Cityq 8-2-11 Readme Patch

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Release Notes

dpsVelocityQ and dpsVelocity for dpsReality hardware

Version 8.2 (Build 8.2.11)
Release Date: June 20, 2003

This dpsVelocityQ 8.2.11 patch will update dpsVelocityQ 8.1.11 or newer.

Because this is a beta patch update, you may want to preserve your 8.1 installation on your system. Before you run the patch, make a copy of your 8.1 installation. If you install the 8.2 patch over the 8.1 copy, you will be able to retain links and icons properly in the older version. Please note that the ini file is the same for dpsVelocity 8.2 and dpsVelocity 8.1. Because dpsVelocity 8.2 contains settings parameters which don't exist in 8.1, sharing the ini file is not recommended. Please either delete the ini file each time you switch versions, or make a copy of the ini file and use one for 8.2 and one for 8.1, not the same one for both. If the latter approach is taken, you will have to rename the current ini file to, for example, DPSNLE_8.1.ini, and make sure your 8.2 specific ini file gets the default DPSNLE.ini name while 8.2 is in use.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You can open dpsVelocity 8.0 and 8.1 Projects in version 8.2, but you CANNOT open 8.2 Projects in previous versions.

Whats New in dpsVelocityQ 8.2.11 Patch

There is a new color scheme. We hope you like it.

New Feature: User Defined Auto Tile

There is now an option to create a user defined auto tile. If you arrange your windows the way you like, you can go to the Window Menu and say 'Create Auto Tile'. (This function is also available if you click on the drop-down on the User defined Auto Tile tool bar button.) Give it a name. Now, when you hit the auto tile button, you will get that view. If you want to go back to the dpsVelocity default auto tile, you can hit the button next to the old auto tile button, and choose the dpsVelocity default. If you create a new autotile, and give it the same name as an existing auto tile, you'll be given the option to overwrite the existing one.

New Feature: Eyecon View

Eyecon view is a column to the left of the Timeline, beside the track header markers. Eyecon view displays the image and/or Timecode under the playhead for each track. Eyecon View settings are remembered on a per Timeline basis. The maximum image size is 320x240. If you enable video and timecode in the 'side by side' mode, the eyecon view jumps out to the proper width to accomodate all the info. - Eyecon View has been optimized so that it does not consume memory for tracks which aren't visible, or muted.

New Feature: Picons

Picon drawings are now available. Clip Picons default to ON, using the 'Begin-End' option. Page 1 of 12

You can adjust them on an individual basis. Right click on a clip, select the "Picon View" option, and choose one of 3 options for picon drawings: 1) "Middle". Displays In point only, appearing in the horizontal center of the clip. 2) "Begin-End". Displays In point, and Out point, appearing at the start and end of the clip. 3) "All the way". Displays as many picons as possible, filling up the visible duration of the clip. Clip text shows up either next to the picons (in the IN-OUT case) or over the picons (in the ALL THE WAY case). Global picon options are found in the general prefs tab, in the 'Timeline clip display' settings. Global options only effect clips newly dragged to the Timeline, as there are also individual settings allowed. Settings include a 'keep aspect ratio' option. There is now an option to to view a 32 bit clips alpha channel picon, or both the alpha and standard video picon.

New Feature: Audio Fade and Audio Cross Fade

Select two mono or stereo audio clips on a Timeline, that overlap, and hit a hotkey (CTRL L default) to create an audio crossfade. The user can also right click on the Timeline, and select 'Audio crossfade'. Select one or more clips and press hotkey CTRL K (default) Or right click on a clip and choose Audio Auto Fade to launch an audio fade dialog box, where you can enter a numeric fade in and fade out value. You can set this value as a default. A clip cannot have a conflicting crossfade and audio fade. The crossfade will take precedence. So, if you add a fade in/out to a single clip, then overlapp that clip with another one, and select both to add a crossfade, the crossfade would over-rule the fade out that was originally applied to the single clip. The fade in would be left intact, since it's not in conflict.

New Feature: Audio Effects

NEW FEATURE: Right click on an audio clip, and select 'Audio Effects' (or hit the AFX) button in the toolbar to access any direct show filters that are installed on the system. This works for WAV and DVA files (whether you click the audio or video portion of the clip). It will render out the new file, and replace the original on the Timeline automatically.

Speed up Enhancements
NOTE: There have been DRAMATIC speedup changes made. The benchmark testing we have done has reduced delays of 30 seconds or more on VERY large projects (a couple thousand clips) to less than a second. Deleting multiple clips from the Timeline has had a major speed up applied. It used to be that if you had many clips in the Galleries/Timelines of a project, deleting 5 clips would take 5 times longer than deleting one clip, and deleting 10 clips would take 10 times longer, and so on. Now, all deletions will take the same amount of time as deleting one clip. When rendering multiple segments, the delay between each segment should be GREATLY reduced. When the active Gallery has many clips, Timeline undo will no longer be slowed down.

Timeline Features (new and improved)

The RIPPLE DELETE function, which used to be Shift+Delete, has been replaced with CTRL+Delete, to alleviate a conflict with 'delete from system' in the Gallery. Import project Timeline now automatically adds necessary tracks. When you hover over the start or end of a clip, the 'flags' that pop up now say IN and OUT instead of START and END. NEW FEATURE: There is now a 'fine zoom' tool. It is found in the green triangle above the scale +/- buttons. When slid, it allows the hatch marks in the scale to move further apart or closer together. It does not change the scale that these hatch marks represent. Page 2 of 12

NEW FEATURE: When moving a clip on the Timeline, there is now a pop up that shows how far you've moved the clip. NEW FEATURE: When trimming a clip, there is now an indicator next to the timecode popup, saying how many frames you've trimmed. NEW FEATURE: When a sync group has been unsynced, and you move just the video or audio, there is now a 'sync' indicator, which tells you how many frames out of sync the audio is from its original video mate, and vice-versa. When single clips or sync groups are copied, the 'auto bump audio' logic will now apply, so the clip can be pasted easier. There is now an option in the preferences to 'Ignore sync groups while trimming'. If you check this, video and audio will be trimmed separately on the Timeline. W key will toggle so they trim together. There is now an option at the bottom of the Playback preferences tab to not try and render out previews of non-real time segments as you are scrubbing across them. When you load a project, the zoom level, and exact playhead location are now remembered, from whenever you last accessed the project. When an audio node is selected, and you use the arrows to make adjustments, the db display will now carry two decimal places, show as to show a finer resolution. Hotkey functions have been added for dragging stereo sync groups to the Timeline. Drag only Video and A1 is CTRL + 1 + drag, drag only Video and A2 is CTRL + 2 + drag, drag only A1 is ALT + 1 + drag, and drag only A2 is ALT + 2 + drag. Drag only video is CTRL + drag, and just both audio tracks is ALT + drag. The zoom tool now disappears when swooped into the Gallery. Now there is a LASSO SELECTION TOOL. Use Shift plus left click on Timeline and drag. When you mouse over a clip, the status bar will now show both source timecode, and Timeline location. If a single clip with multiple indices is selected, you can now delete all the indices at once. The Find Clip feature now lets you double click a clip in the list, and it will take you to that clip. It also has an option to print the list to a txt file. Match Frame will now work on audio files also. Better yet, it will let you do a match frame on an unsynced piece of audio, and it will match the frame of the original synced dva. If you try to paste a group of clips that consume more tracks than your current Timeline has, it will now add tracks automatically. If you try to paste a group of clips that consume more duration than your current Timeline has, it will now expand the duration of your current Timeline automatically. You can now move a selected clip to the next available track (up or down) by hitting ALT up arrow/down arrow. There is now an option to invert the order of the video tracks, so that V1 is the BOTTOM-MOST track. There is also a hotkey to toggle this, which is F3. When extending the movie range to the right, the Timeline will autoscroll. Rendered flows on the Timeline will now appear as purple. In the align options, there is now an option to align by timecode, by either slipping the clips, or moving them. Simultaneous edits can now be loaded into the trimmer simply by doubleclicking the edit point. Transition tracks are much shorter now by default, to save real estate. Moving the In and Out markers with the group move tool is now a separate option from moving the index markers with the group move tool The "Mark In/Out" hotkey function now works when you hover over the movie bar as well. Move Index Markers with Gap Tool option has been renamed to indicate that this includes I/O Markers also. Page 3 of 12

The hotkeys which change the track heights while dragging are now SHIFT to change all tracks, and CTRL to change all of the tracks of the variety you are currently adjusting. There are now functions in the hotkey list for "Unsync and Delete Audio" and "Unsync and Delete Video". They have no defaults, but can be assigned as you wish. You'll find them as "Unsync: Del Video" and "Unsync: Del Audio" in the list. The Copy Timeline function now remembers all attributes of the original Timeline (zoom level, track heights, waveform settings, etc) so that the copied Timeline is an identical copy of the original Timeline. New "Copy to New Timeline" feature makes a copy of your current Timeline. Hotkey-able also, no default, but it's in the list and ready for action. There is now a hotkey to place I/O markers within the visible Timeline range. No default hotkey, it's just listed in the hotkey list as "I/O range in view". You can now select a transition and hit { and trim the In or } and trim the Out point with the arrow keys. There is now a quick key to place I/O markers over either selected clips, or whatever the mouse is hovering over. If a clip (or clips) is selected, the hotkey will place I/O markers over that clip (or clips). If nothing is selected you can hover over a clip, or a gap, and hit the hotkey and it will place the I/O markers appropriately. There is no default, but it's in the hotkey list as 'Mark In/Mark Out'. The old functionality to move the playhead 1 frame back/fwd, 5 frames back/fwd, 10 frames back/fwd, etc up to 2 minutes back/fwd, has been added back into the list of hotkeys, with no defaults. Note that this functionality will work for the trimmer playhead and the Timeline playhead. References to 'Show Play Icon' and hotkey SHIFT+M have been removed, as the function is no longer there.

A Padding option is now available in render settings. In areas of Hardware congestion, the render bar will turn yellow, instead of light blue, to indicate that it is a special case which is causing the segment to go non real time. This combination of effects in these segments requires rendering because of an adjacent segment's use of the hardware resources. If you offset the clips using the effects by a frame, or in certain cases several frames, rendering may not be required. NEW FEATURE: There is now an unrender individual segment option. Software renders no longer cause changes in brightness levels in certain cases. There is no longer a 'partial transparency' when rendering 32 bit material with software rendering. Render All now has a grand indication of progress now (it will say segment x of x). If a real time playcord ever fails, and the scrub render method has to be employed, the entire segment will now be rendered, so that multiple passes of the scrub render won't be necessary.

The Snap To sections of the general preferences have been moved into a separate dialog accessed via the 'snap settings' button at the bottom of the general page. In/Out markers, indices, and clips now snap to clip edges (and/or) indices (and/or) the playhead when being moved, based on the preference group "Snap Tools: Moving". Clips now snap to clip edges (and/or) indices (and/or) the playhead when being trimmed, based on the preference group "Snap Tools: Trimming". There is now an option to have clips snap to a certain transition duration during Moves (and/or) Trims. The default transition is derived from the trimmer preferences. Indices within a clip will now snap to indices within other clips. (Good for lining up A/V). Gap tool has an option to snap to clip edges/indices. Page 4 of 12

NEW FEATURE: By holding ALT + Mouse Right click, the playhead will now snap to the nearest edit point on the given track that you click on. Faster way of locking to an edit point, than having to use Page Up/Page Down.

Bugs (plus small enhancements)

If you customize a hotkey to jump the playhead 30 seconds, or a minute forward or backward, the timeline now autoscrolls properly to keep the playhead in view. There was a conflict with the delete function, since there were two ways to delete (delete highlighted range, or delete selected clips). Now, selected clips always have precedence. If you have a clip who's video ends before its audio, then do a ripple trim (CTRL+TRIM), you no longer lose sync. Clicking to the left or right of the navigation bar makes the Timeline scroll by just one 'pane'. Play to Next Index (default hotkey M) no longer fails after a few plays. When in single track transition mode, you can now create a transition by trimming a clips out point 'into' the next clip, and vice versa. In the SHIFT O dialog that pops up when a bmp is selected, entering a new duration now works. Spacebar playback now starts cleanly, it doesn't lurch back a field first. When slicing a dva on V1 in half, you can now drag it left/down to create a transition, and the audio will autobump appropriately. When doing a drag drop and replace, and choosing to keep attributes, autofade, reverse, and speed change are now retained. When doing simultaneous trim on the Timeline using Shift + Arrow Keys, the timecode popup now updates consistently. If you insert a clip onto the Timeline which is longer than the current visible range, the playhead no longer ends up off screen. Align-Move to In/Out markers no longer overrides clip Links. Page Up/Down now works regardless of what window is active. Attach/Detach group links menu item now appears when single clips are selected, as opposed to group clips. Timeline horizontal/vertical scrolling/zooming now stops at the end of the Timeline. Double clicking the movie bar and selecting 'All Selected Clips' now works. Previously you had to click in an empty area of the movie bar track, as opposed to on the movie bar itself. In the status bar, if you have ONLY the In or the Out marker set, you can now select the numeric I/O box to manually enter a timecode. If you accidentally click on a transition when multi-selecting clips, it will no longer deselect the group you are building. Drag drop and replace now works on clips in a transition when in collapsed mode. If holding down ALT to disable horizontal movement, you can no longer accidentally add audio nodes. Autoscroll while trimming clips now works in both directions. When scrolling Timeline left and right using the navigation bar or the scroll arrows, the scroll no longer stops if you move your mouse a tiny bit. As long as the mouse is still in the proper area, the scroll continues. Trimming a clip off the Timeline view to the left will now autoscroll. If you have two clips butted together, and you drag the second clip over the first one to replace it, the dialog will now give you the option to use the source duration, as it knows the second clip will no longer be there. Zoom Highlighted Range now works properly. (CTRL + RIGHT CLICK DRAG). Page 5 of 12

The sync display is no longer cropped by the name display on Timeline clips.

NOTE: More new hotkey defaults, please hit 'reset global defaults' button, then exit and re-enter interface to see all new hotkeys. Launch Preference dialog now has a default hotkey of F5. User can now assign 'combo' hotkeys such as CTRL+SHIFT+A, or ALT+CTRL+F4. Hotkey dialog now has a search tool that lets you search by keyword, or by hotkey. There is now a user-defined hotkey button in the trimmer settings. Launch Hotkey dialog now has a default hotkey of F6.

On audio clips, the name will now be written on the top, so as not to interfere with fade in/outs. When adjusting audio nodes with the mouse, you can now return it to 0.0, without having to use the arrow keys. Audio Scrub resolutions have been reset to default to 1/30 of a second in NTSC, and 1/25 of a second for PAL. Changes made in the VU meter preferences are now being remembered. The option for audio interpolation quality is no longer used. There is now an option to turn on Audio waveforms for ALL audio tracks. It is available on right click of all audio track headers. Audio Waveform now appears at all zoom levels. Audio Autobump now works when moving clips with arrow keys. New Feature: The AUTO mode for audio rendering. When selected , it will scan the Timeline to determine if EQ is present. If it is, it will do a hardware (real time) audio render. If there is no EQ, it will do a faster than real time software render. When holding down shift to adjust an entire range of volume in a clip, you now get a proper db feedback flag telling you the level. If you have only one channel of audio, the audio effects preview will no longer playback two channels Software audio rendering has been sped up considerably (only when doing the non-realtime render. If real time playcord is enabled, it will only be realtime). If playhead is 'parked' on a clip with audio, and you make VU slider adjustments while in node mode, you now hear the feedback changing levels appropriately. Wave file speed limits no longer limited to 200%. Limit is now 50,000%. There is now a Paste Audio Attributes option for Group selected clips. You can now navigate between audio nodes using CTRL E and CTRL W. Up Down Arrows will make immediate adjustments to the node levels. There are now items in the hotkey list for "Copy/Paste Audio Attributes". They have no defaults, but can be assigned as you wish. You'll find them as "Copy Audio FX" and "Paste Audio FX" in the list.

The masks tool (in dpsVelocityQ only) can now support DPS files, DPT files, rolls, and crawls in addition to still images. We are now including 15 sample mask shapes which can be found in the dpsVelocity\Samples\Masks directory. Page 6 of 12

If a Timeline (in dpsVelocityQ only) has missing Garbage Matte graphics, or 2D wipe border graphics, it will now prompt you to replace them when the Timeline is loaded. There is now a reset button to remove all keyframes from a given effects tab. The rendered chroma keyer color picker is now working properly again Turning on Key output and rebooting no longer turns off the key output. Procamp on graphics is now done using a real time playcord, instead of the Software rendered method previously used. In the Procamp dialog, the waveform vectorscope can now be viewed while RGB corrections are made. Uncompressed clips (in dpsVelocityQ only) can now be chosen as reference clips in Procamp. You can now scrub through your clip in the Waveform Vectorscope dialog. Waveform Vectorscope now defaults to ALL LINES setting, in both capture and effects Vectorscope. Trying to add auto/custom fade and DVE effects concurrently to a clip will pop up a warning telling you the segment will go non-real time, and offering you the option of removing the auto/custom fade If Lock Aspect box is checked in perspective, entering numeric values also adhere to this setting. Image size control in perspective now has a 'reset' button like the position and rotation controls. When you add a DVE effect to a clip which already has a DVE effect (in dpsVelocityQ only), velocity will first attempt to incorporate the pasted effect into the existing DVE, so as not to waste another DVE. If this is not possible, a new DVE will be added. - Changing the order of the listed effects on the left side of the effects interface no longer causes a crash. Add Video Effect attribute has been added to user defined hotkey list. No default, but it's in the list. When you put a luma key and DVE speed change on a clip, then render it, you no longer lose the luma key. There is now a right click option to Disable Effects for clips. It doesn't delete the effects, just turns them off, until you choose to turn them back on. When turned off, they use no real time resources. When effects are disabled on a clip, the FX label turns red. In BLUR, the crop settings are no longer reversed (in dpsVelocityQ only). When you have blur on two clips, then try to add a DVE transition between them, the title bar of the transition dialog will say "Effects have been removed in order to provide a real time preview. If you put 2 Blurs, on two clips, and put a dissolve between them, the render will no longer fail (in dpsVelocityQ only). When making a single frame of several video layers, with mattes, and a TGA in the background, the TGA no longer appears in field mode, even when you have 'frame' mode selected in the single frame output options. When you launch the video effects dialog, L and S hotkeys will be linked to load and save buttons, like they used to. Add Video Effect attribute has been added to user defined hotkey list. No default, but it's in the list.

Speed Change
There is now an option to set a default speed change value. Every time you enter speed change dialog on a standard speed clip (100%), it will default to this number. There is now an item in the hotkey list called "Speed Change Tool". It has no default, but you can assign it to anything. This hotkey will access the Speed tool that's in the tool bar, NOT the speed change numeric dialog box (that's hotkey S, by default). ESC now gets rid of the speed change tool. Scrubbing clips with DVE slow applied no longer causes a strobe. Putting a DVE Slow mo on 32 bit video no longer causes partial transparency. Page 7 of 12

Digital Fusion DFX+ Integration

If you have the FULL DF installed, the list in the APPLY DF EFFECT dialog should include ALL the filters, not just the DFX+ ones. If you have a flow in your gallery, and save the project, then move the flow to a new location, and reload the project, you no longer get a misleading message about how the flow file isn't uncompressed. When rendering from DF, there is now an option to drop the clip in the Gallery, as well as replacing the original on the Timeline. Option is found in the Render tab of the preferences. DF now takes images out of velocity, and opens them in their native size for effects like pan and scan You can now add a DF effect to a clip in the Gallery. dpsVelocity always autorefreshes after returning from DF. Sending a clip to Fusion and returning to Velocity no longer disables the JOG4000.

Now there is an ability to Batch Import Image sequences. When in detail text mode, you can now select all clips and hit add with transition hotkey (0), and all clips will be added to the Timeline using the default transition length set in the trimmer settings. When dragging a clip from the Gallery to the Timeline, if you change your mind, you can now just mouse up someplace outside the Timeline window and the clip will just be left in the Gallery. This is an old function which disappeared for awhile, and is now back, better than ever. During dragging a DVA clip to the Timeline, you can dynamically hit the CTRL/ALT options to change the drag for video or audio only. Print Gallery now prints thumbnails again. When importing mp3's, you can now change the quality settings, but only to LOWER levels. If you go higher, it's just going to keep the original settings. dpsVelocity no longer locks up when an import is aborted. When Importing multiple multimedia files, all are now dropped into the Gallery, instead of only the last one. There is now an option to view alpha channels on the thumbnail of graphic and video clips in the Gallery. Useful for graphics that are black on black. A hotkey is available to toggle between view alpha mode, and standard view mode. It has no default, but can be found in the hotkey list as "Alpha View Toggle". The hotkey for "DELETE FROM SYSTEM" has been changed from CTRL+Delete, to SHIFT+Delete, to be more consistent with Windows Standards. New 'Collect from P drive' button has been added next to existing collect button. Collect 'preview' function now previews audio as well as video, when collecting dvas. If you drag a tab out of a bin to create a new bin, it will be the same size as the original bin There is now a column in the detail views of the Gallery for 'Creation Date'. Compression column in Gallery now shows accurate compression rates. Detail views in Gallery now have little arrows in the column headers so you can see which direction the column is sorted in. When dragging a clip from one Gallery tab to another, the icon will now indicate if you are moving, or copying (copying has a + mark in the cursor). Lasso select function now works in detail text mode. Hotkey T (change thumbnail) works as you do a single click playback of a clip in the Gallery. It won't update until playback stops. Setting thumbnail size to small, then doing a manual sort no longer skips every other cell. Page 8 of 12

There is now an option to refresh Gallery thumbnails, so if you edit them in another program, you can update them in velocity. Hotkeys I/O will now let you set I/O marks on the Gallery clip during single clip playback. Drag and Drop from windows explorer to a dpsVelocityQ Gallery now works consistently. Search for global timecode option. You can enter a timecode, and it will find any clip with that timecode in all open Galleries, and select that clip. Clips in Gallery that have FX now have an FX indicator. CTRL A now selects all clips in the Gallery. Home and End will select the first/last clip in the Gallery. In the rt. click create tone dialog, if you type in 5000 enter in the duration box, it no longer thinks of it as an invalid duration. In NTSC, SMPTE color bars are now the default when you choose 'Create Color Bars'. For PAL, it's the EIA. When importing an AVI file, you now have an option to make it a dva, or a dps and a wav.

Timeline/Gallery bins can now be named. Gallery/Timeline tabs can now be dragged left or right to change their order. Timeline Bins now contain all the same functionality as Gallery bins, so you can drag and drop tabs from one bin to another, or out of a bin to create a new bin. General and dpsVelocity Preferences have been combined into one dialog. To consolidate the number of tabs, some tabs have been implemented as Tabs within tabs (VU Meter options, and Project Management options). Also, the Startup defaults are accessed through a button at the lower right of the general preference tab.

There is now a hotkey to make a single frame based on the trimmer's clip side playhead location. It has no default, but is in the list as "Make Frame - Trimmer". After make movie, if the clip is autoloaded into the trimmer, the In/Out pictures now appear properly, instead of being black. - Loading a clip from the Timeline with reverse now shows the proper timecode in each box, and behaves properly when you do a slip edit. When a wave file is loaded in the trimmer, the video target track is now disabled. The Trimmer edit buttons have now been color coded. Inserts are Yellow, Overwrites are Red, and misc are orange. This is to be consistent with other applications, which we avidly monitor. The source and preview labels now update properly to show 'focus' when you change modes on the external controller. There is now a small pop up which shows the number of frames you've trimmed in the in/out points of the trimmer - In simultaneous edit mode of the trimmer, there are now yellow display boxes showing the overall trim changes, relative to the time when the edit point was originally loaded. If you have eight audio tracks and try to hit the hotkey to assign audio target track to track 8 with a stereo wave file loaded in the trimmer, an error message explains that the selected track is invalid. Cool New Feature: Drag and drop functionality from the trimmer. The icon is to the left of the SOURCE label. This button is what you grab to drag a clip to the Timeline.

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ALT/CTRL hotkeys (drag video only, drag audio only on a DVA clip) work when dragging video from the trimmer to the Timeline and the Gallery to the Timeline. There is now a button on the front of the trimmer interface to toggle Ripple All on and off. There is also now a default hotkey to achieve this same thing. The button updates when the ripple all setting is checked or unchecked in the settings. Holding the "W" key temporarily toggles the A/V lock button on or off, while trimming dvas in the trimmer. New option to have trims you applied to a clip when inserting it to the Timeline NOT effect the original clip. So, if you have a clip in the Gallery, and want to trim it and insert it to the Timeline just for one instance, it will leave the original clip alone in the Gallery. Option is called 'Auto apply chnages before load next Gallery clip', and defaults to on. Deselect this option to get the aforementioned functionality. If View in Frames is on, trimmer will show values in frames also. When subclipping, a dialog will appear at the end of the process which says, "Subclipping Complete". When you subclip a clip, it no longer unloads that clip when it's done. You can now see a 'ghost' of your trim on the Timeline, while you're trimming in the trimmer. This appears only when trimming clips which were loaded from the Timeline. When the outpoint is dragged in front of the inpoint, the duration text now turns red. Transitions added with audio set to 'NONE' no longer place audio on the Timeline. Titles can now be loaded in the trimmer. User can now set video/audio target tracks 1-9 by hitting CTRL+NUMPAD 1-9 for video, and ALT+NUMPAD 1-9 for audio. There is now an option to not apply trim points to clip when you do an insert/overwrite etc. It will just leave the original trim points intact. There is now a hotkey to make a single frame based on the trimmer's clip side playhead location. It has no default, but is in the list as "Make Frame - Trimmer".

Switching cameras now updates your output monitor to show which is the active camera. There is now an option to align clips in multicam by timecode, using either a slip, or a move. If Timeline is in 'frames' mode, multicam will appear in frames mode also. Playhead will now 'wrap around' the interface while you are scrubbing so you can continuously scrub long clips. Same functionality as trim window has had for a long time. Active Camera timecode now turns red. Multicam now takes muted audio tracks into account. Go to Start/End buttons have been added. Multicam now has the option to choose which track the cameras will get condensed to (if that option is enabled). If a multicam 'camera' window is not being used, a 'this camera not in use' graphic is displayed there.

There is now a section in the external controller settings to choose whether you want the record button mapped to Captures "Record" button, or "Batch Capture" button. An Error "Error opening Com2, may already be in use" when launching capture has been fixed. You can now type in a capture value of 15 mb/sec. The acceptable range is .5 to 15. Media will no longer be shifted to the right. Capture directories can now be pointed at a mapped network drive. Page 10 of 12

In Quick Capture mode, R no longer does anything. It was previously erroneously linked to the Record button, which should only be activated by the NUMPAD enter key. Once R started the record, there was no way to stop it! In Quick Capture, when you don't have enough space to capture something, you now get an error message saying you're out of space, as opposed to a blank stare from the capture interface. When you change the scale resolution of the VU meters in capture, then close capture, and relaunch it, the resolution is remembered properly. After a capture, the Timeline now displays the proper feedback as far as what's under the playhead. Previously, it showed an erroneous frame. Changing VU capture meter to Analog now updates immediately when you enter capture. D1-Digital option in capture now reads "SDI". When in Quick Capture or Capture on the Fly mode, you can now launch the waveform vectorscope and make adjustments on the fly, as you could in 7.6. The button is at the top center of the capture interface. Limit box is now renamed 'Single File Limit' as it was misleading. This means the largest contiguous space, whereas the display at the bottom of the capture dialog displays TOTAL space. Timeline option to recapture only unavailable (virtual) media. Recapture now has deck control. Launching QCapture, then Velocity capture no longer overwrites your target directories.

Print to Tape/Output/Multimedia
AVIs/Mpegs made using mono audio no longer plays back audio at half speed. When unifying a dva output, there will be MANY less extraneous renders now. Only segments that are nonreal time or consume all 4 codecs already will be pre-rendered. External Controller no longer stops responding after a Print To Tape. WMV output now has PAL custom profiles loaded into the Profile Manager. You can also edit the PAL presets for WMV output. To select the presets, choose the custom radio button in the main WMV output interface. NEW FEATURE: When selecting MPEG in the output dialog, it will now default to MPEG2 with the DVD default settings pre-loaded. Additionally, all the output dialogs will now have 'Load' and 'Save' buttons at the bottom of the dialogs. If you hit the LOAD button, and there are *.ostmpg files in the dpsVelocity\Samples directory, those files will show up in a menu pop up, so you never even have to browse. The wording in the MPEG output dialog now says 'Embedded' next to the audio checkbox, instead of Enabled, to try and clear up misunderstanding. Windows Media 9 codec now available. Non-functional help button has been removed from Print to tape. Quicktime 6 codec now available. Quicktime should now be able to be output in true 29.97 timecode. The preview window in the movie output dialog hardware acceleration options is now 4:3 aspect. For DV AVI outputs in PAL, there is now a checkbox in the output interface labelled 'Reverse Field Order PAL DV'. In the movie output, hardware accelerated cropping options, the numbers now reflect total cropping values. If you select 80 for horizontal cropping, 40 will come off the left and right sides. If a multimedia output can not be achieved because you don't have enough space on your target drive, an error will now appear. Previously, the file would be truncated without warning. MPEG2 output is now correctly setting gamma levels, so brightness is correct the first time you load up the DVD_COMPLIANT mpeg settings file.

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There is now an option to use RS422 control with SoftDV.

When you launch velocity, the splash screen now appears immediately, so you know something's going on. The splash screen now informs you what's going on, and stays open UNTIL the program is ready for use. It won't disappear when you click it anymore. In PAL, clips are no longer changing lengths, thusly getting an _0 added to their name next time the project is loaded. Projects not created in the current version of velocity (8.2.09) will get a warning message saying that they can't be opened in 8.1 or earlier versions, and to make a copy before proceeding if that worries you When you copy the system directory of a project to a new location, you'll now see the project loading gauge with the note: "Repointing Project Management, please wait". Previously, there was no GUI, so it looked like the system was hung. The initial Project Management default will have 'Place Media I/O folders within Project Folders' checked. Screen view should now be remembered when a project is reloaded (in addition to zoom level and playhead location). If you disable the preview window, this state will be remembered next time you open velocity. When you launch a project that contains multiple Timeline tabs, it will now default to the last accessed Timeline, instead of last one alphanumerically. Since we don't prompt to replace missing media when projects are loaded, a reminder pops up that says "Missing media found. Use File-->Replace Virtual Clips to replace media". This applies to media in Timelines and Galleries. User can now enable KEY OUT and view a composite alpha output on their monitors. Drawing has been cleaned up. Info Popups are now stationary, and when moving clips, only the outline of the clip is drawn. There are no longer options for an untitled project. You will always be prompted with New or Load current project - There is now a dividing line between File-->Save Project and File-->Delete Project, to reduce accidents. You can now turn off Timeline status bar, Gallery status bar, and general status bar (independently) using options in the View menu. RT Safe Spin has been renamed "Video Safe Spin", to try and be more clear. When a Safe Spin error occurs, a button on the toolbar turns RED. You can then hit the button, and see a list of the safe spins that occured, and the Timeline location of the safe spins. If playback fails to start for any reason, we'll now provide the error: Failed to cue hardware for playback. This way the user has something to report to tech support. GUI buttons like Collect, Capture Mark In, and Capture Mark Out are more responsive now. Localize media function now has an option to localize ALL open Timelines. Tool tips now appear when you hover over the mute/solo/lock/pan buttons on the track headers, and on the buttons in the VU meters. Changing the undo level to 0 in velocity will no longer cause a lockup on the Timeline. Using burn in timecode now behaves when using JKL playback. The "Allow creation of dps files on system drives" option defaults to ON on dpsVelocityQ systems. In the File Menu, there are now import/export options for OMF, AAF, and EDL.

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