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Why do we have to study statistics?

To read and understand various

statistical studies in related field.

To communicate and explain the results

of study in related field using our own words.

To become better consumers and



a characteristics of interest about each individual element of a population or sample

Example : amount of time spent by one student


O the set of values collected from the

variable from each of the elements that belong to sample

O Example : a value representing the amount of

time spent by one student in years, quarters. months

A statistics student is interested in finding out something about the average ringgit value of cars owned by the faculty members of our university. Each of the seven terms just describe can be identified in this situation.
1. 2.


VARIABLE: the ringgit value of each individual car DATA: the set of values that correspond to the sample obtained (45,000; 55,000; 34,0000;)

From the data collected, the type of data will be identified which classified to qualitative or quantitative, discrete or continuous variables

Variables and types of Data

Qualitative Variable

Variables that can be placed into distinct categories, according to some characteristic or attribute example gender (male or female).

Quantitative variables

Numerical in nature and can be ordered or ranked Example: age is numerical and the values can be ranked.

Discrete Variables
O A quantitative variable that can

assume a countable number of values. O Can assume any values corresponding to isolated points along a line interval. That is, there is a gap between any two values. O Clue countable

Continuous Variables
A quantitative variable that can assume an uncountable number of values. Can assume any value along a line interval, including every possible value between any two values. Clue measured

Example 1
The grade point averages of five students are listed in the table. Which data are qualitative data and which are quantitative data

Qualitative data

Quantitative data

Example 2
Identify each of the following as an example of qualitative or quantitative variables.

1. The breaking strength of a given type of string 2. The hair color of children auditioning for the musical Annie. 3. The number of stop signs in town of less than 500 people. 4. Whether or not a faucet is defective.

Answer 2
1. quantitative 2. qualitative 3. quantitative 4. qualitative

(from bluman text book)

Classify each variables as qualitative or quantitative 1. Marital status of nurse in a hospital 2. Time it takes to run a marathon 3. Weights of lobster in a tank in a restaurant 4. Colors of automobiles in a shopping center parking lot 5. Ounces of ice cream in a large milkshake 6. Capacity of the NFL football stadiums 7. Ages of people living in personal care home

Example 3

Answer 3
1. Qualitative 2. Quantitative 3. Quantitative 4. Qualitative 5. Quantitative 6. Quantitative 7. Quantitative

(from bluman text book)

Classify each variable as discrete or continuous 1. Number of pizzas sold by Pizza express 2. Relative humidity levels in operating rooms at a local hospital 3. Number of bananas in bunch at several local supermarket 4. Lifetimes (in hours) of 15 iPod batteries 5. Weights of the backpacks of first graders on a school bus 6. Number of students each day who make appointments with a math tutor at a local college 7. Blood pressure of runners in a marathon

Example 4

Answer 4
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Discrete Continuous Discrete continuous Continuous Discrete Continuous

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