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Media in PowerPoint 2007 – Three Ways

NOTE: “Embedding” media into PowerPoint does not mean that the media has become part of your
PowerPoint presentation; all three media options are really just ways to visualize the hyperlinked
media file. In order for your media to play in PowerPoint you must have both the PowerPoint
presentation and media file on the computer or removable media drive from which you are running the

Suggestion: When deciding to embed media into PowerPoint, consider creating a folder into which you
save your PowerPoint presentation as well as your media files.

Hyperlinking to Media

You can access an Atomic Learning tutorial that explains this process at . (Section C – Hyperlinks)

1. Save the media file to the folder containing your PowerPoint presentation or copy the web link for the
location of your video online
2. In PowerPoint, type text and highlight a word or phrase (e.g., “click here”)
3. Right-click and select Hyperlink from the menu
4. Locate your video and click OK
5. When viewing the slide show, you can click on “here” and it will launch the video in your media player or
stream it from the Internet.


Embedding Media

You can access an Atomic Learning tutorial that explains this process at . (Section F – Adding Motion Video)

1. Save the media file to the folder containing your PowerPoint presentation
2. Select a slide layout that includes Content (e.g. Title and Content, Content with Caption, etc.) by either
right-clicking on an existing slide and selecting Layout from the menu or selecting a Content layout when
creating a new slide (Home ribbon > New Slide or Ctrl M)

3. Click on Insert Media Clip > Locate your video and click OK

4. Set your media playback preferences.

5. Resize and place your media.

6. When viewing the slide show, you can click on the image and the video will start playing in the PowerPoint
itself. Click again to pause.

Embedding Media Player and Media

1. Click on the Office button and select PowerPoint Options

2. Select Popular > check Show Developer tab in Ribbon > click OK
3. Open the Developer ribbon > Click on the "More Controls" icon in the Controls section > Select
Windows Media Player from the More Controls menu

4. Draw a box that will become the media player (shown below) > Right click on the media player > Select
5. Click on the empty cell next to “Custom” > Browse for your video > Set your Playback and Volume options
> Click OK

6. In slideshow mode, you will be able to play the video embedded with controls like rewind, fast forward,
volume, etc. (You can also right click to open more menu controls, like View > Full Screen)

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