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Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Jess Toso is in her first year of
Radio Broadcasting. I am out-
going and fun and will always be
down for a laugh and a good
time, said Toso. I believe in liv-
ing each day like it was your last
and am thankful every day for
the amazing people I have in my
1. Why are you here?
Because radio is awesome!
2. What was your life-changing
When I decided to come to
Fanshawe. I was attending another
school and about to finish my pro-
gram when I realized I wasnt
happy. I decided last minute to
attend Fanshawe and since then I
havent looked back. Its an amaz-
ing program and everyone rocks!
3. What music are you currently
listening to?
The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars.
4. What is the best piece of
advice youve ever received?
Dont eat that chicken, its gone
bad! ... saved me a few times from
a sick stomach.
5. Who is your role model?
My mother, she is one of the
strongest, beautiful people I know.
She has supported my brother and
I for our whole lives with a smile
and is always there when we need
her. I could never tell her enough
how much I love and appreciate
6. Where in the world have you
Various places in Canada, Chicago
and Florida BABY! I would love
to travel and see more of the world.
7. What was your first job?
Camp Counselor! Woop woop!
8. What would your last meal
Sushi! I absolutely love it... kind of
9. What makes you uneasy?
Sharks and spiders! I know its
slightly irrational, but they are
10. What is your passion?
I love to perform and entertain
people. If I can make someone
laugh, its a good day.
Do you want Fanshawe to know 10
Things About You? Just head on
over to and
click on the 10 Things I Know
About You link at the top.
10 Things I Know About You...
Its the Jess Toso show
Jess Toso avoids chicken when possible.
A drenched but happy Veronica Barahona, FSU President, posed with members of Fanshawes cross country
team when Rick Hansens 25th Anniversary Relay Team stopped by the college at the end of November.
Barahona trekked out in the rain with some of Fanshawes finest runners, wearing a commemorative medal that
will make its way across Canada. The relay began on August 24 in Cape Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador and
will complete its journey in Vancouver, British Columbia on May 22, 2012. Im happy that this is an experience
that Fanshawe can be a part of, Barahona said proudly.
Mischa Kavin
Our imaginary Christmas
tree - its not really a tree, just
branches in a bucket that we
I love opening a gift on
Christmas Eve.
Brooke Surridge
It would definitely be
going out in the snow to
make snow angels, forts
and snowmen. Also beer-
Ben Kitchen
For me, it would have to be
when my mom makes sticky
Faith Maudsley
Decorating the Christmas
tree - it can get pretty silly.
For Winter Solstice, we also
wassail the tree by spitting
apple cider at it, which isnt
quite how they traditionally
did it, haha.
First Run Film:
Rainbow Cinemas (in Citi Plaza)
Naughty Christmas Pub
OBS 9:30PM
$3 ADV | $4 DOOR
from the FSU!
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Even the holliest jolliest
Christmas elf has something he
or she hates about the holidays.
Whether its getting a terrible gift
from your Secret Santa or trying
to navigate the bustling malls in
search of the last few items on
your list, Josephine Cleo is cele-
brating the things we love to hate
about the best time of the year.
In her show, Holiday Snidings,
Cleo is taking her snark and
songs to the Wolf Performance
Hall stage on December 10,
telling stories, performing
Christmas songs and three of her
own original songs. The show
will be fun for all ages nothing
saucy, just sassy, said Cleo.
Zach Havens, of the band To
Tell, will accompany her songs
on the piano.
Christmas is just rife with
opportunities to make fun of it
and I dont mean the religious
aspect, she said. Im billing it
as Celebrating the things we
love to hate, but its not mean-
spirited in hate, its the annoy-
ances. Though the show may
poke fun at some holiday tradi-
tions, Cleo compared it to the
grumpy old man with the heart of
gold, adding that it was really
about getting into the Christmas
Cleo said she draws some of
her inspiration from working at a
MAC makeup counter at a mall
during the holiday season, when
her co-workers would sometimes
be up to half an hour late for their
shifts because they couldnt find
a place to park. You think its
supposed to be this time of giving
and goodwill, but (people) will
ram your car to get your parking
spot, she laughed.
Its a show meant for fun, and
I want people to come to laugh
(because Im funny), forget their
troubles (because the show is
engaging) and bond over the not-
so-great holiday headaches (mis-
ery loves company!), she added.
I also hope they will walk away
from the show having found a
fresh new voice in London
(mine) that aspires to reach the
heights of the Divine Miss
Midler, of whom Cleo is a huge
Cleo is already on her way to
Bette Midler-level stardom, hav-
ing a small piece of the stars his-
tory on stage with her on
December 10. After finding an
online auction of one of Midlers
microphones from a show Cleo
herself had attended at Caesars
Palace in Las Vegas, a split-sec-
ond decision and mouse click
later, and I am now the proud
owner of Bettes Shure KSM9
handheld vocal microphone in
champagne finish, she grinned.
I said to myself that if I won
the auction, it would be an omen
that good things are to come, and
that I am on the right path toward
my dream of being a singer.
Maybe its just wishful thinking,
but if Bette started in
Bathhouses, then surely I can
begin my career at the Wolf
Performance Hall!
Cleo is a graduate of the
Accounting program at
Fanshawe, and is currently work-
ing as an Accountant in London.
Though she is fairly new to our
citys music scene, this is not her
first time on stage. In May this
year, she put on a show about her
journey to becoming a singer.
Ive known since I was 11 that I
wanted to sing, but I just never
ended up getting there, she said.
Her May show had people in hys-
terics, and this Christmas show
promises to be another excellent
night of entertainment.
Part of the proceeds from
Holiday Snidings ticket sales
will benefit Londons Humane
Society. Cleo has a dog and a cat
from the Humane Society and
said she thinks they do a great
service for the furry citizens of
our city. A relationship with a
pet is like no other. Its uncondi-
tional love, she said. Anything
that I can do to support (the
Humane Society), I will. She is
also encouraging people to bring
donations of wet or dry cat food
to the show, as well as monetary
donations to purchase raffle tick-
ets for some awesome prizes,
including a MAC cosmetics gift
basket and gift cards to Best Buy,
Weezi and Grooves.
Tickets for Holiday Snidings
are on sale at Weezi (2-204
Albert St.), Grooves (353
Clarence St.) and her website Tickets are
$20, and the show starts at 6:30
Seasonal snark to put you
in the holiday spirit
On December 6 at noon in the
Alumni Lounge, the Womens
Campus Safety Committee will
be providing a memorial for the
14 young women, all engineering
students at cole Polytechnique
in Montral, who were murdered
on December 6, 1989 by Marc
Lepine. Fourteen other students,
of which four were male, were
injured and Marc Lepine subse-
quently killed himself.
The murder of such talented
young women profoundly
shocked everyone both women
and men. For women, it was a
terrifying reminder of their vul-
nerability to hatred and harm as a
result of their sex and aspirations.
For men, it was a stark realiza-
tion of the fear that women face
every day of their lives.
There was no doubt that Marc
Lepine had targeted the women.
His suicide note talked about
other women whom he wished to
kill. When he first entered the
university, he separated the men
in the building from the women
and made statements during the
shootings about fighting femi-
December 6 has become the
anniversary of what is known as
the Montral Massacres, but
more importantly, it has been
designated as the National Day of
Remembrance and Action On
Violence Against Women. But
there is a present perception by
some that women are no longer
particularly at risk of violence
and that there is no longer a need
to advocate for social and politi-
cal change, or education and
training to prevent violence
against women. Others suggest
that the violence that women
experience is no different from
the violence experienced by men
and that is mostly perpetrated by
strangers or casual acquaintanc-
In Ontario, a Committee was
formed in 2003 by the Chief
Coroners Office to review
domestic violence related homi-
cides in Ontario each year. These
cases are homicides perpetrated
by intimate partners not
strangers or casual acquaintanc-
es. In Ontario, there are approxi-
mately 20 to 30 domestic vio-
lence related homicides a year. In
2010, there were 18 cases,
involving 36 deaths reviewed by
the Domestic Violence Review
Committee. Most of the victims
were female. There were two
male victims and both of these
were the children of the perpetra-
tor. All of the perpetrators were
It is estimated that there are
over 600 cases of missing and
murdered Aboriginal women in
Canada. In spite of repeated
attempts by families of these
women to have these cases fully
investigated, the tragedies that
these families experience
Amnesty International calls
these tragedies of a national pro-
portion continue.
What can you do about it?
Acknowledge that this vio-
lence is still happening. Learn to
recognize the signs of abuse and
know what actions to take.
Attend the memorial on
December 6 at noon in the
Alumni Lounge to honour the 14
engineering students, to honour
the missing and murdered
Aboriginal women and to honour
all of the women our mothers,
our sisters, our neighbours, our
friends who have been abused
or lost their lives in our own
communities through violence.
Remembering December 6
with on-campus memorial
Josephine Cleo is putting on a holiday show at the Wolf Performance Hall
on December 10 to benefit the Humane Society.
Grades will be available on WebAdvisor December 21 after 6:00 pm.
(for programs ending December 16th)
It is important to check your grades and academic standing as soon as
possible in case you have failed pre-requisite courses for the Winter Term
and/or are required to reapply to your program.
If your academic standing is "Required to Reapply" you must contact your
Academic School before December 23, 2011 or the week of January 2, 2012.
Many of the Schools will have extended hours the first week of January to assist
More information regarding grades, academic standing and registration for
the next term can be found on MyFanshawe under
Office of the Registrar, Student Records.
We wish you good luck on your exams and
final assignments.
We're here to help you succeed.
A memorial to the victims on the
exterior wall of cole
Polytechnique in Montral remem-
bers the victims of the Montreal
Massacre that happened on
December 6, 1989.
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
If youre feeling pressure to
look a certain way, if youre
unhappy with your weight or
waist size or if youre just gener-
ally feeling unhappy with the
way you look, The Healing Place
can help.
The Healing Place is a new
support group on campus that
begins on January 9. The weekly
meetings will take place on
Mondays from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in
F2010-5. Its an entirely open
group, and participation is volun-
tary no registration is required.
Participants are not required to
come every week; they just show
up when they want to talk.
Everything said in the group is
entirely confidential. Its a safe
place where people can share
things without worry of being
caught in the hallways or cen-
tered out, explained Jerilyn
Hurwitz, a Registered Social
Worker with Fanshawes
Counselling and Accessibility
Services and Founder of The
Healing Place.
In the past, a local organization
called Hopes Garden ran a sup-
port group at Fanshawe for peo-
ple with eating disorders, but
they lacked the funding to come
back this year. Hurwitz said she
decided to create a new group
with a new name to try to be
more inclusive. I didnt want to
focus just on people who have
eating disorders, she said. Its
for anyone whos feeling like
theyre struggling with what they
see in the mirror, or feel like their
happiness is based on the number
on the scale or the size of their
pants, that type of thing.
Ive always been actively
involved in eating disorder
awareness (and body image
issues), she continued. I feel
very strongly about the media
and the impact that it has on
young people in terms of pres-
sures that they face.
I am a social worker and I
recently got a degree in womens
studies, and that really opened
my eyes to a lot of different
things in terms of culture, gender
and that kind of thing, she said.
Theres such a lack of under-
standing (in the area) that I feel
like I want to try to give people a
voice and (make the issue) more
For more information about
The Healing Place, contact
Hurwitz at jhurwitz@fan- or by phone at 519-
452-4430 ext. 3995.
The Library and Media
Services on Fanshawes London
campus will once again offer
24/7 access during exam week.
The 24/7 Library access begins
at 8 a.m. on December 8 and runs
until 4:15 p.m. on December 16.
These extended hours will also
include access to the print collec-
tions and photocopiers. Use your
Fanshawe student ID to get in.
Please note that the Library
Student Research Lab hours
wont change, because its
already open 24/7.
So head to the library and
shhhh! Get studying!
Need a place to study for exams? Head to the library
The holidays are on a lot of peo-
ples minds right now, but dont
forget that youre still a student
throughout the winter break. Part
of your responsibilities as a student
includes checking your grades and
knowing your academic standing.
If youre in a 15-week program,
your grades will be available on
WebAdvisor on December 21 at 6
p.m. The college will be open on
December 22 and 23, and staff will
be available to help you decide
what to do should you be in jeop-
ardy of failing your program. If
you see that your grades are poor
and you need help, get in touch
with the Student Success Advisor
for your school (a full list of SSAs
names and contact information is
available at or your
program coordinator for help with
your next steps.
The college will be closed from
December 24 to January 1, so
Robert Kitchen, a Student Success
Leader with the Student Success
Centre, advised students to mark
their calendars to check their
grades and, if needed, do some-
thing about problems as soon as
possible. Block some time now to
deal with this and then go enjoy the
rest of your time off.
Weve done a lot for student
success in recent years, said
Lynne Gaudet, Associate
Registrar, Registration and
Records. The college does really
care about student success.
Were certainly encouraging
the students who have done poorly
on their semester to check their
grades and really effectively use
the time between semesters,
added Kitchen. Some students
decide that, because of their status,
they dont want to return to their
program. If they want to start in
another program, start to do that
stuff on December 22 and 23.
If youre a struggling student
and you start to miss classes
because youre not enrolled in the
right classes it becomes a recipe
for disaster, he continued. Dont
let that be you. If you can deal with
it before (it becomes a problem),
its certainly much better.
Take advantage of the services
Fanshawe offers to help you suc-
ceed. Dont wait be proactive,
check your grades and get help if
you need it.
Open your grades
before your gifts
New group aims to help with
body image issues
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Im conflicted about Christmas. Some
may even claim Im a bit grinchy. While I
agree with its sentiments, its modern day
practise frankly makes me feel like remov-
ing myself from all associated celebrations
of it entirely.
My bah humbug attitude was solidified
as I got older and everything started to feel
obligatory. When youre a member of a fam-
ily characterized by several broken mar-
riages, remarriages and stepsiblings, trying
to include everyone in the gift-giving
escapades adds up real fast. Since when is a
holiday associated with glee supposed to
make you broke? Theres nothing very fun
about that.
If the above wasnt bad enough, I started
to find myself in a situation with a certain
unnamed relative wherein anytime theyd
purchase me a gift, thered be an additional
unseen price tag attached something I refer
to as the Trojan horse of gift-giving.
Somehow just because I accepted something
I thought was given out of generosity, I was
manipulated into doing this or that for said
individual and if I failed to comply, I was
reminded how much money was spent on me
and how my non-compliance was apparently
indicative of a lack of appreciation. Coined
by psychologists in the 1960s as the guilt
trip, this is by far the WORST of the gift-
giving practises and is nothing more than a
thinly veiled attempt to psychologically con-
trol and abuse someone.
Today, my friends, we are here to speak
on the art of sincere gift-giving, and in this
circumstance, sincere can be taken as syn-
onymous with mature.
When it comes to the art of sincere gift
giving, I believe Sean Connerys character in
the movie Finding Forrester summed it up
perfectly: The way to a (persons) heart is
an unexpected gift at an unexpected time.
After all, doing so indicates that you were
obtaining a gift for this individual purely
because they happened to be on your mind
and you wanted to do something to brighten
their day. In this context, please note that the
term gift does NOT simply refer to a com-
modity purchased at a store, but can include
sending a note to someone youve fallen out
of touch with recently just to remind them
that even though you do not speak often,
they still are very important to you or prepar-
ing someone their favourite dish after
theyve had an extra long day at work.
Genuine acts of kindness toward complete
strangers, such as helping an elderly woman
or man carry their groceries to the car, are by
far the most meaningful, as you have no
direct relation to said individuals.
What Im trying to get at is this: REAL
gifts are given from the HEART to the recip-
ient just cause and with NO strings
attached or expectations of reciprocation.
NO holiday whether were talking Xmas, a
birthday or Valentines should ever make
you feel obligated to do something for some-
one you wouldnt normally do. On the other
side of the equation, a mature recipient
acknowledges and appreciates the effort
put forth and never maintains a price limit of
what should be spent on him/her nor com-
pares gifts from different givers. As the old
saying goes, It IS the thought that counts.
As all of you go out and spend far more
than you can afford this year just to partici-
pate in a practise of an annual celebration
that has lost all relation to its genesis, I ask
you to remember what Ive written above
and perhaps try to see that the TRUE gift of
Christmas is the ability to spend time with
your loved ones. They may drive you crazy
and have ridiculous habits, but not everyone
has a family or friends to share wonderful
moments with. In sum, gift-giving should
NEVER define a relationship. A relationship
should be defined by the gifts we do for each
other WITHOUT obligation.
FSU Publications Office
Publications Manager & Editor John Said 519.453.3720 ext. 224
Staff Reporter Erika Faust 519.453.3720 ext.247
Staff Reporter Kirsten Rosenkrantz 519.453.3720 ext.291
Creative Director Darby Mousseau 519.453.3720 ext.229
Advertising Mark Ritchie 519.453.3720 ext. 230
Web Facilitator Allen Gaynor 519.453.3720 ext.250
Letters to the Editor
Graphic Design Contributors:
Megan Easveld, Bernie Quiring, Kayla Watson
Anthony Chang
Baden Roth
Colin Thomson
Ariana Pinder
Adle Grenier
Aimee Brothman, Patricia Cifani, Susan Coyne, Victor
De Jong Nauman Farooq, Bobby Foley, Brooke Foster,
Madison Foster, Maisha Francis-Garner, Tyler Gary, Allen
Gaynor, Christina Kubiw Kalashnik, Wendy Lycett, Taylor
Marshall, Tabitha McCarl, Alison McGee, Maggie
McGee, Rick Melo, Chelsey Moore, Emily Nixon, Paige
Parker, Rose Perry, Jaymin Proulx, Scott Stringle, Marty
Thompson, Justin Vanderzwan, Michael Veenema,
Jeremy Wall and Joshua Waller
Dustin Adrian, Laura Billson, Robert Catherwood, Scott
Kinoshita, Chris Miszczak and Andres Silva
Cover Credit:
Editorial opinions or comments expressed
in this newspaper reflect the views of the
writer and are not those of the
Interrobang or the Fanshawe Student
Union. All photographs are copyright 2011
by Fanshawe Student Union. All rights
reserved. The Interrobang is published weekly by the Fanshawe
Student Union at 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd., Room SC1012,
London, Ontario, N5Y 5R6 and distributed through the
Fanshawe College community.
Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters are subject to edit-
ing and should be emailed. All letters must be accompanied by
contact information. Letters can also be submitted online at by following the Interrobang links.
Dear Editor:
Does it not bother you that the whole rea-
son behind Christmas is changing to a more
worldly view?
- Crossing CHRIST out of Christmas =
- Cant say Merry Christmas in stores or
schools anymore
- Cutting out Christmas events at school
because it supposedly offends people
- The best part about Christmas is
- Santa Claus parade, Santa decorations,
Santa movies Santas taking over!!
- You ask any kid about Christmas and
they say/think SANTA!
What happened to the whole CHRIST fac-
tor the whole reason we celebrate
Christmas in the first place?!
Many Christians celebrate Christmas and
discard the whole God factor.
People may have the right to do whatever
they want, but to stop us from celebrating
Christmas ourselves, saying Merry
Christmas or having Christmas events is
I know there are still Christian families
who still do the whole Santa thing but I
dont really agree with it. Why are you
deceiving your kids for YEARS making
them think he exists?! What happens when
they find out you were lying to them? Maybe
theyll just laugh or grow out of it or maybe
they will just have trouble believing you
about other things.
You spend the whole time raising them to
tell the truth, while youve been lying to
them the whole time.
This can even apply to non-Christians,
even if you tell yourself you dont believe in
God, what reason do you have for letting
your child believe in something thats not
It is alright to have fun with the whole
Santa thing as long as we know the truth
behind it. Im not saying its bad, but the
more emphasis we put on it, the more it leads
us away from the truth.
I just dont think its wise to get caught up
in all that why not get caught up all about
Now that I see all this, I look back and Im
glad I was never raised into the whole Santa
scene, it was always decorations of the
Nativity Story and the Nativity movie. We
had shepherd sacks filled by grandparents
and parents, instead of stockings filled by
Santa and elves. And before opening ANY
presents we would read the story in Luke,
Chapter 2 and pray... now THAT was
I guess its alright to have a little fun with
Santa, but dont forget the real meaning
behind it and take it seriously because it
isnt just a holiday off work and school... its
celebrating our Saviour!!
We all know Jesus is the only reason
were here!!
The greatest gift of all wasnt found
under a tree but nailed to one!
Thats just the truth with my opinion
attached, and I hope you all just think about
Grace Bunch
Christmas versus Xmas
Dear Editor:
I use London Transit exclusively for com-
muting, and Im confused about why the
London Transit Commission hasnt yet
added their bus schedules to Google Maps.
Ive relied on Google Maps to plan my
transit routes in several cities Ive lived in,
including Halifax, Toronto, New York, Los
Angeles and the other London (U.K.), and I
can assure you wholeheartedly that the
Google Maps experience is far, far, far supe-
rior to what I currently encounter when I try
to plan a trip with the LTC.
First off, the LTC doesnt currently have a
system that identifies the best route for get-
ting me from Point A to Point B. I cant sim-
ply punch in my current address and my des-
tination address and get an easy-to-under-
stand description of how to get between the
two addresses using the bus.
Heres an example of what the LTC rider-
ship reasonably expects: 421 Adelaide St. E
to 1200 Bathurst St. or
Transfers, alternate routes, connection
times, total travel time, walking distance to
and from stops, the ability to set intended
arrival/departure times, etc. when I use
Google Maps, all of this is at my fingertips
in an intuitive and reliable interface on a sys-
tem thats developed, maintained and con-
tinuously improved by the brightest minds
and smartest engineers on the planet. And all
these features are generated automatically
by Googles algorithms there wouldnt be
any number crunching required by any of the
LTCs engineers.
Second, the LTCs reliance on PDF and
HTML timetables for each bus route is
archaic and out of touch with the expecta-
tions of its current ridership, half of whom
are university or college students who have
grown up using services such as Google
Maps on their home computers and mobile
devices. Im not suggesting that the PDF and
HTML timetables should be eliminated
theyre a great backup to have and should
continue being available online but theyre
anachronistic as a primary means of route
Third, the LTCs WebWatch system,
though well-intentioned, is a poorly imple-
mented, buggy, unreliable and ultimately
hollow experience without the full and com-
plete integration of the LTCs transit data
with Google Maps. For some reason, it feels
as if the LTC was trying to replicate them-
selves what Googles entire team of Google
Maps engineers had already made freely
available to much better effect, a curious
decision given the LTCs budget restraints.
Heres the step-by-step guide on how to
add transit data to Google Maps:
ners. As Google makes clear, adding transit
data to Google Maps is simple, but more
importantly, its free. Free! All they need to
do is provide Google with the schedule for
each route and the coordinates for each stop,
data that they already have because of their
ill-fated efforts with WebWatch. In other
words, the LTC can make a substantial, tan-
gible improvement to the daily experience of
its entire ridership without adding a single
penny to its annual budget.
How is this a decision that merits further
What are the downsides to keeping what
the LTC currently has and adding Google
Maps as another route planning tool?
The top six metropolitan areas in Canada
have all added their transit data to Google
Maps, along with smaller cities like Halifax
and even Fredericton. If theyve all added
their transit data to Google Maps, and
received rave reviews from their ridership as
a result, why hasnt London?
Rider calls for integration of London
bus routes into Google Maps
Rose Cora Perry
Bah, humbug! Christmas shishmiss
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
The Canadian government has come under
heavy fire for their actions regarding the
town of Attawapiskat. Despite an investment
of $90 million to the town, there are families
forced to live in tents with no running water.
If only this were an isolated case. The gov-
ernment historically only steps into these sit-
uations when public pressure becomes too
much to ignore and this event alone has
drawn international attention.
The Assembly of First Nations claims they
need around 80,000 new homes in reserves
across Canada to house the population.
Stories of tragic teen suicide, rampant alco-
holism and corruption in leadership are the
sad reality of many reserves, yet little is done
to improve the quality of living. Prime
Minister Stephen Harper stated in the House
of Commons that the funds given to
Attawapiskat alone amounted to $50,000 for
every man, woman and child in the town.
What remained unspoken, however, was how
these funds were implemented. In 2005, the
government was already spending $8 billion
per year funding reserves and wanted to
increase it to $10 billion, yet six years later,
here we are.
The money allotted by the government to
improve living conditions doesnt reach the
people. The money is spent on contractors to
come in from outside the reserve and build
structures. According to the residents of these
structures, however, in many cases, the con-
tractors do sub-par work to save costs. Its
sadly typical of what our government has
become. Instead of giving the money to these
communities, the government spends it on
programs and strategies that they think will
bring positive change. Its like the old catch-
22 of a parent telling their child theyll
always have money if they budget and the
child responding that they cant make a budg-
et because they have no money. If we dont
provide the resources for children in
Attawapiskat to eat every day, how do we
expect them to grow into adults who will lead
the town in a direction of prosperity?
As per usual, the response to this event is
too little too late. The traditional strategy of
funding a problem only after it becomes a
problem leads to an astronomical cost. A
home with a bad roof can be repaired for a
few thousand or even a few hundred dollars.
A house that has burnt down, on the other
hand, runs in the hundreds of thousands.
Theres no doubt that this latest chapter in the
tragic saga of the treatment of First Nations
will lead to increased funding, or a grant, or
some other monetary apology, but will the
cycle ever end? If we continue to fund these
communities in the manner we do now,
Attawapiskat will only be remembered as the
first of many such towns to fall victim to gov-
ernment inaction. More money is a start, but
theres no price tag associated with fixing the
problem completely. The problems surround-
ing funding of Native communities are com-
plex and require careful consideration, but by
the time that happens, it will probably be too
little too late, one more time.
Too little too
late again
Whether you celebrate Winter Solstice,
Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, Festivus, Bodhi
Day, Zartusht-Nodiso Kwanzaa, Freedom
Day, Omisoka or something else, the
Interrobang staff hopes you have a great one
this year.
Whatever you do with your time away
from Fanshawe praying, eating, drinking,
dancing, opening presents, spending time
with loved ones, ghost riding the whip, vol-
unteering, sleeping or a combination of some
or all of those things we hope you enjoy it.
Well be doing most of those things and
Happy whatever.
Interrobang staff
Happy whatever,
from the Interrobang
I confess. I want a new computer for
Christmas. My IBM Thinkpad is still run-
ning Windows XP. It protests when I check
websites, download files and play music. On
the other hand, I am composing this article
on it, and it will, I am sure, send it to the
Interrobang in a little while.
In a fit of pre-Christmas desire, I did
something I have never done before. I joined
an early morning line at the local Walmart to
get hold of a new Toshiba laptop advertised
at $268. An early present. But the store had
only five units and they went to some of the
first people in line.
I felt like I was turning into a brainwashed
participant in the commercialization of
Christmas. Somehow, going to an early
morning opening at a big-box store seemed
like an endorsement of the corporate agenda
to have all of us shop till we drop and max
out our credit cards in preparation for
Christmas. Parking myself in front of the TV
later that day did not help. I watched the
2003 film, The Corporation. For those who
havent seen it, the documentary, among
other things, warns viewers against becom-
ing mindless consumers.
Still, I will have to replace my computer
soon, hopefully this month, and I will buy
some Christmas presents. But is there a way
to step away from the crazy shopping that
tempts us each Christmas?
A few years ago, several Christian pastors
decided to do something. They decided not
to try to get everyone to stop buying pres-
ents, but just fewer, maybe even just one
less. They noted that in the U.S. alone, con-
sumers spend $450 billion a year at
Christmas on things that are not all that
wanted. In the end, the buying and giving of
unneeded gifts often leave the giver and
receiver feeling empty. These pastors asked,
what if just a modest fraction of that spend-
ing went to take care of people in trouble?
They started something called the Advent
Conspiracy. In case you have never been in
a church around Christmastime, Advent is
the name for the month or so before
Christmas when Christians try to step back
and look at how they are living and what
changes God is asking of them.
The Advent Conspiracy (AC) movement
is a conspiracy to destroy the traditional,
consumerist Christmas we have become
used to. And on the more important positive
side, it is a movement designed to put us in
touch again with the teachings of Jesus,
whose birth is celebrated everywhere on
Christmas day. It promotes especially his
core teaching (along with love God) to
love our neighbours, to care for those in
trouble. AC advocates spending less on our-
selves and giving more to the poor.
What does this look like in real life? For
one thing, the Conspiracy has received
donations from thousands of people and
churches. With that money, it has provided
wells for people living in parched areas in
Liberia and Nicaragua.
Secondly, instead of buying and receiving
an oversupply of gifts this Christmas, we
can, the organizations website says, give
each other time. It encourages us to make
time to love our friends and family in the
most memorable ways possible Time
no matter how hard we look, cant be found
at the mall. Maybe this year we can take
time to hear from an Occupy protestor what
she was hoping for. Maybe we can take time
to chat with the Salvation Army volunteer
collecting donations in the Masonville Mall,
asking him how he got into volunteering.
AC encourages people this year to spend
more time on our relationships. And that can
translate into some good things. Like spend-
ing a little more time over a coffee or drink
on campus with a friend, taking the time
hear how a friend is feeling after a tough
loss, a disappointment, a success or some
unexpected change. The possibilities are
endless. And, as the AC website suggests,
this can be a lot more rewarding than receiv-
ing a sweater thats two sizes out.
I still hope to get my computer replaced
soon. But maybe this Christmas I can also
reflect the care of God by giving to some-
thing good and by giving time to the people
around me. And along the way, I may get a
fresh understanding of Christmas as a gift
from God. At its best, Christmas is a cele-
bration that God was born as human giving
himself and his time to us to live with us
and to address our toughest needs.
A conspiracy to destroy Christmas
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Dear Editor:
It pains me to no extent to see stuff like this
in my school newspaper. Although we are all
entitled to our own opinions and thats exact-
ly what this column is for. But in an educa-
tional institution, its sad to see that the idea
of equality for all is such a taboo idea.
In the November 28, 2011 issue of
Interrobang, in an article titled Out of sight,
out of mind: What was the occupy thing
about again? Victor DeJong said, The
notion that there is a solution is patently
It is nave to think that the world must stay
the way it is, when we in the West have so
much and third world countries are continu-
ally raped for their natural resources, includ-
ing the humans in those regions.
The goal is not to end the wage gap, it is to
bring participatory democracy to the people,
show that they all have a say in what goes on
in their community. Why should the oil from
my land be sucked dry, why should all the
aggregates be stripped from the earth in the
name of profit? This land is my land, this
land is your land, and we all deserve a fair
say in whats being done with it.
Your opinion is one sided and the cartoon
is a very poor representation of the move-
ment. We are products of our environments,
and for all you know those clothes could be
secondhand. Students should be on the front
lines of social change. Do not fear change,
this world has been run by lobbyists and so-
called representatives of the people at all lev-
els of government. What is the last thing any
of these people have done to better your life
or that of the people around you. Stop the
ignorance and actually talk to the people of
the Occupy movement.
We have so much on this planet, and if we
treated it right, there would be enough to sup-
port the seven billion and billions more if we
correct our ways now.
Stop the ignorance and educate yourself,
start an open dialogue with people to
embrace positive change.
Nick Wilson
Participant in the Global Occupy Movement
De Jong irks Occupier
Abused women live with the emotional,
psychological and sometimes physical scars
of their abuse. Except when they dont. The
danger escalates with the abuse and too
often women are murdered.
December 6, 2011 marks the 22nd
anniversary of the horrific murders of 14
women at Lcole Polytechnique in
Montral. In response to the shocking gen-
der-based massacre, Canadians have been
observing this day as our National Day of
Remembrance and Action on Violence
Against Women.
Tragically, the relevance of this day
remains as more than 476 women and 57
children have been murdered in Ontario by
their partners since 1990. Countless more
women across Canada are murdered or miss-
ing simply because they are women, partic-
ularly among our Aboriginal communities.
These numbers continue to grow daily and
do not account for the tens of thousands of
women and children who continue to live in
abusive situations.
The most recent Stats Canada annual shel-
ter survey, which takes a snapshot of
every shelter across the country, shows that
on April 15, 2010 there were 593 shelters in
Canada offering services to abused women,
up from 569 in 2008 due to rising demand.
On this day, 4,645 women were residing in
these shelters and 426 women were turned
away from shelters due to shelters having
reached full capacity (full report available at These numbers only reflect
the women who have accessed services and
do not reflect the vast number of abused
women who are still trapped in dangerous
Communities across the country are com-
ing together on December 6 to honour those
women, show their support for ending vio-
lence against women and take action to
make lasting change.
To effectively break the persistent cycles
of woman abuse, the root causes of violence
need to be addressed. Gender inequalities,
poverty rates, maintaining the gun registry,
access to affordable housing and childcare
are all directly related to an abused womans
ability to escape the violence and live free
from fear and harm.
Sustainable funding for womens anti-vio-
lence agencies is urgently needed if they are
to continue trying to break the cycle of
abuse, prevent violence for girls and women
(and their children), and help survivors of
abuse heal from their ordeals.
On this years National Day of
Remembrance and Action on Violence
Against Women, you can show your support
by attending local events (check with our
womens shelter for details), by attending a
service on campus to be held at noon in the
Alumni Lounge in the Student Centre, by
contacting our MPP to demand immediate,
concrete action to end violence and by being
vocal in our community about how violence
against women is intolerable. More informa-
tion about the National Day of
Remembrance and Action on Violence
Against Women is available online at the
Ministry for the Status of Women Canada
and at
CREDIT: FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/63428572@N00/315768771
December 6 is Canadas National Day of
Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
I write about random things a lot.
I write a lot about random things.
Did you know that Eric Clapton
received his nowinfamous nick-
name Slowhand during his tenure
as lead guitarist in The Yardbirds in
the early 1960s? Clapton could
change broken guitar strings so
quickly and fluidly that he would-
nt leave the stage to do so; the
audience would simply give a slow
handclap until he was finished.
Theres no question that rock and
roll has changed and evolved since
its birth in the early 1950s, howev-
er beginning around the turn of the
century, a shift occurred in the way
we connect with music; much like
the spell that protected baby Harry
Potter from the Avada Kedavra
curse, our love is protecting our
favourite bands from simply pass-
ing away.
The relationship between a band
and their fans used to be much
more like a marriage. Once parted
by death, a dark mourning period
would begin, and the gaps left
behind sometimes proved to be dif-
ficult to fill. In the years since
2000, mind you, a growing number
of bands that have broken up or dis-
banded have found their way to
reuniting and returning to populari-
Take the example of Blink182:
after they released their Take Off
Your Pants And Jacket album in
2001, they began experimenting
with different sounds through col-
laborations and side projects,
resulting in the creation of Box Car
Racer, +44, Angels & Airwaves
and Travis Barkers solo career, not
to mention their tonally mature
selftitled album in 2003 and
reunion despite their sometimes-
turbulent history.
And every step of the way,
Blink182 fans supported Barker,
Mark Hoppus and Tom DeLonge in
every one of their endeavours,
whether in music, journalism or
even retail. Their fans encouraged
them to reinvent and rediscover
themselves, and led to the band
reinvigorating their love for their
work together.
Death From Above 1979 found
their way to performing together
again this year, as did The Tea
Party after spending several years
apart. Bush and Janes Addiction
are both charting very well in the
States right now, and even Men
Without Hats reformed to do The
Safety Dance all across the country
this year.
Bands may break up, but the
emerging trend in the last decade
seems to suggest that the music
they create and the connection they
develop with their fans is powerful
enough over time to heal the band,
particularly where those bands or
artists regularly network with their
fans. Bands dont break up forever,
and if youre patient, your
favourites will return to their place
in the spotlight sure enough.
At least, one can dare to hope.
This year saw the unfortunate end
of The White Stripes, REM,
Alexisonfire, Thursday, O
Pioneers, Silverchair, Landmines,
Gay For Johnny Depp and planned
hiatus for Thrice not to mention
Ben Gibbards divorce with Zooey
Deschanel, which is a bummer
but with a little hope and a lot of
fan encouragement, perhaps theyll
return to stages and music halls
sooner rather than later.
For more of the latest music
news, views and streams, follow
this column on Twitter @fsu_bob-
byisms or with Tumblr at bob- Theres also the
Music Recommendations thread in
our FSU social network for student
suggestions for new music to check
Spend some time with music this
holiday; music has a great way of
reminding you of great times, so
have plenty of both. Im out of
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Theres no doubt that the name
Marine Dreams is one that will
be heard often with the new
release of self-titled album from
the artist. The 10-track record
from Sackville, New
Brunswicks Ian Kehoe, which
dropped on November 15, was
followed by a number of release
shows, including one on
November 27 at Londons The
Brass, and has quickly seen men-
tion and praise from sources like
CBC Radio 3 and NOW
Formerly of the Welland,
Ontario band Attack in Black,
Kehoe set off to create his own
sound but never strayed far from
the others in the band. Past band-
mates Daniel Romano, Spencer
Burton and Ian Romano all took
the time to contribute to the new
album. With the recording
process taking place with two
drum kits set up in the Romano
family kitchen and Welland stu-
dio Tapes and Plates (the birth-
place of more than one Attack in
Black album), Kehoe explained
that even though the songs were
his own, nothing was too differ-
ent or out of the ordinary. The
process felt similar in many
ways but equally as exciting
since I was recording with a lot
of the same people.
Released under Youve
Changed Records, the label cre-
ated by Kehoe, Daniel Romano
(Attack in Black, Daniel Romano
and the Trilliums) and Steve
Lambke (Baby Eagle, The
Constantines), Kehoe modestly
describes the album as awe-
some. He goes on to compare
the sound of the album as a rock
and roll kind of like the
Ramones. Although influences
from the rock legends can be
heard throughout the album,
Marine Dreams definitely
processes a milder and more
foot-tapping indie rock sound.
The overall lo-fi feel of the
album and its fuzzy guitar break-
downs, as heard in the first track,
Fold The Sky, give the album
that raw 1970s feel comparable
to bands like The Buzzcocks and
The Nerves, who Kehoe listed as
influences for his music. The
same lo-fi sound, when put
together with the matching elec-
tric twang of the guitar and the
slight twang in Kehoes voice,
almost gives the rock melodies
more of a bluegrass feel. This is
notable in tracks like the slower
ballad No Face and the more
beat-driven Well Get Her Back
In Your Arms. Whether it is a
more rock or bluegrass sound
produced by the 10 tracks,
theres no denying that Kehoe
has given the debut album his
own unique charm.
Marine Dreams self-titled
debut is now available online at
t i nyur l . com/ mar i nedr eams -
album and on iTunes. Check out for
more releases from the label.
A few weeks ago, many of us
were shocked by the terrible news
that we had lost another of
Canadas great indie bands:
Broken Social Scene had called it
quits after a decade of making
music together. Im sure many of
us can recall where we were when
the news hit and what we were
doing. Although this was a loss of
a great band, it was not the first
loss for any of us and it still does
not make the news any easier.
Many of you, Im sure, are
aware of the five stages of grief:
Denial, Anger, Bargaining,
Depression and Acceptance.
Although the loss of a band may
not be the same as the loss of a
family member or friend, it still
causes grief and the five stages can
still be seen. It usually starts with
you reloading the band page wait-
ing for the news of the breakup to
disappear like it was a bad dream.
Once you accept the news you
might send some time cursing their
name while ripping their posters
off your wall. After youve calmed
down and taped all your posters
back together is the stage where
you send countless emails and let-
ters to the band begging and plead-
ing for them to get back together,
stating that youll do anything.
The next two stages are pretty self-
explanatory. Depression can some-
times involves crying with the
lights off (but only in severe cases)
and acceptances goes without
explanation. So what do you do?
How do you deal with the heart-
wrenching news? Sometimes all
you can do is try to move on, but
here are some other things you can
do to try to cope with the loss.
Host a funeral/celebration of
Take some time to grieve for the
loss of the band. You could light a
few candles and dress in black
while listening to their music in
chronological order. Invite a fel-
low fan to say a few words. Maybe
about how hard they rocked.
Go to their last show
I put this in here even though
this isnt something most people
can do especially since most of
the people reading this are students
in London, Ontario. Lets face it,
unless the band is from London,
they arent going to play their last
show here. So travelling is
involved and travelling costs
money. Then theres the ticket
price, which, since it will be their
last show, is most likely outra-
geous. Tickets will be expected to
sell fast so the idea of a camping
trip is one to consider. Pretty much
the whole experience will be cost-
ly and difficult, but the decision is
up to you. If you were not able to
go to the last show either due to
costs or ticket availability, then
pay attention to the next step.
Buy all their music while its
In most cases, when a band
breaks up, CD prices are going to
fly through the roof. But if youre
lucky and act fast, theres a good
chance that there will be one
record store in town where the
salespeople havent been on
Pitchforks website and therefore
havent heard the terrible, heart-
breaking news. Again it might be a
little costly and you might have to
borrow some money or risk max-
ing out your credit card, but think
of it as an investment.
Move on, find a new favourite
Once you feel like youre finally
better and ready to move on, then
its time to find a new favourite
band. Take suggestions from
friends or walk aimlessly through
the record shop for anything that
catches your eye.
Hopefully this band stays
together longer. Just remember,
you cant sit around and mope
about the same band forever.
Theyll probably get back together
anyways. Reunion tours are big
right now. And if youre still feel-
ing down about it, well, theres
always ice cream.
Marine Dreams self-titled debut
from Youve Changed Records.
So your favourite
band broke up
Your favourite band will reunite
vote stache
december 2nd at 4pm - december 7th at noon
Marine Dreams worth a listen
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Its been a banner year for The
Cheap Speakers, a powergarage
rock band out of Toronto. In 2011,
theyve captured the attention of
radio stations and music websites
all over Canada, scoring enviable
campus chart positions and posi-
tive press from EYE Weekly and
Torontos 102.1 The Edge online
for their latest digital single
The band, founded by vocalists
Brennan Gault and Natalia
Manzocco (who play bass and gui-
tar respectively) and later rounded
out by Tim Dafoe on lead guitar
and David Kochberg on drums,
released Speak late in April this
year. Recorded and engineered by
Dean Marino and Jay Sladowski at
Chemical Sound, the single repre-
sents a lot of hard work and growth
on the part of the band.
Weve grown a bunch between
making our debut EP and making
Speak, and we spent a lot of
money on it because we think its a
great song, Gault said. Between
the amount of time we spent on the
recording and then having David
on drums permanently, things real-
ly gelled together. I think its defi-
nitely moving forward.
I think the studio was a good fit
for our sound, agreed Dafoe. With
Speak, the band is exploring new
guitar and drum textures while
maintaining their lofi integrity, a
combination that is providing
exciting new ground for the band
to build upon.
Brennan is a songwriting
machine, Manzocco said of Gault,
describing the process by which
the band composes their material.
Although Gault is the principle
songwriter, Manzocco said she
serves as the bands editor and
stresses that the input that they
received from Dafoe and Kochberg
only made them more positive that
the two were the perfect comple-
ment to the bands lineup.
His songs become even
stronger once run through The
Cheap Speakers arrangement
machine, she continued. Well
all come in with ideas as to where
to place certain dynamics, like
where to put solos or how many
times to repeat certain things, and
we really polish those songs into
something were really happy with
and very proud of.
Known for their explosive live
sets, The Cheap Speakers are
excited to perform for London
audiences. The band is playing at
APK Live on December 9 with
Paper Lions, The Balconies and
The Hamptons. For more on The
Cheap Speakers, visit thecheaps- or follow them on
Twitter @cheapspeakers.
Paper Lions (,
@paperlions) hail from Prince
Edward Island and were last seen
in London during Oh! Fest; The
Balconies (@thebalconies) are a
classically trained power rock trio
originally from the Ottawa area;
and The Hamptons are a rockabilly
dance band from Toronto via
For further event information,
visit Doors open at 8
p.m., and tickets are $5 in advance
by emailing
or $6 at the door. This is a 19-plus
The Cancer Bats will in London on December 15 at Rum Runners
performing as Bat Sabbath.
When Cancer Bats arrive in
town on December 15, they are
bringing with them an unprece-
dented rock show the likes of
which surely will live in local his-
tory for years to come: the band
has been on tour now since
December 2 as a tribute band to
1970s metal pioneers Black
But wait, theres more: not only
will Cancer Bats perform as Bat
Sabbath, but they will share the
stage with local metal success
story Baptized In Blood, who will
grace the stage as Nirvana tribute
outfit Baptized In Bleach.
In addition to the success
theyve enjoyed since releasing
Bears, Mayors, Scraps & Bones
early last year, this tour arguably
elevates Cancer Bats to become
the most notable rock tribute act in
Canada. But as frontman Liam
Cormier spoke to Interrobang
recently from the studio listen-
ing to the final mixes on their
newly announced album Dead Set
On Living, due in the spring he
indicated the idea had some hum-
ble beginnings.
The band first performed their
tribute set to the metal giants after
being approached by festival
organizers at the 2011 Sonisphere
festival in Bohemia who were
looking for an after-party band that
could play on a side stage after the
headliners Slipknot finished their
set at night. Cancer Bats were
already on the schedule to perform
that night, so organizers pitched
their idea.
They put it to us, said we could
cover anything we want, Cormier
recalled, indicating the organizers
listed Pantera with Black Sabbath
as an option for the tribute.
We were like, No fucking way
can we pull off a whole set of
Pantera songs! Cormier laughed.
So we unassumingly said, Well
just go Black Sabbath; thatll be
super easy, and then opened a real
can of worms because of how
jazzy and crazy Sabbath is. It was
funny for us to take it on as the
easy route, but then realize its
actually really difficult.
Cormiers excitement was easy
to hear over the phone, for the tour
and for the new material he had to
reflect on sitting in the studio.
According to music sites online,
the band also composed of
Scott Middleton on guitar, Mike
Peters on drums and Jaye
Schwarzer on bass began
recording the album in August,
and according to Cormier, the
album hadnt been finished for
more than a couple of hours when
he spoke to Interrobang.
Every time we write a record,
we always go back and listen to
what we liked about the other
ones, he explained. We love our
band, and we love what we do, so
were always trying to finely tune
it, make it better. So its like we go
and pull out all our favourite parts
from our past records and try to do
it again as a new band.
I never want to try to write a
single; I want to write a really fun
song we can play live, not get too
far removed from why we started
this band in the first place,
Cormier said, indicating that a
band needs to be able to laugh
things off. Were friends and we
do this because we love it and its
fun. Writing your fourth record
and trying to make something suc-
cessful and not get too caught up in
the commercial side of things, I
think thats where you need to
have a sense of humour.
Bat Sabbath and Baptized In
Bleach are set to descend on Rum
Runners here in London on
December 15, with doors opening
at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10 in
advance, and are available online
For more information on Bat
Sabbath or their Bastards of
Reality tour, visit
or follow the band on Twitter
@cancerbats. Baptized In Blood,
who celebrated their signing to
Roadrunner Records last year with
a huge release party, can be found
online at or
on Twitter @baptizedinblood.
Further information can be found
appearing on and
Facebook each day closer to the
No silent night
for London
The Cheap Speakers make a stop at APK Live on December 9.
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The Cheap Speakers
crackle with life
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
New Years Eve is one of the
most exciting and fun nights of the
year. You get to celebrate (or move
on from) everything thats hap-
pened over the past year and look
towards a new year. Whether
youre planning a family-friendly
celebration or a fancy night out,
here are a few ideas to help you
out. Remember: New Years Eve
isnt just about what you do, its
about who youre with.
Rockin New Years Eve
Celebrating New Years Eve in
Victoria Park has become a tradi-
tion for many people in London.
The night will include skating on
Victoria Parks ice rink, hot choco-
late and coffee, live entertainment
and fireworks. Whether youre
there for the whole night or just
passing through on your way to
your next party, this is definitely
worth checking out.
Puttin on the Ritz: New Years
at the Aeolian
Keep your New Years Eve
classy with a throwback to years
past. The evening will include
music from the 40s, featuring the
vocal quartet After Four and the
Aeolian Jazz band. There will also
be hors doeuvres, dinner, dessert
and champagne. Doors open at
7:30 p.m. and tickets are $60.
Club/Pub Night
There is a good chance that your
favourite bar, club or pub will be
having a special event for New
Years Eve. Many of them include
special booths, bottle service and
champagne. Visit their website or
call them for more information
about their celebration, and make
sure you buy your tickets in
advance because they tend to sell
out quickly.
Citytv New Years Bash
Nathan Phillips Square in down-
town Toronto will transform into a
massive New Years party that is
broadcast all across Canada. This
alcohol-free event features Citytv
personalities and live performanc-
es and is a fun way for everyone to
ring in 2012.
The Ninth Annual New Years
Eve Family Countdown
This event is perfect for families
with children of all ages, with
entertainment including
Abbamania, the WotWots and
Majinx Magic Show. There will
also be meet-and-greets with Shrek
and some wild animals. The event
starts at 5 p.m. and will have a
countdown at 8 p.m. so kids can
take part in the New Years cele-
brations. Tickets are $20 for adults,
$12 for kids between 4 and 12, and
admission is free for children 3 and
Customize Your Night
If youve never gone to any
clubs or bars in Toronto, this is a
great time to explore and try some-
thing new. Website like can help
you figure out what bars or clubs
will be the most fun for New
Niagara Falls
ET Canada New Years Eve at
Niagara Falls
Entertainment Tonight Canadas
Cheryl Hickey and Rick
Campanelli will be hosting this
years celebration. Starting at 6:30
p.m. in Queen Victoria Park, this
exciting event features fireworks
and live music, including Kardinal
Offishall and Barenaked Ladies.
Approximately 30,000 people are
expected to attend, so feel free to
bring all of your friends and fami-
New Years at Blue Mountain
Whether youre planning to ring
in the New Year with family or
with a group of friends, Blue
Mountain has the party for you.
The night features a buffet dinner,
live entertainment, an evening
family party, a nighttime bash for
adults and, of course, fireworks.
Tickets are $75 per person, $50 per
child 12 and under, and free for
children under 5.
Submission forms can be pick up in the FSU Offce
- SC2001 or
Submit your work to the FSU Offce SC2001 (2nd Floor
Student Centre)
For more information contact: Darby Mousseau in SC1012

The most stressful part of your
semester, final exams, is finally
over! Now all thats left is to pack
a few bags and head home, right?
Not necessarily. There are a few
more things to consider when
preparing for the winter break.
Did you pack everything youre
going to need for the next few
weeks? It can be very helpful to sit
down and make a list of all the
things that you use on a daily basis
and make sure that you pack every-
thing on that list when the time
comes. Coming from experience, I
can tell you that it can be quite a
pain in the derriere to get home and
realize that you left your cell phone
or laptop charger at school, or even
just a favourite pair of jeans or bot-
tle of foundation.
Is there anything in your room
that could be dangerous if left
unsupervised for a long time? You
would be surprised at how many
different things can be fire hazards,
so take the time to check around
before you leave. Make sure that
there isnt anything covering your
heating vent, such as papers, card-
board or clothing. Also be sure to
unplug everything from your out-
lets, dont just turn off whatever is
still plugged in. Its also a good
idea to make sure that your win-
dow is securely shut to stop bad
weather from taking over your pad
while youre away.
Did you leave anything that will
end up being gag-worthy to clean
up when you return? Make sure
there arent any dirty dishes or
half-eaten leftovers hidden any-
where in your room. If youre feel-
ing especially productive, it would
be a great idea to do a complete
clean-up of your room. A clean-up
will also help you find any buried
personal items you may have for-
gotten you wanted to bring along
with you. Make sure you also
check the fridge for perishable
food items that you either want to
bring along or throw away.
Speaking of garbage, its also cru-
cial to you (and your roomies)
sanitary sanity to make sure that all
the garbage pails are emptied
before you leave. Oh, and one last
thing: please dont leave your dirty
dishes in the sink or dishwasher
while youre on vacation, its rude
to your roommates and downright
nasty if left to simmer alone for
three weeks.
It seemed for a while that Amos
the Transparent had almost forgot-
ten that they had planned a new
album. Luckily, the Ottawa folk
rock band is back in the news with
talk of the new album, and in their
true fashion, theyre doing things a
little differently.
The band featuring members
Jonathan Chandler, Chris Wilson,
James Nicol, Mark Hyne and
Daniel Hay went to work on their
upcoming full-length album after
the release of their A is For Amos
EP late last year, a release that sur-
prised fans with a much different
sound than what is to be expected.
The five-track album, inspired by
the Rockaby Baby series, featured
lullaby versions of a few of their
songs a treat to the children of
those in the band. Now, after
almost a year of recording and
back to their usually folk rock
melodies, Amos the Transparent
still wanted to put out an album
with a bit of a twist.
They began the recording
process of the album to be titled
Sure As The Weather back in the
winter at the home of Wilsons
mother, but the original plan to
have the tracks recorded in the
span of a month was quickly
derailed soon after discovering the
poor sound quality produced by
the location and by their inability
to say no when it came to playing
more shows. After that, they found
it difficult to get themselves back
on track, but were finally able to
do so after some time and were
able to finish the album. Although
the band will not be releasing a LP
in its entirety until January of
2012, they made the first four
songs available for download on
November 29. After this, they plan
to make four more tracks available
sometime this month before the
full release in the new year. This
marks the second full-length
release for the band after 2007s
Everything Ive Forgotten to
Forget, which received praise and
chart rankings from Billboard and
XM Radio. Despite the success of
the past, Chandler stated that they
still wanted fans to get a taste of
the album little by little.
Amos the Transparent just
wrapped up a few shows with fel-
low musicians The Darcys and
plan to play more in the next few
months to continue to promote
Sure As The Weather. Fans are
advised to keep their eyes peeled
to the bands website, for the upcoming
Sure As The Weather
available little by little
Ontarians sure know how to party
Youre ready to go
home for the holidays,
but is your dorm room?
vote stache
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weakest stache
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Celebrity Losses
Jack Layton: Layton was the leader of the New Democratic Party in Canada
from 2003 to 2011. In the 2011 federal election, he led the NDP to a historic
103 seats, making Layton the most successful leader electorally in NDP his-
tory. He died on August 22 at the age of 61 from cancer.
Amy Winehouse: Five-time Grammy Award-winner Winehouse was known
for her incredible talent and controversial lifestyle. She died from alcohol
poisoning on July 23 at the age of 27.
Ryan Dunn: Dunn is best known as a member of the Jackass television
show and movies. He died on June 20 at the age of 34 in an alcohol-related
car accident.
Steve Jobs: Jobs was the Chairman, Co-Founder and Chief Executive
Offcer of App|e IC. He was known, |n part, for h|s keynote speeches and
his iconic status reached far beyond the tech world. Jobs died on October 5
at the age of 46 due to complications from pancreatic cancer.
Elizabeth Taylor: Th|s Academy Award-w|nn|ng f|m |egend spent over 50
years in the spotlight. She was known for her incredible beauty, devotion to
raising awareness for HIV and AIDS research, and
her many marriages. The iconic actress died on
March 23 of congestive heart failure. She was 79.
Celebrity Divorces
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver: After
25 years of marriage and four children, the two
separated on May 9. Shortly after the separation, it
was made public that Schwarzenegger had an affair
with their housekeeper of 20 years, Mildred Baena,
and had father a child with her, Joseph, who is now
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries:
The couple began dating in October 2010, and got
engaged in May 2011. Their August 20 wedding
was televised as a two-night special on E! and
had a combined 10.5 million viewers. After 72
days of marr|age, Kardash|an f|ed for d|vorce.
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: After rumours
of Kutchers |nfde||ty spread, Dem| Moore
announced on ovember 17 that she was f||ng for
divorce, ending their six-year marriage.
The Royal Wedding
On April 29, two billion viewers around the
world tuned in to watch the long-awaited
wedding of Prince William and Catherine
Middleton. Prince William proposed on
October 20, 2010, with his mothers
engagement ring, and the couple made the
public announcement on November 16,
2010. One million people lined the route
between Westminster Abbey, where the
couple was married, and Buckingham
Palace in order to catch a glimpse
of the couple and Middletons highly
anticipated wedding gown.
Steve Jobs: Jobs virtually touched the lives of everyone who has ever used
a computer. He was the Co-Founder, Cha|rman and Ch|ef Execut|ve Offcer
of Apple Inc., which today makes computers, tablets, cell phones and more.
Jobs battled pancreatic cancer from 2003, and resigned as CEO in August.
Oprah: She may be retired, but thats not slowing her down! On May 25,
the last episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show aired. It ran nationally for 25
seasons and was the highest-rated talk show in American television history,
according to Encyclopedia Brittanica. Her show may be over, but Oprahs got
her hand in many other media, including magazines and radio.
Regis Philbin: This beloved media personality ended his tiem on the show,
Live With Regis and Kelly (originally Live With Regis and Kathy Lee), with a
fna| ep|sode on ovember 18.
Pete James: Local radio host James ended his 56-year career as a sports
commentator on October 31. Throughout his career, James hosted the
opening ceremonies for two huge arenas in London, The London Ice House
and the John Labatt Centre, and was the commentator for London Knights
Hockey Club games for 40 years.
It Gets Better
This campaign aimed to convey the message that life will improve for gay
teens. It was created by author Dan Savage and his husband Terry Miller in
response to a rash of suicides by gay teens who had been bullied. Videos
with the It Gets Better message were submitted by workers for the Pixar
company, Chris Colfer from Glee and more, all showing support for gay
teens. London Mayor Joe Fontanna even marched in this summers local gay
pride parade to show his support for gay rights. TV funnyman Rick Mercer
took issue with the It Gets Better campaign, creating a video that stated that
things need to be better for gay teens now.
Long-Anticipated Releases
From the re-releases of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars to the fna| Harry
Potter f|m be|ng un|eashed on the b|g screen, 2011 had fans a|| over the
world celebrating. The Lord of the Rings Blu-ray release included high-
defn|t|on extended ed|t|ons of the tr||ogy and over 25 hours of bonus
material. The Star Wars B|u-ray co||ect|on |nc|uded a|| s|x f|ms of the saga
remastered |n fu|| h|gh-defn|t|on and more than 30 hours of |n-depth bonus
features. After 10 years of annual Harry Potter re|eases, the f|m ser|es was
fna||y comp|eted w|th the h|ghest-gross|ng f|m of 2011, Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows Part 2. In December, the comp|ete 8-f|m B|u-ray co||ect|on
was released.
London, Ontario Protests
Occupy Wall Street/Occupy London: Occupy Wall Street began on
September 17 in New York City, focusing on social and economic inequality,
unemployment, and the greed and corruption of corporations. The movement
quickly spread globally, with people camping out in tent communities in
over 1,500 cities. The movement spread to London on October 22, where
occupiers camped out and held meetings in Victoria Park until November 9.
Support Staff: Support staff at colleges across Ontario went on strike
from September 1 to 18 after a sett|ement cou|dnt be reached dur|ng the
barga|n|ng process. After an 18-day str|ke, an agreement was fna||y reached,
and support staff workers returned to work at all 24 Ontario colleges.
Beal Student Tasered: After a 17-year-old H.B. Beal Secondary School
student was tasered by a po||ce offcer who was break|ng up a fght the
student was involved in, high school students took to the streets to protest
alleged police brutality. On September 27, students took part in a sometimes-
rowdy day-long protest.
Casey Anthony: After the suspicious
circumstances were found surrounding her
two-year-old daughter Caylees death in
2008, Anthony was put on tr|a| on May 24.
On Ju|y 5, she was found not gu||ty of frst
degree murder, aggravated child abuse
and aggravated manslaughter of a child,
but was found guilty of four misdemeanor
counts of providing false information to a law
enforcement offcer.
Dr. Conrad Murray: Dr. Murray was Michael
Jacksons doctor, and was charged with
involuntary manslaughter after Jackson died
of acute propofol intoxication in June 2009.
According to trial testimony, Jackson, an insomniac,
often begged the doctor to give him powerful
enough drugs to put him to sleep. Murray was
found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
Royden Wood: After accusations of sexual
misconduct, London Pastor Royden Wood was
conv|cted on ovember 1 of fve counts of sexua|
assault for long-term and intrusive relationships
with female members of his congregation. Wood,
who founded the Ambassador Baptist Church
operated at Adelaide and King Streets in
London until 2007, claimed the convictions
were 'revenge by h|s former fock.
London, England: Following the shooting of
Mark Duggan on August 4, protestors organized
by Duggans friends and relatives took to the
streets in a peaceful march two days later.
Between 120 and 200 people ended up in front of
the Tottenham Police Station, demanding to speak to
a sen|or po||ce offcer. As more peop|e got |nvo|ved,
the crowd got out of hand and the riots began,
eventually spreading to other boroughs
and districts of London. From August 6 to 10, over
3,000 people were arrested and over 1,000 were charged.
Vancouver Stanley Cup: On June 15, when the Boston Bruins defeated
the Vancouver Canucks in game seven of the Stanley Cup tournament,
c|t|zens of Vancouver took to the streets, sett|ng fres, overturn|ng cars and
looting stores. Over 140 injuries were reported during the riot, with at least
four peop|e stabbed and n|ne po||ce offcers |n|ured. Over 100 peop|e were
arrested the night of the riot, and 16 others were arrested later. The riot
caused an estimated $5 million worth of damage to the city.
Change in the Middle East and North Africa
The Arab Spring: This revolutionary wave in the Arab world began on
December 18, 2010. Over the past year, demonstrat|ons and protests have
occurred in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen and have spread to many
more countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The results included the
ousting and/or death of many leaders in the area, including ousted leader of
Egypt Hosn| Mubarak and the death of L|byan |eader Muammar Gaddaf.
Osama bin Laden: After nearly a decade of searching, American troops
fna||y found and k|||ed Osama b|n Laden on May 2 |n Is|amabad, Pak|stan.
bin Laden was the leader of Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization responsible
for the 9/11 attacks in New York City.
Extreme Weather
London Heat Wave: On July 21, temperatures in London broke records by
reaching 36C and soaring over 45C with humidex.
Tornado in Goderich: On August 11, an F3 tornado passed through
Goderich, Ontario, leaving 37 people injured and one dead. The storm saw
winds reach 300 km/hr. The tornado destroyed downtown Goderich and left
the city in a state of emergency.
Tohoku Earthquake: The magnitude 9 earthquake occurred on March 11
off the eastern coast of Japan, triggering tsunami waves. The earthquake left
15,839 dead, 5,950 |n|ured, and 3,642 m|ss|ng. A state of emergency was
called in Japan after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant cooling system
failed, and surrounding residents had to be evacuated because of high
radiation levels. The earthquake was so powerful that tsunami waves even
reached parts of California and Oregon.
2011 was not only the year of the rabbit, it also had many
memorable moments. Here are some of the things 2011
will be remembered for...
Celebrity Losse


London, Ontario Prot


Jack Layton: Layton
1. In from 2003 to 201
103 seats, making Lay
Augus . He died on tory
: Amy WWi Fiv inehouse:
for her incredible talen
poisoning on July 23 a
: Dunn is b Ryan Dunn:
show and movies. He
car accident.
Steve Jobs: Jobs was

was the leader of the New Dem
1 federal election, he le the 201
yton the most successful leader
st 22 at the age of 61 from canc
ward-winner W A ve-time Grammy
nt and controversial lifestyle. Sh
at the age of 27.
best known as a member of the
died on June 20 at the age of 3
s the Chairman, Co-Founder an

mocratic Party in Canada
to a historic d the NDP
his r electorally in NDP -
. cer
Winehouse was known
he died from alcohol
e Jackass television
34 in an alcohol-related
nd Chief Executive

all Street/Occupy Occupy WWa
ork Cit Y September 17 in New
unemployment, and the greed
, with p quickly spread globally
The moveme over 1,500 cities.
occupiers camped out and hel
Support Staff: f a Support staf
from September 1 to 18 after a
After an 1 barga|n|ng process.
f workers retu and support staf
asered: Beal Student TTa After
t d t t d b ||

: all Street b Occupy W London:
, focusing on social and econo ty
d and corruption of corporations
eople camping out in tent comm
ent spread to London on Octob
ictoria Park unt ld meetings in V
at colleges across Ontario went
a sett|ement cou|dnt be reache
8-day str|ke, an agreement was
rned to work at all 24 Ontario c
a 17-year-old H.B. Beal Secon
ff h b k|

began on
, omic inequality
The movement .
munities in
ber 22, where
til November 9.
on strike
ed dur|ng the
s fna||y reached,
dary School
f ht th

App|e IC. H Offcer of
his iconic status reach
at the age of 46 due to
aylor: Elizabeth TTa Th|s
raising awareness for
T her many marriages.
March 23 of congestiv
Celebrity Divorc
Arnold Schwarzeneg

He was known, |n part, for h|s k
hed far beyond the tech world. J
o complications from pancreatic
ward-w|nn|ng f|m A Academy s
AIDS research, and HIV and
The iconic actress died on
ve heart failure. She was 79.
gger and Maria Shriver: After

eynote speeches and
Jobs died on October 5
. c cancer
|egend spent over 50
, devotion to

student was tasered by a po||c
student was involved in, high s
. On Se alleged police brutality
rowdy day-long protest.

ce offcer who was break|ng up
school students took to the stre
ptember 27, students took part
rials T
Anthony: Casey After the s
circumstances were found s
two-year-old daughter Cayle
Anthony was put on tr 2008,
On Ju|y 5, she was found no

a fght the
eets to protest
in a sometimes-
surrounding her
ees death in
r|a| on May 24.
ot gu||ty of frst

25 years of marriage a
separated on May 9. S
was made public that
with their housekeepe
and had father a child
Kim Kardashian and
The couple began dat
1. engaged in May 201
was televised as a two
had a combined 10.5
d f | K d

and four children, the two
Shortly after the separation, it
fair Schwarzenegger had an af
er of 20 years, Mildred Baena,
, Joseph, who is now with her
d Kris Humphries:
ing in October 2010, and got
August 20 wedding Their .
o-night special on E! and
After 72 million viewers.
d h| f| d f d|



, aggravated degree murder
and aggravated manslaught
but was found guilty of four m
counts of providing false info
. enforcement offcer
. Conrad Murray: Dr r. . Mu Dr
, and was c Jacksons doctor
involuntary manslaughter aft
intoxicatio propofol acute of
, Jackso cording to trial testimony
begged the doctor to give him
nough drugs to put him to slee

child abuse
ter of a child,
ormation to a law
rray was Michael
charged with
ter Jackson died
2009. June in on
on, an insomniac,
m powerful
ep Murray was

days of marr|age, Kard
Ashton Kutcher and
of Kutchers |nfde||ty s
announced on ovem
divorce, ending their s
edd The Royal W
O April 29, two billion n
world tuned in to watc
wedding of Prince Wil
Middleton. Prince Will

dash|an f|ed for d|vorce.
: rumours After Demi Moore:
spread, Dem| Moore
mber 17 that she was f||ng for
six-year marriage.
n viewers around the
h the long-awaited
liam and Catherine
iam proposed on

ood: Wo After accusatio
Adelaide and Kin
nough drugs to put him to slee
ound guilty of involuntary man
oyden W
sconduct, London Pastor Roy
nv|cted on ovember 1 of fve
perated at
ondon until 2007, claimed th
ere 'revenge by h|s former
ault for long-term and intrusiv
male members of his congr
ho founded the

ep. Murray was
. slaughter
ons of sexual
ood was yden W
counts of sexua|
e relationships
ood, regation. W
r Baptist Church
ng Streets in
he convictions

October 20, 2010, with
engagement ring, and
public announcement
2010. One million peo
estminster between W
couple was married, a
Palace in order to catc
of the couple and Midd
anticipated wedding g

h his mothers
the couple made the
on November 16,
ople lined the route
, where the Abbey
and Buckingham
ch a glimpse
dletons highly

ere are som will be rememb
be remembered fo
d fo
nly the year of the ra
orable moments. Here are som

the c
and d
1 or...
or r.
the things 201

Following th
August 4, prote
As more peop .
crowd got out of hand and the ri
tually spreading to other boroug
Augus districts of London. From
don, England:
Duggan on
ggans friends and relatives
in a peaceful march two da
n 120 and 200 people ende
nham Police Station, dema
po||ce offcer

e shooting of
stors organized
s took to the
. ays later
ed up in front of
nding to speak to
p|e got |nvo|ved,
ots began,
st 6 to 10, over

Steve Jobs:
. He was th a computer
Apple Inc., which to of
Jobs battled pancreati
Oprah: She may be re
the last episode of The
seasons and was the
according to Encyclop
her hand in many othe
Regis Philbin: This b
Live With Regis and K

, Cha|rman and C he Co-Founder
oday makes computers, tablets,
ic cancer from 2003, and resign
etired, but thats not slowing he
w aired. It e Oprah Winfrey Show
Ame highest-rated talk show in
pedia Brittanica. Her show may
er media, including magazines a
eloved media personality ended
y (originally Kelly Live With Regis

Ch|ef Execut|ve Offcer
cell phones and more.
August. ned as CEO in
r down! On May 25,
ran nationally for 25
, rican television history
, but Oprahs got be over
and radio.
, d his tiem on the show
and Kathy Lee), with a

and d
3,000 people were arreste
ancouver Stanley Cup: VVa On
ancouver Canucks in gam the V
ancouver took to t c|t|zens of VVa
looting stores. Over 140 injurie
four peop|e stabbed and n|ne
arrested the night of the riot, a
caused an estimated $5 millio
Change in the Middle
Spring: The Arab This revolu

Augus districts of London. From
ed and over 1,000 were charge
June 15, when the Boston Brui
me seven of the Stanley Cup to
the streets, sett|ng fres, overtur
es were reported during the riot
po||ce offcers |n|ured. Over 100
and 16 others were arrested late
. n worth of damage to the city
Africa e East and North
Arab world utionary wave in the

st 6 to 10, over
ins defeated
rn|ng cars and
t, with at least
0 peop|e were
The riot . er
began on

Live With Regis and K
fna| ep|sode on ove
: Local ra Pete James:
commentator on Octo
opening ceremonies fo
and the John Labatt C
Hockey Club games fo
It Gets Better
This campaign aimed
teens. It was created b
response to a rash of

y (originally Kelly Live With Regis
mber 18.
dio host James ended his 56-ye
, J Throughout his career ber 31.
or two huge arenas in London,
Centre, and was the commentat
or 40 years.
to convey the message that life
by author Dan Savage and his h
suicides by gay teens who had

and Kathy Lee), with a
ear career as a sports
James hosted the
The London Ice House
or for London Knights
e will improve for gay
erry Miller in TTe husband
ideos been bullied. V

Spring: The Arab This revolu
December 18, 2010. Over the
unisia, Egypt, Lib T occurred in
more countries in the Middle E
ousting and/or death of many
Egypt Hosn| Mubarak and the
Osama bin Laden: After near
fna||y found and k|||ed Osama
A bin Laden was the leader of
o YYo 1 attacks in New for the 9/1
eather Extreme W

Arab world utionary wave in the
, demonstrat|ons and past year
emen and have YYe bya, Syria and
The resul Africa. East and North
leaders in the area, including o
death of L|byan |eader Muamm
Amer rly a decade of searching,
a b|n Laden on May 2 |n Is|amab
l-Qaeda, the terrorist organizati
. rk City

began on
protests have
e spread to many
lts included the
usted leader of
mar Gaddaf.
rican troops
bad, Pak|stan.
ion responsible

with the It Gets Better
teens. London Mayor
pride parade to show
took issue with the It G
things need to be bette
From the re-releases o
r f|m be|ng un|ea Potter
The celebrating. world

y g y
message were submitted by w
Joe Fontanna even marched in
TV fu his support for gay rights.
Gets Better campaign, creating
. er for gay teens now
ed Releases
of s and Lord of the Rings Star W
1 h ashed on the b|g screen, 201
e s Blu-ray relea Lord of the Rings

workers for the Pixar
n this summers local gay
unnyman Rick Mercer
a video that stated that
s WWa to the fna| ars Harry
had fans a|| over the
ase included high-

eather Extreme W
ave: London Heat WWa On Ju
reaching 36C and soaring ov
ornado in Goderich: TTo A On
Goderich, Ontario, leaving 37
The to . winds reach 300 km/hr
the city in a state of emergenc
ohoku Earthquake: TTo The ma
f the eastern coast of Japan of
15,839 dead, 5,950 |n|ured, an
called in Japan after the Fukus
failed and surrounding reside

uly 21, temperatures in London
er 45C with humidex.
1, an F3 tornado passe August 1
T people injured and one dead.
ornado destroyed downtown Go
. cy
agnitude 9 earthquake occurred
The , triggering tsunami waves.
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Its that time of the year again!
The holidays will soon be rolling
up and, well, the fashion world is
going crazy. I find the holidays a
difficult time of the year because
shopping needs to be done, baking
and cooking needs to happen, dec-
orating needs to be finished up and
generally people like for their look
to reflect the happy season.
There are plenty of non-conven-
tional ways to enhance an outfit.
Personally, I think the best way to
make a look more special is with
accessories. Clothes reflect our
style, and accessories help enhance
our look to reflect what were try-
ing to convey without necessarily
talking about ourselves. I feel as
though people dont look to acces-
sories as a form of self-expression
as much as they do with clothing,
and therefore accessories arent
used to communicate who we are.
Personally I find that accessories
help to express how formal you
wanted to look, therefore theyre
great tools for Christmas.
Since you will soon be shopping
for others, and maybe yourself, I
felt you might need a little inspira-
Blowouts: A lot of people only
consider getting their hair cut and
coloured to spice up a new look. A
new trend called tinseling is
increasing in popularity. Tinseling
involves having little pieces of tin-
sel placed into your mane.
Whether theyre the same colour as
your hair or contrasting colours,
tinseling is a good way to add
shimmer and shine. Its noticeable
but doesnt scream try-hard.
Gold is nice for blondes, copper
for brunettes, red for gingers and
silver is great for black hair.
Frosting: if youve ever seen
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days,
you should be very familiar with
frosting yourself. Diamonds (fake
or real) are a very good way of
dressing up any outfit. I personally
find that Aldo Accessories stores
have some great frost. Colourful or
clear sparkle will make you shine.
Big cuffs are a great way of adding
as much bling as possible but if
you do a necklace, dont do
bracelets, do rings. And if you do
earrings, you can do bracelets. The
trick is to draw attention to more
than just one region; it allows the
eye to look up and down, which
lengthens your silhouette. I also
recommend staying away from any
long necklaces if youre doing a
belt or any type of scarf, as it tends
to cut you up. Diamonds arent just
for your mother, theyre meant to
be playful; layering them and play-
ing with different colours is some-
times whatll take your outfit to the
next level definitely recommend-
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes: The shoes
we usually admire the most are the
crazy ones. I always find I love
shoes that I am the least likely to
wear. I always like the wild-
coloured shoes with the flowers
and feathers and sparkles and
buckles, but I usually end up buy-
ing the plain black Mary Janes. We
usually buy what were most com-
fortable with, but realistically that
gets you nowhere. This year, buy a
fun pair of heels or wedges with
sparkly shine and maybe a little
feather that youll admire. Get
them in a fun colour red, green,
gold or royal blue; its the holi-
days, youre supposed to wear
bright colours.
During the holidays, just about
anything goes: purples, greens and
gold. Just have fun and try things
you normally wouldnt that is my
best advice to you. Happy
What: An abstract showing of
makeup artistry painted on live
mannequins. (19-plus event, no
Where: Lavish Night Club (238
Dundas St.)
When: Friday, December 9.
Doors open at 9, show starts at 11
Who: Joshua R. Wallers make-
up creations.
Models Outfitted By: Megins
Leggins and Nidia Martinez
Hair Styling: Joclyn Millard
and Marissa Guichelaar
What is perfection and who gets
to decide what is perfect? Are
there really concrete beauty guide-
lines and rules that we must follow
to be considered perfect? Are we
not all beautiful in our own ways?
The reality is that our imperfec-
tions are what truly make us beau-
tiful. Imperfection really is perfec-
The media likes to portray what
they deem to be perfect as a
skinny woman with an airbrushed
complexion who has plastic-like
features. In other words, perfection
(in the eyes of the media) is a man-
nequin. But why would we want to
idolize something that is an inani-
mate object? This became the
main inspiration behind The
Imperfect Mannequin; the idea of
taking something that is deemed so
perfect and destroying it, decon-
structing it until it is finally imper-
The night will consist of a run-
way show combined with an art
showing of live mannequins (real
people). The extreme makeup
artistry incorporates beauty, body
art and special effects to truly rep-
resent imperfection and to make
you view beauty in a different
light. Fourteen creations will walk
the runway and in their statuesque
poses, will stand as art pieces
throughout Lavish.
All models will be outfitted in
Megins Leggins, beautifully craft-
ed and vibrant leggings, as well as
Fanshawes own Nidia Martinezs
theatrical and breathtaking gar-
ments. All the imperfect creations
are completed with the hair design
done by the extremely talented
Joclyn Millard and Marissa
Guichelaar of Cutz Salon
With a night filled with such
surreal creativity and imagination,
it is the perfect event to not only be
inspired but a place to meet other
industry professionals (photogra-
phers, models and artists of all tal-
ents). Anyone in the artistic indus-
try knows that the people you net-
work with is the most important
aspect to moving forward and
gaining more experience.
After the show is over there is of
course an after party featuring
Lady Finesse, spinning the best in
the top 40s/remixes/house. On top
of that, live makeovers and body
art will be happening! So if you
come with a clean canvas, you
have a chance to become an imper-
fect mannequin as well!
One of the most beautiful
women who ever lived, Marilyn
Monroe, stated, Imperfection is
beauty, madness is genius, and its
better to be absolutely ridiculous
than absolutely boring. Step out
of the guidelines, and enter the
world of The Imperfect
Imperfection is
The TREJOS shoe by Aldo is a
great addition to your current shoe
collection, a lovely holiday pick!
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Surely I cant be the only one
intimidated and dreadful of the
chaotic and dizzying season of
Christmas and the shopping habits
that come with it. Walking down
the busy streets of Toronto is usu-
ally hard enough to maneuver, and
when holiday strollers stop to
admire the stunning displays and
sip their cocoa, it can be nearly dis-
astrous. (Hey, Ive got a train to
catch!) Luckily, for people like me,
online shopping sites have eased
the pain of weaving through
throngs of people strolling down
Bloor Street or clumped together
inconveniently above an escalator
in the Eaton Centre. Unluckily for
me and the rest of the world, we
somewhat foolishly rely on a
postal service and can be disap-
pointed by delays and not having
packages delivered on time. This is
where I usually try to become a lit-
tle more creative in hopes of giving
something that will be loved,
arrive on time and spare me the
trouble of hustling through shops.
In previous years, my love for
reading anything printed in the
glossy pages of a publication led
me to both give and receive maga-
zine subscriptions as gifts. Part of
the requirements of a good gift in
my books is something that a per-
son would really love, but would
never shell out for on their own. As
much as I love French Vogue, I
would rarely buy a copy of it, let
alone a years supply, so you can
imagine my delight when month
after month I received my holiday
gift. Awesome, right? Loving the
idea of a gift that keeps on giving,
I looked more and more into sub-
scriptions of different sorts and last
year, I stumbled upon a site called
Based in New York City and
founded by two MBA-holding
Harvard-educated gals, Birchbox
was created back in September of
2010 and has a whopping 45,000
subscribers today. The monthly
box is filled with four or five cus-
tomized sample-sized beauty
goodies ranging from makeup to
fragrance to skincare. After filling
out your beauty profile, certain
products are selected especially for
you. The Birchbox site also sells
full-sized versions of the samples
and a point reward system is used
to encourage sales of the products.
Shipping strictly to the U.S., beau-
ty junkies around the world simul-
taneously sighed in frustration,
once again being excluded by geo-
graphical boarders.
Purchasing a six-month sub-
scription to Birchbox for my
American gal pals last year left me
feeling a little empty inside, and
not with the feel-good gift-giving
vibes youre supposed to get.
Truthfully, I was a little (okay, a
lot) jealous. Recently, while read-
ing one of my last gifted issues of
Flare, attempting to stay focused
on gift ideas and not selfishly
swoon over fur coats and glittery
nail polish, my eyes nearly popped
out of my head when I came across
an article featuring Luxebox by
Loose Button ( a
Canadian version of the Birchbox!
I immediately signed up for a
years subscription for myself (its
the best value; you get two months
free) after filling out my beauty
profile to get the products best suit-
ed for me. Luxebox differs slightly
from its American counterpart as
Luxebox doesnt sell the products
it sends out, but it does tell you
where to purchase them if you
choose to do so. I loved my
Luxebox so much, gift-giving this
season just became a piece of cake.
Luxebox might just be the perfect gift for someone special on your list.
Presents that keep on giving
Sparkle and shine
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Its never easy meeting the par-
ents, especially for guys, because
before the dad meets you, he
already hates you. Mothers tend to
be the opposite; they will like you
before they meet you. The key is
making the dad rethink his opinion
of you and reassure the moms
The first thing you should do
before you meet the parents is
shower. Most of you might be
thinking this is pretty obvious, but
I have a feeling there are a few
guys out there who need to be
reminded. First impressions mean
everything when meeting your
girlfriends parents, so dress nice-
ly. Im not saying bring out the tux
and tie, but clean underneath your
nails and treat this as an interview
for whether or not you are good
enough to date their daughter.
Since its the holidays, you
should bring the parents a gift
maybe a bottle of wine or some
flowers. It doesnt have to be
something big, especially if you
are a student. Just something small
to thank them for having you over
that will show them how thought-
ful you are.
Topics to avoid when meeting
the parents should include politics,
religion, partying stories and past
relationships. No parent wants to
hear that their daughter is dating a
21 year old who was engaged to
his high school sweetheart or that
he holds the record in his fraternity
for the most one-night stands. Her
dad isnt one of your buddies
theres no need to brag about this
The question that you should be
prepared to answer is What do
you want to do with your life?
This is important. If you have no
goals in life, they will take it as a
sign of laziness and lack of ambi-
tion. Its understandable if you are
in college or university and still
dont know what you want to do
with your life most people dont.
That being said, for this night if
you have no ambition in life or
goals, you should make some up!
Your actions speak volumes, so
you need to show the parents that
you have respect for them and their
daughter, and there are two ways
you can do this. First, do not use
pet names in front of parents. No
dad wants to hear his daughter
being called babe or princess.
Secondly, keep your hands to
yourself! Yes, deep down, her dad
knows you do more than just hold
hands, but you do not want to
remind him of that or make that
thought resurface, especially on an
occasion when you know he is
going to have a knife in his hand at
some point. If you dont treat the
parents with respect, why would
they think you are treating their
daughter with respect?
Now, being a bit more specific,
how to make sure the mom loves
you more than she did before she
met you. One word: flattery. Moms
love compliments, especially about
how good or young they look. I
should add a disclaimer here: You
are complimenting Mom, not hit-
ting on her. Remember, Dad
already hates you for taking one of
his girls.
If you want to go above and
beyond, you could always find
something the mom likes and get it
for her. For example, my mom
LOVES candy, especially anything
sour. When she sees someone has
candy her face lights up like a
Christmas tree. So I always tell the
guys Im dating when they meet
my mom bring her a bag of candy
and it always works.
If you want to go that extra mile
to win over the dad, unfortunately
its not as easy as saying You
look too young to have a child in
college, but what I have learned
over the years is that dads like it
when their daughters bring a guy
home who has the same interests as
them. Find out as much as you can
before you meet him so you can
find some similar interests. For
example, if her dad loves sports,
youd better know something
about sports. If not, theres this
new crazy thing called the Internet
use it.
I could give you all the tips in
the world to help you survive
meeting the parents, but no matter
what, its never going to be easy.
Although it may be difficult, I
hope these tips will help you get
out alive.
Its that time of year again: holiday
season. There are so many special
days to celebrate all within a few
months of each other: Thanksgiving,
Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years
and a whole host of others. Believe
me, I know that it can be tough to get
into that holiday spirit when your sig-
nificant other cant be with you.
While nothing can really replace
physically having your partner there
with you to celebrate the holidays,
there are a number of things that you
can do to make each and every spe-
cial occasion work long distance
Celebrate early or late. This year,
my husband was away for
Thanksgiving (which just so happens
to be my favourite holiday), so
instead of missing it, we celebrated
early! Who cares if you have a full
turkey dinner with all the fixins on
Labour Day weekend? If you really
want to spend a certain holiday with
your partner, it doesnt matter what
calendar day you do it on what mat-
ters is that you celebrate together.
Spend holidays with your family
or friends. It can be tempting to
throw yourself a big pity party on
holidays just because youre by your-
self but that is never a good idea. Go
to the big family dinner or make
plans with your friends. Whatever
you do, make sure to be around peo-
ple who care about you and who
make you happy. This will make get-
ting through holidays on your own so
much easier.
Make time to talk to your partner
on holidays. Make sure that when a
special holiday rolls around when
you cant actually be with your sig-
nificant other that you set aside time
that day to talk to each other. Even if
its a quick text or a five-minute
phone call, taking the time to say
Happy New Year, I wish I could be
there with you, will mean a lot to
both of you.
Do something for yourself. Do
you have a holiday tradition that your
partner was never really into, like
watching a certain movie or putting
up decorations? If youre spending a
holiday without them, you have the
perfect opportunity to be a little self-
ish. Do everything that you want to
do to mark the occasion, instead of
having to worry about what you both
want to do. I, for instance, put up my
Christmas decorations the day after
Halloween this year, because there
was no one around to say, Dont
you think its a little early?
I hope these tips help you make it
through this festive time of year,
even if that special someone cant be
by your side.
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For those of you who cant get
enough eggnog and yuletide and
reindeer and so on, Im sure you
cant wait for Christmas to
come. For those of you who are
nauseated by merely the smell of
eggnog, well, December 26 is
coming up too, so it will all be
over soon. Whether or not youre
full of Christmas cheer, the holi-
days can be a huge drain on your
finances. Lets go over some tips
to help you avoid overspending
this holiday.
First, Christmas is hard to
budget for, largely because trav-
el is expensive (someone needs
to explain to me why it costs so
much to fly within Canada,
because airline tickets are
beyond ridiculous) and no one
wants to be known as the person
that buys cheapo gifts. There are
about a million reasons to
splurge and far fewer to budget,
but you do have to watch what
you spend around this time of
year, as it will make a huge dif-
ference in your finances come
the new year. Sit down and fig-
ure out what youre going to
spend ahead of time, just to
make sure things dont get out of
hand too quickly.
Second, watch what you put
on credit cards. Or, if you are
spending on a credit card, make
sure you dont overspend so that
you have enough in the bank to
pay your credit card off quickly.
The most painful part of holiday
spending can be dropping a ton
of money on travelling, food,
gifts and all that other stuff, and
putting it all on a credit card that
charges 20 per cent annual inter-
est. Dont be the person who is
still paying off this Christmass
expenditures next Christmas.
Third, avoid expensive vaca-
tions. This can be tough if you
really, really want to spend this
Christmas on a beach some-
where, but you have to realize
what you can and cannot afford.
If you cant afford a tropical
Christmas vacation, then dont
get in over your head by taking
on an expensive vacation that
youre going to spend ages pay-
ing for. Of course, if your par-
ents are covering the bill, thats
a different story just dont
show them this article.
There are usually lots of bar-
gains to be had on the shopping
front at Christmas. Black Friday
(and Cyber Monday) are now
past us, but if youre savvy (not
to mention willing to line up at 6
a.m.), there are some deals that
can be found on Boxing Day. Id
be impressed if I met a family
who decided to hold Christmas
on December 27 and did all of
their Christmas shopping on
December 26, getting the Boxing
Day bargains. Perhaps you could
just skip Christmas altogether.
Ive heard Festivus is a more
inexpensive holiday.
Jeremy Wall is studying
Professional Financial Services
at Fanshawe College. He holds
an Honours Bachelor of Arts
from the University of Western
Tips on watching your
Christmas spending
Alison McGee
Love, Lust & Lies
Patricia Cifani
Survival guide to meeting her parents
The holidays dont
have to be lonely
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
The Muppets (2011)
Remember when you were a kid
watching Kermit, Miss Piggy,
Gonzo, Fozzie and all the rest of
the Muppets on The Muppet Show?
Or maybe you remember their fea-
ture films like Muppet Christmas
Carol or Muppet Treasure Island?
No matter where you saw them or
which was your favourite, all
Muppet fans can now rejoice; The
Muppets are back!
In the newest release from direc-
tor James Bobin, whose previous
work includes Flight of the
Conchords, all of Jim Hensons
lovable muppets are back in a
hilarious, feel-good, family-friend-
ly musical. The Muppets tells the
story of two brothers, Gary and
Walter; Gary has a beautiful girl-
friend, Mary, while Walter is sus-
piciously muppet-like. The trio
journey to Los Angeles to tour the
old Muppet studio (as in the
movie, much like real life, the
Muppets have been out of the spot-
light for more than a few years),
but after finding the place in dire
disrepair, Walter overhears an evil
oil tycoons plans to teardown the
studio and drill for oil. Gary, Mary
and Walter track down Kermit and
convince him to get the old
Muppet gang back together one
last time to raise enough money to
save the studio.
The cast of The Muppets is sim-
ply spectacular! Jason Segel takes
on the leading male role (at least in
terms of the human cast) as Gary.
Segel truly never ceases to amaze
as he manages to flawlessly pull
off both good old family values
and dry, witty humour with
absolute precision. Amy Adams
plays opposite Segel as Mary, and
in typical Amy Adams fashion is
perky, delightful and charming
every moment she spends on
While Segel and Adams both
give amazing performances, they
are continually upstaged by the
Muppets. Kermit, Miss Piggy,
Gonzo, Fozzie, Chef, Animal,
Scooter and countless others are
brought to life by the voice talents
of Steve Whitmire, Eric Jacobson,
Dave Goelz, Bill Barretta, David
Rudman and Matt Vogel. Not
enough can be said about these tal-
ented men who do a minimum of
five characters each.
Chris Cooper brings to life Tex
Richman, the evil oil tycoon, and
Rashida Jones plays a TV execu-
tive who gives the Muppets one
last shot. Both prove hilarious to
watch. There are also a number of
celebrity cameos so watch care-
fully or you just might miss them!
The beauty of The Muppets is
that it is aimed at adults as much as
it is at children. Characters consis-
tently refer to the lunacy of break-
ing into song and dance numbers
out of nowhere, speak directly to
the audience and make countless
clever self-references.
Whether or not you have kids,
you need to see The Muppets. You
will laugh out loud at this intelli-
gent, entertaining, all-around good
time of a movie. And I dare you
not to tear up during Kermit and
Miss Piggys rendition of
Rainbow Connection.
The Grand Theatre is hosting a
modern musical twist on the clas-
sic fairytale Cinderella. The musi-
cal offers an exciting evening for
both children and adults. The
musical runs November 23 to
December 31.
Cinderella is a story we all
know. A prince holds a ball that
Cinderella desperately wants to go
to. When her evil stepmother and
stepsisters do not let her go,
Cinderellas Fairy Godmother
comes to the rescue. The Fairy
Godmother transforms the poor,
young girl into a beautiful, charm-
ing princess. A pumpkin and her
mouse friends become a carriage
led by horses. Cinderella is now fit
for the ball, but the Godmother
warns her to be back by midnight.
At the ball, Cinderella catches the
attention of the Prince, but she
must leave before the clock strikes
12. With no name and only the
glass slipper she left behind, the
Prince starts his search across the
land for the mystery girl who was
at his ball.
Rodgers and Hammersteins
version of Cinderella holds true to
the fairytales key elements with a
few added twists and turns, includ-
ing a slightly more modern atmos-
phere. Every element of this musi-
cal helped to enhance the audi-
ences experience. The acting, set
design and costumes, music and
singing kept the audience enter-
tained and glued to every moment.
Both Alessia Lupiano and Kyle
Golemba made their Grand
Theatre debuts in the roles of
Cinderella and Prince Christopher.
The cast of young, skilled adults
also found room to include Danie
Dixon and Justin Eddy, both of
whom are currently only grade
seven students. The acting, while a
bit on the hammy side on occasion,
was clearly intended to entertain
all age groups. Director Heather
Davies obviously wanted this to be
a performance for adults and teens
as well as children.
The set design featured many
detailed sets including the villages
streets, Cinderellas home and the
Princes palace. The crew made
good use of every set piece by
using each piece multiple times.
The transition between scenes was
flawless and was rarely distracting.
The casts costumes reflected the
classic version of Cinderella while
keeping in theme with the modern
performance. In particular,
Cinderellas dress stole the breath
of everyone in the audience.
If nothing else, the music and
singing are the key selling point in
Cinderella. Every actor con-
tributed their voice to at least one
song, which made for a colourful
and full sound. The solos by
Lupiano and Golemba were beauti-
ful and made the evening unforget-
table. Cinderella features songs
including The Prince is Giving a
Ball, In My Own Little Corner
and Impossible.
Overall, Cinderella is a phenom-
enal show that will entertain, capti-
vate and amuse audiences of all
ages. While it was clear that par-
ents and children made up most of
the audience, this is a musical that
teens and young adults can enjoy
as well.
Cinderella runs until December
31. For more information on ticket
prices and show times, visit
A Christmas Story
Merry Christmas, everyone. Its
the most wonderful time of the
year, when people of all different
backgrounds and beliefs come
together to celebrate the birth of
Passion of the Christ star Jesus of
Nazareth. And nobody celebrates
Christmas more than big-time
Hollywood producers. Every year,
we get classics like Santas Slay,
Santa Claus Conquers The
Martians and Santa With Muscles
to unwrap. Now, Ive reviewed the
aforementioned films in the past
(read the articles on, Im trying to
crack triple digits in visitor traffic
this year), and I was hoping to
review a film that was on par with
those superb efforts this year.
Unfortunately this years film, A
Christmas Story, simply is not on
their level.
A Christmas Story is a little-
known 1983 film that I had quite a
bit of trouble tracking down. I
eventually managed to find a
retailer based in New Zealand that
had a copy. So for a whopping
$113.49 with shipping, I nabbed a
copy. Im going to be so pissed off
if they end up showing this film on
TV over the next month.
For those who have never heard
of this film, here is a brief synop-
sis. The lead character of the film
is nine-year-old Ralphie, and the
film focuses on his obsession with
the one gift he wants at Christmas:
a Red Ryder BB Gun. Though the
film was released in the 1980s, it
takes place several decades earlier.
Kind of like Happy Days.
Unfortunately, there is no Fonzie
present to save this utter dreck.
Throughout the film, Ralphie
lies and manipulates at every turn
in order to score the present.
Spoiler alert, his parents actually
buy it for him! Someone call child
services! They buy him a gun. Im
surprised they didnt throw in a
bottle of Jack Daniels, some unfil-
tered Marlboros and the phone
number of Miss Kitty, the town
whore. A gun, seriously, great par-
enting. My daughter is three years
old, and I wont even let her use a
fork. Do you know how hard it is
to eat chicken breast with a spoon?
She does. Sure enough, Ralphie
nearly shoots his eye out after just
a few minutes with it.
The films worst sequence is one
of its last. After the familys
Christmas dinner is ruined by a
pack of dogs run amok, the family
is forced to dine at a Chinese
restaurant. The waitstaff attempts
to sing some Christmas carols, and
here the writers choose to mock
their culture by having them sing
Fa-ra-ra-ra instead of Fa-la-la-
la. How deliciously racist. I dont
know why the filmmakers thought
they had to go down this route.
They could have made this scene
more positive by showing the staff
excelling by solving complex
mathematical equations or doing
some wicked Kung Fu moves, but
instead decided to belittle these
Peter Billingsley, who played
Ralphie, never amounted to much
after this role, and rightfully so.
His portrayal of Ralphie was loath-
some. Every year when Vince
Vaughn stars in a movie, he insists
that his best pal Peter receive a
small role. So as long as Vaughn
still has some stroke, Ralphie
wont need to hang out in the
unemployment line.
Christmas is a time of joy, and
this fine holiday does not deserve
to have its name besmirched by
appearing in the title of this lump
of coal in all of our stockings. The
cast, the director, the screenwrit-
ers, hell, even the on-set caterers
deserve a permanent place on
Santas naughty list. I wish my
parents had bought me a BB gun so
I could have shot my eye out and
not have had to watch this turkey.
To all those who are unaffiliated
with this motion picture, may I say
Merry Christmas. To those who
did have something to do with the
production of A Christmas Story,
then may I draw your attention to
the mistletoe hanging directly
above my ass.
A Christmas bore-y
A Christmas Story stars Peter Billingsley as Ralphie.
Allen Gaynor
Alison McGee
Who can resist The Muppets?
Bringing back a classic
Its important to support local
businesses and shops, and what
better time to do so than at
Christmas? Downtown London
has many great locally owned
stores to make shopping easier.
Since many of you reading this
may not be from London, you may
not have had time to explore all
that downtown has to offer. Here
are some downtown shops that
have something for everyone on
your Christmas list.
Eye Candy
Im sure most of you have
walked by this shop at 609
Richmond St. a thousand times but
never really noticed anything
about it other than the fact that its
a lovely shade of Pepto Bismol
pink. When you look past the
colour, youll find that inside is a
cute accessory store. It may be
small, but it doesnt lack in selec-
tion. The store started when
Elizabeth Noel owner Veronica
Hosszu ran out of space for all her
jewellery, which she designed her-
self and made at affordable rates.
Since then, it has become a home
for all sorts of other interesting
gifts ideas and accessories. From
necklaces to earrings, handbags to
scarves, theres bound to be the
perfect gift for any woman on your
Although London may have a
handful of comic book shops
around the city, there is no denying
that Heroes, located at 186 Dundas
St., has the best selection. It can
almost be overwhelming when
walking into the shop to see a large
number of comics and figurines
and to look up and only see more
stacked up to the ceiling. Heroes
has tons to offer, including inde-
pendent graphic novels, manga,
comic books, figurines and more;
theres no doubt that this store is
the best stop for any comic book
collector this year.
City Lights Bookshop
If you have never been to City
Lights Bookshop, where have you
been? Its a staple of downtown
that has been around since the
1970s and has even become a bit of
a tourist attraction. Londons pri-
mary used book, CD, DVD and
vinyl shop at 356 Richmond St.
definitely doesnt skip on the cool
they even opened up a second
floor for vinyl, interesting reads
and classic literature. City Lights is
practically guaranteed to have
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Drop off your books
December 5th to December 16th
January 2nd to January 4th
FSU Office- SC 2001 9am 4pm
Buy books
January 3rd to January 12th
Used Book Shop SUB 1035 9 am 4 pm
Shop local this Christmas head downtown
take the challenge today! Find out
how at www.shakeitoffonepoun- on your
Internet Explorer browser and
change your life today.
CAR POOLING - I am looking for
any other students that live in the
Cambridge, Kitchener-Waterloo
areas that are students at Fanshawe
and commute to London every day
and would be interested in car pool-
ing, even if it is just a few days a
week. Email me Jaimie at
seeks egg donor. You are self-
assured, vibrant, caring, generous
and willing to help another in any
way. Giving the miracle of life would
be the utmost gift known. Please
respond in strictest confidence to
Going to St.
Catharines/Niagara?? DO THE
SHUFFLE!! Twice as fast as the train
or bus! Thursdays, Fridays and
Sundays. FASSSST!! $44 each way.
2.5 hours or less... DIRECT!
Reservations required. www.nia-
NINTENDO WII games for sale -
TNA Impact ($3), Mario Strikers
Charged ($8). Email me at
sale, all in very good condition.
Hardy Boyz Exist 2 Inspire ($3), The
Rock Says ($3) and Mick Foley: Foley
is Good ($4). Email me at
Office hours Monday to Friday 9am - 4:30pm. Classified deadline is
every Wednesday by 12pm. email:
On December 8 in Fanshawes
G building, sixth-semester archi-
tecture students will be putting on
an exhibit of their sustainable liv-
ing structure designs, viewable
from 12 to 2 p.m.
There are five groups of stu-
dents, each presenting their own
unique architectural model and
computer animated walkthrough
of their structure. The students
have been working on this project
all semester and have come up
with some very innovative ideas
that have strong potential in the
real world.
The displays will include a dis-
aster-proof home, an eco-friendly
sustainable cottage, an eco farm,
a HiTech Home and a house
made from 87 to 90 per cent recy-
cled materials.
The eco farm project is
designed to be a full-sized farm
and fully self-sustainable business.
According to Travis Reid, one of
the students in the group, this idea
is completely new, and is not like
the smaller urban farms talked
about in sustainable design. By
harnessing energy sources such as
manure, wind power and solar
power, the farm is designed to pro-
duce enough energy and product to
also help support its respective
community by selling the pro-
duced energy and goods.
Using concepts such as eleva-
tion, tempered glass, concrete and
lateral support, one group has
come up with a disaster-proof
home. This home is designed to
withstand natural disasters such as
earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires
and tornadoes.
The designs of the sustainable
cottage, HiTech and recycled
materials homes include solar pan-
els, ground-source heating sys-
tems, rainwater collection, earth
tube heating and cooling systems,
postconsumer materials and recy-
cled building materials.
The elements of the designs that
allow such ideas to become reality
are quite extensive and cant be
given justice in a newspaper article
such as this. The beauty of these
ideas can only be fully illustrated
by the minds that created them,
and that is exactly what they plan
to do.
Student architecture
design exhibit
what bookworms or music lovers
have on their list, but if they dont,
theres bound to be something else
hiding on the shelves. You could
even just pop in and see Captain
Kirk, who is always there in the
Science Fiction section.
Kiss the Cook
Tucked away at 551 Richmond
St. in between Kent and Albert is
the culinary store that, although it
looks small on the outside, has
plenty of space for its vast selec-
tion of kitchen wares inside.
Theres even a section for cooking
class (a possible gift idea). The
chance of Kiss The Cook not hav-
ing the piece youre looking for is
slim, and their prices are compara-
ble to those of the Bay and even
Wal-Mart. Youre guaranteed to
find a gift in this store, whether its
for a culinary master or someone
who needs some help in the
Commander Salamander
A little blue shop off the beaten
track at 360 Talbot St., around the
corner from the Covent Garden
Market, is the self proclaimed
Altar of Pop Culture and its a
well deserved name. This store has
everything from lunchboxes to cof-
fee mugs to pens, posters and
knick-knacks, featuring anyything
and everything from The Beatles to
Star Wars. And who can forget all
the tin robots? They also carry a
selection of accessories and clothes
from brands like Sailor Jerry and
Betty Page. Its hard to list all the
interesting and creative gifts avail-
able at Commander Salamander
since theyre constantly bringing in
more. The best way to know is to
check it out yourself. You wont be
There you have it. Just remem-
ber that there is plenty that down-
town has to offer and these are just
a few of the great shops in the area,
including Richmond Row and the
Covent Garden Market. During the
month of December, two hours of
free parking will be offered all
through downtown. So if you make
the trip this holiday season, keep in
mind that there are many great
gifts to be found right in the heart
of the city.
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
with Jay Leno
This is what I love about America.
In the Middle East, they take the rev-
olution into the streets. They topple
governments. They liberate the
oppressors. We riot for a $2 waffle
A woman claims she had a 13-year
affair with Herman Cain. You know
what that means? While he was fooling
around with those four other women,
he was cheating on his mistress.
Well, the inside talk is that Sarah
Palin is going to endorse Newt
Gingrich. If you think Newt is
happy, you should see Mitt Romney.
As you may have heard, Conrad
Murray sentenced to four
years in the L.A. county
jail. Or as Lindsay Lohan
calls that, about a week
and a half.
with Conan OBrien
I went back to Boston to visit my
family for Thanksgiving, and I can-
not tell you how good it is to be back
in a room full of total strangers.
Its Cyber Monday, when every-
one shops online. As soon as I woke
up I pepper sprayed myself.
This is a crazy story in
Greenwich, Connecticut, three
wealthy investors who were already
worth millions won the $254 million
power ball jackpot. Yeah in a related
story, everyones head at Occupy
Wall Street just exploded.
A photo from one of Saturns
moons shows it may have the ele-
ments necessary for life.
Isnt that cool? Yeah, the
three elements found there
were nitrogen, methane
and Red Bull.
with Jimmy Fallon
Over the weekend, President
Obama took his daughters to a book-
store. Barack bought Malia The
Phantom Tollbooth, while Malia
bought Barack Economics for
Sunday, Chargers kicker Nick
Novak was caught on TV urinating
on the sidelines during San Diegos
overtime loss to Denver. Marking
the only time fans were really glad a
player didnt go for 2.
A man in Georgia was arrested
for burglary after he left his
Facebook account open on the vic-
tims computer. But this is
nice: Hes only been in jail
a few hours, and his status
already says In a
with Jimmy Kimmel
Contrary to what people seem to
believe, Regis Philbin did not retire.
He was fired after they caught him
Cyber Monday is a day that every
store online puts everything on sale.
Its basically Black Friday for peo-
ple too lazy to put on pants.
Another woman came forward
with allegations about Herman Cain.
I think shes number 9-9-9 now.
The food industry says the new
rules give schools the flexibility to
increase nutrition. The same way
elastic waistbands give us the flexi-
bility to keep in shape.
In a world where
Kardashians are celebri-
ties, maybe pizzas can be
vegetables. And
Twizzlers are a fruit.
You ever think
we drink too much
Its short for may you have peace, love, and good times with family and friends
Over the years, things have
become increasingly more and
more Politically Correct.
Its become taboo to say Merry
Christmas and the dear old
Christmas tree has become the
Holiday Tree
Bah Humbug!
Merry Christmas!
Oh Holiday tree, O
Holiday tree , thy
leaves are so unchang-
ing doesnt sound
nearly as good when
Why cant we call it as
we want?
It should be okay if
someone calls it a
Christmas Tree, and if
someone else calls it a
holiday tree.
If someone says Merry
Christmas, understand
they mean it in goodwill.
If someone responds
with another greeting,
such as Happy Holidays,
Happy Hannukah, Happy
Eid, Yuletide Greetings,
Happy Kwanzaa, etc,
understand they mean it
in goodwill, too.
Its okay to respond in
any polite way. Well, almost any way.
Bus Stop

1. Square root of 81
5. Jamaican sect (abbr.)
10. Former world superpower
14. City in Oklahoma
15. Group of islands in the Gulf of
16. Soft leather
17. Skin condition characterized
by pimples
18. Short story
19. Iraqs neighbour
20. Expressing gratitude to
22. Observing
24. Compass direction
25. Excellent (2 words)
26. Edible round clam
30. Entangles in
34. Not achieved (said of a goal)
35. Operatic songs
36. Biblical priest
37. Last word of a prayer
38. Wines (informal)
39. Portend
40. ___ Diego: California city
41. Fabric of silk with a glossy
42. Senseless
43. Example of
45. Sports buildings
46. Accompanying
47. In the past
48. Capital of the Philippines
51. Forsakes
56. In ancient Greece, a contest for
57. To a large extent
59. City in N.E. Sweden
60. Make music vocally
61. Biblical character who did not
62. Soon
63. Leg joint
64. Capital of Yemen
65. Part of a poem
1. Tidy
2. Unit of length
3. One of Columbus ships
4. Location of first garden
5. Participating in a speed contest
6. By oneself
7. Made music vocally
8. Dynamite (abbr.)
9. Gland-like benign tumours
10. Joins together
11. Hindi dress
12. Bridge
13. Activated a bell
21. Small sandpiper
23. Change for a five
25. Negatively charged ions
26. Seemingly (comb. form)
27. Discourage
28. Endings of prayers
29. Female bird
30. Sesame Street character
31. Particularly strong man
32. Feminine name
33. Trigonometric functions
35. Name of the letter H
38. Places affording good views
39. Five minus four
41. Type of boat
42. Press
44. Sudden sharp physical pain
45. Author Christi
47. Manila hemp
48. Disguise
49. Against (informal)
50. Not any
51. A very long time
52. Twofold
53. All (comb. form)
54. Sign gas
55. Of sound mind
58. Genetic carrier (abbr.)
Solution on page 31
1. The word Christmas is Old
English, a contraction of Christs
2. The first president to decorate
the white house Christmas tree in
the United States was Franklin
3. Electric lights
for trees were
first used in
4. The first
Christmas cards were
vintage and invented in
1843, the Victorian Era.
5. Its a Wonderful Life appears
on TV more often than any other
holiday movie.
6. Rudolph was actually created
by Montgomery Ward in the late
1930s for a holiday promotion.
The rest is history.
7. The Nutcracker is the most
famous Christmas ballet.
8. Jingle Bells was first written
for Thanksgiving and then became
one of the most popular Christmas
9. If you received all of the gifts
in the song The Twelve Days of
Christmas, you would receive 364
10. The poinsettia plant was
brought into the United States from
Mexico by Joel Poinsett in the
early 1800s.
11. Holly berries are poisonous.
12. Contrary to common belief,
poinsettia plants are non-toxic.
13. In 1843, A Christmas Carol
was written by Charles Dickens in
just six weeks.
14. Coca Cola was the first bev-
erage company to use Santa for a
winter promotion.
15. Clearing up a common mis-
conception, in Greek, X means
Christ. That is where the word X-
Mas comes from. Not because
someone took the Christ out of
16. Traditionally, Christmas
trees are taken down after
17. More diamonds are sold
around Christmas than any other
time of the year.
18. Christmas pudding was first
made as a kind of soup with raisins
and wine in it.
19. The Christmas turkey was
imported to France by the Jesuits
and it is still known in some
French dialects as a Jesuite.
20. Christmas Pudding origi-
nates from an old, Celtic dish
known as frumenty.
21. The first Christmas stamp
was released in Canada in 1898.
22. In Germany, Twelfth Night
is known as Three Kings Day.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Discussion for its own sake is
inspiring, but it wastes time. Work
with what you know. Transform
something uncertain into a finished
product. Once you show, no fur-
ther telling is necessary.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Keep the mood light and the
compliments flowing. Business
happens easily when everyone is
comfortable. Put on a happy face
even if you have to explain some-
thing for the tenth time.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You could sell coal in Newcastle
or sand in the Sahara, if either sale
seemed necessary to you. Gemini
is convincing. Use your power for
the good of the world instead of
squandering it on practical jokes.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Get that grievance off your chest
right now. A reasonable tone and
rational words will have col-
leagues taking you seriously.
Many hands unravel a complex
issue more easily than a single,
tentative finger.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Youre a leader but dont let
visions of success ruin your effec-
tiveness. Good teamwork looks a
lot like a party in progress. Turn up
the heat so that you can roll up
your sleeves.
Virgo (August 23 - Sept. 22)
Just when you thought youd
seen the last of something useless,
here it comes again. The coopera-
tion of others is the key to your
success. Try to make your case one
last time, but keep it fresh.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Caring people are here for you.
Its a relief and a blessing to get
the respect that you deserve.
Youd cheerfully spend this time
soul searching, but you suddenly
have guests to entertain.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
No matter how lucky you may
feel, the odds could be turning
against you. Even if the game
takes you far afield, never lose
sight of the rules. Temptation is
more exciting when you resist it.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
You must decide whether both
sides will end up polarized or
merged. A superficial approach is
far from perfect, but its better
than none at all. If this whole
process fails to interest you,
youre probably asleep.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
People looking for a sympathet-
ic ear should go elsewhere. You
have problems of your own, and
youre not ready to whine about
them. The only room thats avail-
able here is for those who pull
their own weight.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
People in search of a good time
recognize each other on a primal
level. Grab an opportunity with both
hands and never look back. The
Gemini Moon inspires recklessness,
but youre still accurate as ever.
Pisces (Feb. 18 - March 20)
The view may be painful, but
shying away from whats coming
wont prepare you for it. Pisces
gets extra points for tactfully dis-
cussing a delicate matter.
medium Daily Sudoku: Thu 27-Mar-2008
7 5 6
5 3 4 9
2 8
1 5 2
3 4 8 6
7 6 8
3 2
3 9 5 8
6 5 4
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid con-
tains the digits 1 through 9. That means no number is repeated in any col-
umn, row or box. Solution can be found on page 31.
Sudoku Puzzle
puzzle rating: medium
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Word Search
(Words in parentheses not in puzzle)
Fruit Cake

Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Easy and festive Christmas
tree brownies
Holiday party season is finally
here and I couldnt be more excit-
ed. Ill take any excuse to get cre-
ative in the kitchen, but Christmas-
themed baking really gets me
going. Heres a simple, festive
recipe to impress your guests with-
out spending hours in the kitchen.
Youll need:
For brownies:
- 1/2 cup butter, plus 1 tbsp.
- 1 cup white sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1/3 cup cocoa powder, plus 1
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/4 tsp. baking powder
1. Preheat your oven to 350F.
Grease an 8-inch round cake pan
with 1 tbsp. of butter and dust it
with 1 tbsp. of cocoa powder until
its coated.
2. Cream together the remaining
butter and sugar until light and
fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time
and stir until just combined.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk
together the remaining ingredients.
Stir the flour mixture into the but-
ter mixture until completely com-
bined. Be careful not to over-mix
or your brownies will be too fluffy.
If youre short on time, use a
brownie mix and follow the direc-
tions on the box.
For decoration:
- 1/2 cup green chocolate wafers
(youll find these at most bulk
- 1/4 cup sprinkles or small can-
dies (again, try the bulk store)
- 8 small yellow chocolate can-
4. When your brownies have
cooled, cut them like a pie into
eight equal slices.
5. Put your green chocolate
wafers into a resealable bag and
microwave them on high for 30
second bursts. Between each blast,
squish the chocolate around to help
it melt. This should only take about
two minutes.
6. Working one brownie at a
time, snip a small hole in the cor-
ner of the bag and drizzle the
chocolate back and forth across the
brownie. Before it cools, sprinkle
decorations into the chocolate. Put
a little dab of chocolate on the back
of your yellow star and stick it to
the top of the brownie tree. Repeat
this with each of your eight slices.
These will keep for a few days in
an airtight container, though I cant
imagine theyll last that long. But
hey, they are so easy to make that
you may as well whip up a forest
of Christmas tree brownies!
Yummy street food in India
Some people eat to live, while
others live to eat. That second
group comes to mind when I think
of Indian food. A lot of people
think Indian food is just curry, but
its not it is a variety. Every part
of India has its own specialty in
food items.
Part of the joy of Indias rich
cuisine is that it consists of thou-
sands of regional cuisines. If we
fly to North India, the specialty is
Butter Chicken Curry and spicy
food; South India has Idli (savoury
cakes), Sambar (vegetable stew)
and Dosa (rice batter and black
lentil crepe); East India has Fish
Curry and Momos (dumpling); and
in West India you can find Vada
Pav (similar to a burger), Guju
food and Hyderabadi Biryani (bas-
mati rice and goat meat). They
might have unusual names that
youve never heard before, but
these are the specialties of India
that no Indian or even a foreigner
can resist.
Cuisine across India is a result
of different spices, vegetables,
herbs and fruits. The extensive use
of onions, ginger paste and garlic
paste makes the food awesome
the exotic flavours of India can
make you gain a lot of weight! You
dont have to step inside an air-
conditioned restaurant to enjoy the
flavours of India; look to the
streets, where hungry citizens and
visitors can grab a plate of food for
just a few rupees (less than a
Canadian dollar) and fill their tum-
mies with delicious food.
To beat the exotic heat of sum-
mer, there are variety of drinks like
Chuski (similar to a snow cone) in
Delhi; Banta in Hrishikesh (lemon
soda); Sugarcane juice in rural
Bengal; Tender coconut water on
Marina Beach, Chennai; the rich
creamy Lassi (a savoury yogurt-
based drink) of Jaipur; and many
The preparation and timing are
very important in Indian cooking
as the process is long and elabo-
rate, but it is worth it in the end.
Knowledge of Indias many differ-
ent cuisines is growing internation-
ally. Check out restaurants in
Brampton or Toronto, or look
online for some new recipes to
bring the taste of India to Canada.
Silent night? After your last exam, you can finally sleep in heavenly
Twas the night before exams,
when all through the dorm
Not a student was sleeping, with
essays to form;
The books were open by the lap-
tops with care,
In hopes that ideas soon would
be there.
The teachers were nestled all
snug in their beds,
While visions of holidays
danced in their heads;
And I in my slippers and
Fanshawe sweats,
Was starting to have some study
Three hundred words written,
and most of them wrong;
Why did I procrastinate for ever
so long?
So much still to do for such a
slow writer,
I knew that this meant pulling an
Empty cups of coffee litter the
My roommate rolls over and
gives a loud snore.
When, suddenly, what should I
But a low rumbling sound,
caught by my ear.
A quarter past 12, the sky is
The time has come for a mid-
night snack;
Without hesitation I head out my
Throw open the fridge and cut-
lery drawer.
A slice of pizza or left-over
I suddenly had a decision to
Give in to temptation, or choose
to be smart?
I knew what was right to do in
my heart.
Some berries, granola makes a
yogurt parfait,
To keep those nasty hunger
pains away;
Energy restored and stomach
Back to the stack of books I
So take heed this semester,
Dont get left behind,
Eat healthy; be good to your
body and mind.
And soon you will be filled with
holiday cheer,
Its the end of the semester, see
you next year!
The All-Nighter
Before Christmas
Nutrition Ambition
Emily Nixon
Christmas and the holiday sea-
son are upon us once more, and
already dreams of sugarplums
dance in our heads. Well, not real-
ly; most likely youre beginning to
think about exams and getting bus
tickets purchased. Ive been think-
ing recently about all of this and
Ive come to realize that
Christmas, while a stressful time,
can be the perfect opportunity to
unleash your inner foodie.
When a holiday comes around,
family gathers and inevitably food
is prepared and served. This year,
make a splash with your family by
suggesting some interesting ways
of spicing up the traditional holi-
day feast.
The following recipes are an
interesting take on some tradition-
al dishes that are usually found on
your table around the holidays. We
hope this inspires you to be cre-
ative and see that sometimes even
the most routine dish can be made
Awesome Sausage, Apple and
Cranberry Stuffing
Note: This recipe is for a 10-
pound turkey.
- 1 1/2 cups cubed whole wheat
- 3 3/4 cups cubed white bread
- 1 pound ground turkey
- 1 cup chopped onion
- 3/4 cup chopped celery
- 2 1/2 tsp. dried sage
- 1 1/2 tsp. dried rosemary
- 1/2 tsp. dried thyme
- 1 Golden Delicious apple,
cored and chopped
- 3/4 cup dried cranberries
- 1/3 cup minced fresh parsley
- 1 cooked turkey liver, finely
- 3/4 cup turkey stock
- 4 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
1. Preheat oven to 350F. Spread
the white and whole wheat bread
cubes in a single layer on a large
baking sheet. Bake for 5 to 7 min-
utes in the preheated oven, or until
evenly toasted. Transfer toasted
bread cubes to a large bowl.
2. In a large skillet, cook the
sausage and onions over medium
heat, stirring and breaking up the
lumps until evenly browned. Add
the celery, sage, rosemary and
thyme; cook, stirring, for 2 minutes
to blend flavours.
3. Pour sausage mixture over
bread in bowl. Mix in chopped
apples, dried cranberries, parsley,
and liver. Drizzle with turkey stock
and melted butter, and mix lightly.
Spoon into turkey to loosely fill.
Oranged Cranberry Sauce
- 2 (12 ounce) packages fresh
- 1 orange, zested
- 3 cinnamon sticks
- 2 cups orange juice
- 2 cups packed brown sugar
1. In a medium saucepan, com-
bine cranberries, orange zest, cin-
namon, orange juice and brown
sugar. Add enough water to cover,
and bring to a boil over high heat.
2. Immediately reduce heat, and
simmer for about 1 hour, or until
the sauce has thickened. Taste for
sweetness, and adjust with addi-
tional sugar if necessary. You can-
not overcook, so continue cooking
until you have a good thick consis-
tency. Let mixture cool, then
refrigerate in a covered container.
Angeletti Cookies
- 8 tbsp. (1 stick) unsalted but-
ter, melted
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- 2 large eggs
- 2 cups all-purpose flour,
spooned and leveled, plus more
for rolling the dough
- 2 tsp. baking powder
- 1/4 tsp. kosher salt
- 1 1/3 cups confectioners
- 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp. multicolor nonpareil
sprinkles, for decoration (option-
1. Heat oven to 375F.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk
together the butter, granulated
sugar, vanilla and eggs until blend-
ed. Add the flour, baking powder
and salt and mix until just com-
bined (do not overmix).
3. With floured hands, roll level
tablespoonfuls of the dough into
balls and place on parchment-lined
baking sheets, spacing them 2
inches apart. Bake until puffed and
the bottoms are pale golden, 7 to 8
minutes. Transfer to a rack to cool
4. Make the glaze: In a small
bowl, whisk together the confec-
tioners sugar, 2 tablespoons water
and the vanilla until the mixture
forms a thick but pourable glaze
(add more water if necessary).
5. Dip the top of each cookie
into the glaze and let set, rounded
side up, on a rack set over a piece
of parchment paper. Sprinkle with
non-pareils, if using. Allow the
glaze to set, about 20 minutes.
Store the cookies in an airtight
container at room temperature for
up to 5 days.
From both of us, wed like to
wish you a Merry Christmas and a
happy holiday season. May the
best of what life has to offer
always find its way to your table.
Until next time, happy eating!
Have questions, comments or
suggestions? Feel free to e-mail us
Food For Thought
Prepare the ultimate holiday feast
Festive Christmas tree brownies
are a treat that is easy to make,
and will surely be a hit at any
Christmas party.
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
Use your imagination to
help you achieve
In mid-November, Dr. Natascha
Wesch of Elite Mind Performance
came to speak at Fanshawe about
the illusion of sport. Wesch is a
Mental Skills Coach and Sport
Psychology Consultant for various
varsity, provincial, national and
international athletes.
She obtained her Ph.D. in Sport
Psychology after completing a
Masters degree in Exercise
Physiology/Biochemistry and a
Bachelors degree in Exercise
Science. Her extensive athletic his-
tory as an international rugby play-
er, varsity hockey player and com-
petitive gymnast has given her the
practical knowledge necessary to
help her support other athletes.
During her presentation, Wesch
gave students advice on how to
improve their physical athletic per-
formance by taking time to focus
solely on training their mind. One
of the things that happens in sport,
and I think in other areas of per-
formance, is that we spend so
much time training the technical,
the tactical and the physical side,
and we leave the mental side to
chance, she said.
One of the most useful ideas she
offered students was by comparing
the mind to a GPS. If (I) want to
go to Windsor, what do I plug into
the GPS? Where I want to go. Do I
plug in Dont go to Sarnia? I
could, but its not going to take me
to Windsor, its just not going to
take me to Sarnia, she said, com-
paring this scenario to that of a
gymnast on a balance beam. If
you plug in I dont want to fall,
you will fall, because youre not
telling your mind and body what
you want it to do to get to the des-
tination that you want, she added.
When imagery is used to
improve mental performance,
Wesch said it is like packing down
a pathway in the snow. The more
you pack it down and walk the
same path over and over, it
becomes the last thing to melt
Imagery will do the same thing as
if I were actually practicing or
doing something. It will pack
down the snow, make it more con-
crete and it will stick in my mind.
Wesch said that one of the best
ways to continue packing down the
snow in your mind, so to speak, is
to practice imagery before you
sleep because you are more likely
to dream about it during the night.
As Wesch puts it, you will get
More bang for (your) buck.
The techniques offered by
Wesch can easily be applied to
anyone. She suggests that you use
imagery every day in order to
improve whatever it is you are
hoping to do better. If you imag-
ine something, then you can
believe it because, essentially,
thats your reality.
Alexa McAllister is currently a
first-year student here at Fanshawe
College in the collaborative nurs-
ing program with the University of
Western Ontario. She is a member
of the UWO Womens Lacrosse
team, a team that won the Ontario
University Athletics championship
in October. Not only that, but the
team also went undefeated all
while having eight freshman on the
team. McAllister was a part of a
successful defense (only allowing
a league low 45 goals all season)
and a successful team while attend-
ing a different school.
I caught up with her to discuss
how playing a university sport
while not attending the university
was for a first-year student.
What were those weeks like
when you were training?
Very busy. I had to bus to
Western every day from 5 to 7
p.m., so I would miss half an hour
at the beginning of practice. The
training was basically through the
practices; we would do training
sessions once a week for the prac-
tice. It was a lot of travelling
pretty much every weekend we
were away so that made it really
busy for me also.
What was the hardest thing
about playing athletics at a dif-
ferent school?
Really just the transportation, it
was very inconvenient. But it was
worth it in the end.
Are you happy you got to do
that in your first year?
Yeah, very happy, for sure.
First of all, it was a great experi-
ence because we won the OUA
championship, which was a great
experience as a rookie, and I got to
play a lot this year, which was also
very exciting.
Do you have any advice for
students looking to play athletics
in their first year?
Dont be intimidated when you
go out there. I talked to the coach
before to the season (started), just
to discuss what it was like playing
on the team. But for sure just try
out and give it your best out there.
Like you said, the Western
Mustangs Womens lacrosse
team won the OUA
Championship this year, a team
you were a part of. How do you
plan you do any better after your
freshman year?
Just by doing the same thing,
really! Next year, the team really
isnt going to change too much, so
we have a really, really strong
team. Hopefully we can get the
same result as last year.
Best of luck for Alexa as she is
still training with the lacrosse team
at Western and still commuting
there on a regular basis.
Fanshawe first-year student Alexa McAllister helped the Western
Mustangs win an Ontario University Athletics championship this year.
McAllister is in the collaborative nursing program.
The last generation of the Ford
Focus model sold in North
America was, in a word, awful. It
didnt look very good, had terri-
bly uncomfortable seats and had
the performance and handling of
a UPS truck.
Internally, Ford knew they
were about to serve the buying
public a mish-mash curry made
from bits and pieces of some of
their other old models, and tried
to dress it up with a heavy sprin-
kling of technology (like the
SYNC system) to make the prod-
uct look good.
Did it work? For a lot buyers,
it did. The last Focus was not a
huge seller, but it sold in big
enough numbers for the produc-
tion line to stay open.
However, Ford North America
knew they could not pull off the
same trick again with their next
new Focus, and collaborated
with their European division to
come up with the model you see
on this page today.
This model is now a Global
model. Some technical and
mechanical changes vary for dif-
ferent markets, but in general,
anywhere in the world where
Focus is sold, this is essentially
the car youll see.
From a visual perspective, it
looks very nice. It is an attractive
compact car in both its sedan and
hatchback form. Personally, I
much prefer the look of the
hatchback version to that of its
sedan sibling. My favourite
design touch on this car is actual-
ly the fuel-filler door on the
hatchback model and how beau-
tifully it is integrated into the
lines of its rear light cluster.
Someone at Ford had their think-
ing cap on.
The interior is not as convinc-
ing. It looks fine and it has a lot
of room, but the quality of the fit
and finish is not great. It felt like
they saved money on clips that
hold pieces in place not what I
like seeing in a brand new car.
Thankfully, the seats have
improved quite a lot over the old
model, so they are fine on a long
For driving you to your desti-
nation, the new Focus is current-
ly only offered with one engine,
a 2.0-litre, four-cylinder motor
that produces 160 hp and 146
lb/ft of torque. This motor can
either be equipped with a five-
speed manual or a six-speed
dual-clutch automatic gearbox.
My tester hatchback came with
the manual gearbox. This gear-
box has a nice feel to its throws
and the clutch is very easy to use,
but its engine is just not very
willing. Honestly it felt like the
car had half the power its manu-
facturer quoted. Progress on the
road will not be very rapid.
Thanks to its excellent chassis
and suspension set-up, the new
Focus handles very well, and you
can certainly carry a lot of speed
through twists and turns I just
wish the powertrain would com-
pliment this cars handling abili-
ties, but with a turbo model on
the horizon, that will address this
Most people who buy cars like
this are more interested in fuel
economy rather than power. I
averaged 8.6-litres/100km in my
week, which is decent, but not a
class leader in this category.
Prices for the new Focus start
at $15,999 for the sedan S
model, while the base hatchback
is a better-equipped SE trim
and it starts at $19,899. In gener-
al, a similarly equipped sedan is
$900 cheaper than the hatchback
So what is the final verdict?
The new Focus is much
improved over the model it
replaces, but some of its compe-
tition is better still. Its not bad
and its worth a close look if
youre in the market for a com-
pact car that looks good and han-
dles well. Good job, Ford, now
hurry up with the turbo model.
Ford works to Focus on the improvements
Dr. Natascha Wesch
The 2012 Ford Focus is sure to please buyers.
Catching up with Alexa McAllister
Christmas is fast approaching.
Here are a handful of gift ideas for
the discerning hockey fan in your
family (or just for yourself, per-
haps). All of these gifts are avail-
able for sale at (though
they can probably be found cheap-
er elsewhere).
Are you looking forward to the
2012 Winter Classic between the
New York Rangers and
Philadelphia Flyers? Well, you
could always be watching it in
style. There are a ton of different
mens and womens shirts featur-
ing both teams available on the
Shop NHL website, everything
from t-shirts to long-sleeved ther-
mals. In fact, the NHL site has a
ton of memorabilia no matter what
your team is. Hate both the
Rangers and the Flyers? Try a
Winnipeg Jets tie. You can also
customize tees, hoodies and long-
sleeved shirts, personalizing them
with your own name and number.
Number 69 is reserved for only
those with good taste.
Are you mad for Monopoly? Try
the NHL-themed version of this
classic board game. A zamboni
instead of a car, a Stanley Cup
instead of a thimble whats not to
love? Curious about which team is
Boardwalk? Think most Stanley
Cups. The board, however, fea-
tures the Atlanta Thrashers instead
of the Jets. It would have been
greatly amusing if the Thrashers
were Baltic Avenue, but that dubi-
ous distinction goes to the
Washingon Capitals. Not a
Monopoly maniac? Try Detroit
Red Wings-themed Yahtzee.
Speaking of the Jets, does the
return of the NHL to Winnipeg
leave you missing a few of the
other teams that the NHL has
passed by? Well, you could always
keep the dream alive by sporting a
Quebec Nordiques t-shirt or a
Hartford Whalers jersey. The
Nordiques shirt is $28.99 and the
retro Whalers jersey is $69.99. Are
you a Toronto fan, but looking for
something different from the com-
monplace Maple Leaf? Try a
Toronto St. Pats fitted hat for
$29.99. Montreal fans have the
option of a Montreal Maroons hat
for the same price. There is a lot
more retro stuff out there. Ive
never seen anyone sporting a
Kansas City Scouts or Cleveland
Barons shirt, if such things exist.
Find me a California Golden Seals
retro shirt and Ill be impressed.
Theres seriously tons of stuff
available for sale on Shop NHLs
website. How about Tampa Bay
Lightning beer mugs? Or an
Anaheim Ducks bar stool? Habs
shooter glasses? Some of the most
ridiculous stuff can be found in the
sites Toys & Games section (as
if Red Wings Yahtzee isnt ridicu-
lous enough). How about a
Columbus Blue Jackets garden
gnome? Seriously (and it would be
seriously awesome if these gnomes
were autographed). Or for the seri-
ous collector in your family, a 72
CCCP puck autographed by
Vladislav Tretiak.
Best advice? Ignore all this stuff
and get your skates on and head
outdoors for the holidays.
Although if someone sent me a Tie
Domi autographed Leafs garden
gnome, I wouldnt complain.
Gift ideas for the
hockey fan
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
The NFC East was supposed to
belong to the Philadelphia Eagles.
With several high-powered free
agents and returning stars, the
Eagles were heavily favoured to
win the Super Bowl as well. As it
turns out, they just werent very
good, and the division will belong
to either the Giants or the
A lot of questions will be
answered in week 14 when the
Giants visit Dallas to face the
Cowboys for the first time this
year. The Giants are trying to
avoid their trademark second-half
slump, and their recent losing has a
lot to do with quarterback Eli
Manning. His turnovers are up
from earlier in the year and these
mistakes are leading to points for
the other team.
The Cowboys come in red-hot,
with a chance to grab a strangle-
hold on the division with a win.
This matchup will happen again in
week 17, so expect a pair of very
good games from these teams.
Key Matchups
1. Giants Defensive Line vs.
Tony Romo: In case you forgot, it
was the Giants that injured Mr.
Romo a year ago. In order to keep
their run going, the Cowboys must
keep Romo on the field, and that
means slowing down this Giants
pass rush.
2. Giants vs. Second-Half
Slumps: I have no idea what hap-
pens to the Giants after week 10 or
so. They just seem to lose their
confidence late in seasons, and it
has cost them several division
titles. In order to avoid another
such crumble this year (and save
their coachs job), they need to
stop turning the ball over and start
scoring lots of points again.
3. Ahmad Bradshaw vs.
DeMarco Murray: The Giants
NEED Bradshaw back at 100 per
cent in this one. The Giants
havent been able to run the foot-
ball at all without him, and thats
the main reason for Mannings
recent struggles. Murray, on the
other hand, has exploded onto the
scene. The rookie out of Oklahoma
has run over, around and through
most of the opposition, and his
play has helped spark Tony
Romos recent run as well.
The Rundown
This has must-win written all
over it for both teams. Barring an
Arizona miracle, the Cowboys will
come in on a five game winning
streak, so they will have all of the
momentum. I think it gives them
the edge, as does playing at home.
Ill take the hotter quarterback
(Romo) and the Cowboys 34-24.
Put up or shut up
Packers win the Super Bowl as
a six seed
The Green Bay Packers were
expected to compete for the NFC
North division title in the 2010/11
season, but many were overlook-
ing them when Brett Farve decided
he was going to play one more sea-
son for the Minnesota Vikings.
This team went through a lot of
adversity. Five starters on defense
missed most of the regular season
and all of the playoffs, along with
two top offensive players, running
back Ryan Grant and tight end
Jermichael Finley. The Packers
had to win their final two games of
the regular season just to make the
playoffs, before winning three road
games and defeating the Pittsburgh
Steelers in Super Bowl XLV. It
was Green Bays fourth Super
Bowl title and quarterback Aaron
Rogers was named Super Bowl
MVP. After starting this season
11-0 their win streak is now at 17
The Miami Heat
Much like the NCAAs
Michigan Wolverines of the early
1990s and their Fab 5, the Miami
Heat and their Big 3 were
expected to dominate the NBA
with anything less than a champi-
onship being considered a fail. In
the 2010 off-season, the Heat
signed arguably the three biggest
names on the free agent market:
Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and
Chris Bosh. These three players
took a lot of criticism from ana-
lysts, fans and players for agreeing
to play for the same team. For the
most part, those who were not
Miami fans were cheering for this
team to lose. Early season strug-
gles had this team holding a 9-8
record and it looked like their lack
of depth would prevent them from
being the great team they were
made out to be. After a players-
only meeting, the team went on a
12-game win streak and ended up
finishing the regular season in sec-
ond place in the east with a record
of 59-24. They ran through the first
three rounds of the playoffs, win-
ning four games to one over
Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago.
They went on to lose four games to
two in the Finals to Dirk Nowitzki
and the Dallas Maveriks, making
Lebron have to wait at least one
more season for his first champi-
Texas Rangers Game six col-
Something the Texas Rangers
will never forget is how close they
were to winning the 2011 World
Series. In the ninth inning, the
Rangers had a two run lead with
two outs and two strikes to
Cardinals batter David Freese.
Freese managed to tie the game on
a triple that sent the game to extra
innings. St. Louis celebration was
short lived after Josh Hamilton
gave Texas the lead back with a
two-run homer in the 10th inning.
The Rangers had St. Louis down to
their final strike once again, with
two outs and two strikes, Lance
Berkman hit a game-tying single,
keeping the Cardinals alive. Freese
would be the hero once again, hit-
ting a walk off home run in the bot-
tom of the 11th. The Cardinals
would then go on to win game
seven 6-2, capturing their 11th
World Series title.
Jets return to Winnipeg
After 15 long seasons for
Winnipeg hockey fans, NHL com-
missioner Gary Bettman con-
firmed on May 31 that rumours
were true and the Atlanta
Thrashers would relocate to
Winnipeg for the 2011 season. The
price was reported at $170 million,
made by True North Sports and
Entertainment. The team played its
first game at home against the
Montreal Canadiens on October 9.
Sidney Crosbys concussion
On January 1, in the fourth edi-
tion of the NHL Winter Classic,
David Steckel of the Washington
Capitals blindsided NHL superstar
Sidney Crosby. In Crosbys next
game on January 5 against the
Tampa Bay Lightning, he suffered
yet another hit to the head, this one
delivered by Victor Hedman. After
these two hits, he experienced sev-
eral concussion symptoms that
ended his season. There was ongo-
ing coverage of Crosbys progress
throughout the year and many
wondered if he would be the next
Eric Lindros and never be the
same. Crosby has so far silenced
his critics. As of November 29,
Crosby had two goals and seven
assists in just four games since
returning from the injury.
Lebron James and the Miami Heat came up short in their bid for an NBA Championship, losing to Dallas.
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Top sports stories of 2011
On November 28, the
Washington Capitals had a press
conference to officially announce
that London Knights Coach Dale
Hunter would be the new Head
Coach of the Capitals. The
rumours had finally been con-
firmed: Boudreau out, Hunter in.
Hunter finished his hockey
career as a player with the
Colorado Avalanche in 1999. He
began his career with the Quebec
Nordiques in 1981, playing seven
seasons with the Nordiques. At
the peak of Hunters hockey
career, he played in Washington
as a Washington Capital, playing
in 12 seasons with the Capitals
from 1987 to 1999. His career
stats, including playoffs: GP:
1593, G: 365, A: 773, Pts: 1138,
PIM: 4294.
Hunter has coached the London
Knights since 2001, and he has
brought: one Memorial Cup
(2004/05); seven Holody
Trophies, Midwest
Championship; two Wayne
Gretzky Trophies, Western
Conference Champions. His OHL
Records: Most wins (59), Most
Points (120), Fewest Goals
Against (125). He also won the
Hamilton Spectator Trophy (2003
to 2007). He won OHL coach of
the year in 2003/04, 2004/05 and
2009/10, and won CHL coach of
the year in 2003/04.
Without a doubt, Hunter has
brought a lot to the London
Knights organization; with 459
wins as Head Coach for the
London Knights, he is a fitting
choice for the head coaching job
in the Washington Capitals
organization. Now he faces his
biggest test as a head coach: how
is he going to get Alexander
Ovechkin going?
With a number of speculations
that Ovechkin isnt performing to
his potential or for his contract
for that matter Hunters effec-
tive power-play he brought to
London for years will now be test-
ed in Washington. His five-for-
ward power-play is something he
has done in London for years.
They keep scoring and leading in
the power-play goals per cent and
it was a game-changer in the
OHL, but how will it fit in with
Washington? The fact of the mat-
ter is that they already use four
forwards, with Ovechkin replac-
ing one defenseman the huge
offensive threat from the point,
Mike Green. This is something
Hunter shouldnt change; the
chemistry is all there, and chem-
istry is something you do not try
to change, especially when it has
had so much success in the past.
What Hunter needs is a new strat-
egy for the power-play. What he
has done for London is work the
puck down low in the offensive
zone on the power-play. This is
something he may fall back on if
the shots from the point are not
The other side of the situation is
back in London: who is going to
take over as the head coach for the
London Knights?
Mark Hunter was the 2003/04
OHL Executive of the Year and
now former Assistant Coach to
his brother Dale Hunter, and is
going to be coaching the Knights
until the end of the season. This
will be very interesting to watch
and as a hockey analysis; not only
is Mark Hunter now Coach of the
London Knights, he is also the
Co-Owner and General Manager
for the organization. This means
he can do exactly what he wants
to do with this club and really he
has no one to answer to. Mark is a
very smart hockey businessman
and you can look for big shake-
ups with the organization within
the next two years as he tries for
another push for the Memorial
Volume 44 Issue No. 15 December 5, 2011
With the race for the fourth spot
in the English Premier League
thickening in the last couple sea-
sons, it would be easy to dismiss
the former member of the Big
Four Liverpool as a contending
force for a spot of Europe.
However, dont count out the Reds
as a team that can seriously chal-
lenge in the current bottleneck
between third and eighth.
A spirited Liverpool side chal-
lenged Manchester City and
grabbed what was a deserving
point at home on November 27 to
continue an unbeaten streak of two
months. Slowly, this side has been
amassing points against teams like
Chelsea and Manchester United
without much applause. In the City
game, Luis Surez proved his
worth against a difficult (to say the
least) Manchester defense. He has
time and time again been the best
Red on the field and that match
showed it once again. But it does-
nt stop at the front. Dirk Kuyt is
having some form of resurgence
this season. Always a favourite of
the Kop, he has since moved on
less chances and worked more as a
supporting force for either Surez
or Andy Carroll. This has worked
for all parties because Kuyt has
become legendary for his physical
skills with the ball, yet his six-foot
stature doesnt necessarily warrant
him as a target man. Having him
dominate one side of the field and,
in the case of the City game, out
play opponents on his own side of
the field, makes him an asset to the
The purchase of Charlie Adam
seemed to be inevitable last sea-
son, and Liverpool was lucky to be
a part of the deal. With the absence
of Steven Gerrard, Adam has pro-
vided some creativity out of the
midfield to the extent that he can
dictate the game a little bit; some-
thing with Blackpool he was
unable to accomplish versus the
big boys. However, Adam is only
the second part of the skill that this
club has creatively in the middle of
the park. Jordan Henderson is only
21 and has shown with his former
clubs that he is a proven playmak-
er. His vision is like no one elses,
even on this side.
Lucas is one of the best stopping
midfielders in the English Premier
League. According to The
Guardians Chalkboard application,
Lucas made 11 tackles in the
match, all of which were success-
ful. He is constantly giving great
cover for both the forward band of
midfielders in Adam and
Henderson, but he also sits back in
a way that he can cover plenty of
the pitch. His tackles and intercep-
tions officially recorded span from
both sides of the pitch, all in the
area between the 18-yard box and
the centerline. Considering the
City offense were limited to only
seven opportunities on goal, Lucas
played a crucial part in decon-
structing any Manchester City
attacking move.
Liverpool has slowly climbed
back into contention for a chance
in Europe. Manager Kenny
Dalglish has brought this team
some stability and consistency.
Look for this team to consistently
climb the title to a European spot
in the coming months.
Liverpool still contending
4 7 9 2 3 5 6 8 1
5 8 3 6 1 4 7 2 9
6 1 2 8 7 9 3 5 4
8 6 1 3 5 2 4 9 7
7 3 5 4 9 8 1 6 2
2 9 4 7 6 1 8 3 5
9 5 8 1 4 3 2 7 6
3 4 7 9 2 6 5 1 8
1 2 6 5 8 7 9 4 3
Lucas is just one effective player on this team on the rise.
Hunters Captial gain
Dale Hunter coaching the London Knights beside son and Assistant
Coach Dylan Hunter.
twitter: @Ryan_Springett
twitter: @martythompson_

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