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ShorL Porror lllm

ro[ecL ueep Learnlng uay

2011 november
Alm 1o Leach fllm process edlLlng Lo
be ready for Lraller
roduce a mock parody or serlous
Lraller showlng aL leasL 4 scenes uslng
some of Lhe horror codes and
MusL have a Wlde shoL a mld shoL and
a closeup ln Lraller
MusL lnclude a lnLerlor shoL and aL
leasL one exLerlor shoL wlLh one
person enLerlng or exlLlng shoL
dlL shorL vldeo wlLh LlLles
muslc and uslng naLural sound le
ou wlll need a synopsls
a llsL of shoL
a rough sLory board
emember Lo
lan developmenL
re producLlon
osL producLlon
emember MlCAln
1hlnk abouL Lhls and you wlll need Lo
dlscuss when you presenL for flnal
W M Medla Language
W l lnsLlLuLlons
W C Cenre
W epresenLaLlon
W A Audlence
W l ldeologles and values
W n narraLlve
W ulegesls ls a sLyle of represenLaLlon ln flcLlon and ls
W Lhe %flcLlonal fllmed) world ln whlch Lhe slLuaLlons and evenLs narraLed occur and
Lelllng recounLlng as opposed Lo showlng enacLlng
W ulegeLlc ln Lhe clnema Lyplcally refers Lo Lhe lnLernal world creaLed by Lhe sLory
LhaL Lhe characLers Lhemselves experlence and encounLer Lhe narraLlve space
LhaL lncludes all Lhe parLs of Lhe sLory boLh Lhose LhaL are and Lhose LhaL are noL
acLually shown on Lhe screen %such as evenLs LhaL have led up Lo Lhe presenL
acLlon people who are belng Lalked abouL or evenLs LhaL are presumed Lo have
happened elsewhere or aL a dlfferenL Llme)
W 1hus elemenLs of a fllm can be dlegeLlc or nondlegeLlc 1hese Lerms are mosL
commonly used ln reference Lo sound ln a fllm buL can apply Lo oLher elemenLs
lor example an lnserL shoL LhaL deplcLs someLhlng LhaL ls nelLher Laklng place ln
Lhe world of Lhe fllm nor ls seen lmaglned or LhoughL by a characLer ls a non
dlegeLlc lnserL 1lLles subLlLles and volceover narraLlon %wlLh some excepLlons)
are also nondlegeLlc
20/06/2011 7
Llnks Lo Audlence
W WhaL ls Lhelr expecLaLlon?
W uld you subverL lL?
W uld you meeL Lhelr needs as a lllmmaker?
20/06/2011 8

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