Yoko (Character From The Grudge) Similarities To Percy

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Evaluation Question 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Percy: Percy is our main character in the opening scene; he is represented as an innocent cleaner who unknown to him is the victim of the creature the Grindylow at the climax of the film. Yoko (Character from the grudge) Similarities to Percy:

Percy from the Grindylow (my movie)

Yoko is a cleaner just like Percy in the film, she has the same role in the film also like Percy. So an audience gets an impression that Yoko is an innocent character which is also like Percy in my film. She is the character in the film that sets up the film, she tells the audience what the film is going to be about and what the creature does to its victims. In the Grindylow, this is Percys role, he sets the film up for the audience, hints to the audience what the film is going to be about, and what the creature does to each victim, in both the Grindylow and the grudge, kill them.

o The way the creature grabs her as well is similar to Percy, as you only see a very small part of the grudge in the film much the same as the Gindylow Yoko from the Grudge you only see the hand take Percy into the cupboard at the end.

The build up to when Yoko gets taken is also similar as the audience in the grudge, would get a sense of the character being alone, and then a shock of when she gets taken by the grudge very quickly, this is similar to Percy The way there is a build up to how he is taken at the end.

o In the film, Yoko just disappears, (the police who arrive later in the film), this is also like Percy as he does just disappear in the film without a trace.

The locations they are in are both realistic and people could of experienced being in these locations which make the audience have a link to the place.

o There is also a scene when the landline makes a funny noise in the film, this is similar to my film as the radio in my film starts to cut off and make static sounds, this gives off an atmosphere that the character is not completely alone in the location. o They both fit to genre, as they set up the movie, with typical features of supernatural thriller such as being alone, but the phone/radio making funny noises, and the climax at the end when they both get taken.

Differences from Percy:

o In the Grudge film although Yoko is a cleaner, she is also a carer

which is slightly different to Percy, job wise in the Grindylow. o In the Grindylow, the opening scene is set in the night time whilst the Grudge is set in the daytime.
o Yoko uniform/costume in the film is different:

Yoko is wearing an apron, with a Japanese style to the apron. This is different to Percy as he wore an all in one for his cleaning job

Her clothes underneath her apron are casual, with Percy the blue overall is much more formal, and this implies to the audience that the situation could be much more realistic.

The Ring
The two characters I am looking at in this film, is the two characters at the beginning. I chose these two opening characters as they both have a lot of similarities although difference jobs in the movie: The Ring Similarities to Percy: o The two girls in the film are both innocent as they both school girls, called Katie and Becca in the film. o They have the same role in the film as Percy, as they set up the film, (in the ring, if the character watches the cursed video they will come to a nasty end), by this I mean that they watch the video, come to a nasty end which they are scared to death in this case, this incident hints to the audience what the story is roughly about, and implies to the audience what the story encounters. Much the same as the Gringylow with Percy the creature gets the girls in the end of the opening scene. o The phone in the opening scene is similar to the radio in my film, Katie and Becca pick up the phone and there is nobody there it just makes a static sound on the end, this is similar to the radio in my film, as the radio starts to make static sounds and turn on and off there is both some sort device involved so the audience know that the character is not on there own in the film and this helps to build up tension in the film.

Both films are set at night, which makes the films slightly scarier to an audience as this is a typical element of the supernatural thriller.

o The build up to the both takings/killings of the characters is similar. o They both fit to genre of opening up the opening scene of the movie, as they are both innocent characters which set up the movie but die or get taken by the supernatural creature in the end of the opening scene of the movie.

Differences from Percy

o Becca and Katie are both school girls which is different to Percys job. o The location is different; the ring opening scene is set in a house, whilst the Grindylow is set in a school.

o They have different costumes in the movie: (see below)

Show the location of the Ring Movie

Show the location of movie the location is different to the ring; my movie is set in a school

They are both wearing a school uniform this shows the audience that they are innocent characters

This is different to Percy as Percy is a cleaner and this is a school uniform, whilst Percy wears a blue overall

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