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Brotherly News, Alpha Phi Omega- Delta Gamma

Issue 3, Fall 2011

Service Week 2011
Issue 3, fall 11 In this issue:
Meet your Advisors: Part 2 Page 2 Fall 2011 Pledge Class Page 3 Region 5 Conference Page 3 Active for ATCO 5K Page 4

By Carly Damman The average person burns ten calories for every flight of stairs he or she climbs. As part of this years National Service Week, a healthy fact was presented to Alpha Phi Omega brothers every week at chapter to help promote a healthier lifestyle and motivate brothers to participate in service week. Alpha Phi Omegas Delta Gamma chapter participated in Service Week 2011 the week of th th Nov. 6 -12 to promote healthy living throughout the Athens community by planning service events that both educate and motivate the community to get moving. Every day brothers had the opportunity to participate in different activities such as the Kick Cystic Fibrosis Kickball tournament, the health fair at the Athens Community Center, a demonstration for vegan cooking, the renovation of Amesville Elementary playground and many others. The success of this years

service week can be attributed to the hard work of service week chairs, Lauren McCullough and Katie Hawkins. They worked alongside with committee members to plan a week full of beneficial events that brothers would enjoy. The PR committee took care of all advertising for the Health Fair as well as press releases. The t-shirt committee created the design, took orders, and placed the order for shirts. We also had committee members taking pictures at all events, accepting donations from members of the chapter, and collecting information about healthy facts to post around campus, said McCullough on the hard work of her committee members. The theme of service week stressed the importance of healthy eating and exercise. Not only is obesity a problem on Ohio Universitys campus through unlimited access to dining hall food and late-night food runs but its also a national issue facing all Americans.

Ohio University Athens, Ohio

We believe that people don't understand the value of nutrition and exercise at times. Many people do not have the tools to understand how to live a healthy lifestyle or maybe they just dont think it seems like much fun. We want to provide information to the chapter, campus, and community about nutrition and exercise but in a more interactive, interesting approach, said McCullough and Hawkins.

Brotherly News, Alpha Phi Omega-Delta Gamma

Overall, Service Week 2011 was a success. Alpha Phi Omega brothers supported Service Week by showing up to volunteer and participating in planned events. The hard work of the service chairs paid off both in the impact Service Week left on the community and the rewards that promoting a healthier lifestyle bring. Amesville, I believe was definitely our favorite. We painted and restored most of their playground. We also donated $75 in balls to them. The principal was so excited and toward the end of the day Friday some of the kids came out and were so excited to see what we had done, said McCullough. Service Week 2011 not only allowed brothers to volunteer their time to a great cause but also got community members and Ohio University students thinking about the benefits of healthy eating and regular exercise.

Issue 3, Fall 2011

Meet Your Advisors: Part Two Julie Suhr

By Nicole Germano Clinical neuropsychology and service appear polar opposites. Yet, the two fields find common ground in Julie Suhr, Alpha Phi OmegaDelta Gamma advisor. Suhr pledged the Mu Theta chapter of A Phi O during her sophomore year at Luther College, where she studied German and psychology. Suhr proceeded to earn a Ph.D in psychology from the University of Iowa. To specialize in clinical neuropsychology, she trained at Brown University and performed medical residency at the University of Iowa. She now teaches graduate and postgraduate psychology classes at Ohio University. Although she was not actively involved with A Phi O during her post-graduate studies, Suhr has remained actively involved in service throughout her life. During graduate school, Suhr volunteered as a teaching assistant for children spending extended-stays in a local hospital. She has also served as a parent volunteer for her daughters activities including 4-H and Girl Scouts. Before joining the Delta Gamma chapter, Suhr advised the Psychology Club. What is your favorite A phi O who seem so disinterested. So, its good to have a reminder. Its too easy to see the negative, and heres a room of people who care. But, my favorite memory has to be Ava being there [at the Faculty Pageant] and singing and seeing her face when she got her grown and flowers with a room full of big brothers and sisters who love her. What is your role as an advisor? I make sure I read the information from nationals and make sure I understand it. For an advisor of an adult organization, Im just that, an advisor. Ive been in groups with an advisor that micromanages, but I dont do that as an advisor. And, Ive also seen advisors who just dont show up. I consider myself a hands-off, open-door advisor. I show up when I can and I make sure Im there when you need to meet Do you have any advice for our chapter? Were always going to be restricted based on the size of Morton hall. As we add new members, we have, well, growing pains. Youre never going to be able to please everyone. Its important to remember youre part of a larger group. Take the big picture look. You have to look at the overall health, well being of the group.

memory from undergrad? Recently, its remembering that I had to be in charge of a regional event. They elected me to organize this meeting with four other schools nearby. I had to plan it all in a small town, that had no hotels. I figured out sleeping arrangements, entertainment, a service projectI dont even remember what it was. But, I remember playing Wheel of Fortune. We made a wheel and had groups donate fun prizes. What is your favorite memory from our chapter? I usually go to Sunday meetings and its inspiring to see kids who want to do stuff. Its depressing to read in The Post or go to classes and see people

Brotherly News, Alpha Phi Omega- Delta Gamma

Issue 3, Fall 2011

Congratulations to the Delta Gamma Fall 2011 Pledge Class!

By Kelsey Morrow-Fox This quarter's pledge class is a truly great group, said Rush Chair Chelsea Wylie. Pledges this quarter experienced a different process than current actives. They were required to obtain 150 points through interviews instead of getting a certain number of signatures. Interviews with executives were worth one point, people in their families were worth two points, other actives were worth three points and advisors were worth five points. Because of the pledging requirements, active Ashlee Campbell remembers pledging as bittersweet. I was excited to become part of a new organization with so many people, but I was also so stressed with all the requirements, Campbell said. Pledge Marissa Singley is looking forward to the relief of being an active. Pledging is more work than being active, and Im glad its over, Singley said. Im excited to be able to participate in the amazing adventures APhiO has to offer, like regionals, sectionals and Give Kids the World. Wylie is also excited for the new pledges to be initiated. I believe APhiO is in a rebuilding period with all the changes we have gone through, Wylie said. I am glad to see such a wonderful group of bros coming in. The pledge class project was a canned food and clothing drive collected for Lottridge Food Pantry, which provides meals and clothing for families in need in the Athens area. They collected over 300 items to donate. My favorite part of the pledge project was the fact that we were helping people in our area specifically, Singley said. Tim Archer, the pledge service chair, said he chose to run because he wanted to meet as many people as possible and wanted an active role in the pledging process. I enjoyed seeing how charitable everyone was in the pledge project, Archer said. Although she enjoyed this quarters pledge class, Wylie is already looking forward to the incoming pledges of Winter quarter. I truly enjoy meeting new bros and convincing them to become a brother, she said. I love this organization so much, and it is rewarding for me to pass that experience on to someone else.

Region 5 Conference
By Mary Kate McHugh On November 11, 2011 16 Delta Gamma brothers traveled to Lexington Kentucky. Students from all over Alpha Phi Omegas region V joined together at the University of Kentuckys campus in Lexington, Kentucky. This years theme for the conference was Band Of Brothers. Before attending the conference, senior and Interchapter Relations Chair Dani Garfield said she hoped that, more brothers can regain the APO spark. Lately, chapter moral has been an issue and I hope brothers can share their experience and boost chapter moral. She also mentioned that she expected the conference to include some fun activities, like a dance at th 11:11 on November 11 as well as activities that may seem to be a little more serious like APO Spark. Newly activated brother Sarah Norman said her favorite activity was the pledge roundtable. Pledges had the chance to talk to other pledges about what their chapters did during the pledges. There was even a roundtable where the pledges met all of the national board members. All different kinds of workshops and activities were available for brothers to attend. This way brothers had the chance to pick and choose what they feel would be most beneficial to themselves. There were a lot of great workshops but the regional cup is what brought brothers from our chapter and from the rest of section 59 closer together. said Garfield. At the end of the Region V conference, our chapter was awarded the Double Diamond Award at the end of the region V conference. This award was only given to four other chapters within the region. The Double Diamond Award commemorates Chapters of Excellence as well as Pledge Program of Excellence. I love getting to know both members of our chapter and other chapters better. I think that bond is one of the things that can give you the spark, and hook you on APO for life. You realize how much bigger APO is than just your own chapter said Garfield.

Brotherly News, Alpha Phi Omega-Delta Gamma

Issue 3, Fall 2011

By Jenna Miller

Active for ATCO 5K Walk/Run

busy brainstorming ideas for the race, including prizes for first place runners, door prizes, and a even photo booth at the event. We also are getting ATCO members involved by allowing them the chance to help design the t-shirts, Walsh said. Walsh and Ruscher are also planning awareness events where ATCO members can talk about their experiences to show people just why their organization was picked for the 5K. ATCO members will be invited to the race, as well as have something special done for them on race day. As far as logistics go, the cochairs have been gathering all necessary permits, writing donation letters, printing registration forms, and coming up with fundraising ideas. One big change we are planning on doing is allowing bros to get one service hour over winter break if they get two donations of ten dollars or more, Walsh said. Other fundraisers include Dads Weekend t-shirt sales, letter writing parties, a benefit concert, and an alumni event the night before the race. We have a huge network of alumni that we should really reach out to more often, Walsh said. No word yet on exactly how ATCO will use the donations from the 5K. Ruscher said ATCO might use the money to help members pay league bowling fees and to purchase supplies for the training center. Nonetheless, Walsh and Ruscher said the main objective of the 5K is to bring awareness to the community about a great organization thats right in their backyard. We want to make this the best 5K APO has ever put on. We are going to work extremely hard to make the community more aware of ATCO and what it does, Walsh said. You will be seeing the slogan Active for ATCO all around campus so start spreading the word, Ruscher said. The race will be held Saturday, rd March 3 at Ping.

It may only be fall quarter, but 5K co-chairs Jackie Walsh and Monica Ruscher are gearing up for Alpha Phi Omegas annual race winter quarter. The brothers of Delta Gamma are dedicated this years race to ATCO Inc., dubbing the 5K Active for ATCO. ATCO is a training center for adults with developmental disabilities. Many of our brothers already work closely with ATCO through league bowling, weekly crafts, Halloween dances, movie nights, and other activities planned by ATCO. Walsh added, ATCO helps its members realize their full potential and allows them to find jobs, receive life skills training, receive various types of therapies, and, most importantly, have fun! ATCO has been a huge part of Alpha Phi Omega for a long time and they deserve to have a 5K just for them, Ruscher said. They are a huge part of the community we all live in and its nice to see a local organization get sponsored. Walsh and Ruscher have been

Alpha Phi OmegaDelta Gammas 2011 Homecoming Float Our Service goes Beyond the Bricks

This Newsletter is brought to you by the Fall 2011 Public Relations Committee, chaired by Kathryn Lathrop. Members of the committee are Kelsey Morrow-Fox, Carly Damman, Mary Kate McHugh, Nicole Germano Jenna Miller, Ali Cupelli, and Jessica Brewer. Photos are courtesy of the Alpha Phi Omega-Delta Gamma Facebook page, run by Historian Melissa Pennington and the Historian committee.

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