Why Smart School Introduced

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Produce a thinking technology- literate work force

Democratize education

Provide all-round development of the individual (intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual)

Increase participation of stakeholders

Provide opportunities to enhance individual strengths and abilities

Produce a thinking technology- literate work force

Teach thinking across the curriculum Apply technology in teaching and learning

Provide all-round development of the individual (intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual)

provide a broad curriculum for all Teach values and language across the curriculum Emphasize thinking skills

Provide opportunities to enhance individual strengths and abilities

Provide electives in the curriculum Allow for vertical integration (virtual express class)

Increase participation of stakeholders

Create awareness of what happens in schools Enable easy and speedy communication with the school using technology Provide opportunities for stakeholders (eg : parents community) to participate

Democratize education
Provide equal access to learning opportunities Provide for differing abilities, styles and paces of learning

To help student to achieve overall balance development, intergrate knowledge, skills, values & corect use of languages

To enhance the efficiency & effectiveness of the education system by using ICT

As a tool for teaching & learning , as the subject & subject component

Offer multidisciplinary & continous learning.

Enhance the knowledge, skill & attitude appropriate for succes in the formation age

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