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Regional Scout Committee, European Region Comit Scout Rgional, Rgion Europenne World Scout Bureau European Regional

Office Rue Henri-Christin 5 P.O. Box 327 1211 Geneva 4 Plainpalais SWITZERLAND Phone Fax (+41 22) 705 11 00 (+41 22) 705 11 09 |

To: International Commissioners and Principal Contacts of NSOs and NSAs of the European Scout Region Subscribers of

Date 21 November 2011

Circular 23/2011 Circular 23/2011

Reporting on the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 Supporting Growth in Changing Times Dear friends Following the Regional Scout Committee meeting held in Pax Lodge, London, 11-13 November 2011, I am pleased to send you the updated Regional Scout Plan showing the progress made. Also included in this mailing are the updated reports from the Working Groups and Core Groups. I trust you will find the information of interest. Should you have any questions relating to the information, please do not hesitate to contact members of the Regional Committee or Regional staff. Best wishes. Yours sincerely

David McKee Regional Director Enc: Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 - RAG Status Report Reports from the Working Groups and Core Groups

European Scout Committee

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013

Situation Assessment November 2011

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

Colour Codes
Actions accomplished - achieving the KPI through this action Actions in progress, including thinking, planning and starting r No action taken

Actions foreseen

N in the centre of a box is a new action/activity not in the original plan

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 1
OB 1.1

Create more opportunities for adults to volunteer in Scouting KPI 20 NSOs/NSAs create more opportunities for adults to volunteer

Coordinator: PT, ESC: CL, WSB-ERO: MM, NP




Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 N


1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4

Initiate an exchange of best practices amongst NSOs/NSAs on the recruitment of adult volunteers with little or no previous experience of Scouting Establish contact with European Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) organisations and business networks in order to promote the value of volunteering in Scouting Encourage NSOs/NSAs to review role descriptions for adult volunteers in Scouting to ensure that the language used is recognisable by potential volunteers Encourage NSOs/NSAs to ensure that training undertaken as an adult volunteer in Scouting is seen as having value outside of Scouting



Stimulate the development of legislation that is supportive towards volunteering generally and Scouting in particular KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs develop a strategic approach to influence legislation 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4

Initiate an exchange of information on legislation that affects volunteering, both positively and negatively, and Scouting activities in particular Improve the legal and financial conditions for volunteering through the European Year of Volunteering Alliance Improve contact with Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission, to promote Scouting as a key player in volunteering Review existing materials and encourage NSOs/NSAs to strengthen how they promote and encourage volunteering inside and outside of Scouting

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 1
OB 1.3

Contribute to the European Year of Volunteering 2011 KPI 30 NSOs/NSAs engage in the European Year of Volunteering

Coordinator: PT, ESC: CL, WSB-ERO: MM, NP




Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4

Gather and promote practical information about the European Year of Volunteering 2011 through an online toolkit Encourage NSOs/NSAs to engage with National Coordinating Bodies (NCBs) in the planning and execution of campaigns and celebrations, and to network with others Contribute as an active Member of the European Year of Volunteering Alliance and promote the work of the Alliance to NSOs/NSAs Strengthen links with other Members of the European Year of Volunteering Alliance and assist in securing the legacy of the European Year of Volunteering N



Recruit, welcome and retain adult volunteers through effective management of human capital KPI 30 NSOs/NSAs participate in sessions on volunteer management 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 N N


1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4

Promote the theories and practices associated with the management of adult volunteers in Scouting through training and events Initiate an exchange of information and knowledge relating to the management of adult volunteers in Scouting through the Scout Library and other platforms Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify what actions are required at local level to sustainably retain adult volunteers in Scouting Identify tools and approaches that can be used by NSOs/NSAs to ensure diversity in recruitment of adult volunteers in Scouting at local level

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 1
OB 1.5


Coordinator: PT, ESC: CL, WSB-ERO: MM, NP

Focus on the benefits of personal development and the need for self-recognition KPI 15 NSOs/NSAs using and promoting self-recognition tools 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 N N N


1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4

Provide support and resources to assist NSOs/NSAs in demonstrating the personal value of volunteering in Scouting and the impact it has on society Support the personal development of adult volunteers as well as the self-evaluation and self-recognition of competencies acquired through Scouting Stimulate the implementation of self-evaluation and self-recognition measures at world, regional and national events Encourage NSOs/NSAs to understand the concept of Lifelong Learning and factor this in to the design of training systems for adult volunteers in Scouting



Promote the recognition of the value of volunteering in Scouting, both internally and externally KPI 20 NSOs/NSAs benefit from information exchanges and projects 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 N N N


1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3

Initiate an exchange of best practices in internal and external recognition, following research undertaken in connection with the event Volunteering in Youth NGOs Share results and continue to exchange best practices in internal and external recognition of volunteering through online platforms Follow the development of the on-going project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting and share the results with NSOs/NSAs

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 2
OB 2.1

Growth through Quality

Coordinator: HSG, ESC: AD, WSB-ERO: JB, RSc

Develop projects to identify and tackle quality factors affecting membership growth KPI 50 NSOs/NSAs using Growth through Quality tools or services 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4

Identify quality standards or frameworks used by NSOs/NSAs in Europe as well as around the world and share the information with NSOs/NSAs Promote the use of the Action for Growth toolkit as well as other tools focussed on ensuring quality, direct to NSOs/NSAs as well as through seminars and events Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify appropriate methods for communicating the need for membership growth and how to present this to the public Actively participate in projects and research activities initiated at world level related to membership growth N



Explore the potential of minimum standards in driving quality in adult training systems KPI 15 NSOs/NSAs involved, using standards and new technologies 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4

Work with interested NSOs/NSAs to establish voluntary quality standards in training for adult volunteers Encourage and support interested NSOs/NSAs in the review and renewal of adult training systems Work with selected NSOs/NSAs to compare training provision for adult volunteers in Scouting and publish a report outlining the conclusions and recommendations Support NSOs/NSAs in introducing new technologies and techniques to assist with ensuring the quality of training for adult volunteers

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 2
OB 2.3

Growth through Quality

Coordinator: HSG, ESC: AD, WSB-ERO: JB, RSc

Encourage youth programme review and renewal to improve quality and effectiveness KPI 15 NSOs/NSAs monitor the quality of their youth programme 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7

Explore existing quality frameworks and their potential application to ensuring quality in the design and implementation of youth programme Develop an adaptable quality framework to help ensure quality in the design and implementation of youth programme Encourage NSOs/NSAs to regularly evaluate and ensure the quality of youth programme delivery at local level, and work with the feedback Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify the most challenging aspects of youth programme delivery and provide support to ensure effective delivery Gather examples of how NSOs/NSAs allow for flexible delivery of youth programme and encourage other NSOs/NSAs to see the benefits of flexible operating Discuss with NSOs/NSAs how to ensure that youth programmes tackle current issues affecting young people, or how to respond to events happening around them Initiate a discussion with NSOs/NSAs on how to use the youth programme as a vehicle for peer recruitment N

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 2
OB 2.5

Growth through Quality

Improve transition processes and rate of retention between age sections KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs improve transition processes between age sections

Coordinator: HSG, ESC: AD, WSB-ERO: JB, RSc

2010-2011 Q1



Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 N


2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4

Examine data provided by NSOs/NSAs and identify opportunities for better membership retention of young people moving from one age section to another Support NSOs/NSAs in implementing training to assist local managers in improving retention of young people moving from one age section to another Encourage NSOs/NSAs to undertake research with young people who have left Scouting to understand why they left and use this data for future developments Study the transition processes and rates of retention in competitor and partner organisations as well as in other Regions and make recommendations



Reduce the number of young people waiting to join Scouting KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs working strategically to reduce numbers waiting 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4

Identify more accurately, with NSOs/NSAs, how many young people are waiting to join Scouting and share information on the situation Initiate an exchange of knowledge between NSOs/NSAs on the management of requests to join Scouting from young people as well as potential adult volunteers Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify and use innovative recruitment methods to secure adequate adult volunteers to deliver Scouting at local level Assist NSOs/NSAs in developing communications strategies that proactively and constructively deal with the issue of adult volunteer recruitment N

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 3
OB 3.1

Embracing Change

Coordinator: TB, ESC: CH, WSB-ERO: OD, MA

Encourage the monitoring of membership composition and comparison with population data KPI 30 NSOs/NSAs with functional membership management systems 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4

Support NSOs/NSAs with the collection and analysis of dynamic membership data in order to inform strategic development Support NSOs/NSAs in establishing and improving the quality of membership data collection and management of membership management systems Collate dynamic data from NSOs/NSAs and provide a European analysis on membership evolution, emerging trends and forecasts Assist NSOs/NSAs in their efforts to develop Scouting in areas of the country, where previously the presence and impact of Scouting has been weak



Develop approaches to include young people and adult volunteers from different backgrounds KPI 15 NSOs/NSAs document and share their approaches 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.4

Monitor European data about general trends relating to young people and adults from different backgrounds and summarise the findings for NSOs/NSAs Support NSOs/NSAs in the process of identifying and responding to societal changes and trends that positively impact on the development of Scouting Support NSOs/NSAs in using existing tools on strategic planning, organisational development and external relations, in order to adapt to societal changes

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 3
OB 3.3

Embracing Change
Explore the impact and potential of communications technologies in Scouting KPI 25 NSOs/NSAs exploring the issue and sharing best practices

Coordinator: TB, ESC: CH, WSB-ERO: OD, MA

2010-2011 Q1



Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4

With the growth of communications technologies, identify how NSOs/NSAs are using them to become leaner, more flexible and more responsive Identify how NSOs/NSAs are using communications technologies strategically to communicate and engage directly with young people and adult volunteers Initiate a discussion between NSOs/NSAs on the use of communications technologies for management, customer relationships and decision making Support NSOs/NSAs seeking guidance on how to identify communications technologies solutions that are relevant for their needs



Encourage the acquisition, consolidation and protection of adequate resources KPI 30 NSOs/NSAs taking action to acquire, consolidate and protect 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3

Encourage NSOs/NSAs to review their strategic resource requirements, and take action to acquire, consolidate or protect their resources Encourage NSOs/NSAs to mitigate the growth of non-recognised Scout associations by exploring opportunities for collaboration and consolidation Encourage NSOs/NSAs to resolve outstanding legal and financial issues that present a threat to the implementation of strategy and to Scouting

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011



Embracing Change

Coordinator: TB, ESC: CH, WSB-ERO: OD, MA


Promote the development and implementation of equality and diversity policies KPI 20 NSOs/NSAs review, develop or implement policies 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4

Support NSOs/NSAs with the review, development and implementation of their equality and diversity policies Initiate an exchange of best practices on how to mainstream equality and diversity in the day-to-day operations of NSOs/NSAs Identify barriers that impede the review, development and implementation of equality and diversity policies and provide guidance to NSOs/NSAs Assist NSOs/NSAs in their efforts to balance their membership composition and maintain cohesion by reaching out to under-represented groups N



Identify approaches to continually meet the challenge of change KPI 15 NSOs/NSAs engage in dialogue and action on continuous change 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4

Initiate an exchange of ideas amongst NSOs/NSAs on continually adapting to change without sacrificing performance and impact Encourage NSOs/NSAs to make use of strategic insight from their own young people and adult volunteers as well as from competitor and partner organisations Provide training for NSOs/NSAs seeking to work with or manage change in difficult circumstances including with limited financial or professional human resources Request NSOs/NSAs to share examples of processes and methods that drive continual positive change in their strategic development N

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 4
OB 4.1

Youth Empowerment

Coordinator: PDS, ESC: PV, WSB-ERO: RS, NP

Provide skills training, supported by mentoring and coaching, to strengthen youth empowerment KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs introduce mentoring and/or coaching 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4

Define the educational/management value and promote the theory and practice of mentoring and coaching as meaningful ways to develop intergenerational dialogue Initiate an exchange of best practices amongst NSOs/NSAs on mentoring, including peer mentoring, and coaching as methods to support young people Design and deliver an eLearning resource for young people involved at institutional level in NSOs/NSAs, with guidance on how to make an impact Encourage NSOs/NSAs to exchange information on how they ensure young people are supported to take leading volunteer management roles r



Empower and support young people to participate in decision making processes that affect them KPI 15 NSOs/NSAs act to implement or improve youth empowerment 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4

Promote tools and resources on youth empowerment to NSOs/NSAs and solicit feedback on their relevance and usefulness Support NSOs/NSAs in devising and organising events by young people for young people, through sharing of best practice and publication of support materials Reinforce the importance of the Scout Method, especially Learning by Doing and the Patrol System, in delivering youth empowerment for all age sections Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify life skills education in the youth programme for the last age section and highlight their importance in relation to employability

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 4
OB 4.3

Youth Empowerment

Coordinator: PDS, ESC: PV, WSB-ERO: RS, NP

Ensure the presence of youth empowerment measures across all age sections KPI 15 NSOs/NSAs screen their youth programme and share results 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3

Encourage NSOs/NSAs to evaluate their approach to youth empowerment through the youth programme by looking at levels of participation Initiate an exchange of best practices on how feedback from young people, inside and outside Scouting, is used to influence youth programme design Provide support to NSOs/NSAs seeking to empower its youth members to engage in decision making outside of Scouting, at local, regional and national levels



Provide training for young people and adult volunteers in youth empowerment and intergenerational dialogue KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs participate in workshops and maintain interest 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3

Provide support to NSOs/NSAs seeking to introduce the issues of youth empowerment and intergenerational dialogue into the life of their associations Encourage NSOs/NSAs to promote and champion youth empowerment and intergenerational dialogue at all levels Initiate an exchange of best practices on how to implement effective succession planning and knowledge transfer for adult volunteers

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 4
OB 4.5

Youth Empowerment

Coordinator: PDS, ESC: PV, WSB-ERO: RS, NP

Encourage and promote the participation and full involvement of young people in constitutional events and organs KPI 50% of participants in constitutional events are under 35 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4

Initiate an exchange of best practices on how NSOs/NSAs involve young people in their constitutional events and organs Identify the role of young people in the preparation, management and leadership of contingents and delegations to international events and conferences Encourage NSOs/NSAs to support the participation of young people in regional and world events by providing suitable preparation, incentives and resourcing Provide support to NSOs/NSAs seeking to adapt their constitutional events, at all levels, to fully involve young people



Develop communications strategies that involve young people as the public face of Scouting KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs empowering young people as the public face 2010-2011 Q1 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4

Further encourage NSOs/NSAs to develop training activities for young spokespeople and involve them in media management Encourage NSOs/NSAs to involve young people in presenting views to the media on issues affecting young people in general and Scouting in particular Ensure that young people are involved in the design and implementation of programme activities that have opportunities for positive media engagement Support the development of peer-to-peer activities for young people in how to deal with negative and inappropriate stereotypes of Scouting r

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 5
OB 5.1

Partnerships with other Regions

Coordinator: SB, ESC: HS, WSB-ERO: AM, NP

Develop new areas of focus for partnerships between Europe and other Regions KPI 15 NSOs/NSAs in Europe develop new partnerships 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 N


5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4

Encourage NSOs/NSAs to give a new impetus to the Euro-Arab and Europe-Eurasia meetings and establish priority themes relevant to the needs of NSOs/NSAs Encourage NSOs/NSAs to participate in events organised in other Regions, and promote European and national events to NSOs in those other Regions In partnership, strengthen cooperation among Europe-Eurasia Scout representatives in relevant organisations and institutions Map the partnerships that exist between Europe and Africa, initiate a similar exercise with Eurasia and communicate to NSOs/NSAs



Establish common projects to support world level priorities KPI 20 NSOs/NSAs engage with common projects or initiatives 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4

Encourage NSOs/NSAs to promote existing volunteering programmes between Europe and Africa to the last age section as well as adult volunteers Further develop the Europe-Africa Unguvu Project and communicate the impact that the project is having on European NSOs/NSAs Encourage NSOs/NSAs to contribute to the life of the North-South Network and use it for developing ideas, networking and exchanging information Stimulate NSOs/NSAs to promote exchange opportunities for young people from Europe, Eurasia and Arab Scout Regions, in order to enrich the youth programme N

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 5
OB 5.3

Partnerships with other Regions

Coordinator: SB, ESC: HS, WSB-ERO: AM, NP

Research and provide access to external funding opportunities to encourage cooperation and partnerships KPI 5 NSOs/NSAs benefit from external funding to support partnerships 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3

Share information with NSOs/NSAs on external funding opportunities to encourage the development of bilateral and multilateral projects and exchanges Support NSOs/NSAs with applications to funding bodies and provide guidance on reporting procedures, if successful Initiate an exchange of best practice between NSOs/NSAs on external funding applications for cooperation and partnerships



Offer encouragement on European Citizenship, global issues, solidarity and support KPI 5 NSOs/NSAs offering new solidarity and support in other Regions 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 r r


5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4

Encourage NSOs/NSAs to enrich the international dimension of their youth programmes by incorporating European Citizenship and by looking outside Europe Promote existing resources on globalisation, democracy, migration, environment and conflict and encourage NSOs/NSAs to use or adapt them Increase visibility amongst European NSOs/NSAs of Scoutings priorities in other Regions, and how European NSOs/NSAs can engage Identify opportunities for European NSOs/NSAs to provide solidarity and technical support to Scouting in other Regions

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 6
OB 6.1

Educational Methods

Coordinator: TP, ESC: PV, CL, WSB-ERO: RS, MM

Offer networking opportunities for leaders working on similar issues at national level KPI 50 NSOs/NSAs benefit from networking and other opportunities 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4

Design, deliver and evaluate an Educational Methods Forum for people in NSOs/NSAs working in the field of Educational Methods Organise and facilitate networking opportunities for people from NSOs/NSAs with similar roles at national level Support intra-regional projects in the field of Educational Methods, initiated by NSOs/NSAs with similar needs Encourage NSOs/NSAs to look outside Scouting for networking opportunities including with NGOs, business, academic and scientific institutions N



Promote existing materials and tools to support youth programme and adult resources development KPI 20 NSOs/NSAs actively using existing materials and tools 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4

Map existing materials and tools against the needs and strengths of NSOs/NSAs, identify gaps, and target their promotion Update existing materials and tools, or fill gaps, based on feedback from NSOs/NSAs or expert analysis Translate, and share, useful materials and tools into other languages to support their use in settings where understanding of English or French may be limited Follow the development of materials and tools being produced by NSOs/NSAs, other Regions and external organisations, and be ready to promote if appropriate N

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 6
OB 6.3

Educational Methods
Promote and support the use of eLearning and other technologies KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs exploring and using eLearning and other technologies

Coordinator: TP, ESC: PV, CL, WSB-ERO: RS, MM




Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3

Use eLearning platforms and other technology solutions at European level to showcase the potential for use in adult volunteer training provision Identify eLearning approaches being used by NSOs/NSAs and the impact that they have on the participation levels in training for adult volunteers Collect and illustrate how various tools and technologies can be used by NSOs/NSAs to assist them in delivery of youth programme and support to adult volunteers



Support initiatives that enhance youth programmes by adding international/European perspectives KPI 3,400 young people from NSOs/NSAs involved in projects 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


6.4.1 6.4.2

Develop and promote the European Scout Voluntary Programme, Lands of Adventure framework and the Scouts of the World scheme Support NSOs/NSAs seeking to review and update the international dimension of their youth programmes



Review the use of WOSMs youth programme and adult resources policies and advise on possible adjustments KPI 5 NSOs/NSAs contribute their views on the policies 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4



Work with NSOs/NSAs to reflect on the usefulness of WOSMs youth programme and adult resources policies and make recommendations

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 7
OB 7.1

Organisational Development

Coordinator: MDB, ESC: AD, CT, WSB-ERO: OD, JB

Develop and share an adaptable model for effective organisational development in Scouting KPI 30 NSOs/NSAs adopt the model and participate in workshops 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 N


7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3

Define and develop the model, communicate it to NSOs/NSAs and review it based on feedback and results of workshops Develop, deliver and evaluate organisational development workshops Share the definition of the model, examples of best practice, outcomes from the workshops and other relevant materials online



Review available materials relating to organisational development and recommend a subset for use in Scouting KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs using/sharing organisational development resources 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


7.2.1 7.2.2

Issue a call to NSOs/NSAs who may have developed their own specific materials on organisational development and share widely Review existing materials, identify any gaps and seek to close these during specific tailored support initiatives or sub-regional events

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 7
OB 7.3

Organisational Development

Coordinator: MDB, ESC: AD, CT, WSB-ERO: OD, JB

Monitor and review mechanisms used to deliver support in order to ensure effectiveness and efficiency KPI 30 NSOs/NSAs provide feedback on effectiveness of support 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 N


7.3.1 7.3.2

Review all past and current requests for support, what prompted the request for support, how it was handled and what was the effect on NSOs/NSAs Work with the European Scout Committee to identify ways to strengthen the involvement of NSOs/NSAs in supporting/collaborating with other NSOs/NSAs



Support vision and strategy development, organisation design, management and relationships KPI 15 NSOs/NSAs accessing organisational development support 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4

Support NSOs/NSAs in developing vision and strategy, organisational design and change management Support NSOs/NSAs in understanding the processes involved in developing and managing programmes of work, projects and tasks Support NSOs/NSAs with financial planning and financial management Support NSOs/NSAs with issues relating to the management of, support for and working relationships with professional staff

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 8
OB 8.1

External Relations and Funding

Provide guidance and support in the area of external relations and funding KPI 30 NSOs/NSAs make use of networking opportunities

Coordinator: OB, ESC: CH, HS, WSB-ERO: AM, NP




Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4

Encourage NSOs/NSAs to participate in the creation and development of National Youth Councils Ensure networking between NSOs/NSAs in the area of External Relations and Funding, including support for network meetings Strengthen the existing network of Scouts in relevant positions and ensure the monitoring of issues and trends that could affect NSOs/NSAs Act as a conduit for the introduction of issues of concern to actors including wider civil society, government, institutions, formal education and the private sector N



Maintain WOSMs presence and contacts with external partners KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs contribute to policy discussion and development 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4

Cooperate with the European Parliament, European Commission, Economic and Social Committee on relevant topics and hold meetings with Scout representatives Encourage and convene annual meetings of the Big 6 youth organisations in Europe to discuss issues of common interest With NSOs/NSAs, review and develop policy positions on issues relevant to the needs of young people including employment, mobility and human rights Develop contact with external organisations having consultative status with WOSM, including but not limited to ISGF and WSPU, and share outcomes with NSOs/NSAs r r r r N r r r r

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 | Situation Assessment November 2011

SO 8
OB 8.3

External Relations and Funding

Coordinator: OB, ESC: CH, HS, WSB-ERO: AM, NP

Promote the value of volunteering generally, and in Scouting specifically, to external partners KPI 10 NSOs/NSAs seek advice on lobbying techniques 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3

Lobby with and on behalf of NSOs/NSAs for the necessary legislation through other platforms, including the European Chapter on the Rights of Volunteers Promote the value of volunteering and participate in consultations on the promotion and validation of non-formal and informal learning Support NSOs/NSAs in their efforts to develop their lobbying techniques and encourage them to promote the value of volunteering

Supporting Growth in Changing Times

Regional Scout Committee, European Region Comit Scout Rgional, Rgion Europenne

Report to the European Scout Committee

Volunteering Working Group
1. Introduction This report deals with Strategic Objective 1 Volunteering as outlined in the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013. It should be read in conjunction with the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013, which can be accessed at 2. Progress in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 1.1.1 IN PROGRESS Initiate an exchange of best practices amongst NSOs/NSAs on the recruitment of adult volunteers with no previous experience of Scouting Progress: o During the Volunteering Event we addressed this issue. More is planned for the future (see below). No progress since June 2011.

AC 1.1.2 NOT STARTED Establish contact with European Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) organisations and business networks in order to promote the value of volunteering in Scouting Progress: o No concrete action has been proposed to date.

AC 1.1.3 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to review role descriptions for adult volunteers in Scouting to ensure that the language used is recognisable by potential volunteers Progress: o A session on management of adult resources at the Academy will tackle this topic.

AC 1.1.4 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to ensure that training undertaken as an adult volunteer in Scouting is seen as having value outside of Scouting Progress: o Initial results through the ROLIS project. This is now being developed more in Les Scouts and Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen (Belgium), Junak (Czech Republic), KFUM (Denmark) o Session on recognition is prepared for the Academy

AC 1.2.1 IN PROGRESS Initiate an exchange of information on legislation that affects volunteering, both positively and negatively, and Scouting activities in particular Progress: o Initial input was given at the Volunteering Event. Other results were achieved through the work of the EYV 2011 Alliance Working Group on Legal Framework. Since June, we were observing the developments in the European Union (the Communication on Volunteering published in September 2011).

AC 1.2.2 IN PROGRESS Improve the legal and financial conditions for volunteering through the European Year of Volunteering Alliance Progress: o We contributed through the EYV 2011 Alliance to raise the issue and propose various solutions to the EU. Our representatives actively contributed to defining


the first and the second draft of the Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe, through the Working Groups and Steering Group of the EYV 2011 Alliance. AC 1.2.3 IN PROGRESS Improve contact with Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission, to promote Scouting as a key player in volunteering Progress: o Besides work in the Alliance EYV 2011, our colleagues in the External Relations and Funding Core Group keep regular contacts AC 1.2.4 IN PROGRESS Review existing materials and encourage NSOs/NSAs to strengthen how they promote and encourage volunteering inside and outside of Scouting Progress: o During the Volunteering Event we presented all the materials produced so far. More is expected to come in the future. No progress since June 2011. AC 1.3.1 IN PROGRESS Gather and promote practical information about the European Year of Volunteering 2011 through an online toolkit Progress: o The on-line tool is up an running well, together with our colleagues from WAGGGS o Information about the EYV 2011 are regularly presented at the o Information are posted to both platforms regularly since June 2011 o A short promotional text about WOSM was published in the EYV 2011 Alliance Flow (news) AC 1.3.2 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to engage with National Coordinating Bodies (NCBs) in the planning and execution of campaigns and celebrations, and to network with others Progress: o This was promoted at the Volunteering Event. Regular updates are published in Europak. o We are preparing the update to be sent to all NSA and MO, in cooperation with our WAGGGS colleagues also to gather the evidence of NSOs involvement. AC 1.3.3 IN PROGRESS Contribute as an active Member of the European Year of Volunteering Alliance and promote the work of the Alliance to NSOs/NSAs Progress: o Our representatives in the Working Groups and the Steering Group are actively contributing to the work of the Alliance o Work of the Alliance is promoted through our communication channels o Our representatives actively contributed to defining the first and the second draft of the Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe, through the Working Groups and Steering Group of the EYV 2011 Alliance. AC 1.3.4 IN PROGRESS Strengthen links with other Members of the European Year of Volunteering Alliance and assist in securing the legacy of the European Year of Volunteering Progress: o We communicate well with the European Youth Forum and other youth volunteering NGOs o The Region is actively participating in discussions about future of the Alliance o Members of the Volunteering Working Group participated in the YFJ 2nd Volunteering Convention held in September 2011 in Brussels


AC 1.4.1 IN PROGRESS Promote the theories and practices associated with the management of adult volunteers in Scouting through training and events Progress: o At the Volunteering Event, we paid special attention to this issue o Support was given to various intra-regional and national events (Malta, Iceland, ToT Serbia...) o VWG representative delivered the tailored support to Lithuania - workshop on Managing Adult Resources at the leaders event, mainly Members of the National Board and District commissioners, held on 24 September 2011 o We also actively participate in planning other tailored support projects o A session is prepared for the Academy.

AC 1.4.2 IN PROGRESS Initiate an exchange of information and knowledge relating to the management of adult volunteers in Scouting through the Scout Library and other platforms Progress: o Regional documents are uploaded to the Scout Library. No progress since June 2011.

AC 1.4.3 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify what actions are required at local level to sustainably retain adult volunteers in Scouting Progress: o This issue was topic for sessions at the Academy. No progress since June 2011.

AC 1.4.4 IN PROGRESS Identify tools and approaches that can be used by NSOs/NSAs to ensure diversity in recruitment of adult volunteers in Scouting at local level Progress: o This issue was and will be again a topic for a session at the Academy o VWG member participated in the Overture Network meeting in October where this issue was discussed

AC 1.5.1 IN PROGRESS Provide support and resources to assist NSOs/NSAs in demonstrating the personal value of volunteering in Scouting and the impact it has on society Progress: o This issue was dealt with through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting o The second meeting of the Project, held from 14 to 16 October in Portugal, showed progress in all 8 participating countries

AC 1.5.2 IN PROGRESS Support the personal development of adult volunteers as well as the self-evaluation and self-recognition of competencies acquired through Scouting Progress: o This issue was dealt with through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting. Besides, a successful session was devoted to this subject at the Volunteering Event. o The second meeting of the Project, held from 14 to 16 October in Portugal, showed progress in all 8 participating countries

AC 1.5.3 IN PROGRESS Stimulate the implementation of self-evaluation and self-recognition measures at world, regional and national events Progress: o This issue was dealt with through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting. More is planned for the WSJ.


o During the World Scout Jamboree, we held around 25 workshops on this issue as part of the IST experience o Tool "Valorise Toi", originally prepared by Scouts and Guides de France, was translated into Czech and English and used as basis for the work. Several other NSOs, part of the ROLIS project, are interested to translate and use the tool. o Les Scouts and Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen (Belgium), through their national project as part of ROLIS, produced a list of 20 competencies that was advised by the business sector. CNE Portugal have produced another useful tool. AC 1.5.4 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to understand the concept of Lifelong Learning and factor this in to the design of training systems for adult volunteers in Scouting Progress: o This issue was and will be again dealt with through a session at the Academy. AC 1.6.1 IN PROGRESS Initiate an exchange of best practices in internal and external recognition, following research undertaken in connection with the event Volunteering in Youth NGOs Progress: After gathering info at the Volunteering Event, this action is being dealt with through the ROLIS project. AC 1.6.2 IN PROGRESS Share results and continue to exchange best practices in internal and external recognition of volunteering through online platforms Progress: o This issue was dealt with through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting. A few articles were published through on-line platforms AC 1.6.3 IN PROGRESS Follow the development of the on-going project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting and share the results with NSOs/NSAs Progress: o Representatives of the Region are actively contributing to the success of the project o The Region supported the project through the Partnership and Development Fund o The second meeting of the Project, held from 14 to 16 October in Portugal, showed progress in all 8 participating countries 3. Next steps in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Until next meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 1.1.1 Initiate an exchange of best practices amongst NSOs/NSAs on the recruitment of adult volunteers with no previous experience of Scouting Next Steps: o We will use the on-line tool on Managing our Human Capital to gather examples of best practice

AC 1.1.2 Establish contact with European Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) organisations and business networks in order to promote the value of volunteering in Scouting Next Steps: o We plan to establish contacts with the European CSR organisations (together with WAGGGS), using contacts within the EYV 2011 Alliance

AC 1.1.3 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to review role descriptions for adult volunteers in Scouting to ensure that the language used is recognisable by potential volunteers


Next Steps: o We will use the on-line tool on Managing our Human Capital to gather examples of best practice AC 1.1.4 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to ensure that training undertaken as an adult volunteer in Scouting is seen as having value outside of Scouting Next Steps: o We shall explore the opportunities through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting AC 1.2.1 Initiate an exchange of information on legislation that affects volunteering, both positively and negatively, and Scouting activities in particular Next Steps: o We shall continue working on this issue through the Working Group of the Alliance, and then use the outcomes to plan future steps AC 1.2.2 Improve the legal and financial conditions for volunteering through the European Year of Volunteering Alliance Next Steps: o We will continue working on this issue through the EYV 2011 Alliance AC 1.2.3 Improve contact with Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission, to promote Scouting as a key player in volunteering Next Steps: o We will try to keep the same level of contacts AC 1.2.4 Review existing materials and encourage NSOs/NSAs to strengthen how they promote and encourage volunteering inside and outside of Scouting Next Steps: o We will use the on-line tool on Managing our Human Capital to gather examples of best practice AC 1.3.1 Gather and promote practical information about the European Year of Volunteering 2011 through an online toolkit Next Steps: o We will continue updating the Tool and add information at the AC 1.3.2 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to engage with National Coordinating Bodies (NCBs) in the planning and execution of campaigns and celebrations, and to network with others Next Steps: o We will continue communicating and updating both NCBs and participants in the Volunteering Event AC 1.3.3 Contribute as an active Member of the European Year of Volunteering Alliance and promote the work of the Alliance to NSOs/NSAs Next Steps: o We will continue to contribute actively to the EYV 2011 Alliance o In the next two months some important decisions about the future of the Alliance will be taken and the WOSM European Region should actively


contribute. Also, the final Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe is to be shaped and agreed on by the Alliance. AC 1.3.4 Strengthen links with other Members of the European Year of Volunteering Alliance and assist in securing the legacy of the European Year of Volunteering Next Steps: o We will continue to contribute actively to the EYV 2011 Alliance AC 1.4.1 Promote the theories and practices associated with the management of adult volunteers in Scouting through training and events Next Steps: o We will use the on-line tool on Managing our Human Capital to gather examples of best practice o We are available for all the tailored support programmes to NSAs AC 1.4.2 Initiate an exchange of information and knowledge relating to the management of adult volunteers in Scouting through the Scout Library and other platforms Next Steps: o We will create and update the on-line tool on Managing our Human Capital by the end of 2011 AC 1.4.3 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify what actions are required at local level to sustainably retain adult volunteers in Scouting Next Steps: o We planed to have this issue again as part of a session at the Academy, but the proposal was not accepted AC 1.4.4 Identify tools and approaches that can be used by NSOs/NSAs to ensure diversity in recruitment of adult volunteers in Scouting at local level Next Steps: o We need to see what are the plans in the Overture Network to continue working on this issue AC 1.5.1 Provide support and resources to assist NSOs/NSAs in demonstrating the personal value of volunteering in Scouting and the impact it has on society Next Steps: o We shall explore the opportunities through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting AC 1.5.2 Support the personal development of adult volunteers as well as the self-evaluation and self-recognition of competencies acquired through Scouting Next Steps: o We shall explore the opportunities through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting AC 1.5.3 Stimulate the implementation of self-evaluation and self-recognition measures at world, regional and national events Next Steps: o We shall explore the opportunities through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting.


o Post original and the English translation of "Valorise Toi" to Euroscoutinfo and the Scout Library, together with a methodology for workshops developed in preparation for the WSJ and updated after the successful running of 25 sessions for ISTs AC 1.5.4 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to understand the concept of Lifelong Learning and factor this in to the design of training systems for adult volunteers in Scouting Next Steps: o We will work on this issue together with the Growth Through Quality Working Group and the Educational Methods Core Group o Our collaborative work will contribute to the actions undertaken by the European Youth Forum AC 1.6.1 Initiate an exchange of best practices in internal and external recognition, following research undertaken in connection with the event Volunteering in Youth NGOs Next Steps: o We will use the on-line tool on Managing our Human Capital to gather examples of best practice AC 1.6.2 Share results and continue to exchange best practices in internal and external recognition of volunteering through online platforms Next Steps: o We shall explore the opportunities through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting AC 1.6.3 Follow the development of the on-going project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting and share the results with NSOs/NSAs Next Steps: o We shall explore the opportunities through the Project on Recognition of Learning in Scouting o VWG will help with the dissemination of the results once the project has finished in 2012. 4. Successes
Please list the key successes since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

We are actively contributing to and benefiting from the European year of Volunteering 2011 We actively contributed to the World Scout Jamboree, YFJ Convention, preparations for the Academy, ROLIS second meeting and delivery of tailored support project to Lithuania We have held two Skype meetings and one short face-to-face meeting during the World Scout Jamboree

5. Challenges

Please list the key challenges since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

It is challenging to coordinate work of various structures that work on this issue in a very dynamic environment.

6. Issues for the consideration of the European Scout Committee

In brief, please list significant issues that you would like the European Scout Committee to consider

Future of the work in the area of volunteering in Europe Advice on how and where to have an on-line platform in the future

25 October 2011

Regional Scout Committee, European Region Comit Scout Rgional, Rgion Europenne

Report to the European Scout Committee

Growth through Quality Working Group
1. Introduction This report deals with Strategic Objective 2 Growth through Quality as outlined in the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013. It should be read in conjunction with the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013, which can be accessed at 2. Progress in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 2.1.1 IN PROGRESS Identify quality standards or frameworks used by NSOs/NSAs in Europe as well as around the world and share the information with NSOs/NSAs Progress: o Gathering data on existing quality standards and putting them in usable form

AC 2.1.2 - IN PROGRESS Promote the use of the Action for Growth toolkit as well as other tools focussed on ensuring quality, direct to NSOs/NSAs as well as through seminars and events Progress: o Both Action for Growth, produced by ESR and Growth Report produced by WSB-CO are going to be presented on the Academy 2011. Beside two sessions for presentation of the toolkits, there will be additional informal sessions in additional time slots.

AC 2.1.4 IN PROGRESS Actively participate in projects and research activities initiated at world level related to membership growth Progress: o Collecting info on projects and research at world level. Information was distributed to World Scout Committee members and staff working on world level

AC 2.2.1 IN PROGRESS Work with interested NSOs/NSAs to establish voluntary quality standards in training for adult volunteers Progress: o Gathering requests on TS o Processed results from Needs and strengths analysis and suggested TS in this area o Listing ideas for sessions on the Academy

AC 2.2.2 IN PROGRESS Encourage and support interested NSOs/NSAs in the review and renewal of adult training systems Progress: o Gather information on NSOs that are reviewing/renewing their training systems o Processed results from Needs and strengths analysis and suggested TS in this area


AC 2.2.4 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs in introducing new technologies and techniques to assist with ensuring the quality of training for adult volunteers Progress: o Gathering information on existing experience AC 2.3.1 IN PROGRESS Explore existing quality frameworks and their potential application to ensuring quality in the design and implementation of youth programme Progress: o Gatherring information from NSOs on existing quality frameworks, through Committee contact system and internet resources AC 2.3.5 IN PROGRESS Gather examples of how NSOs/NSAs allow for flexible delivery of youth programme and encourage other NSOs/NSAs to see the benefits of flexible operating Progress: o Find examples of best practices o Realization of 2 sessions during the Academy non-formal sessions to collect information and good examples of flexible delivery of youth programme AC 2.5.1 IN PROGRESS Examine data provided by NSOs/NSAs and identify opportunities for better membership retention of young people moving from one age section to another Progress: o Gathering data o Realization of online survey of retention of young people during the WS Jamboree. This survey is prolonged during the Academy, as well

AC 2.5.2 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs in implementing training to assist local managers in improving retention of young people moving from one age section to another Progress: o Realization of online survey of retention of young people during the WS Jamboree. This survey is prolonged during the Academy, as well AC 2.5.3 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to undertake research with young people who have left Scouting to understand why they left and use this data for future developments Progress: o Preparation and realization of sessions during the Academy AC 2.5.4 IN PROGRESS Study the transition processes and rates of retention in competitor and partner organisations as well as in other Regions and make recommendations Progress: o Research gathering data from existing resources, contacts and internet


AC 2.6.1 IN PROGRESS Identify more accurately, with NSOs/NSAs, how many young people are waiting to join Scouting and share information on the situation Progress: o Gathering data on existing waiting lists in NSOs

AC 2.6.2 IN PROGRESS Initiate an exchange of knowledge between NSOs/NSAs on the management of requests to join Scouting from young people as well as potential adult volunteers Progress: o Non-formal session with NSOs during the Academy, to investigate the possibility for separate event

AC 2.6.3 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify and use innovative recruitment methods to secure adequate adult volunteers to deliver Scouting at local level Progress: o Preparation of article for Euroscoutinfo AC 2.6.4 IN PROGRESS Assist NSOs/NSAs in developing communications strategies that proactively and constructively deal with the issue of adult volunteer recruitment Progress: o Suggestion of TS to some NSOs

3. Next steps in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs

Until next meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 2.1.1 Identify quality standards or frameworks used by NSOs/NSAs in Europe as well as around the world and share the information with NSOs/NSAs Next Steps: o Gathering data on existing quality standards and putting them in usable form

AC 2.1.2 Promote the use of the Action for Growth toolkit as well as other tools focussed on ensuring quality, direct to NSOs/NSAs as well as through seminars and events Progress: o TS to NSOs o Session during the growth event in April 2012 o Advertise the toolkits on existing web-tools (

AC 2.1.4 Actively participate in projects and research activities initiated at world level related to membership growth Next Steps: o Collect info on projects and research at world level AC 2.2.1 Work with interested NSOs/NSAs to establish voluntary quality standards in training for adult volunteers Next Steps: o Gathering requests on TS o Participation at the Annual TC Network meeting


AC 2.2.2 Encourage and support interested NSOs/NSAs in the review and renewal of adult training systems Next o o o Steps: Gather information on NSOs that are reviewing/renewing their training systems Share information on quality standards in training systems Possible workshop for the TC Network meeting

AC 2.2.3 Work with selected NSOs/NSAs to compare training provision for adult volunteers in Scouting and publish a report outlining the conclusions and recommendations Next Steps: o Identify and select NSOs (that are already working on training provision) o Create a questionnaire for them to fill out AC 2.2.4 Support NSOs/NSAs in introducing new technologies and techniques to assist with ensuring the quality of training for adult volunteers Next Steps: o Gathering information on existing experience o Tailored support AC 2.3.1 Explore existing quality frameworks and their potential application to ensuring quality in the design and implementation of youth programme Next Steps: o Gather information from NSOs on existing quality frameworks AC 2.3.4 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify the most challenging aspects of youth programme delivery and provide support to ensure effective delivery Next Steps: o Tailored support o EuroScoutInfo articles AC 2.3.5 Gather examples of how NSOs/NSAs allow for flexible delivery of youth programme and encourage other NSOs/NSAs to see the benefits of flexible operating Next Steps: o Collecting and editing examples of best practices o EuroScoutInfo articles AC 2.5.1 Examine data provided by NSOs/NSAs and identify opportunities for better membership retention of young people moving from one age section to another Next Steps: o Get data from ECWG, examine, identify opportunities/challenges... o Participation at the Annual TC Network meeting

AC 2.5.2 Support NSOs/NSAs in implementing training to assist local managers in improving retention of young people moving from one age section to another


Next Steps: o Possible workshop at the Annual TC Network meeting o Tailored support AC 2.5.3 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to undertake research with young people who have left Scouting to understand why they left and use this data for future developments Next Steps: o Circular to NSO with results / feedback from survey o EuroScoutInfo articles AC 2.5.4 Study the transition processes and rates of retention in competitor and partner organisations as well as in other Regions and make recommendations Next o o o Steps: Research gather info from other organisation Report findings and recommendations (to the ESC) EuroScoutInfo articles

AC 2.6.1 Identify more accurately, with NSOs/NSAs, how many young people are waiting to join Scouting and share information on the situation Next Steps: o Gathering data on existing waiting lists in NSOs o Circulate the results

AC 2.6.3 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify and use innovative recruitment methods to secure adequate adult volunteers to deliver Scouting at local level Next Steps: o Preparing an online survey on recruitment methods o EuroScoutInfo articles o Circular to NSO with results / feedback from survey

AC 2.6.4 Assist NSOs/NSAs in developing communications strategies that proactively and constructively deal with the issue of adult volunteer recruitment Next Steps: o Possible Tailored support

4. Successes n/a

Please list the key successes since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

5. Challenges n/a

Please list the key challenges since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

6. Issues for the consideration of the European Scout Committee

In brief, please list significant issues that you would like the European Scout Committee to consider

From the information gathered as of this moment, it seems that there are no very much NSOs that are having waiting lists to joint Scouting. If this is proved to be true, it will be impossible to reach KPI for the point 2.6 : 10 NSOs/NSAs working strategically to reduce numbers waiting

October 2011

Regional Scout Committee, European Region Comit Scout Rgional, Rgion Europenne

Report to the European Scout Committee

EMBRACING CHANGE Working Group Thanks to fulfill progress according to your fixed plans. Delays should be explained. When activities are foreseen for later on, please let it blank
1. Introduction This report deals with Strategic Objective 3 Embracing Change as outlined in the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013. It should be read in conjunction with the Regional Scout Plan 20102013, which can be accessed at Since the Spring 2011, the coordination of the Embracing Change Working Group has been undertaken jointly by the Committee and staff member in charge. By the end of August 2011, the Committee and staff members had skype calls with all the members of the Working Group to update and clarify the responsabilities and tasks of each one. Since, the work is ongoing smoothly and delays are mainly overtaken, thanks to the high motivation of the volunteers. 2. Progress in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 3.1.1 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs with the collection and analysis of dynamic membership data in order to inform strategic development Progress: o 3 tailored support requests are in the pipeline

AC 3.1.2 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs in establishing and improving the quality of membership data collection and management of membership management systems Progress: o 3 tailored support requests are in the pipeline o Contact and discussion established for promoting and / or financing the initiative of the Second Round Table on Internet System

AC 3.2.1 IN PROGRESS Monitor European data about general trends relating to young people and adults from different backgrounds and summarise the findings for NSOs/NSAs Progress: o Effective collection of datas started in September 2011

AC 3.2.2 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs in the process of identifying and responding to societal changes and trends that positively impact on the development of Scouting Progress: o Very first discussions started among the WG concerned persons in order to prepare the nexts steps o This point is very much related to AC 3.2.2.

AC 3.2.4 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs in using existing tools on strategic planning, organisational development and external relations, in order to adapt to societal changes Progress:


o Coordination with the other Working and Core Groups implemented, mainly through tailored support requests. AC 3.3.1 IN PROGRESS With the growth of communications technologies, identify how NSOs/NSAs are using them to become leaner, more flexible and more responsive Progress: o Ongoing survey AC 3.3.2 IN PROGRESS Identify how NSOs/NSAs are using communications technologies strategically to communicate and engage directly with young people and adult volunteers Progress: o The questionnaire was sent out through the Committee AC 3.3.3 IN PROGRESS Initiate a discussion between NSOs/NSAs on the use of communications technologies for management, customer relationships and decision-making Progress: o Idem above AC 3.4.1 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to review their strategic resource requirements, and take action to acquire, consolidate or protect their resources Progress: o 3 tailored support requests in fields of National Management Board, financial governance, human resource managementNo information available AC 3.4.2 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to mitigate the growth of non-recognised Scout associations by exploring opportunities for collaboration and consolidation Progress: o Very first discussions and idea sharing among the WG members. AC 3.4.3 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to resolve outstanding legal and financial issues that present a threat to the implementation of strategy and to Scouting Progress: o No information available AC 3.5.1 - IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs with the review, development and implementation of their equality and diversity policies Progress: o Collection, consultation and review of reference documentation ongoing (diversity, social inclusion, human capital) o 1 tailored support request on euality and diversity policies o Participation and exchange at Milano EM CG and collate ideas and doubts AC 3.5.2 IN PROGRESS Initiate an exchange of best practices on how to mainstream equality and diversity in the day-to-day operations of NSOs/NSAs Progress: o Initiation started o Open call in preparation


AC 3.6.4 NOT STARTED Request NSOs/NSAs to share examples of processes and methods that drive continual positive change in their strategic development Progress: o Not started due to overload and other obligations

3. Next steps in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs

Until next meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 3.1.1 Support NSOs/NSAs with the collection and analysis of dynamic membership data in order to inform strategic Next Steps o Membership data study o Executive summary on linking membership data with the strategic planning

AC 3.1.2 Support NSOs/NSAs in establishing and improving the quality of membership data collection and management of of membership management systems Next Steps o Co-organisation of the Second Round Table on Internet System will be discussed and defined.

AC 3.2.1 Monitor European data about general trends relating to young people and adults from different backgrounds and summarise the findings for NSOs/NSAs Next Steps o Report on analysis and trends available for NSOs/NSAs

AC 3.2.2 Support NSOs/NSAs in the process of identifying and responding to societal changes and trends that positively impact on the development of Scouting Next Steps o Direct contact with identified NSOs NSAs to be made

AC 3.2.4 Support NSOs/NSAs in using existing tools on strategic planning, organisational development and external relations, in order to adapt to societal changes Next Steps o To strenghten coordination and cooperation with other Working and Core Groups

AC 3.3.1 With the growth of communications technologies, identify how NSOs/NSAs are using them to become leaner, more flexible and more responsive AC 3.3.2 Identify how NSOs/NSAs are using communications technologies strategically to communicate and engage directly with young people and adult volunteers AC 3.3.3 Initiate a discussion between NSOs/NSAs on the use of communications technologies for management, customer relationships and decision-making Next Steps o Suggestions made during the Academy 2011 session should be analysed and proceeded whenever possible

AC 3.5.1 Support NSOs/NSAs with the review, development and implementation of their equality and diversity policies


Next Steps: o Open call to NSOs/NSAs for their participation in sharing best practices o Active cooperation with Overture Network to achieve the joint Objectives of the Embracing Change Working Group AC 3.5.2 Initiate an exchange of best practices on how to mainstream equality and diversity in the day-to-day operations of NSOs/NSAs Next Steps: o We will continue contact with additional NSOs/NSAs o Provision of Tailored Support on equality and diversity management 4. Successes Despite the fact that the Working Group has no coordinator, all members are now informed and agreed upon their responsabilities and tasks within the working group. All members provided their tasks and priority lists and are working on. Different opportunities were taken to improve the coordination and cooperation among the Working and Core groups. Participation to the Academy 2011 in Paris and delivery of the session on The Impact of modern communications on Scouting and Guiding. 5. Challenges A demanding (deep) review on equality and diversity policies as well as best practices is required in order to be able to identify the main barriers faced in implementing them. It is foreseen to use the SWOT analysis to better understand the internal and external obstacles and to be ablr to make propositions. 6. Issues for the consideration of the European Scout Committee Nomination of a new Embracing Change Working Group coordinator still under procedure 25th October 2011

Regional Scout Committee, European Region Comit Scout Rgional, Rgion Europenne

Report to the European Scout Committee

Youth Empowerment Working Group
1. Introduction This report deals with Strategic Objective 4 Youth Empowerment as outlined in the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013. It should be read in conjunction with the Regional Scout Plan 20102013, which can be accessed at 2. Progress in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 4.1.1 IN PROGRESS Define the educational/management value and promote the theory and practice of mentoring and coaching as meaningful ways to develop intergenerational dialogue Progress: o Session at the Academy. AC 4.1.2 IN PROGRESS Initiate an exchange of best practices amongst NSOs/NSAs on mentoring, including peer mentoring, and coaching as methods to support young people Progress: o Process started at the Academy. AC 4.2.2 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs in devising and organising events by young people for young people, through sharing of best practice and publication of support materials Progress: o Successful funding application for Agora 2012 with sponsored places for Eurasia. o Agora Planning Team selected and strated the preparations. o Agora Toolkit Editorial Team met and finalised the layout and content. AC 4.2.2 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify life skills education in the youth programme for the last age section and highlight their importance in relation to employability Progress: o Compiling of material and preparation of draft document started AC 4.3.3 IN PROGRESS Provide support to NSOs/NSAs seeking to empower its youth members to engage in decision making outside of Scouting, at local, regional and national levels Progress: o Initial discussions with world level re Youth for Change. AC 4.4.1 IN PROGRESS Provide support to NSOs/NSAs seeking to introduce the issues of youth empowerment and intergenerational dialogue into the life of their associations Progress: o Session at the Academy. AC 4.5.1 IN PROGRESS Initiate an exchange of best practices on how NSOs/NSAs involve young people in their constitutional events and organs Progress: o Compiling of material and preparation of draft document started AC 4.5.2 IN PROGRESS Identify the role of young people in the preparation, management and leadership of contingents and delegations to international events and conferences Progress: o Compiling of material and preparation of draft document started


AC 4.5.3 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to support the participation of young people in regional and world events by providing suitable preparation, incentives and resourcing Progress: o Planning of action taking place. AC 4.5.4 IN PROGRESS Provide support to NSOs/NSAs seeking to adapt their constitutional events, at all levels, to fully involve young people Progress: o Planning of action taking place. AC 4.6.1 IN PROGRESS Further encourage NSOs/NSAs to develop training activities for young spokespeople and involve them in media management Progress: o Compiling of material and preparation of draft document started AC 4.6.2 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to involve young people in presenting views to the media on issues affecting young people in general and Scouting in particular Progress: o Involvement in organisation of Tell the story! Speak out! event and in applying for funding for event in 2012. AC 4.6.3 IN PROGRESS Ensure that young people are involved in the design and implementation of programme activities that have opportunities for positive media engagement Progress: o Involvement in organisation of Tell the story! Speak out! event and in applying for funding for event in 2012. o Further actions in planning stage. AC 4.6.4 NOT STARTED Support the development of peer-to-peer activities for young people in how to deal with negative and inappropriate stereotypes of Scouting Progress: o No concrete action has been proposed to date.

3. Next steps in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs

Until next meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 4.1.1 Define the educational/management value and promote the theory and practice of mentoring and coaching as meaningful ways to develop intergenerational dialogue o Follow-up on the session at the Academy o Production of Euro.Scout.Doc AC 4.1.2 Initiate an exchange of best practices amongst NSOs/NSAs on mentoring, including peer mentoring, and coaching as methods to support young people o Follow-up on the work during the Academy o Online BP database AC 4.2.2 Support NSOs/NSAs in devising and organising events by young people for young people, through sharing of best practice and publication of support materials o Agora 2012 preparations o Publish toolkit AC 4.2.2 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to identify life skills education in the youth programme for the last age section and highlight their importance in relation to employability o Finalising draft general document o Distribute Valorise-Toi


AC 4.3.3 Provide support to NSOs/NSAs seeking to empower its youth members to engage in decision making outside of Scouting, at local, regional and national levels o Cooperate with the Youth Representatives in National Youth Councils to get some good stories o Promote Scouts of the World AC 4.4.1 Provide support to NSOs/NSAs seeking to introduce the issues of youth empowerment and intergenerational dialogue into the life of their associations Progress: o Follow-up on the session at the Academy o Production of Euro.Scout.Doc AC 4.5.1 Initiate an exchange of best practices on how NSOs/NSAs involve young people in their constitutional events and organs Progress: o Online BP database AC 4.5.2 Identify the role of young people in the preparation, management and leadership of contingents and delegations to international events and conferences o prepare guidelines for delegates / participants to events AC 4.5.3 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to support the participation of young people in regional and world events by providing suitable preparation, incentives and resourcing o prepare guidelines for delegates / participants to events AC 4.5.4 Provide support to NSOs/NSAs seeking to adapt their constitutional events, at all levels, to fully involve young people o Self assesment tool on "how Youth involved / Youth empowered is my NSO" AC 4.6.1 Further encourage NSOs/NSAs to develop training activities for young spokespeople and involve them in media management Progress: o Support document for Young Spokepersons Training AC 4.6.2 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to involve young people in presenting views to the media on issues affecting young people in general and Scouting in particular o Examples on how to identify issues in the society through articles in papers (Euro.Scout.Doc?) AC 4.6.3 Ensure that young people are involved in the design and implementation of programme activities that have opportunities for positive media engagement o Mentoring guidelines for large scale events AC 4.6.4 Support the development of peer-to-peer activities for young people in how to deal with negative and inappropriate stereotypes of Scouting Progress: o Session at the Forum

4. Successes

Please list the key successes since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

The Youth Empowerment WG met twice The work progresses well if a little slow

5. Challenges

Please list the key challenges since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee


Taking up responsibilities within the plan Better communication and follow-up within the group Rescheduling missed targets

6. Issues for the consideration of the European Scout Committee See above challenges

In brief, please list significant issues that you would like the European Scout Committee to consider

19 October 2011

Regional Scout Committee, European Region Comit Scout Rgional, Rgion Europenne

Report to the European Scout Committee

Partnerships with Other Regions
1. Introduction This report deals with Strategic Objective 5 Partnerships with other Regions as outlined in the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013. It should be read in conjunction with the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013, which can be accessed at 2. Progress in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 5.1.1 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to give a new impetus to the Euro-Arab and Europe-Eurasia meetings and establish priority themes relevant to the needs of NSOs/NSAs Progress: o Planning team meeting for the Europe Eurasia Meeting (25-27 November) took place in Prague, in the venue of the actual meeting (2-4 September). The meeting will focus on working on developing or establishing current and new partnerships between NSOs from Europe and Eurasia. Final number of participants are not available.

AC 5.1.2 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to participate in events organised in other Regions, and promote European and national events to NSOs in those other Regions Progress: o Specific work has been done with Eurasia and Arab Regions regarding the participation of rovers to Roverway in Finland. Circular was sent in the Arab regions. Funding opportunities have been identified. Unfortunately, the Youth in Action National Agency indicated that they are not willing to fund Scouts projects (as project from a well established organisation) o During the Unguvu Coalition Meeting at WSJ, European and African events were both promoted. Looking into promoting the 6th African Jamboree in Burundi among European NSOs. o Promotion to sign up to various funding applications and in particular Partnership event (March 2012 Paris ; WOSM contribution to the North South Network) AC 5.1.3 IN PROGRESS In partnership, strengthen cooperation among Europe-Eurasia Scout representatives in relevant organisations and institutions Progress: o The European Region is now represented in the Advisory Council of the Council of Europe by Sandu Coica, from Moldova; in cooperation with Eurasia Region. The mandate is coming to an end. WOSM is putting Alexandru forward for elections (18/19 November).

AC 5.2.2 IN PROGRESS Further develop the Europe-Africa Unguvu Project and communicate the impact that the project is having on European NSOs/NSAs Progress: o Since June Unguvu has moved into its final stages. The last workshop was successfully hosted by VCP at Burg Rieneck in Bavaria, Germany (7-12 June). o The tools are now in the final stages of editing and translation into French and Portuguese and should be available in early to mid-December. o From September 22-25 the Coordinating Team held their final meeting at the headquarters of SGdF in Paris, during which they finalised the content of the tools and evaluated the project. o The final report preparations have started.


o During the WSJ we held workshops in the GDV based on the principals of the Unguvu tools. We also had an interactive stand in the GDV and board in the World Scout Centre promoting Unguvu. o During the WSJ we organised a meeting of the current Unguvu Coalition and prospective members. The meeting provided the opportunity for several participants to present how the project had helped them in their work at NSO level and for project officers (Tim Watson and Jacques Sandrizi) to update on progress in person. During the meeting a basic roadmap towards defining actions in 2011 and 2012 were outlined. 2011 will use current events to aid the implementation of Unguvu 1. We are currently helping to facilitate partners to design a new YiA 3.2 project application to be submitted in Spring 2012 for a project in 2013. o To support the work, and following the end of the contract of Tim Watson by the end of December 2012, the office put forward, via SGdF a funding application for an EVS, 1st November deadline. AC 5.2.3 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to contribute to the life of the North-South Network and use it for developing ideas, networking and exchanging information Progress: o Sylvain Barthe attended the October North South Network meeting in Copenhagen. o The region is working, with the support of SGdF, towards a funding application for the Partnership event (March 2012). AC 5.2.4 IN PROGRESS Stimulate NSOs/NSAs to promote exchange opportunities for young people from Europe, Eurasia and Arab Scout Regions, in order to enrich the youth programme Progress: o Promotion will be organised at the Academy via a stand/presentation and via the session of partnerships. AC 5.3.1 IN PROGRESS Share information with NSOs/NSAs on external funding opportunities to encourage the development of bilateral and multilateral projects and exchanges Progress: o We have forwarded a number of possible funding opportunities to the African Regional Office AC 5.3.2 NOT STARTED Support NSOs/NSAs with applications to funding bodies and provide guidance on reporting procedures, if successful Progress: o Not on this specific topic in other fields of work AC 5.3.3 NOT STARTED Initiate an exchange of best practice between NSOs/NSAs on external funding applications for cooperation and partnerships Progress: AC 5.4.1 NOT STARTED Encourage NSOs/NSAs to enrich the international dimension of their youth programmes by incorporating European Citizenship and by looking outside Europe Progress: o AC 5.4.3 NOT STARTED Increase visibility amongst European NSOs/NSAs of Scoutings priorities in other Regions, and how European NSOs/NSAs can engage


Progress: o AC 5.4.4 IN PROGRESS Identify opportunities for European NSOs/NSAs to provide solidarity and technical support to Scouting in other regions Progress: o Started the process of consultancy in cooperation with Africa Office. Two NSAs targeted for now: Ireland and CNEIGEI 3. Next steps in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Until next meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 5.1.1 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to give a new impetus to the Euro-Arab and Europe-Eurasia meetings and establish priority themes relevant to the needs of NSOs/NSAs Next steps: o We are communicating in time to ensure full participation of interested NSOs/NSAs to the content of the meeting Europe Eurasia.

AC 5.1.2 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to participate in events organised in other Regions, and promote European and national events to NSOs in those other Regions Next steps: o We will monitor the calls of the region to ensure that they are transmitted to other regions o We will ensure that events in other regions are well promoted in Europe

AC 5.1.3 In partnership, strengthen cooperation among Europe-Eurasia Scout representatives in relevant organisations and institutions Next Steps: o We will ensure that NYCs representatives are invited even if funding application was not successful and therefore no support is available. o The example of Sandu Coica will be made more public in both regions, especially at the Europe Eurasia Meeting in November 2011

AC 5.1.4 Map the partnerships that exist between Europe and Africa, initiate a similar exercise with Eurasia and communicate to NSOs/NSAs Next Steps: o Publish the mapping exercice when complete. We still need to identify how and where we will publish it. o We will launch the mapping with Eurasia at the Europe Eurasia Meeting o A mapping is being done with the Arab region. AC 5.2.2 Further develop the Europe-Africa Unguvu Project and communicate the impact that the project is having on European NSOs/NSAs Next steps: o Continue the implementation of the current UNGUVU project and ensuring its proper closing o Promote the tools produced o Ensure a large participation for the next Partnership event o Facilitate the preparation of the next 3.2 application

AC 5.2.3


Encourage NSOs/NSAs to contribute to the life of the North-South Network and use it for developing ideas, networking and exchanging information Next steps: o Prepare with NS network meeting and host, the March 2012 extended network meeting. AC 5.2.4 Stimulate NSOs/NSAs to promote exchange opportunities for young people from Europe, Eurasia and Arab Scout Regions, in order to enrich the youth programme Next steps: o Liaise with EMT to plan next steps AC 5.4.1 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to enrich the international dimension of their youth programmes by incorporating European Citizenship and by looking outside Europe Next steps: o ERCG/PWOR still has to prepare a database of existing useful documents to be shared with EMT and NSOs and NSAs AC 5.4.4 Identify opportunities for European NSOs/NSAs to provide solidarity and technical support to Scouting in other regions Progress: o Start the consultancy with establishing next steps to actual support o Contact more NSOs AC 5.1.4 Map the partnerships that exist between Europe and Africa, initiate a similar exercise with Eurasia and communicate to NSOs/NSAs Next Steps: o We are starting to work on an interactive map that would show all connections existing among NSOs with a description of the type and content of the partnerships. It will be available on 4. Successes
Please list the key successes since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

A good meeting of the working group in Lisbon (26-28 August) The start of the mapping exercise and the interactive mapping The planning team meeting for the Europe Eurasia meeting The great mobilization of the UNGUVU partners at the Jamboree The success of the workshops at the Jamboree

5. Challenges

Please list the key challenges since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

Regarding UNGUVU project: to finish all the tools in the given deadlines and the follow up The wide spectrum of things to be done and to have it done with other groups. To move on with the consultancies The repartition/role of volunteers and office.

6. Issues for the consideration of the European Scout Committee

In brief, please list significant issues that you would like the European Scout Committee to consider

In case we dont succeed with the funding application for an EVS to work on the issue, we need to find another solution to have a support at the office.

November 2011

Regional Scout Committee, European Region Comit Scout Rgional, Rgion Europenne

Report to the European Scout Committee

Youth Empowerment Working Group
1. Introduction This report deals with Strategic Objective 4 Youth Empowerment as outlined in the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013. It should be read in conjunction with the Regional Scout Plan 20102013, which can be accessed at 2. Progress in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 6.1.1 IN PROGRESS Design, deliver and evaluate an Educational Methods Forum for people in NSOs/NSAs working in the field of Educational Methods Progress: o Dates, venue and Planning Team selected o Funding application submitted AC 6.1.2 IN PROGRESS Organise and facilitate networking opportunities for people from NSOs/NSAs with similar roles at national level Progress: o The network meetings for Training Commissioners is planned for January 2012 o The Centre Managers Conference was organised in October 2011 AC 6.1.3 IN PROGRESS Support intra-regional projects in the field of Educational Methods, initiated by NSOs/NSAs with similar needs Progress: o The ONE Seminar organised by Scouting Ireland o Irish support to Croatia programme review process within Tailored Support AC 6.1.4 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to look outside Scouting for networking opportunities including with NGOs, business, academic and scientific institutions Progress: o One of the main themes for the 7th Forum AC 6.2.1 IN PROGRESS Map existing materials and tools against the needs and strengths of NSOs/NSAs, identify gaps, and target their promotion Progress: o The evaluation of the Needs and Strengths Analysis is under way AC 6.2.2 IN PROGRESS Update existing materials and tools, or fill gaps, based on feedback from NSOs/NSAs or expert analysis Progress: o Evaluation of existing materials started AC 6.2.3 IN PROGRESS Translate, and share, useful materials and tools into other languages to support their use in settings where understanding of English or French may be limited Progress: o Evaluation of existing materials started AC 6.2.4 IN PROGRESS Follow the development of materials and tools being produced by NSOs/NSAs, other Regions and external organisations, and be ready to promote if appropriate Progress: o Evaluation of existing materials started


AC 6.3.1 IN PROGRESS Use eLearning platforms and other technology solutions at European level to showcase the potential for use in adult volunteer training provision Progress: o Concrete planning for using an European e-learning platform has started AC 6.3.2 IN PROGRESS Identify eLearning approaches being used by NSOs/NSAs and the impact that they have on the participation levels in training for adult volunteers Progress: o Evaluation of existing materials started AC 6.4.1 IN PROGRESS Develop and promote the European Scout Voluntary Programme, Lands of Adventure framework and the Scouts of the World scheme Progress: o Regular administration and running of the ESVP and LOA happens AC 6.4.2 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs seeking to review and update the international dimension of their youth programmes Progress: o Support has been given to Albania, Malta, Croatia

3. Next steps in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs

Until next meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 6.1.1 Design, deliver and evaluate an Educational Methods Forum for people in NSOs/NSAs working in the field of Educational Methods o 1st Planning Team meeting AC 6.1.2 Organise and facilitate networking opportunities for people from NSOs/NSAs with similar roles at national level o Follow-up of the Centre Managers Conference o Training Commissioners Network meeting AC 6.3.1 Use eLearning platforms and other technology solutions at European level to showcase the potential for use in adult volunteer training provision o The Regions eLearning platform will be up and running with a few test courses AC 6.3.2 Identify eLearning approaches being used by NSOs/NSAs and the impact that they have on the participation levels in training for adult volunteers o Examples of using e-learning technologies are shared with NSOs AC 6.4.1 Develop and promote the European Scout Voluntary Programme, Lands of Adventure framework and the Scouts of the World scheme o ESVP and SOW are planned to be items to be debated during the upcoming CMC seminar o The LoA Ambasadors Meeting (currently postponed) will be organised once a clear view of the future of the programme is achieved

4. Successes

Please list the key successes since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

The current work of maintenance and direct support to NSOs is happening without many challenges The group had a successful meeting

5. Challenges


Please list the key challenges since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

Finding suitable dates for meetings is difficult with 12 people Coordination of a big group is more challenging

6. Issues for the consideration of the European Scout Committee See above challenges

In brief, please list significant issues that you would like the European Scout Committee to consider

19 October 2011

Regional Scout Committee, European Region Comit Scout Rgional, Rgion Europenne

Report to the European Scout Committee

1. Introduction This report deals with Strategic Objective 7 Organisational Development as outlined in the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013. It should be read in conjunction with the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013, which can be accessed at 2. Progress in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 7.1.1 IN PROGRESS continuation Define and develop the model, communicate it to NSOs/NSAs and review it based on feedback and results of workshops Progress: o OD model presented at the Academy 2011

AC 7.1.2 IN PROGRESS Develop, deliver and evaluate organisational development workshops Progress: o Date for the first workshop fixed (on the list of events 2012) o Pre design existing

AC 7.1.3 IN PROGRESS Share the definition of the model, examples of best practices, outcomes from the workshops and other material online Progress: o Data and info collection started o Results of the Academy 2011 sessions will be shared AC 7.2.1 IN PROGRESS Issue a call to NSOs/NSAs who may have developed their own specific materials on organisational development and share widely Progress: o Collection of information ongoing o Review ongoing

AC 7.2.2 IN PROGRESS Review existing material, identify any gaps and seek to close these during specific tailored support initiatives or sub-regional events Progress: o Review ongoing

AC 7.3.1 IN PROGRESS Review all past and current requests for support, what prompted the request for support, how it was handled and what was the effect on NSOs/NSAs Progress: o List done on Tailored support 2008 2010 o List compiled for Tailored Support 2011

AC 7.3.2 IN PROGRESS Work with the European Scout Committee to identify ways to strengthen the involvement of NSOs/NSAs in supporting/collaborating with other NSOs/NSAs Progress:


o Suggestions made to the Committee for better coordination of the Tailor Support Program and its management AC 7.4.1 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs in developing vision and strategy, organisational design and change management Progress: o At least 6 Tailored Support request in the pipeline concerning actions related to this point o Session at Academy 2011 Turning Strategy into Action AC 7.4.2 IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs in understanding the processes involved in developing and managing programmes of work, projects and tasks AC 7.4.3. IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs with financial planning and financial management AC 7.4.4 - IN PROGRESS Support NSOs/NSAs with issues relating to the management of, support for and working relationship with professional staff Progress: o Ongoing tailor support actions o Redefinition of tailor support to NSOs/NSAs; ongoing discussion on criteria (obligation to answer the Needs and Strengths Analysis prior to Tailored Support Request), type of services (mentoring, coaching)

3. Next steps in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs

Until next meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 7.1.1 Define and develop the model, communicate it to NSOs/NSAs and review it based on feedback and results of workshops Next Steps: o We will collect the feedback from the Academy 2011 participants and adjust when necessary

AC 7.1.2 Develop, deliver and evaluate organisational development workshops Next Steps: o To prepare the workshop for February 2011

AC 7.1.3 Share the definition of the model, examples of best practices, outcomes from the workshops and other material online Next o o o Steps: To establish a list of relevant documents To make the links on different websites / sources To publish new documents on websites

AC 7.2.1 Issue a call to NSOs/NSAs who may have developed their own specific materials on organisational development and share widely Next Steps: o Follow-up on the open call

AC 7.2.2 Review existing materials, identify any gaps and seek to close these during specific tailored support initiatives or sub-regional events Next Steps:


o We will take the opportunity of the Academy 2011 to collect and share information AC 7.3.1 Review all past and current requests for support, what prompted the request for support, how it was handled and what was the effect on NSOs/NSAs Next Steps: o To keep existing list Tailored Support 2011 updated AC 7.4.1 Support NSOs/NSAs in developing vision and strategy, organisational design and change management AC 7.4.2 Support NSOs/NSAs in understanding the processes involved in developing and managing programmes of work, projects and tasks AC 7.4.3 Support NSOs/NSAs with financial planning and financial management AC 7.4.4 Support NSOs/NSAs with issues relating to the management of, support for and working relationship with professional staff Next steps : o To provide quality Tailored Support o To consider the needs of SEE countries and how to respond to 4. Successes

Please list the key successes since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

Needs & Strengths Analysis database shared Presentation of two sessions at the Academy 2011 (Organisational Development Model and Turning Strategy into Action)

5. Challenges

Please list the key challenges since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

To motivate still 29 NSOs/NSAs to provide their Needs & Strengths Analysis To prepare the first version of the material / resources list for each of OD Disciplines, with a short paragraph introducing each The quality of data/records available for previous Tailored Support was not sufficient to allow any evaluation of how effective that support was.

6. Issues for the consideration of the European Scout Committee None

In brief, please list significant issues that you would like the European Scout Committee to consider

25th October 2011


Regional Scout Committee, European Region Comit Scout Rgional, Rgion Europenne

Report to the European Scout Committee

External Relations and Funding
1. Introduction This report deals with Strategic Objective 8 External Relations and Funding as outlined in the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013. It should be read in conjunction with the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013, which can be accessed at 2. Progress in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 8.1.1 IN PROGRESS Encourage NSOs/NSAs to participate in the creation and development of National Youth Councils Progress: o We are expecting the go ahead from committee for a full tailored support to the Serbian National Scout Organisation

AC 8.1.2 & 8.1.3 IN PROGRESS Ensure networking between NSOs/NSAs in the area of External Relations and Funding, including support for network meetings Strengthen the existing network of Scouts in relevant positions and ensure the monitoring of issues and trends that could affect NSOs/NSAs Progress: o Successful planning team meeting (10-11 October) for the next NYCs reps meeting (16-18 December) o Started a mapping of Scouts and Guides in relevant positions

AC 8.1.4 IN PROGRESS Act as a conduit for the introduction of issues of concern to actors including wider civil society, government, institutions, formal education and the private sector Progress: o CONCORD: the policy issues relation to Aid and Development Effectiveness, particularly in light of the upcoming High Level Forum in Aid Effectiveness that will take place in Busan, South Korea from 29th November to 1st December 2011. following work of CONCORD on Open Forum process o YFJ - Following and contributing to: The definition of the next 6 years priorities of the platform Youth rights debate Volunteering : EYV and European Charter of the rights of the volunteers WOSM took a very active role, with volunteers & staff, in cooperation with the Belgian Scouts and WAGGGS, during the II Youth Convention on Volunteering (7-10 September in Brussels). WOSM stand was visited in particular by Princess Mathilde who enjoyed the path proposed in the stand, focussing on discovering what it means to be a volunteer in Scouting and Guiding. Youth in Action: WOSM is represented by a volunteer in an expert group looking at our contribution for the next Youth in Action programme. During the II Youth Convention, WOSM contributed to an active lobbying campaign towards different officials regarding the frame, the content and the budget of the next Youth in Action o Alliance see other sections o EU: Cristian Moldovan represented WOSM at the EU Youth Conference under the polish presidency (3-5 September). His participation was very well appreciated by other actors o ICMYO: representing and contributing on behalf of WOSM views on youth policy and other interests of Scouting. Contributed greatly to the preparations of the


ICMYO meeting in NYC (23-27 July) and the UN High Level Meeting on Youth. Due to hospitalisation, Alix Masson was not able to attend, but two volunteers did. o Continued to contribute to our relationship with the World Bank, attending and contributing to the consultative focus group on the GFDRRs new Civil Society Partnership Strategy o Continued to follow the policy issues that affect or are of interest to our work on development/ the Africa Region, attending and contribute to various meetings, panel discussions etc. AC 8.2.1 IN PROGRESS Cooperate with the European Parliament, European Commission, Economic and Social Committee on relevant topics and hold meetings with Scout representatives Progress: o Participating to the series of hearing of ESSC in the framework of the European Year of Volunteering. o Contributed to the nomination of WOSM by two members of the EESC to the institutions Citizenship Prize o See other sections AC 8.2.2 IN PROGRESS Encourage and convene annual meetings of the Big 6 youth organisations in Europe to discuss issues of common interest Progress: o The format and the content of such a meeting is still under discussion AC 8.2.3 NOT STARTED With NSOs/NSAs, review and develop policy positions on issues relevant to the needs of young people including employment, mobility and human rights Progress: o This has not been started because core group was still reflecting on how to proceed AC 8.2.4 NOT STARTED Develop contact with external organisations having consultative status with WOSM, including but not limited to ISGF and WSPU, and share outcomes with NSOs/NSAs Progress: o ISGF relationships are being dealt with directly by Secretary General and Regional Director AC 8.3.1 IN PROGRESS Lobby with and on behalf of NSOs/NSAs for the necessary legislation through other platforms, including the European Chapter on the Rights of Volunteers sector Progress: o Contributing to the ongoing process with the European year of Volunteering Alliance, especially through the policy development taking place in the 6 working groups of the Alliance o Contributing to the European Youth Forum process regarding volunteering, especially regarding the European Charter on the rights of volunteers AC 8.3.2 IN PROGRESS Promote the value of volunteering and participate in consultations on the promotion and validation of non-formal and informal learning Progress: o The work of the Region is mainly done through the very active role taken by Marcio Barcelos representing WOSM in the YFJ Working group on Education. AC 8.2.3 IN PROGRESS


Support NSOs/NSAs in their efforts to develop their lobbying techniques and encourage them to promote the value of volunteering Progress: o A session at the Academy will focus on advocacy and the value of volunteering. o Study Session, Europe Eurasia Balkans (February 2012): will focus on advocacy FUNDING IN PROGRESS o Youth in Action YiA Partnership event in collaboration with SGDF - sumbitted 01/11/11 YiA European Forum on Youth Programme and Adult Resources in collaboration with NORS - sumbitted 01/11/11 YiA EVS project to support Unguvu Follow up in collaboration with SGDF sumbitted 01/11/11 YiA Training Comissioner Network meeting in collaboration with Hungarian NSO - submitted 01/09/11 waiting for results YiA Young Spoke person event - submitted 01/09/11 waiting for results YiA Youth Support System in collaboration with Hungarian NSOs submitted 01/09/11 waiting for results YiA Europe-Eurasia meeting in collaboration with Junak rejected YiA NM of G&S in NYC in collaboration with AGESCI rejected YiA Admin Grant 2010 Final Report - Submitted in March and approved in June o Council of Europe European Youth Foundation EYF CAT A to support WOSM/WAGGGS participation at Roverway submitted 01/10/11 waiting for results EYF CAT A Agora (supporting also participation from Eurasian NSOs) approved EYF CAT C Admin Grant 2010 Final Report approved EYF CAT A Volunteering Event Final Report - submitted in June waiting for results CoE Study Session "Tell the Story" Final Report - submitted in June waiting for results CoE Study Session on Advocacy (supporting also participation from Eurasian NSOs) - approved 3. Next steps in implementing Objectives, Actions and achieving KPIs
Until next meeting of the European Scout Committee

AC 8.1.1 Encourage NSOs/NSAs to participate in the creation and development of National Youth Councils Next Steps: o Waiting for assessment of needs from NSOs/NSAs o Monitoring the work of YFJ in this regards, in order to approach and offer support to NSOs. Countries identified so far: Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland and Bulgaria

AC 8.1.2 & 8.1.3 Ensure networking between NSOs/NSAs in the area of External Relations and Funding, including support for network meetings Strengthen the existing network of Scouts in relevant positions and ensure the monitoring of issues and trends that could affect NSOs/NSAs Next Steps: o Organising the network meeting of representatives in NYCs and European Platforms (December 2012) and ensuring a great representation

AC 8.1.4 Act as a conduit for the introduction of issues of concern to actors including wider civil society, government, institutions, formal education and the private sector Next steps:


o CONCORD: continued involvement o Continued involvement with diverse platforms and institutions AC 8.2.2 Encourage and convene annual meetings of the Big 6 youth organisations in Europe to discuss issues of common interest Next steps: o CG will plan and organise such a meeting in the coming months (looking at core issues for Scouting such as retention of volunteers, trends, etc) AC 8.2.3 With NSOs/NSAs, review and develop policy positions on issues relevant to the needs of young people including employment, mobility and human rights Next steps: o No specific actions have actually been organised despite the planning AC 8.2.4 Develop contact with external organisations having consultative status with WOSM, including but not limited to ISGF and WSPU, and share outcomes with NSOs/NSAs Next steps: o WSPU: a new employee, Charles Revkin, is starting in July 2011 to work for WSPU o contact will be made with the secretariat regarding supporting the content (upon their request) and to consider the possibility to open WSPU to MEPs AC 8.2.3 Support NSOs/NSAs in their efforts to develop their lobbying techniques and encourage them to promote the value of volunteering Next steps: o Preparation of the next Study Session (February 2012) 4. Successes
Please list the key successes since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

Good representation regarding the II Youth Convention on Volunteering Recruitment of new external representatives after the training good meeting in Athens of the core group (7-9 October)

5. Challenges

Please list the key challenges since the last meeting of the European Scout Committee

Coordination regarding WOSM contribution to EYV Consultancy process needs still to be better formalised in order to ensure coherence of the Region action Volunteers are not always motivated/pro active in between meetings, especially regarding communication with the others

6. Issues for the consideration of the European Scout Committee

In brief, please list significant issues that you would like the European Scout Committee to consider

June 2011

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