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Class of 2012 The Road To Post Secondary


Agenda For Today

2. 3. 4.

6. 7.

Provincial Exams Scholarships PSI Post Secondary Options Post Secondary Entrance Requirements Applying to Post Secondary Questions?

Advice for students from Previous Grade 12s:

Read the Howl daily (on the website)
Visit the career centre often Attend as many post secondary information

sessions as possible Apply to more than 1 school Write the LPI in Semester II if needed Apply for Scholarships Finish Your Grad Transitions Stay organized use your agenda or a planner

CAREER CENTRE ntre/default.aspx
Scholarship Information Post Secondary Information
Career Information Volunteer Opportunities

See Ms. Devlin anytime in Room A200

Fall Timeline
Read the Howl every day
Check with your counsellor to ensure courses meet ministry

graduation requirements Arrange an informal meeting with your counsellor if you have questions about post-secondary/career planning ESL students: register to write the TOEFL EXAM if you have been in an English speaking country for less than 5 years; check each post-secondary institution for their English language requirements and second language requirements. Most BC Post Secondary Institutions are now open for Registration Apply for a social insurance number if you do not already have one

Fall Timeline continued

Check post secondary admission dates, courses, programs,

scholarships, housing, deadline dates, open-houses, presentation visits etc. Begin your personal file: reference letters, personal letters, resume, copies of all documents, etc. (note: students new to Canada require certified copies of immigration papers for post-secondary applications) Book an appointment with Career Resource Facilitator, Ms. Devlin if you need help with applying DO NOT give mis-information on an application form

Timeline November / December

NOVEMBER Review your transcript verification form in Pack Meet with your counsellor if your Transcript indicates NonGrad or inaccuracies Complete a BRAG sheet Request any reference letters you may need; supply the referee with detailed information about yourself (see attached Brag Sheet) Continue to read the Howl to find out about Scholarship Opportunities

Timeline November / December

DECEMBER Grad photos December 6th- 9th at Artona Studios in Vancouver d/2?school_id=81583 Online sign-up for grad photos has started.

Timeline Jan / Feb

JANUARY Major scholarships arrive at the school; check with Ms. Johal Plan for a spring visit to your post-secondary institution Review post secondary application process UBC- New this yeardeadline is January 31st for both campuses Most Eastern Universities Deadline is in January. All Ontario Universities the deadline is early January

Timeline Jan / Feb

FEBRUARY Due date for applications for SFU and UVIC: Feb 28th, 2012 If necessary, register early for housing at post-secondary institutions

Timeline March / April

MARCH Attend scholarship meeting regarding the application process for local awards and scholarships. Ensure you have everything in order for Grad Transitions 12(DO NOT leave it until the last minute!!!)

Timeline March / April

APRIL Let the office know of any changes in your address Semester 2 midterm marks and semester 1 final marks are electronically transferred to post-secondary institutions; offers of admission are made in May If your are taking an online course via COL, 50% of the course must be completed by April 1st for Universities to consider it for admission purposes Grade 12 assembly during PACK for Valedictorian TBA Dinner/Dance Ticket Sales begin TBA Complete local scholarships/awards applications--TBA

Timeline May / June

MAY Prepare for June exams Student Loan applications:; Dinner Dance Table Reservation Year-end Awards Night May 30th, 2012

Timeline May / June

JUNE Saturday, June 9 th, 2012 Grad Dinner Dance & Aftergrad Mandatory assembly for commencement rehearsal during Pack Commencement Ceremonies, TBA

Timeline May / June

JULY Transcript and Dogwood Diploma mailed to your home at the end of July Exam marks available on website:

Provincial Exams
What is different effective September 2011 All optional provincial exams have been eliminated For graduation purposes student will only need to write the following provincial exams

10 Math 10 Science 10 Social Studies 11 English 12 (worth 40% of final mark)

If you took a grade 12 course last year and wrote the exam UBC, SFU and UVIC will use the higher of your Class mark or blended mark for all courses that offer optional exams
Note: Some eastern universities such as McGill will use the

blended mark if you wrote the optional provincial exam for a grade 12 course last year.

Financial Aid
Grade 11 & 12 marks are often considered
You may get money for many reasons: grades,

involvement in school, volunteer work, financial need, parent association with organizations You must APPLY to be eligible Make sure you have a Social Insurance Number

Grade 12s should have received a scholarship package during PACK in September. Information was provided on: External Scholarships University Entrance Scholarships Provincial Scholarships Local Scholarships District Scholarships Passport to Education ntre/default.aspx

Government Sponsored Scholarships

Passport to Education
To be eligible you must be a Canadian Citizen or Landed Immigrant

Grade 10
Grade 11 Grade 12

$250 $500

Provincial Scholarships
NEW THIS YEAR: A student will receive a $1000 Examinations Scholarship if he or she: meets the basic eligibility requirements meets the following requirements:
Students must achieve at least a B (73% or above) final mark (provincial exam and school mark combined) in Communications 12 or English 12 2. Students must achieve at least one A (86% or higher) and three Bs (73% or higher) on four of his or her best provincial exams (can include the English 12 provincial exam).

How to Apply Create an account You must have your PEN # and your SIN# ready If you need help see Ms. Devlin in the Career Centre

Post Secondary Education: Simon Fraser University

General Admission:

Graduation English 11 & 12 Socials 11 Principles of Math 11 Language 11 (beginner language 11 or higher) Science 11

Entrance Averages:
Based on 4 Grade 12 Courses English 12 3 other academic 12s
BC First Nations Studies 12 , English Lit 12, French 12, German 12, History 12, Japanese 12, Principles of Math 12, Spanish 12, Biology 12, Chemistry 12, Geography 12, Geology 12, Physics 12, Mandarin 12

Plus(New this year): Calc 12, Comp Civ 12, Economics 12, Law 12
Note: SFU Accepts Language Challenge exams for admission purposes.

SFU Quantitative Requirements (this has not changed)

70% in Principles Math 11 or 12 depending on the program you are applying to OR 60-69% in Principles Math 11 or 12 plus a score at least 20/30 on a diagnostic skills test (Q Placement test) at SFU before beginning their quantitative courses OR 60-69% in Principles Math 11 or 12 plus complete within your 1st year a Foundations of Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning course with a grade of C or better before beginning quantitative courses at SFU

SFU English Language Skills Requirements (this has not changed)

75% or higher in English 12

OR A grade of 60-74% in Eng 12 plus a score of 4 on the essay section of the LPI exam and a minimum score of 50% on all other parts of the LPI exam OR A grade of 60-74% in Eng 12 plus with in your 1st year complete of a Foundations in Academic Literacy course with a C or higher

SFU Program Requirements

Please note that in addition to the information provided

you will need to research the specific requirements for each faculty/program as there are additional requirements For example: All programs in Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences require English 12 and three other approved grade 12 courses. All programs in the Faculty of Science require Chem 11, Physics 11, English 12, Principles of Math 12 and two approved science 12 courses

SFU Business
Academic Requirements English 12, Math 12 + two additional approved grade 12 courses Broad Based Application Demonstrates excellence, leadership and/or achievement in extra-curricular area(s) such as: entrepreneurship, social activism, athletics, arts, community leadership and/or involvement Broad Based Application process opens December 15th, 2011
Admission Average 80% or higher is required for broad-based admission

Post Secondary Education: UBC Vancouver / Okanagan

General Admission
Grade 11 Course Requirements: English 11, Social Studies 11, Pr. Math 11, a Language 11 Beginners is not accepted, External Lang 11 is accepted Language requirement not needed for UBC Okanagan an Academic Science 11 (Bi 11, Ch 11, E. Sc 11, Ph 11) Language Challenge Courses: Not accepted for admission purposes Can be used to satisfy general admission requirement such as a language 11 or language 12 requirement for the Faculty of Arts Degree program

Post Secondary Education: UBC Vancouver / Okanagan

New Approved Grade 12 Courses:
In addition to the existing academic gr. 12 courses the following have been approved for this coming year Calculus 12 Economics 12 Law 12
Please note at this time UBC is not accepting Comparative Civilizations 12

Post Secondary Education: UBC Vancouver/ Okanagan

Are Distance Learning Courses accepted by UBC?
If you are currently enrolled in a online course you are asked to report it on the list of courses you will complete this year
You are asked not to put in a GRADE. UBC will only look at

grades for online courses that are sent to Ministry directly from the online school you are completing the course with. If taking an online course 50% of the course must be completed by April 1st in order to be used in an admission average

Post Secondary Education: UBC Vancouver/ Okanagan


The English Language Admissions Standard (ELAS)

1. 2. 3.

Meet by being in school in Canada for 3 years consecutively, up to and including grade 12 If not can meet this requirement in other ways. Go to And see pg. 40 in the UBC viewbook. (Toefl, Ielts)


Final Grade of 70% Grade 11 or 12 English(including provincial exam)


Post Secondary Education: UBC Vancouver/ Okanagan


Language Proficiency Index (LPI):

This is a registration requirement before you can enroll in your first year English course Exemption from the LPI requirement is determined according to the following criteria: Interim grade of 80% in En 12 (April 2012 Report Card) or a final grade of 75%. (Class mark or Blended, whichever is higher) Completing the Faculty of Arts Degree Program (BA, BFA, BMUS). These students will enroll in a mandatory first year writing requirement course

Post Secondary Education: UBC Vancouver / Okanogan


Admission is no longer calculated on English 12 plus 3

other approved grade 12 courses UBC is now taking a holistic view towards admissions It will now be less transparent as to what it takes to get into UBC Weighting of grades vs. personal profile is unknown at this time. Likely it will be different depending on the faculty you are applying to

Post Secondary Education: UBC Vancouver / Okanogan

APPLICATION PROCESS: 1. Research the academic requirements Deadline is now January 31, 2012 2. Online Academic Profile

Enter grades for completed courses (gr 11 or 12) On separate form you will list courses you are currently in or will take SEM II
After entering your 1st and 2nd choice the computer will generate a set of questions during the application process This is an opportunity for you to tell more about yourself and your experiences Short essay type answers- there is no magic formula Can save and reopen application- print and write draft, dont hit submit immediately


Online Personal Profile

1. 2.


Post Secondary Education: UBC Vancouver / Okanogan

APPLICATION PROCESS Cont.: 4. Self-reporting:



Will open Mid-March and close near the end of April after SEM II Midterm marks are out For students upgrading:
At time of application put in completed grade At time of self reporting put in new upgrade mark.

Post Secondary Education:University of Victoria

General Admission Requirements
Admission Averages are based on English 12 and three additional approved academic grade 12 courses Grade 11 requirements English 11, Social Studies 11, Pr. Math 11, an Academic Science 11 (Bi 11, Ch 11, E. Sc 11, Ph 11), Fine Arts 11, a language 11 An approved language 11 required only for the Faculty of Humanities and Fine Arts. (approved list on the website) html

Post Secondary Education: University of Victoria

NEW Effective May 2012 Academic Writing Requirement

To ensure that you have an opportunity to develop the

advanced literacy skills expected at the university level, all undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program are required to complete a 1.5 unit AWR-designated course
To be exempted from taking this course:

score of at least 86% on the BC English 12 Provincial Examination

Applying To Post Secondary

Be careful each institution has different math, language,

English and other course pre-requisites.

Check with your counsellor or in the Career Centre.

Post Secondary Education: University of Toronto

University of Toronto 3 campuses-each its own institution
University of T St. George Campus (33,000 students) University of T Mississauga Campus (11, 500 students)

University of T Scarborough Campus (11, 000 students)

Each campus has specific programs that they specialize in. Please research details online Deadline to apply is February 1, 2012 for direct entry programs.

Post Secondary Education: University of Toronto

Basic Admission Requirements
English 12 plus 4 academic courses (formerly provincially

examinable) Average will be calculated on English 12 plus these 4 subjects or 5 subjects if Calculus 12 is required for the faculty (e.g. Science, Business) Note: Language Challenge Course Marks are not acceptable (this is new!) Note: for online courses 50% of the course must be done to be considered for admission

Post Secondary Education: University of Toronto

University of Torontos Policy on Repeated Courses:
Individual programs at U of T reserve the right to give

preference to students whose marks are the result of a first attempt at each course, particularly in prerequisite subjects Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering generally consider first attempts ONLY. Rotman Commerce Program in the Faculty of Arts and Science will ONLY consider first attempt in all courses.

Ontario Universities General Info

Common Application Process- please refer to the following

website to apply online

Deadline for early admission to all Ontario universities is early


Grade 11 marks will be used for early admission offers as

Semester I final marks usually are not available until February.

Recommended that when you have new grades you send new


Post Secondary Education: Eastern Universities

University of McGill Entrance Requirements Based on the average of their top five grade 12 academic courses Each faculty requires certain high school courses as prerequisites for applying. Please refer to their website Of the five courses used for admission at least 4 must have optional provincial exams. If a student chooses to write the optional provincial exam than the blended mark will be considered If a student repeats courses McGill takes an average for admissions calculations

Online Post Secondary Institution (PSI) Selections
It is important that all Grade 12 Students planning to attend a post-secondary

institution after graduation complete this document so that the institutions can access their grades and final transcripts from the BC Ministry of Education information to be forwarded to BC and Ontario Universities Application Centre. selections by June 30th.

Students' PSI selections must be submitted by April 30th for Interim transcript

For Final transcript information to be sent to PSI's students must submit their PSI

The PSI Selection form is now available online for students graduating this year.

Students can access this online form by logging into the student secure Web site.

Grade 12 students will be completing these forms online with counsellors on Wednesday December 8th , 2011 For students enrolled in English 12 Semester I TBA February , 2012- For students enrolled in English 12 Semester II

Questions? Please visit the Career Centre or the Counselling Department.

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