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2 Dads

I|rst Dad
Second Dad
Both these outIits are diIIerent, the Iirst dad shows him to be very trendy and look conscious
by the way everything is worn nicely and creases in the jeans in the correct place, you can tell
he is glamorous by the designer polo shirt, this also shoes him to be reasonably young as men
over the age oI 40 do not tend to wear Fred Perry designer, this is a young label, the polo shirt
being blue also shows how he is very manly as blue is mostly known to be a mans colour`.
This outIit is very diIIerent to the preppy look oI the jumper and loaIers on the other dad. But
dad number two still shows he is stylish due to his collar being put up to make the outIit look
younger. We want them both to look diIIerent and have totally diverse personalities as this is
more interesting Ior the audience to watch, as they can make their own personal connections
with which one they can relate most too.
Mum and Son
Here the young boy is in a suit, this shows that he is Irom a wealthy background as this is what
he is wearing Ior day wear rather than jeans and a t shirt like the usual young boy, and it also
shows that Irom a young age he has lots oI pride in his presentation. The mum is also smart
looking in a pencil skirt and blouse which shows she is wealthy due to having a career in
business. She has high heels on that make her instantly look more glamorous this connotes
how important her appearance is to her. We have put her in black as we Ieel this is the most
proIessional out oI all the colours. We think by having the boy in a suit and the mum dressed
nicely it shows how hard she is trying to be a good mother considering she is a single parent;
she doesn`t want people to think wrongly oI her as she has a high proIile to live up too.

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