju, South Korea. Courtesy photo by Mary Grimes See yourself in the Morning Calm when you become a USAG Daegu Facebook Fan. Just post your photos to our page with a quick description covering the five Ws: who, what, when, where and why, and well see you in the paper. Your USAG Daegu PAO team

Amanda Dwyer
Facebook Fan

Having a youth center or community center at George would be great for the kids.

Kc Rupe
Facebook Fan

Can we please have DPW workers give face/ face status of issue before leaving the local work site? Even for problems at DAS/DHS, they often come & go without anyone knowing that they worked on something and if it got fixed or not. So you have to call to find out the status (if its not obvious). They should 1st check in with local authority 2 make sure they understand the issue, then give updated status before leaving, rather than leave us in the dark.

Jun Ho Lee
Facebook Fan

In Here, I continued to improve the quality of life in Daegu, reading and exercise to try to parallel. So, I would like to regain lost patience and gain a lot of knowledge through reading books.


2-1 ADA Bn. Soldier completes 1000k bicycle Randonneur course

Story and photo by 2nd Lt. Foss Davis
DAEGU GARRISON Sgt. 1st Class Russell Morris of 2-1 ADA Bn. completed a long distance Randonneuring bicycling course of 1000k from Oct. 1-4. Morris completed the course in 74 hours and 30 minutes. The course took the 32 participants in a cross-country tour from Seoul to Busan and back to Seoul. Of the 32 participants, only eight completed the event in the required 75 hours. Morris was the only American serviceman to participate in the event. The event was part of the long distance bycicling sport called Randonneuring. An international community of Randonneuring cyclists (called Randonneurs) ride a series of long distance courses called brevets which build up to a 1200km course in 90 hours, the final event in Randonnering Morris has been a Randonneur since 2007 when he was introduced to the sport while stationed in Virginia. Since then, Morris has completed 200, 300, 400 and 600km events (called brevets) in the allotted time. Octobers brevet was Morriss first 1000k brevet. The brevet lengths build up to 1200k which is the distance of the original brevet of Paris to Brest and back. Unlike other long distance bicycling events, brevets are not a competitive race. Each length of brevet has a qualification time that



Sgt. 1st Class Russell Morris rides through the Korean countryside during a 1000km race that took him over 74 hours to complete. the Randonneur must finish in. Its not about the order you finish in, said Morris, its more about the personal challenge of qualifying or achieving a personal goal. Although Randonneuring does not place its participants in direct completion with each other, the events a still challenging. Of the 32 who started the event, only eight finished under the qualifying time of 75 hours, and only 16 finished at all. Morris completed the event despite having only a few hour of sleep and getting lost along the way costing him about four hours. Morris enjoys riding while stationed in Korea because it allows him to tour his host nation. Its a great way to see places most foreigners never get to see, said Morris. x

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