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After discussing in our group what type of film we would

like to produce, either niche or mainstream, we came to the conclusion of producing a mainstream film. We decided this as our film genre was a Romantic Comedy and this is normally viewed in Hollywood as a mainstream film genre. From research we found that there are many films similar to ours which have been produced as mainstream films including Bridget Jones's Diary (2001), Confessions of a shopaholic (2009) and Sex and The City (2008). So, this research helped us to conclude on the type of film that we would like to produce.

Production companies which could produce our film are

Touchstone Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Universal, this would be because they have all produced films similar to ours. We would not want to use a company such as Warp films as they are a small British company which produces niche films to small audiences so, we would want to use a large institution such as 20th century Fox. They have produced other Romantic comedy films such as, Bride Wars (2009) and by using a large institution we would be able to have a larger budget which would enable us to produce a larger film. 20th century Fox's Bride Wars (2009) made $58,715,510 gross in May 2009 and screened to 3226 cinemas.

The company 20th Century Fox produce many films which are targeted at a wide range of

audiences. As they produce a wide variety of films the target audiences vary depending on the film itself. For example Avatar is aimed at an audience ranging from 8-80 years of age is a family film and the Rom-Com Bride Wars (2009) is a chick flick and aimed mainly at female teens-adults, as it is rated PG, who want a light hearted movie experience. Universal have also created a large range of films with different target audiences. The film Mamma Mia has a wide target audience from teenagers to women in their 50s who enjoyed the 70s music period. Touchstone Pictures is part of the Walt Disney motion pictures group and produces a mixture of films aimed at children target audiences e.g. Gnomeo and Juliet (2011) right through to adult target audiences, Warhorse (2011). The target audiences are different depending on the content of the film itself. Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) is a Romantic Comedy produced by Touchstone and the target audience for this film ranges from teens-adults as it is rated PG. Our film is aimed at a similar target audience to those of the Rom-Coms distributed by these companies. Ours is mostly similar to that of Bride Wars (2009) however, as our film is a 15 it is aimed at the slightly older female audience.

The film could therefore include big name Hollywood

actors and we would be able to distribute and advertise our film to a mass audience and make it become a global success. Also, by having a larger institution produce our film they would be able to help our film become more popular and for it to be shown in a wide range of cinemas worldwide such as the Odeon, Cineworld and others.

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