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Evaluation question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real

media products? The title of the film:

This is the title of our movie, the reason why we decided to call it The Grindylow is because as a group we thought that it was a catchy name and we wanted to be unique and make up a name for our movie that no one has already got. We used the colour red for our font because the colour red connotes danger and we also used a black drop shadow effect to make our logo stand out. The reason why we decided to use the colour red is because the colour makes the logo stand out and it is an attractive colour. The font type we used was Arial Black font and the font size we used was 42, the reason why we decided to do it that big is because we had to make sure that it is visible, we also made the font bold to make it stand out more. Setting/ Location:

This is the setting/ location to our film; we chose this location as our group. This location is Oaks park high school and we thought that this would be a very good place to film our media product because it is a quiet place after all the students leave and no one is here to disturb you and there is a heap of space to film. This place benefits us because our target audience is 15 21 and this is not only a school it is a sixth form as well so this will enable us to gain target audience even before the film has been released by word of mouth. Furthermore the reason why we chose this to be our setting is because it matches our storyline perfectly and there is plenty of space for the actor to act. Costumes and props:
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These are some of the costumes and props we used in our production, the jump suit is the main costume as Percy wears it throughout the film and this costume gives the audience a hint of what Percy does for a living. The costume does look old so it shows that he has been wearing the jump suit quite often. One prop we used was the radio. The reason why we used a radio is to create suspense within the film and by using a radio it enabled us to keep the audience on the edge of their seat because this prop helped us to do this. The second prop we used was the mop, we used a mop as a prop because his role was a cleaner in the movie and without the mop the film will look out of place. By using a mop as a prop helped us because we got to show some clips of him mopping and other activities were taking place while he was doing so which made the film more sus pensive. Camera work: When completing this task we had to use a lot of camera shots in order for our final movie to be successful. We used several different shots such as close ups, medium shots, over the shoulder shots, point of view shot, establishing shot, wide shot, extreme close up, panning etc.

This is a close up of Percy talking on the phone to his wife on the phone in French. This shot was used quite a lot because our movie revolved around Percy because he was our protagonist and main character of the movie. Editing:

This was the ending scene of our movie, as I was the editor I decided to use a special effect at the ending to make the audience jump. I basically added speeded up the video and also added non diegetic sound for that part of the movie to build up the climax or otherwise it would have not been scary at all and the audience would have mocked our movie. Editing was a big role in the production team and I had a lot of pressure under me as I had to make sure everything was right and the director was always on my case and if any improvements where needed in the video I was responsible for it. Title font and style:
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Our title font and style of the font had to be perfect and easily readable or otherwise the audience cannot read it and we would get penalised for it. The title font is Arial black and the title size is 42, I decided to do use this font because it is a simple and clear font to see and it makes the movie look serious. I added a black shadow drop to the font and a black background to make the red colour on the text stand out. Story and how the opening sets it up: Percy is a middle aged French man and he is lying to his wife about his job because he is not proud of being a cleaner, his wife gives him a call and he tells his wife that he is still at his office and he and he is going to be home late. After that he gets changed into his jump suit uniform and he is ready for work. After he goes to the cleaners cupboard and takes the mop and radio out, after that he turns the radio on and starts mopping. He then goes along the corridor and spots a key on the floor after that he can hear footsteps and from nowhere he turns around and his boss is there reminding him of the time by tapping his watch. Then his boss walks of and he starts looking around and then suddenly the radio starts searching for different stations then his heart starts pounding. After that he goes to turn the radio off then he hears the tap running again then Percys face drops and he goes to turn the tap off again and as he is coming out he is turning the light off and a hand comes out and takes him away within a matter of seconds and Percy disappears. The opening of the film sets it up by showing what Percy is doing at what he is up to so far. What I mean by this is that our film confuses the audience at the beginning of the film but near to the end it all makes sense. Genre and how the opening suggests it: The genre of our film is a supernatural thriller. I did some research on supernatural thrillers and most of them have a protagonist and an antagonist. This is why we decided to do a supernatural thriller. Our film location was a key element in the video because we had to have a good location which matches the purpose of the storyline otherwise the audience will get a wrong gesture of it and they will not take the film seriously and it will get under rated so that is why the location has to be on point or our movie is going to fail. Our storyline is good because it is not predictable on what is going to happen and it creates suspense from start to end this is what most supernatural thrillers do so we had to take that into account and use it in our production. How characters are introduced:

Our main character was Percy; the audience would have gathered that from the first scene. The whole story line goes around Percy and it gives the audience a hint that it will not end well for Percy. The other character that is introduced in the film is Raman his boss, as you can see in the picture he is in a suit and smartly dressed and he is pointing at his watch reminding Percy of the time. Raman is a sudden appearance to the film he just enters the scene suddenly while Percy is doing his job and the audience did not know that his boss was going to show up so it might make them jump when his boss entered the scene it cause tension because we could see his facial expression and we saw Percy getting a sudden fright when his boss turned up. Special effects:

This is the final scene of our movie and to build up to this point we decided to add sus pensive music and when he is shutting the door a hand comes and takes him. I decided to fast forward that part to make it look more scary and to make the audience jump. In my opinion as the editor I thought that the special effect made a difference to our movie.

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