RCSS Statement On Ceasefire-English

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Statement on the ceasefire agreement between Burmese government and RCSS/SSA 10 December 2011 1.

President U Thein Sein governments olive branch offer (announcement No. 1/2011) was officially announced on 18 August 2011. Restoration Council of the Shan State (RCSS)/ Shan State Army (SSA) also has the policy to solve the political issues through political and peaceful means. Therefore, RCSS/SSA sent a letter to the government for negotiation while the latter opens the opportunity for every ethnic to join in solving the longstanding political problems and build peace in the country. 2. As arranged by Sao Harn Yawnghwe, the meeting took place for the first time between RCSS/SSA peace committee led by Lt. Gen. Yawd Serk and Burmese government peacemaking delegations led by Union Minister for Rail Transportation U Aung Min as a special representative of President U Thein Sein, at a Shan-Thai border on 19 November 2011. 3. At the first meeting, Minister U Aung Min presented a 4 point proposition: a. Cessation of hostilities b. Opening liaison offices c. To roam freely if without arms d. To discuss politics at Union level RCSS/SSA presented a 4 point proposition for peace process: a. Cessation of hostilities b. To solve political issue through political dialogue c. Setting up of a RCSS/SSA headquarters area to improve the living standard of the people and the families of its troops d. Cooperation in the drug eradication 4. After the meeting, the two sides made an appointment to officially meet again in Taunggyi, the capital of Shan State on 2 December 2011. The State level peace group from Shan State Government led by Minister U Aung Min and Minister U Khin Maung Soe consists of the following members: a. U Sao Aung Myat, Shan State Chief Minister b. Col. Aung Thu, minister, Ministry of Security and Border Affairs, Shan State Government

c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

U Maung Maung, State Chief of Justice, Shan State Government U Khin Maung Than, Secretary, Shan State Government Lt. Col. Zaw Tun Myint, General Staff Officer (Grade-1), Triangle Region Command Lt. Col. Moe Min Thein, General Staff Officer (Grade-1), Eastern Region Command U Nyi Nyi Lwin, Deputy Director, Local Development Directorate U Tin Maung Than, Mediator Dr. Kyaw Yin Hline, Mediator U Hla Maung Shwe, Mediator, Vice President Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry

RCSS/SSA peace committee consists of the following members: a. Brig. Gen. Sai Lu, head of the committee b. Col. Sai Hla, Deputy head of the committee c. Col. Aung Mawng, member d. Lt. Col. Sai Harn, member e. Lt. Col. Sai Ngern, secretary f. Sai Moe Kyaw, camera man The two sides officially signed ceasefire agreement on the basis of the 8 point proposition at the second meeting held at Taunggyi Hotel in Taunggyi on 2 December 2011. As the main point of the signing of the agreement at this meeting is only ceasefire, the points that could not be decided upon will further be discussed through political negotiation at Union level for peace building. In order to build and achieve true peace, we need to wait and see the actions and attitude of President U Thein Sein government towards the country and ethnic nationalities. If the actions of President U Thein Sein government do not correspond to the announcement of peace building made and there are still violations of human rights and the rights of ethnic people, RCSS/SSA is always ready to go to war by taking up arms to protect ourselves, our people and our country. Ceasefire is meant the starting point for peace building and the development of the living standard of our people so that one can make progress and taste the sweetness of democratic rights as one of the people in the world. Therefore, as a citizen of the Union, we all share the same responsibility to build a peaceful and developed nation.

5. 6.



Central Executive Committee Restoration Council of the Shan State

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