Essey PBL Cyber Crime

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ESSAY CYBER CRIME Name Siti Nor Amira Bt Mohmad Noor Norhidayah Bt Mohd Amin Nur Hafizah Bt Abdul Hadi Sharifah Maizura Kasmawati Fatin Izzati Bt Zainal Abidin Nur Ibtisam Bt Mohamad No Matric D20091035073 D20091035082 D20091035072 D20091035071 D20091035085 D20091035117


Cybercrime encompasses any criminal act dealing with computers and networks or sometime is called hacking. Additionally, cybercrime also includes traditional crimes conducted through the Internet. For examples, hate crimes, telemarketing and internet fraud, identity theft, and credit card account thefts are considered to be cybercrimes when the illegal activities are committed through the use of a computer and the internet. Community Community is refer to the a group of interacting people, possibly living in close proximity, and often refers to a group that shares some common values. Community in this explanation is including us. We as a community must take this precaution steps to prevent cybercrime from getting worse. Community also play important role in preventing cyber crime. First you need to turn on the spam blocker. Most Internet providers provide a spam blocking feature to prevent unwanted messages, such as fraudulent emails from getting into your inbox. The benefits of spam blockers are immense by saving lots of time and space but more importantly they prevent your pc from getting infected with viruses. Another benefit from using a spam blocker is that it prevents phishing. Phishing is where you get an email that looks like it has come from your bank. They are almost exactly the same as your official mails from bank. They will ask to enter your pin number and password to view whatever they have used to suck you in. In most cases its attractive deals and offers that promise you can save money. In this process they collect all your information and utilize it without your knowledge. This is another reason why spam blockers are so important, not only to they save your time, money and space of your pc but also prevent potential threats and damages. Every time you surf the web you leave traces of your Internet activity that can reveal your reallife identity and expose you to hackers, identity thieves and spammers. Using this information they can monitor your browsing habits and activities, spy upon you, steal personal information and exploit security holes in your system to cause damage to your computer. To avoid, firstly turn on your spam blocker. Most Internet providers provide a spam blocking feature to prevent unwanted messages, such as fraudulent emails and fake emails, from getting to your inbox. Make sure you have adequate anti-virus software for your computer. It is because hackers have a wide variety of ways to access your system and information. You need comprehensive security

software that can protect you from all angles. Software like McAfee, AVG, Kaspersky or any other software can help protect you from malware, phishing, spyware, and other common andemerging threats. You also need to make sure you regularly update your anti-virus software or keep your security software up to date by selecting the automatic update function on your security control panel. Dont forget to perform regular scans to locate and eliminate any malware, spyware, viruses and other problems. There are alternative if you don't want to purchase security software, then there are programs such as AVG that offer free versions. You can also can get free trial version software from internet that limited only for 30 days. Next is make sure you have adequate anti-virus software for your computer, such as McAfee, Norton Anti-Virus, Stopzilla or other similar programs. What important here is you need to make sure you regularly update your anti-virus software and that you do at least once-a-week scan. This is to locate and eliminate any malware, spyware, viruses and other problems that may harm your computer. If you don't want to purchase security software, then you can try with programs that offer for free such as AVG. Thirdly, Use your computer's firewall protection feature, which is a digitally created barrier that prevents hackers from getting into your computer system. Always keep it turned on. A Firewall can protect both individual computers and corporate networks from security threats such as worms, which attempt to exploit networking protocol to access a remote pc. A firewall can also log all attempts to enter private network or an individual computer and set an alarm in the form of a pop-up or other notice when suspicious or hostile activity is attempted. Some firewalls can also monitor and log all outbound data traffic and prevent unauthorized access to resources on external networks Parents Parents also play their roles to overcome cyber crime crisis among their children. There some tips for the parents. Firstly, talk to the kids about Internet Safety. Parents should remind them the pros and cons of internet access. Besides, check childrens internet history. Each web browser has their history timeline. Parents are able to monitor what their children up to when surfing internet. Thirdly, put the computer where it is readily visible. Parents should place it in living room or any open sites in house where they can easily look up their children time by time.

Furthermore, parents also must check their childs online profile. It is been a trend for this era where most of people have their social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and others. However, do not allow the kids to put any important personal info such as contact numbers, address or any details information if it is not necessary. This may lead to unexpected and danger situations. Lastly, check friends or buddies list connected to the children. They must be avoiding being friend with strangers or improper people. Making new friends is a good thing but it might become vice versa if they are friends with wrong people. Warning Signs Warning sign is the precaution that parents should take it seriously to avoid their child in danger according to cybercrime. They are, when parents realized that their child spends a large of amount of time online, questionable pictures are on their child's computer, child receives calls or gifts and packages from strangers, child changes screen when their parents enter the room, child becomes withdrawn from family and friends and last is child send pictures of himself/herself over the internet. When child spends a large amount of time online, as parents they should take the early action like estimate the childs time online. Doing that parent can monitor the usage of internet by their child. Spend time with their child online and have them teach you about their favorite online destinations. Then for the questionable pictures on the childs computer like pornography, as good parents they should always check their childs computer. When this sign happened so parents prefer to keep that kind of pictures away from their child. Next sign is child received calls or gifts and packets from stranger. Child changes screen when their parents enter the room is the next sign that the child has something that need to be secret with parents. Beside that, child becomes withdrawn from family and friends also the sign that child is involve in cybercrime. This is because, child prefer to stay in the room and spends a lot of time online. Sometimes the child is rare speak to the family members. So parents should keep the computer in a common room in the house, not in child's bedroom because it is much more difficult for a computer-sex offender to communicate with a child when the computer screen is visible to a parent or another member of the household. Last are child send pictures of him or her over the internet. This is the most danger action that child do because by posting and sending pictures online, these pictures spread easily and quickly around the internet and sometimes can lead to a great deal of

embarrassment. Besides, by posting pictures it also put the child at an even greater risk of being taken advantage of by the child predators. So as parent, when see the child sent pictures online they should remind their child about that danger. Communicate and talk to child about sexual victimization and potential online dangers. Teach the child the responsible use of the resources online. There is much more to the online experience than chat rooms and social networking sites. Government Government also can prevent cyber crime. The Cyber Security in Malaysia was establish under ministry of science technology and innovation (MOSTI). This agency was created to help the people who have been deceived by cyber criminals. There are various types of web pages was introduces such as cyber999, cybersecurity clinic, cybersafe, cyberguru and so on. Cyber999 was introduced to handle incidents faced by computer or internet users. While cyberguru was created to give information security professional training. Which is a program training for teacher to help their student when occur cyber criminal. We as a teacher must know about cyberguru. So, with this cyber security agency it can help people to overcome the cyber crime. Besides creates the Cyber Security agency the government also must increase the penalties for cyber crime. It is because the criminals will feel scared and depressed. So, they cannot commit this crime again. Especially when they are caught and the government will give punishment with heavy penalties. So when increase penalties the cyber crime will decreases. Then the government also can make a campaign, advertisement on media due to cyber crime. And the people in Malaysia will aware about the dangerous of cyber crime and work together to avoid it. Lastly, we also must start the campaign in school. The campaign is about awareness of misuse of cyberspace in school. When they aware about cyber space crime they will know how to handle it. They also will report to police cyber about criminal cyber and it will prevent the crime Since this cybercrime is widespread among the kids, therefore, the parents, community and government need to play their own role in order to cope this cybercrime among the kids. The government need to take an action in fact must enhanced the law so that the crime can be coped and still under control. The parents also need to monitor their children and not fully rely and believe their children. Besides, the communities also have to play their part and do not be so selfish by ignoring or take this thing just for granted

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