Planning Brief 1

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lannlng 8rlef

ro[ect Name 1he LlLle of Lhe producL /fllm ls called Lhe Crlndylow
Length Lhe lengLh of Lhe fllm wlll be 2 mlnuLes
Dead||ne Lhe deadllne of Lhe fllm of Lhe course work and Lhe flnal fllm ls
Group members and Lhelr roles
cbloe Chloe wlll be dolng Lhe camera when we shooL Lhe fllm Chloe wlll also belng dolng Lhe 2
mlnuLes synopsls 8ralnsLorm Cenre research 1reaLmenL lannlng 8rlef90 mlnuLe synopsls
locaLlon noLes LeLLers of permlsslon scrlpL shooLlng scrlpL and Lhe equlpmenL llsL
Motlom,arlam wlll be Lhe ulrecLor when we shooL Lhe fllm She wlll also do Lhe group blog
?ou1ube accounL facebook group narraLlve Lheory maklng Lhe logo Lhe quesLlonnalre and Lhe
graphs weekly updaLes and Lhe shorL llsL
kobeet 8uheeL wlll be dolng Lhe muslc/sound for Lhe fllm Pe wlll also be dolng Lhe 8rlLlsh 8oard of
lllm ClasslflcaLlon LargeL audlence casL and score noLes budgeL and Lhe sLoryboard
r|ef overv|ew of the content
1he fllm ls abouL a waLer demon called a Crlndylow A cleaner ls cleanlng (called ercy) Lhe corrldor
when he ls sLarLled by a by a waLer Lrall because he [usL cleaned Lhere ercy follows Lhe waLer Lrall
ln Lo Lhe LolleLs Pe Lhen opens all Lhe LolleLs doors very wary of whaL Lhere mlghL behlnd Lhe doors
and sLarLs accuslng some klds by saylng lL Lo hlm Pe Lurns around Lo go when a hand reaches ouL
and sLarLs Lhe moLlons of a grabblng a hand
1arget Aud|ence
We are almlng for our fllm Lo be almed aL Lhe age group 1320 as we felL LhaL Lhls Lype of fllm would
appeal Lo Lhem 1hey would en[oy Lhe supernaLural Lhrlller compared Lo oLher age groups We alm
our fllm Lo boLh genders as Lhe Lhrlllers genre appeals Lo boLh genders As Lhls locaLlon ls seL ln a
school lL would appeal Lo people who go Lo school/college as Lhey see Lhls locaLlon everyday and
Lhey can relaLe Lo Lhls locaLlon
What comparab|e research products have you researched?
l have compared our vldeo Lo oLher supernaLural Lhrlllers such as Lhe unborn and Lhe grudge and
whlLe nolse l compared our fllm Lo see ouL sLrucLure of Lhe fllm and Lhe baslc form of Lhe sLory LhaL
ls lnvolved ln Lhe fllm so we could make our supernaLural Lhrlller roughly Lhe same ln a
supernaLural Lhrlller Lhere ls ofLen ls an old sLory or folklore sLory LhaL ls lncluded ln Lhe fllm We
have also added a sLory behlnd Lhe Crlndylow and uave on how Lhey meeL ln Lhe sLory l also
compared on how Lhelr fllms end so we can make our fllm llke a supernaLural Lhrlller and Lo see lf
ouL supernaLural Lhrlller ls slmllar or dlsslmllar Lo our fllm l looked aL wheLher Lhe proLagonlsL wlns
or lose aL Lhe end ofLen Lhey do buL ln our fllm Lhe anLagonlsL (Lhe Crlndylow) wlns ln Lhe end as
he Lakes uave ln Lo Lhe waLery depLhs

dent|fy any resources]constra|nts (t|me money equ|pment) that m|ght affect the f||m?
A problem LhaL Lhe cold blood producLlon Lem could face ls Llme managemenL 1here ls llLLle Llme ln
whlch ln all Lhe work has Lo be done by We have Lo make sure LhaL we all communlcaLe as a group
as Lhls ls Lhe key Lo maklng Lhe fllm a success We need Lo make sure all Lhe group members know
whaL Lhey are dolng oLherwlse lf Lhey don'L Lhe work wlll noL be done and Lhe fllmlng daLes wlll be
delayed 1he equlpmenL needs Lo be good lf Lhe equlpmenL looks or ls bad Lhe fllm affecLs wlll look
bad and make Lhe fllm seem less real Lhen we lnLended We need Lo make sure we geL Lwo hands
LhaL we use ln Lhe openlng scene of Lhe fllm where Lhe audlence see Lhe hand ln Lhe moLlons of
Laklng ercy lf we lose Lhe only hand we goL Lhls wlll delay fllm daLes and delay when we hand ln
Lhe paperwork We need Lo budgeL rlghL oLher rlse lf we don'L budgeL correcLly we would run ouL
of money and Lherefore agaln delay fllm daLes 1he key Lo maklng Lhls fllm ls communlcaLlon as Lhls
wlll make Lhe fllm a success
kepresentat|ons that w||| operate |n out text
1he represenLaLlons LhaL wlll operaLe ln our LexL are LhaL ercy wlll represenL good and LhaL human
llfe ls easy Lo Lake away 1he grlndylow represenLs evll as lL Lakes people from Lhls world and also
kllls people 1he school ls a place of good unLll Lhe grlndylow comes 8uL slnce Lhe school ls a place
of good and represenL good and Lhe grlndylow represenLs bad lL ls a good clash of Lhe boLh sldes
What genet|c codes and convent|ons w||| be operat|ng |n your text?
1he Lyplcal feaLures of Lhe supernaLural Lhrlller we have lncluded ln our fllm are Lhe sLory behlnd Lhe
creaLure and how Lhe maln characLer has come across Lhe creaLure before we added a sLory Lo Lhls
lncldenL 1he corners of Lhe camera we wlll make dull Lo fulfll Lhe supernaLural Lhrlller genre and Lo
creaLe a mood for Lhe audlence AL Llmes aL Lhe openlng scene we have added suspense whlch ls a
Lyplcal Lhrlller feaLure We have added a bulld up Lo when Lhe openlng characLer comes face Lo face
wlLh Lhe grlndylow whlch ls Lhe radlo parLs We have done lL ln a school so people who see Lhe fllm
can relaLe Lo Lhls fllm whlch wlll be Lhe school/college puplls 1he parL when Annle glves ercy Lhe
key LhaL wlll make Lhe audlence [ump whlch ls a Lyplcal feaLure Lhe supernaLural a Lhrlller
now w||| you check that |t accomp||shes the |ntended effect?
We wlll check wheLher our producL ls a success by Lhe posL quesLlonnalre Pere we can geL feedback
Lo wheLher Lhe fllm was good and lf lL sulLed Lhe LargeL audlence And lf Lhe LargeL audlence en[oyed
Lhe fllm We can flnd ouL lf Lhe Lhrlller was a good Lhrlller and wheLher Lhere could be room for
lmprovemenL and lf Lhere could be any oLher elemenLs we could add Lhe fllm LhaL are Lyplcal of a
Lhrlller fllm
now w||| we check that the text was successfu|?
We check Lhls by Lhe feedback we geL from Lhe posL quesLlonnalre and lf Lhe LargeL audlence
en[oyed Lhe supernaLural Lhrlller
Are there any h|dden messages |ncorporated |n to our text?
1here ls no hldden messages lncorporaLed lnLo ouL fllm We dld noL do Lhls as Lhere ls no need Lo do
lL as Lhere ls no 'moral of Lhe sLory' 1here ls only represenLaLlons noL hldden messages

8y Chloe Wakellng 6P

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