Eq 3

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Evaluation Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Here is my merchandise that if my film was to be shown at cinemas this is objects I would sell, I chose a T- Shirt, as this is a popular choice that consumers buy when they have seen a movie along with the mug which is also a top favorite with consumers. I did a teddy bear as well, as the teddy bear, will be popular with the girls who see the movie, the teddy bear is a popular choice with merchandise. What does a production company do? The production company is normally run by a director or a producer, a production company also helps the fundraising for the film they are producing. Production companies are also responsible for the scripting, the

budgeting and making a scheduling organizing the staff to make the film a smooth process. It is also in charge of the marketing of the film, such as the posters. An example of a parent production company would be Time Warner. My production name and logo Our groups production company name is ColdBlood, we chose this as the word ColdBlood as when doing research this term came up quite a lot and is associated with the supernatural side, so that is why we chose ColdBlood productions as our production company name. Our logo represents our production company so we had to make sure that the logo looked catchy, but a had creepy element it, we used the color red as this color is used to represent danger and all things bad. That is how we came up with our logo. Who is the distributor and what do they do? A film distributor is the person, who releases the film, either by DVD, or making it available to download, an example of Distributor Company would be Fox. The distributor has the job to put the film in cinemas and how to introduce the film into the cinemas and decide how many cinemas they will allow to show they movie, and the many factors to this such as the audience, season and star power (who are the actors and are they famous enough for people to come and watch they movie because of the actors). Where the money might have come from for a film such as mine? The money might have come from someone called a backer This person/s back the movie budget wise, another person who helps with the money is the director. For our small production, the money would come from the director as they are the one in charge of the small production team. Why the various people are named in the titles which jobs appear in tiles and in what order and how have I reflected this? The people names in the opening credits are as followed: 1. The distributor- who make the film public and puts the film in the cinema 2. The production company name the name of the production team who made the film 3. The main actors name names of the actors 4. The title of the film the name of the film 5. Followed by the other actors names 6. Camera person in charge of the camera, in charge of decisions such as the camera shots and angles

7. The people who did the cast people who chose the cast for the film 8. Costume designer people who designed and chose the costumes for the movie 9. Music producer in charge of getting the music for the movie 10. The editor the person who puts all the film clips together to make the movie 11. Production designer helps design the movie 12. Director of photography in charge in making the setting and location look good in the film, and in charge in making the photography for the film 13. Executive producer 14. Producer helps the director in decisions, and helps assist in making choices of where the actors should stand, and the location and other choices like that. 15. Director- directs the movie, tells where the actors to stand in the movie and position The people are named in the title sequence because they are main people who make the movie, the main people who are behind the production of the movie, and the people who will get the most recognition for movie. They are the people also came up with the original idea and help fund the production. So basically the main people who are mentioned in the main title sequence are the main people were behind the making of the video. The order they are shown in are sometimes relevant to importance- such as the director will be shown first followed by the star actors, and the producer. I have reflected this in my video as the following credits in my video are as followed: 1. The oaks park production logo 2. Coldblood productions logo 3. Directors credit 4. Camera-person 5. Editor 6. Name of director 7. The main actor of the film 8. The other actor in the film 9. And the last actor with the smallest part 10. The title of the film

Oaks park logo

Coldblood Productions logo

Directors credit

The camera women

The Editor

the name of the director

The name of the actors

Name of the last actor

the name of our film

In our film we reflected it as putting the main roles in order of importance to making the film a success.

How our film is similar to institutionally films films that are released in the similar way? Our film is similarly released to other supernatural thrillers such as the grudge, with posters. It would be released in the same way as all other films, and thats with trailers and posters, advertised for the cinemas. Once the film has been

filmed, it will go to the distributor and they will decide where the film will be shown in the cinemas, and which cinemas, they will decide when the film will go on DVD, or video. They will decide the advertising of the film, such as the posters and the trailers . By Chloe Wakeling

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