Growing Azaleas and Rhododendrons

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Revised August 1980

Growing By Erik A. Neumann, curator of
education, U.S. National Arboretum,
Azaleas and Washington, D.C., and Ralph E. Webb,
entomologist Agr ic u Itu ral Research
Rhododendrons Center, Beltsville, Md.

Azaleas and rhododendrons are at wilting. Do not overwater in areas

their best in climates that are fairly mild where drainage is poor.
and humid. They grow well throughout *Protect azaleas and rhododendrons
the Appalachian Mountains and in the from insect attack.
States along the Atlantic and Gulf
coasts. They do well around Lake Erie, Buying Plants
in the southern Mississippi Valley, and
along the Pacific coast from Puget Some kinds of azaleas and rhododen-
Sound to San Francisco Bay. drons will survive colder winter
Azaleas and rhododendrons are temperatures than other kinds. Some
members of the same plant,group and will withstand hotter summer
have the same cultural requirements. temperatures than others. Before you
Rhododendrons will appreciate more buy plants, be sure they are adapted to
protection from wind and winter sun. your area.
Soils or climate in the rest of the You can ask a reputable nursery
United States may be favorable for operator in your locality to recommend
azaleas and rhododendrons. They can species or varieties; generally, plants
be grown in unfavorable regions, but that have been propagated and grown
they need more attention than in by him are adapted to your area. You
favorable regions. might ask neighbors which kinds have
You can grow azaleas and rhododen- done well for them.
drons successfully if you follow these Buy plants that are sturdy and well
rules in planting and caring for them. branched and at least 8 to 16 inches
* B u y species and varieties that are tall. Small plants are easily injured in
adapted to your area. winter. If you get plants less than 8 in-
*Get plants that are at least 8 to 16 ches tall, grow them in a coldframe for
inches tall. a year or two before you set them out.
*Plant them in well-drained, acid soil Plants more than 16 inches tall are
that is high in organic-matter content. satisfactory, but they are more expen-
*Set plants no deeper than they were sive than 16-inch plants.
in the nursery. Get balled and burlapped plants
*Maintain a mulch around the plants. (B&B) or container-grown plants. Some
*Guard against drought; be sure that container-grown plants are not eager to
young or freshly-moved plants receive extend their roots into garden soils.
adequate water, particularly the first 2
years after transplanting. Water
thoroughly when plants show signs of
Planting Times
You can plant azaleas and rhododen-
drons most successfully when they are
In their northern range, the best time
to plant them is early spring, before
new leaves start to grow. In the South,
they can be planted from fall to early
spring, at any time the ground i s un-
You also can plant or move azaleas
while they are growing, though with
more risk then while they are dormant.
Many plants are sold in the spring
while they are in bloom. These can be
established successfully in the garden if
they are protected carefully from dry-
ing after they are planted.

Planting Sites
Azaleas and rhododendrons do not
grow well in dense shade; they become
spindly and bloom only sparsely. They
will grow satisfactorily, however, in
full sunlight or in moderate shade. N-31746

They grow best where they have alter- Azaleas grow well in locations that are too shady
for many other flowering shrubs. They also grow
nating sunshine and shade and are pro- well in full sunlight.
tected from the wind. A good place to
plant azaleas and rhododendrons is
can plant them on other sides of the
under tall, deep-rooted trees such as
building, but you will have to give
oaks and pines. There, the mixture of
them more attention to protect them
sunshine and shade is good.
from drying.
Do not plant under shallow-rooted
trees such as elms and maples,
however. Those trees will use water
Acidity Testing
and plant food needed by the azaleas. To determine whether your soil is acid
Evergreen trees with low branches enough for azaleas, have it tested or
make good windbreaks and attractive test it yourself.
backgrounds for azaleas and Your State agricultural experiment sta-
rhododendrons. Closely planted shrubs tion will test your soil and give direc-
are good also, if they do not encroach tions for changing the soil’s acidity, if
on the space needed for the azalea and necessary. Ask your county agricultural
rhododendron plants. agent how to prepare the soil sample or
If you are planting azaleas and write to your State agricultural experi-
rhododendrons around a building, they ment station for this information.
will do best on the north and east sides You can make your own test for soil
of the building where they are pro- acidity with testing kits sold by garden
tected from the hot afternoon sun. You supply stores. These kits are inexpen-
sive and easy to use. Remember that
the normal “optimum pH range” for from getting water-logged. Under nor-
evergreen azaleas is 4.5 to 6.0. For mal conditions, level the beds or plant-
~ deciduous azaleas, the normal ”op- ing holes.
timum pH range” is 4.5 to 5.5. For
rhododendrons, the normal “optimum Spacing the Plants
pH range” is 4.5 to 6.0. Spacing of azalea and rhododendron
plants depends on the variety you plant
Preparing the Soil and the effect you want.
Prepare the planting site several Many rhododendrons spread to 6 or 8
weeks in advance of planting. Prepare feet in diameter. Most azaleas need 4
beds to spade depth or dig individual to 6 feet of space per plant.
holes at least 18 inches in diameter and Spacing is no problem for single
12 inches deep. plants; plant them far enough from
In heavy clay soils, identified by water other plants or from buildings so they
standing in planting holes, it is better to will not be crowded when mature.
construct raised beds of a better drained If you want a mass of blooms, set
growing medium. plants close together while they are
Azaleas and rhododendrons need young, then transplant them as they
acid soil that holds moisture and is well become crowded.
drained. Adding organic matter of the A good plan is to place small azaleas
right type-peat moss, 1-to 2-year-old 2 feet apart. After 3 or 4 years, when
oak leaves, or forest leaf mold-in- they start crowding each other, remove
creases soil acidity and improves alternate plants and replant them in
waterholding capacity of sandy soils another location. This will give remain-
and drainage of clay soils. ing plants room to develop.
If your soil i s neutral or alkaline,
organic matter may not add enough
Setting the Plants
acidity. Then it i s necessary to make the Dig planting holes larger than the
soil acid with chemicals or grow the rootballs of the azalea and rhododen-
plants in tubs or planters that contain dron plants. If the roots of the plant are
suitable soil. balled and burlapped, remove the
Azaleas and rhododendrons grow burlap before setting the plant in the
well in soil in which an abundant hole. If the rootball is broken or if the
amount of peat moss or leaf mold has removal of the burlap causes the soil to
been well mixed. loosen, cut the twine around the top of
If you are preparing planting beds, the rootball and fold back or cut off ex-
spread a layer of organic matter 4 or 5 posed parts of the burlap after placing
inches deep over the surface of the the plant in the hole. If other materials
’ spaded bed. Mix the organic matter
with the upper 6 inches of soil.
are used for wrapping, remove them.
Press soil around the rootball. Pack it
If you are preparing separate planting firmly under the plant. While you are
holes, mix the soil from the hole with doing this, set the plant so it is no
an equal volume of organic matter. deeper than it was in the nursery. If the
After you have added organic matter roots are planted too deeply, they will
to the soil, the surface of the bed or not get enough air, and the plant will
planting hole will be higher than the die.
surrounding soil. If the soil is heavy and After you fill the hole, soak the soil
your area has frequent hard rains, leave thoroughly. This helps to bring the soil
the surface mounded; it will help drain into close contact with the roots.
away excess water and keep the beds
Water plants thoroughly when
weather conditions make it necessary.
The amount needed will vary, depen-
ding on amount of rainfall,
temperature, humidity, and wind
velocity. However be sure the plants
get enough water.
Watering is essential during the first 2
years after planting. After azaleas
become well established, they usually
will survive with normal rainfall.
If you plant under overhanging eaves
or where rain does not reach them, you
will have to supply all their water. If
this is the case, continue watering
through the winter, whenever the
ground is not frozen.

N-34102 Azaleas and rhododendrons may
Press soil firmly under the rootball to set the plant need light fertilizing on sandy soils or
at the proper level and to keep it from settling.
in soils poor in nutrition. Apply fer-
tilizer in early spring.
After the first season, organic matter
Mulching usually furnishes enough nutrients to
the plants. When the plants need fer-
As soon as you have the plants set, tilizer, their leaves begin to turn light
mulch the soil around them with green or growth i s short.
leaves, pine needles, or bark. Garden stores sell fertilizer for-
Use at least 2 inches of pine needles, mulated especially for azaleas and
or bark and 2 to 5 inches of leaves. rhododendrons. Apply it according to
Spread the mulch so all the soil is the directions on the package.
covered beneath the branches. Do not apply fertilizer after July 1.
Do not use special lawn fertilizers.
Weeding These fertilizers often are alkaline and
may contain herbicides that could kill
A heavy mulch prevents weeds from the azaleas and rhododendrons.
growing readily around plants. Hand
pull those weeds that do manage to Pruning
grow. Do not cultivate with a hoe or
other garden implements. Azalea and Azaleas and rhododendrdns grow
rhododendron roots grow close to the well without pruning. You may want to
surface and will be injured if the soil is prune them, however, to remove dead
disturbed. or injured branches, to shape the
plants, or to reduce their size.
If you want your plants to be bushier,
cut growing twigs half way back after
they elongate.


Plants that have grown too tail or are Spider Mites

crowded can be pruned back severely Adults and young of these tiny
to the size and shape you want. Prune mites-they are barely visible to the
after blossoming to reduce flower loss.
naked eye-are found on the underside
The plants will not have many flowers
of leaves. They are red or greenish red.
the next season after pruning; but i n
First signs of infestation are yellow,
following years, the flowers will be
stippled areas on leaves, and fine webs
more abundant.
on leaves and flowers. Entire leaves
become yellowed, gray, or brownish.
Control I ing Insects Flowers are discolored and faded. In-
If your azaleas or rhododendrons are jury usually appears in June or later.
damaged by insects or related pests (for Control.-Apply a spray containing
example, spider mites), determine the dicofol. Follow directions and heed all
kind of pest responsible for the precautions on the insecticide labels.
damage, then apply an appropriate in- To keep spider mites from occurring
sect i c ide. Without protect ion against in damaging numbers every year, keep
insects, the plants will not thrive. In- area weed free and avoid planting
sects are seldom a problem on plants overwintering mite hosts such as fox-
grown in part shade. glove, hollyhock, and violets among
In full sun, the azalea lacebug and the azaleas.
spider mites are particularly For further information on control of
troublesome, and are discussed below. insects on azaleas and rhododendrons,
The insecticides recommended for contact your county agricultural agent.
controlling them are available at
garden-supply stores. Controlling Diseases
Many troubles with azaleas and
Azalea Lacebug rhododendrons are caused by planting
Adults are about 1/8 inch long and varieties that are not adapted or by tak-
have lacy wings and brown and black ing improper care of the plants.
markings. The young, called nymphs, However, the diseases discussed below
are spiny; they are colorless at first, may affect plants that have been well
then become black. cared for.
Adults and nymphs suck sap from the Pefal Blight
underside of leaves. This causes the up-
Flowers become spotted, then limp.
per surface to have a gray, blanched, or
All flowers on the plant are quickly
coarse-stippled appearance, and
destroyed. Spray with zineb, prepared
reduces plant vitality. The underside of
as directed by the manufacturer, two or
leaves become discolored by excre-
three times a week during the flowering
ment and cast skins. Plants in the sun
are more severely damaged than those
in the shade. Tip 5lighf or Die-Back
Control.-Apply a spray containing a Starts with light-brown blotches on
wide spectrum insecticide. The first ap- the leaves. May spread down the leaf
plication should be made about June I stalk into the branch. Branch dies. Cut
in the North and earlier in the year in off diseased branches below brown
the South. Repeat application every 10 discoloration. Remove faded flower
days until control is obtained. clusters. Spray the plant with 6 to 7
ounces of dry bordeaux mixture in 10
gallons of water immediately after the
flowers fade. 7
Leaf Gall Use of Pesticides
Pale-greenor whitish fleshy galls
Pesticide use is governed by a Federal
grow on leaves or flowers. Hand pick
law which is administered by the En-
the galls. Spray with zineb prepared as
vironmental Protection Agency. This
directed on the package.
law requires manufacturers to register
Leaf Scorch pesticides, and makes it illegal for peo-
Leaves have yellowish spots with ple to use them except in accordance
brown centers and reddish borders. with the instructions on the label.
Leaves drop off and plant is weakened. You may, if you wish, use less of any
Apply zineb in spring and fall. pesticide than the maximum amount
the instructions permit. However,
Iron Chlorosis always remember: 1) Be sure the
Leaves turn light green or yellow be- pesticide comes in contact ONLY with
tween the veins, but the veins remain plants or areas you intend to spray; and
green. Plants lack iron, usually because 2) Be sure to spray the pesticides
the soils are not acid enough. If acid- uniformly. You can get reliable, free in-
forming fertilizer does not make your formation about any pesticide by call-
soil acid enough, spread 1 teaspoonful ing your local agent of the Cooperative
of aluminum sulfate crystals in the Extension Service or the State
plant’s ”drip area.” Do not apply lime agricultural experiment station.
or too much phosphate.
Rain washes lime from masonry walls
into azalea plantings nearby and
lowers soil acidity. This can be
checked temporarily by spraying the
foliage with 1 ounce of ferrous sulfate
in 1 gallon of water; or by using iron
chelates on soil, or sprays on foliage, as
recommended on the manufacturer’s
Soil acidity must be changed for
longer lasting control. Consult your
county agricultural agent or your State
agricultural experiment station for con-
trol recommendations.

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