Possible Logos

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oss|b|e Logos


Logo 1
1hls ls one of Lhe logos we would have used for our producLlon as Lhe effecLs l had creaLed Lhe
burned Lop slde of Lhe leLLers and Lhe edgy polnLed boLLoms of Lhe leLLers made lL look very goLhlc
and LhemaLlc 1hrlller/ Porror l had creaLed a LemplaLe of lL wlLhouL colour on Lhe webslLe
dafonLcom Lhen l had edlLed Lhe enLlre Lhlng on hoLoshop addlng Lhe effecLs and colour Lo make lL
more sulLable Lo our name and Lhe essence of our fllm We used Lhls one because lL had Lhe effecLs
colour and sLyle Lo reflecL Lhe fllm and company

Logo 2
1hls ls anoLher logo LhaL we would have used for our company because Lhe sLyle of wrlLlng lL
lnvolved shows how scary lL ls and lL reflecLs Lhe name of our producLlon 1he reason why we dld noL
use Lhls ls because Lhere was no colour added Lo lL as lL was felL aL Lhe Llme LhaL colour was noL
needed because of Lhe Lype of sLyle of wrlLlng lL was lL also dld noL reach ouL Lo Lhe audlence as
much as Logo 1 dld because lL only had one effecL and Logo 1 has many effecLs

Logo 3
1hls logo ls slmllar Lo Lhe one above buL has a dlfferenL effecL 1hls one has a shaded scaly effecL LhaL
does look scary and goes wlLh Lhe Lheme of our company buL also doesn'L reach ouL Lo Lhe publlc as
much as lL should 1he reason why we dld noL choose Lhls logo Lo be our company logo was because
lL had Lhe same effecL as Logo 2 and doesn'L glve ouL as much effecL as Logo 1 lL ls nearly Loo plaln
and does noL reflecL our company's name lLself as much as Logo 1

Logo 4
LasLly Lhls ls anoLher Logo ls also someLhlng LhaL we could have used ln our producLlon buL declded
noL Lo as lL does noL seem as sophlsLlcaLed as Logo 1 does Lhere ls no colour and Lhere ls a mlxed
message glven from Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of wrlLlng used 1he boxed leLLers and shape of Lhem does
noL glve ouL a 1hrlller Lhemed effecL and so does noL go wlLh ouL Company And Lhese are Lhe
reasons as Lo why we dld noL use Lhls logo lnsLead of Logo 1

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