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Alternative Energy Sources

Beyond Oil and Gas: The Methanol Economy**

George A. Olah*
environmental chemistry · hydrocarbons ·
hydrogen · methanol

O il and natural gas together with coal, purposes began slowly and became significant, but will not fundamentally
the main fossil fuels, not only remain our more widespread in the 16th and 17th change the long-range outlook.
major energy sources but they are also centuries mainly in England as a re- Besides petroleum oil and natural
the feedstocks for a great variety of placement for wood, which was becom- gas (and also coal), we have additional
manmade materials and products that ing scarcer. Coal became dominant in sources of “heavy” hydrocarbons, such
range from gasoline and diesel oil to the 18th century with the invention of as heavy-oil deposits in Venezuela, oil
varied petrochemical and chemical the steam engine and the industrial shales in various geological formations
products, including synthetic materials, revolution, which was also fueled by including the US Rocky Mountains, and
plastics, and pharmaceuticals. What na- coal, that followed. In the 19th and 20th vast tar sand deposits in the Canadian
ture gave us as a gift, formed over the centuries, coal continued to satisfy the province Alberta. The relatively stable
course of eons, is being used up rather ever-increasing energy demand of man- hydrates of methane, as found under the
rapidly. Fossil fuels continue to be kind, and today it is used primarily for Siberian tundras and along the conti-
significantly depleted and will become generating electricity.[1] Whereas our nental shelves of the oceans, represent
increasingly costly. Thus we need to coal reserves may last for another two significant possibilities for natural gas
search for new sources and solutions. or three centuries, the mining of coal deposits in the future. They will all
All fossil fuels are mixtures of hy- (except in areas suited for surface strip eventually be exploited, although the
drocarbons, which contain varying ratios mining) is increasingly affected by socio- difficulties and expense involved are
of carbon and hydrogen. Upon their economical, safety, and environmental extensive.
combustion, they are irreversibly used difficulties. Besides the size of oil reserves (1–1.5
up: carbon is converted into carbon trillion barrels or some 200 billion
dioxide and hydrogen into water. On a metric tons), one must also consider
related note, the increase of the CO2 our expanding world population, which
content of the atmosphere is considered Oil and Natural Gas exceeds 6 billion now and will probably
a major manmade cause of global approach 9–10 billion by the mid-21st
warming. Since the latter half of the 19th century, as well as increasing standards
century, petroleum oil and natural gas of living and demand in countries such
have become increasingly important and as China and India if one wants to
Coal and the Industrial dominant energy sources and raw ma- predict how long the estimated oil
Revolution terials for chemicals and manmade ma- reserves may last. Present estimates of
terials. They are certainly the most our proven oil reserves reveal that they
Coal is considered to have been convenient fossil-fuel sources. would last for some 40 years at the
formed during the so-called carbonifer- Much has been said over the years current rate of consumption. Natural
ous period some 300 million years ago about the extent of our available oil and gas reserves are comparable but some-
from the anaerobic decomposition of gas resources. At first glance, estimated what larger. New developments and
then-living plants. Its use for heating world oil and gas reserves look impres- improved recovery methods, however,
sive. These reserves seem not to have could extend these estimates significant-
diminished in the last 50 years[2] owing ly.
[*] Prof. Dr. G. A. Olah to continuous developments and im-
Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute and proved technologies that have allowed
Department of Chemistry exploration, production, and recovery Alternative Energy Sources
University of Southern California
from increasingly difficult-to-access
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1661 (USA)
Fax: (+ 1) 213-740-5087 areas, such as the depths of the seas To satisfy mankinds ever-increasing
E-mail: and inhospitable land areas from deserts energy needs, one has to consider all
[**] An identically titled monograph that dis- to the Arctic. Conservation of energy feasible alternative energy sources. Hy-
cusses various aspects of the methanol and secondary and tertiary recovery dro- and geothermal energy are used
economy is being published by Wiley-VCH. from previously exploited fields are where Nature makes it feasible, but no

2636  2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/anie.200462121 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 2636 –2639

major new sources have been found. fuel) or as compressed natural gas. They cautions. Even so, any leaks could
Energy from the sun and wind, and are also the basic raw materials for represent explosion hazards, which lim-
waves and tides of the seas all have real chemical products and materials that its its potential use. Regardless, the
potential and are increasingly exploited, are essential to our everyday life. How- U.S.[5] and other governments as well
but their use on such a large scale so as ever, the bulk of fossil fuels is utilized in as major industries seem to be increas-
to substitute fossil fuels is not likely to power plants to generate electricity. ingly committing themselves to develop
significantly affect our energy outlook in From whatever source electricity is the hydrogen economy. Besides the
the foreseeable future.[3] generated, its storage on a large scale mentioned difficulties of hydrogen stor-
is still unresolved; for example, batteries age and distribution, the development of
are inefficient and bulky. It is thus the needed infrastructure for the hydro-
Atomic Energy necessary to also find, besides new gen economy, in my view, is also eco-
energy sources, efficient means to store nomically prohibitive, although this in-
Probably the greatest technological and distribute energy. frastructure may eventually be devel-
achievement of the 20th century was to oped. The volumetric power density of
harness the energy of the atom. Regret- liquid hydrogen is also a drawback at
fully, as it was first achieved by building The Hydrogen Economy and only one-third of that of gasoline, while
the atomic bomb, in subsequent years Its Difficulties liquefying hydrogen requires consider-
public opinion increasingly turned able amounts of energy.[6]
against atomic energy, even for peaceful With our diminishing resources of
uses. Over the last few decades, rela- fossil fuels, there is urgent need to
tively few new atomic power plants were develop feasible new and safe ways to The Methanol Economy and
constructed. There is even strong senti- store and distribute energy from what- Its Advantages
ment to close them down altogether in ever sources it is generated (atomic or
some countries, although others such as alternate) as well as to produce effi- Methanol, which is presently pre-
France depend on them for some 80 % ciently manmade hydrocarbons. pared from fossil-fuel-based syn-gas, can
of their electricity needs. Progress has One approach that was proposed also be prepared by direct oxidative
been made to limit the use of atomic and has been much discussed recently is conversion of natural gas (methane) or
energy to only peaceful uses and to the generation of hydrogen and its use reductive conversion of atmospheric
improve its safety aspects, including the as a clean fuel—the so-called “hydrogen carbon dioxide with hydrogen
storage and disposal of radioactive economy”. Hydrogen is not a natural (Scheme 1). In this way, hydrogen can
waste. I believe that our society, which energy source on earth as it is incom-
was able to build the atomic bomb, can patible with the high oxygen content of
and will solve these problems. In my our atmosphere. Whereas it is indeed
opinion, the decline of the atomic en- clean burning to form water, its gener-
ergy industry is most regrettable. ation is a highly energy-consuming
Whether or not one supports atomic process, which itself is not necessarily
energy, in the long term it is the most clean. Presently it is mainly produced by
feasible and massive energy source for the reforming of fossil fuels to give syn-
mankind.[4] Conservation and use of gas (synthetic gas), a mixture of CO and
alternate energy sources are most desir- H2. The generated CO can also be used Scheme 1. Production of methanol from
able, but they cannot replace, by them- in the water gas shift reaction to yield atmospheric carbon dioxide or from natural
gas (methane), and its use as a fuel. DMFC:
selves, the “classic” energy sources in more hydrogen. In this process, how-
direct methanol fuel cell.
fulfilling mankinds enormous energy ever, at least 20 % of the energy of the
demand. fossil fuel is lost as heat. Hydrogen can
also be produced by the electrolysis of be stored by converting it into metha-
water, a process that does not produce nol—a convenient liquid fuel and raw
Energy Storage and Distribution CO2 nor involve a source of fossil fuels. material for synthetic hydrocarbons and
Our oceans represent inexhaustible wa- their products—with carbon dioxide
Despite their nonrenewable nature ter sources that can be split by atomic from industrial effluents or the atmos-
and diminishing resources, fossil fuels energy or any of the alternate energies phere. This opens up the possibility of an
and particularly oil and gas will maintain to produce hydrogen. Despite this, hy- alternative energy source to diminishing
their leading role as the most convenient drogen is not convenient either as a oil and gas resources and would lead to a
source of transportation fuels and en- means to store energy or for its subse- feasible “methanol economy”.
ergy sources as long as they last. A vast quent use as a fuel. The handling of Owing to the serious limitations of
infrastructure exists for their transport volatile (b.p.: 253 8C) and potentially the hydrogen economy, I have been
and distribution. As transportation fuels explosive hydrogen gas necessitates spe- proposing for some time now the meth-
for our cars, trucks, and airplanes, they cial conditions: high pressure, use of anol economy as a reasonable alterna-
can be used in the form of their con- special materials to minimize diffusion tive.[7] Methanol provides an efficient
venient products (liquid gasoline, diesel and leakage, and extensive safety pre- means to store energy and can be used

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 2636 –2639  2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2637
as a convenient fuel as well as a raw ethanol to replace fossil fuels is also not of CO2 to methanol, volatile hydrogen
material for manmade hydrocarbons favorable. In fuel cells, ethanol encoun- gas is converted into a convenient, safe
and their products. ters further difficulties as cleavage of C liquid. If we can produce methanol
Methanol is an excellent fuel in its C bonds is more difficult than cleavage efficiently on a large scale from atmos-
own right and it can also be blended of C H bonds. Interestingly, it was pheric carbon dioxide and hydrogen, it
with gasoline, although it has half the Lenin that supported the industrial use could replace oil and gas both as a fuel
volumetric energy density relative to of agricultural alcohol after the Bolshe- and as a chemical raw material.
gasoline or diesel. It is also used in the vik Revolution, but even the Russians Atmospheric carbon dioxide is avail-
direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) that resisted the “misuse” of their beloved able to everybody on earth. The meth-
we developed jointly with the Jet Pro- vodka and the plan was abandoned. anol economy thus eventually can lib-
pulsion Laboratory of Caltech.[8] In this At present, methanol is produced erate mankind from reliance on fossil
electrochemical cell, methanol is direct- nearly exclusively from syn-gas, which is fuels. The required hydrogen can be
ly oxidized with air to carbon dioxide obtained by catalytic reforming of fossil obtained from the electrolysis of water
and water to produce electricity, without fuels.[9b] As long as natural gas remains of the seas—an unlimited source. The
the need to first generate hydrogen. This quite abundant, it seems reasonable to electrical energy will be provided by
greatly simplifies the fuel-cell technol- convert it directly (without first produc- atomic energy, which will be made safer
ogy and makes it available to a wide ing syn-gas) into methanol. In our and solved of problems pertaining to
scope of applications: for example, to research, much progress was made in radioactive waste disposal, as well as by
provide power to cellular phones and the direct oxidative conversion of meth- all suitable alternate energy sources
computers (already under development) ane into methanol. As mentioned ear- (sun, wind, and hydroelectric). Alterna-
and eventually to motor scooters and lier, large resources of methane are tied tively, direct aqueous electrochemical
cars, or even to use it in large electricity- up as gas hydrates in vast areas of sub- reduction of CO2 can be used,[7b] and
generating facilities. It was also found Arctic tundras and under the seas in the photochemical reduction of CO2 is also
that methanol can be conveniently con- areas of the continental shelves. feasible. I believe that it is reasonable to
verted into ethylene or propylene in the consider the methanol economy as a
MTO (methanol-to-olefins) process practical and sensible approach to even-
(Scheme 2). In turn, these olefins can Chemical Recycling of CO2 tually replace fossil fuels. It can provide
a feasible and safe way to store energy,
As mentioned earlier, methanol can to make available a convenient liquid
be also obtained by the reduction of fuel, and assure mankind an unlimited
carbon dioxide with hydrogen. Flue source of hydrocarbons, while at the
gases of coal- or fossil-fuel-burning same time mitigating the dangers of
Scheme 2. Conversion of methanol into ethyl- power plants may be an abundant global warming owing to the greenhouse
ene (or propylene) on the way to hydrocar- source of readily isolable carbon dioxide effect of carbon dioxide. In contrast to
bons and their products. for the foreseeable future. Many indus- highly volatile hydrogen, methanol is a
trial exhausts also contain considerable convenient liquid. Its use does not
concentrations of carbon dioxide. Water necessitate the development of a new
be used to produce hydrocarbon fuels can provide the required hydrogen. and extremely costly and unproven in-
and their products,[9] which are presently Instead of just sequestration, this proc- frastructure, nor does it suffer the great
obtained from oil and gas. UOP, based ess would recycle carbon dioxide into difficulties of safety as with the use of
on the earlier work of Jule Rabo and co- useful fuel and provide a source of hydrogen.
workers,[9d] developed an industrial hydrocarbons. The hydrogenation of carbon diox-
process for the production of ethylene For the long-range solution to man- ide either by catalytic conversion with
from methanol using acidic zeolite cata- kinds hydrocarbon needs as well as for H2 or by electrochemical reduction,
lysts, and industrial plants based on this efficient storage of energy that will including the reverse use of the direct
process are now under development.[9e] eventually be generated from nonfossil methanol fuel cell,[7b] produces formic
In contrast to hydrogen gas, meth- fuel sources, the utilization of atmos- acid and formaldehyde besides metha-
anol is a convenient and safe liquid (b.p.: pheric carbon dioxide itself through its nol. It is possible, however, to further
64.7 8C). Whereas it is toxic when inter- reduction to methanol offers a feasible convert formic acid and formaldehyde
nally ingested and is frequently quoted new alternative. However, the content into methanol and allow an overall high
as a poison, so are gasoline and diesel of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is yield of methanol to be obtained. The
fuel. Some suggestions were made to use low at 0.037 %. Thus, new efficient ways direct oxidation of methane, which is
ethanol as a fuel as it can be made by to separate CO2 are needed. One way is still available from natural gas sources,
fermentation from agricultural products. membrane separation technology, an- into methanol also should be consid-
However, its use as a fuel has many other is the use of selective absorption ered. This also always produces signifi-
drawbacks, and even Brazil is limiting its methods; here our ongoing research has cant amounts of formaldehyde and for-
ambitious program to convert sugar led to significant advances to allow mic acid. Higher selectivities to obtain
cane into ethanol fuel. The overall practical separation of atmospheric methanol were reported only under low-
economics to produce agriculture-based CO2 from air. Besides, in the conversion conversion conditions.[10] With this in

2638  2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 2636 –2639

mind, we were successful in dramatically ergy. We cannot in any way imagine and Oxford University Press, Oxford,
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process catalyzed by chlorophyll. How- methanol will be used as 1) a convenient
Frank, G. Halpert, G. A. Olah, G. K. S.
ever, the formation of hydrocarbons energy-storage material, 2) a fuel, and Prakash, US Patent 6444343, 2002;
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that requires hundreds of millions of bons and their products. Wang, A. Atti, V. Pleynet, B. Yang, K.
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Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 2636 –2639  2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2639

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