Cyber Crime

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INTRODUCTION Cyber crime is the one type of criminal which dealing with computers and networks.

It also called as hacking. Besides, cyber crime also includes the traditional crimes that conducted through the Internet. For example, hate crimes, telemarketing and Internet fraud, identity theft and credit card account thefts are considered to be cyber crimes. These examples are the illegal activities because there are committed through the use of a computer and the Internet. The Department of Justice Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section had categorizes computer crime in three ways which are the computer as a target, as a weapon and as an accessory. The meaning of the computer as a target which is the criminal will attack the computer user by spreading the viruses through the internet. For the computer as a weapon mean that the criminal will use a computer to commit the traditional crime that we see in the physical world such as fraud or illegal gambling. The computer as an accessory mean the criminal will use a computer as their file to store illegal or stolen information from the other user. Additionally, chief executive officer of Cyber security Malaysia, LieutenantColonel Husin Jazri said that, there are more than 4,000 cyber complaints on 2009. Most of the complaints are concerning cyber crimes which consisted of hack threats, fraud, denial of services and other computer problems such files lost or corrupted by viruses. On April 2011, the chairman of Cybersecurity Malaysia had said that there are 8,090 cyber complaints in two months of this year. It shows that the increasing of the cyber crime in Malaysia and totally increase more than 100%. This scenario is a very serious and it can lead to the new threats to national security if not addressed. He insisted that the cause of increasing the cyber crime in Malaysia because of consumer attitudes that are not concerned about security while surfing the internet. But there are still many factors that can lead to the cyber crime. Because of cyber crime, it also leads to degradation of moral values. In our group discussion, we had came out with three factors that lead to the cyber crime which are committed for the sake recognition, to make quick money and vulnerability of computer. For the factors that lead to degradation of moral values is computer addiction.


THE FACTORS LEAD TO CYBER CRIME Cybercrime is becoming ever more serious. Findings from 2002, Computer Crime and

Security Survey show an upward trend that demonstrates a need for timely review of existing approaches to fight this new phenomenon in the information age. There are many reasons why cyber-criminals commit cybercrime. One of the factor is the cyber crime can be committed for the sake of recognition. This is basically committed by the youngsters who want to be noticed and feel among the group of the big and tough guys in the society. They do not mean to hurt anyone in particular. This is happen when their parents are too busy and have no time to survey their own children activities. Therefore, the youngster feel neglected by their parents and do anything without thinking deeply. Actually, they fall into the category of idealist, who just wants to be spotlight. The teenager that categorized as the idealist usually not highly trained or skillful but youngsters between the age of 13 to 26 years old who seek social recognition. They want to be in spotlight of the media. Their actions are globally damageable but individually negligible. For example, like denying a lot of important e-commerce servers in February, 2000 is said to have caused high damages to these companies. Most often they attack systems with viruses they created. However, by the age of 26 to above when they have matured and understood the weight of their actions, they lose interest and stop. Besides that, the rapid growth in the use of personal computers (PCs) and the advent of the internet have made it possible for the persons of all age to commit cyber crimes such as computer hacking, extortion, and credit card fraud without ever leaving the comfort of home. Moreover, difficulties in obtaining electronic evidence and tracing back to the electronic wrongdoer present unique challenges to law enforcement investigating computer crime committed by person any age. In the context of the juveniles who engage in criminally antisocial computer behaviour, these problems take on special significance.


REASONS FOR CYBER CRIME: The reason for cyber crime is also cause by the vulnerability of computer itself. Computer

will be function by the action of human. So, human is responsible to the cyber crime that happen nowadays. The reason for the vulnerability of computer may be said to be: 1. Capacity to store data in comparatively small space The computer has unique characteristic of storing data in a very small space. This affords to remove, transfer or derive information either through physical or virtual medium makes it much easier. 2. Easy to access The problem encountered in guarding a computer system from unauthorised access is that there is every possibility of breach not due to human error but due to the complex technology. For example, by secretly implanted logic bomb, key loggers that can steal access codes, advanced voice recorders; retina imagers etc. that can fool biometric systems and bypass firewalls can be utilized to get past many a security system. 3. Complex The computers work on operating systems and these operating systems in turn are composed of millions of codes. Human mind is fallible and it is not possible that there might not be a lapse at any stage. The cyber criminals take advantage of these lacunas and penetrate into the computer system. 4. Negligence Negligence is very closely connected with human conduct. It is therefore very probable that while protecting the computer system there might be any negligence, which in turn provides a cyber criminal to gain access and control over the computer system.


Loss of evidence

Loss of evidence is a very common and very obvious problem as all the data are routinely destroyed. Further collection of data outside the territorial extent also paralyses this system of crime investigation. 3.0 THE FACTORS LEAD TO DEGRADATION OF CYBER CRIME Based on the issue which is cybercrime, many factors that cause it happen and also cause the degradation of moral values. The main factor that leads to degradation of moral values is computer addiction. Computer addiction is an excessive using computer until interferes daily life. Many activities from cyber that can omit person with other important thing in their real life. Computer addiction such as a bad attitude that spread in a mind and lead to other bad factor. The computer addiction leads to future addictive behaviours, information glut and false perception of reality. When someone had addicted with computer and internet, they will lack of social interaction whether with family and friends. Mostly, they use computer for pleasure, gratification or relief from stress and will feel irritable and out of control when not using it. Furthermore, they would spend more time and money to buy or install hardware, software, magazine and computer related activities. Moreover, they always neglecting work, school or family obligation and risking loss of career goals, education objectives and personal relationships. Recently, they are addicting in cybersex, cyber-relationship, net compulsions and information overload. The cybersex-addiction such as internet pornography, adult chat room and adult fantasy role play that lead to negative impact. The cyber-relationship addiction such as social networking for example Bebo, Hi-5, Tagged, Twitter and Facebook, from here they will meet many friends and online friend be more important than relationship. The net compulsion such as online-gaming, gambling and stock trading for example Ebay, it lead to financial and job problems. The information overload such as compulsive web surfing and database searching and leading to lower work productivity. Last but not least, computer addiction activity such as playing off-line computer games for example solitaire, minesweeper, and computer programming. By other hand, it also lead to information glut where as many information can be get from internet resource. By using the computer, all information is at fingertips. Anything can be accessed from anywhere and anytime by using laptop, notebook and Smartphone.

Everything can be get by on time and easy to find do not have to go the library or bookstore for borrow or buying a book. The advantage it will not waste money and time but the disadvantage the productivity are low, because source from internet are not verify their truth and can be edited. Moreover, the computer addiction behaviour can lead to false perception, for example addicting in cyber-sex, when they watch adult role-play, they want to try it and make it in real-life intimate relationship and will produce illegitimate child. So, from all this, moral values that have in an individual will be destroy because of too obsess and addicted with computer and internet and lead to cybercrime problem.

Written by, Nur Ellya Aqilla Bt Mazlan Nur Adha Bt Md Amin Nur Hafizah Bt Zahari Siti Norita Bt Mohd Yunos

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