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Final two-minute outline Percy is a middle-aged French man who is lying to his wife about his job, as he is not

proud of being a cleaner. His wife rings him and he tells her that he still at the office indicating that he is lying. After getting changed into his uniform he goes to the cleaners cupboard and get a mop and a radio out, the taps are running, Percy just turns them out and thinks nothing of it. Percy likes to listens to something, as the school at night is a very lonely place. He starts to clean when his boss Dave bumps into him; Dave taps his watch to indicate that Percy is late for starting his shifted. Percy hears the radio has cut out, this has creped him out as this radio never does this. He turns around and looks to see if his boss is up the corridor but he has gone. Percy wonderers how his boss could disappear so quickly, he looks at the other corridor but no-body is there. Percy is getting a bit nervous now. He walks over to the radio to see what is wrong with it when he hears the taps running again, he walks over to the cupboard. The lights are out but the taps are running. Percy is getting very confused over what is happening. He goes in the cupboard and turns off the taps again and starts to close the door when a black and green hand comes out and snatches Percy into the cupboard. After that the radio starts playing again. By Chloe Wakeling

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