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Pre-Questionnaire Graphs and Results

(before Production) Question 1: What gender are you?

Female: (60) Male: (40)

The question above shows that out of a possible 100 people I interviewed, the majority of them were female.
Question 2: What age are you?

U n d e r 1 0 : (0 ) 1 1 - 1 5 : (2 9 ) 1 6 - 1 9 : (5 8 ) 2 0 + : (1 3 )

This questions result above shows that the majority of people I interviewed are in the range of 16-19, this is close to our estimated age certification for our Film. Question 3: Do you watch Thriller films?

Yes: (60) No: (10) Sometimes: (20)

The above questions results show that the majority of people I interviewed liked to watch Thriller films, this is good for our film as it is based upon the Thriller Genre.

Question 4: How often do you watch Thriller films?

Fiv e + a month: (0) Four times a w eek: (3) Three times a w eek: (7) Tw ic e a w eek: (24) Once a w eek: (66) 0 20 40 60 80 100

The fact that 66% out of 100% of people watch Thriller films helps our Film in the making as we can make it to their liking, any type of Thriller film or make it very different within that genre to shock them and get them interested in the Film more. Question 5: What genre of Thriller do you enjoy most?
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 A dventure Thriller: (23) Psy chological Supernatural A c tion Thriller: Thriller: (46) Thriller: (31) (0) Other: (0)

This bar chart shows that the majority of those we interviewed were most interested in Psychological Thrillers than any other. However, the second highest watched Thriller genre was the Supernatural, which is what our movie will be based upon. This helps the production and the pre-production because it means that a lot of people would watch our movie.
Question 6: What element of a Thriller do you most enjoy?

A chase: (14) A jump: (0) A twist: (46) A suspense: (40)

The above pie chart shows that 46% of 100% enjoy a twist in their Thriller movies. This helps with our production and planning of it because our film has twist elements in it, which will give a sudden reaction to the audience. It also shows that they will be more interested in our film than any other type of Thriller. Question 7: Do you think that the movie title The Grindylow is suitable for the film?


80 60 40 20

0 Yes: (100) No: (0)

Question 8: From reading the Script, would you go to the cinemas to watch this film?

Yes: (84) No: (16)

The above pie chart shows that, the audience read the Script and are very interested in it, showing that the majority agreed to go to the Cinema to watch it. This means that our Film could be a hit in the future and the time and effort put into it would show that it was not a waste of time.

Question 9: Would you consider our film to be a Supernatural Thriller, from reading our Script?

No: (14)

Yes: (86)






The above Bar chart shows that our movie being a Supernatural Thriller is what it shows to be from our Script. The different elements within it could show the fact that it actually is a Supernatural Thriller theme based film. Question 10: Are you looking forward to seeing our movie?
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes: (93) No: (7)

The above chart shows that the majority of those I interviewed, from reading the Script and having to absorb the information, theyre looking forward to watching out Film. This gives us a relief of anxiousness as we obviously were hoping that people would look forward to the release of it. Question 11: Personally, what age certification would be suitable for our movie?
12 (0) 12A : (7) 15 (83) 18 (10)

This graph shows that, from our personal BBFC of 15, that the majority of those I interviewed thought that the age certification suits the age of 15. This may be because it is a Thriller, which has some intense moments in it. But it is not so intense that it is has to reach up to the age restriction of 18, as it does not have any gruesome elements, or shown deaths etc. Question 12: Do you think our age certification is suitable for our movie?
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes: (100) No: (0)

And, lastly the fact that the public agree with the age certification finalises and officialises the BBFC for our Thriller. There is no need to modifications to it and hopefully the rest of the public would agree. By Mariam Nawab

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