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Lva|uat|on quest|on 3

What k|nd of med|a |nst|tut|on m|ght d|str|bute your med|a product and why?
What does a roduct|on company do?
O A producLlon company ls run by a producer or a dlrecLor
O A producLlon company handles all Lhe budgeLlng for Lhe producLlon Lhey also sell
merchandlse Lo gaLher money Lo puL Lowards Lhe flnal producLlon
O A producLlon company deals wlLh everyLhlng LhaL deals wlLh compleLlng a movle
whlch ls eg plannlng scrlpLlng budgeLlng preproducLlon and posLproducLlon
O @hey have Lo make sure everyLhlng ls golng accordlng Lo plan and Lhey also need Lo
make sure Lhey do noL exceed Lhelr budgeL whlle compleLlng Lhe producLlon

Cur producLlon company name ls called Coldblood producLlons we all declded as a group Lo
call lL Lhls because we LhoughL LhaL was a llkable name and lL ls excluslve because no oLher
producLlon company ls called Coldblood producLlons so LhaL ls whaL makes our company
name unlque We declded Lo keep Lhe logo slmple so we made Lhe logo fonL colour whlLe
and we made Lhe fonL slze 36 we also added a black drop shadow Lo lL Lo make lL plaln @hls
sulLs our fllm because lL ls a dull LlLle so lL connoLes LhaL lL ls golng Lo be a serlous fllm

Llke every movle you have Lo have LlLles ln your movle or lL wlll be lncompleLe so whaL l dld
was l done some research on openlng LlLles of fllms and had a look aL whaL order Lhey go ln
and how Lhey lald Lhere LlLles ouL wlLhln Lhe frame we researched on fllms such as Wrong
Lurn and also flnal desLlnaLlon 4 we saw LhaL each of Lhe openlng LlLles ln Lhelr fllms were
blg and vlslble so LhaL everyone can see whaL Lhe LexL says AfLer l dld LhaL l declded Lo add
Lhe LlLles LhaL were necessary for our producLlon and l made sure LhaL Lhey were blg and
bold LlLles also Lhe fonL slze had Lo be rlghL for lL Lo look rlghL We also declded Lo make Lhe
LlLles colour red because Lhls connoLes blood and danger so lL glves a hlnL Lo Lhe audlence
whaL Lhe genre of Lhe producLlon ls golng Lo be Lach of Lhe LlLles lasLed beLween 0 7
@hls ls our producLlon logo
seconds because so LhaL Lhe audlence can acLually read Lhe LlLles We used LlLles such as
dlrecLed by edlLed by sLarrlng eLc we used LlLles such as Lhls so Lhe audlence know exacLly
who has whaL role of Lhe producLlon

What |s a f||m d|str|butor and who m|ght d|str|bute our mov|e?
A fllm dlsLrlbuLor ls a company or and lndlvldual person who releases fllms Lo Lhe publlc or
for home vlewlng eg on uvu Lelevlslon and download A fllm dlsLrlbuLor baslcally releases
your fllm for you and you pay Lhem for lL Lhey also geL a loL of adverLlslng maLerlal so Lhey
can aLLracL audlence all over Lhe counLry Cur fllm could posslbly be dlsLrlbuLed by unlversal
plcLures because unlversal plcLures ls a company LhaL ls known worldwlde and Lhey
dlsLrlbuLe fllms LhaL are Lhrlllers such as Lhe 8ourne Legacy so Lhls company wlll be perfecL
for our movle as lL ls a Lhrlller

@lLles used ln our producLlon
Cur osslble fllm dlsLrlbuLor

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