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Lva|uat|on quest|on 6

What have you Iearnt about technoIogies from the process of constructing this
uurlng Lhls pro[ecL l have learnL a loL from uslng dlfferenL programmes such as llnal cuL pro sound
Lrack pro scrlbd blogger ?ou1ube and hoLoshop Some of Lhese programmes l never used before
such as flnal cuL pro and scrlbd buL l learnL how Lo use Lhem from Lhe guldance of my Leacher and
Lhen lL became easy for me Lo use because l knew whaL l was dolng furLhermore Lhe programme
flnal cuL pro helped me Lo compleLe Lhe edlLlng for my group

Ld|tor As l was Lhe edlLor l had Lo learn how Lo use several dlfferenL programmes such as flnal cuL
pro and sound Lrack pro because l had Lo use Lhese programmes regularly and lf l dld noL know how
Lo use Lhese programmes l would noL have been able Lo compleLe Lhe flnal vldeo As l was Lhe edlLor
l had Lo log and capLure all of Lhe fooLage on an apple mac because LhaL ls Lhe only Lype of compuLer
LhaL has flnal cuL pro and sound Lrack pro on lL Cne Lhlng LhaL wenL well durlng Lhe edlLlng was l goL
used Lo uslng Lhe programmes fasL and l dldn'L keep asklng slr for help whlle l was edlLlng Lhls saved
me a loL of Llme because l exacLly knew whaL l was dolng
We used several dlfferenL sofLware's Lo help us LhroughouL Lhe course Lo enable us Lo
creaLe good enough work Lo make sure we are ln a good poslLlon aL Lhe end of Lhe course
We used sofLware called scrlbd Lo make our work look more professlonal and lL was an easy
sofLware Lo use afLer we goL used Lo lL furLhermore lL was a very handy sofLware because lL
was a qulck and slmple sofLware Lo use and lL was accesslble aL home and ln school we used
llnal CuL ro
MlcrosofL word
Sound 1rack
Lhls sofLware Lo upload mosL of our work onLo our blog eg producLlon schedule audlence
research eLc so lL was a handy sofLware for our coursework
|na| cut pro
We also used llnal cuL pro Lo edlL our movle Lhls programme was really good afLer we goL
used Lo lL because lL ls very good sofLware when lL comes Lo edlLlng and l would hlghly
recommend anyone LhaL wanLs Lo edlL Lo use Lhls sofLware

We used hoLoshop Lo help us creaLe a sLoryboard 1hls sofLware was very handy because lL
saved us a loL of Llme We used Lhls sofLware Lo make all of our lmages have a pencll effecL
whlch Lhen made our sLoryboard look very professlonal and made Lhe Lask much easler

Sound c|oud
We used sofLware called sound cloud Lo upload our sounds and Lhen we embedded lL from
Lhere onLo our blog Sound cloud ls good sofLware Lo use because lL ls very good for sounds
and you can also edlL your sounds on Lhere ls well

We used sofLware called 8ubblus Lo creaLe our bralnsLorm on Cverall l Lhlnk LhaL Lhls
sofLware was good Lo use because lL made our bralnsLorm look more professlonal and we
dld noL have Lo bralnsLorm on paper lL also enabled us Lo learn abouL a new programme

ou1ube ?ou1ube was sofLware we used Lo share our vldeo's Lo Lhe world as lL ls Lhe blggesL vldeo
sharlng webslLe ln Lhe world AfLer compleLlng our flnal vldeo we uploaded Lhe vldeo onLo ?ou1ube
We also uploaded our prellmlnary Lask on ?ou1ube as well 1hen we embedded Lhe flnal vldeo and
prellmlnary Lask and we puL lL onLo our blogs

M|crosoft word l used Lhls programme Lo compleLe a loL of my work because l know how Lo use Lhls
programme and lL enables me Lo compleLe my work wlLh ease and l can geL lL done qulcker lf l do lL
on MlcrosofL word l use Lhls sofLware a loL noL [usL ln medla buL ln all my oLher sub[ecLs as well so lL
ls a very good and handy programme Lo use Powever l Lrled Lo use Lhls programme on Lhe mac
book pro buL l found lL hard because l am noL used Lo uslng macs and Lhe funcLlons are dlfferenL

Mac book pro When l used Lhe mac book pro more ofLen l found lL easler Lo use because l goL used
Lo uslng a mac l also preferred uslng a mac book pro because Lhe baLLery lasLed much longer Lhan
Lhe normal lapLops LhaL were ln class and Lhls enabled me Lo geL more work done and lL saved me
Llme from havlng Lo keep changlng lapLops

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