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Editors Journal

Editing date: 14th November

Location: Oaks park high school - editing suite

Members present:

Ruheet Hasnath Mariam Nawab Chloe Wakeling

Editing start time: 1:00pm

Editing: Log and captured all footage needed.

1:55 I dragged each of the scenes onto the timeline in order one by one.

Problems Occurred: Could hear people talking in the background.

How I resolved the problem: I dissolved all the voices of the people talking in the background and made sure there were no over voice overs in the clips.

2:20 I then matched up each clip and shot so it made sense.

Finished Editing at 3:00

Editing Date: 15th November

Location: Oaks park high school -editing suite

Members present:

Ruheet Hasnath

Editing start time: 10:00

Editing: De saturated each clip to make them all the same colour.

11:00 I was adding effects on some scenes.

Problems occurred: all clips where not the same colour.

How I resolved it: I resolved it by De saturating the scenes.

11:45 made sure all the scenes where the same colour.

Finished editing at 12:25

Editing Date: 18th November

Location: oaks park high school- editing suite

Members present:

Ruheet Hasnath

Editing start time: 9:50

Editing: Added effects in certain scenes to make it look professional and convincing.

10:30 by then I added several different special effects to the video.

Problems occurred: Not all effects went well in the places they were in.

How I resolved the problem: I moved the effects to the places that were suitable.

11:10 made sure all scenes were convincing and made sense.

Finished editing at: 11:45

Editing Date: 19th November

Location: Oaks park high school Editing suite

Members present:

Ruheet Hasnath Chloe Wakeling Mariam Nawab

Editing start time: 8:50

Editing: Adding audio and sound effects

9:20 added audio and sound effects in some of the clips.

Problems Occurred: Not all audio and sound effects were in the right place and also the audio was too loud.

How I resolved the problem: I made the decibels on the sound effects and the audio lower to make the audio sound right and I also moved the audio and sound effects until I thought it was realistic on where it has been placed.

10:10 I made sure all the sound effects and audio was suitable where it was and saw if it matched and made sure it sounded realistic to the scene.

Finished editing at 10:40

Editing date: 20th November

Location: Oaks park high school Editing suite

Members present:

Ruheet Hasnath

Editing start time: 11:15

Editing: The titles and credits

11:30 added all the titles and credits within the clips.

Problems Occurred: Some titles were too fast and not readable and some titles seemed out of place.

How I resolved the problem: I slowed down the speed of the titles changing and moved the titles around so it made the movie more professional.

12:15 made sure all the titles were in the right place and also the speed was relevant to.

Finished editing at 1:00

Uploaded and exported to YouTube and our blog.

Finished Editing.

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