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Greendale Parent Advisory Committee October 19, 2011 Budget Meeting Minutes 1. 2.

Welcome and Introductions Approval of the Agenda 2 approvals needed - Shari Dick approved - Christine Wiebe gave second approval Reports a.


School Planning Committee Committee looks at the overall goal of school look at testing to see if our school is on par for that goal. - looking for interested people to be on this committee - Please contact Deneen - Jenny Sawatzky & Cristina Migic volunteered Parent Education - Laura Watson absent No report given Emergency Preparedness - Shake Out BC (earth quake drill) taking place at the school October 20th 10:20am - Items in Bin still need to be labeled. ACTION: Laura to label items in Bin




Hot Lunch - Needing a Coordinator to take on this role. Candace English will be stepping down and would like to train someone for this role before Christmas when she steps down. ACTION: Please contact Michelle Dick or Candace English if interested in becoming the Hot Lunch Coordinator Help needed with orders going out .


Fruit & Veggie Program - Anne Heppel has offered to coordinate this program again this year. ACTION: Michelle Dick please talk to Anne about Forms.


Lice Checks - went well last time. - Next Lice Check: November DPAC (District PAC) - Michelle Rodgers will attend meetings as Greendale s Representative - Discussion at DPAC meeting about how to generate more parent involvement at your school. - Discussion about Facebook Account for school. Concern about the possibility of it turning negative. A Blog would be a better option and more secure.



Safer School Committee - Safer schools committee put on hold - Deneen is in contact with the district regarding this. A representative has visited the school from the district regarding parking lot safety at Greendale. - The Parking Lot - safety discussed. - Topic of concern: Question if a crosswalk can be put in front of the school. According to laws in the city of Chilliwack, a crosswalk cannot be put in in front of the school because there is no intersection/cross street or sidewalk on both sides of the street. - Trying to get people to be aware of safety in and around the school. - Discussion of a crossing guard Principal - Community School bringing forth an idea to make a Christmas Craft. - Phase 1 of the Teacher s Strike currently happening o Staff are being very supportive of each other in the process o Questions about your child s progress? o As per Deneen Scott: Please feel free to email your child s teacher directly or make an appointment to see them. Teachers are more than willing to meet with you. o Green Folders any items to be added to the Green Folders please hand them in to Deneen by Wednesdays


o Running Program all teachers still run with the students. Deneen supervises the corner. o Playground Supervision District Head Office staff are currently coming to our school to do supervision o Poetry Fest October 31st 8am in the gym 4. Business Arising from Last Meeting a. Bake Sale/ Book Sale - $764.44 cash went to the library - $260 in product b. Family Photo Night - Canceled lack of people signing up Magazine Fundraiser - Online until Oct. 31st School Magnets - On order. Taking a little longer than expected - Positive Feedback regarding how helpful the magnets have been in the past.




New Business a. Budget - Reviewed Account Summary prepared by Alex - Gift cards confusion how it s organized Michelle D. is working on this. $145 aprox. Made so far in profit. School sign is helping with reminders to return forms back to school - Last year a lot of money on field trips budgeted for. Not able to in this year s budget - People Savers (course for grade 5/6 No budget to it this year. Budget for this every 2 years. - Swimming Contingency fund needed for Mrs. Stobbe/Mrs. Thiessen s class - $70 - Teacher s Requests via Deneen Grade 5/Division 1 is requesting $5 per child for their Social Studies Curriculum. Money goes toward giving back to the community, locally or globally. PAC will sponsor this. - BCC PAC Greendale will not be members this year. - Pancake Breakfast to be put on in coordination with Super Reader b. Playground - Wooden Playground Structure to be taken out without notice. The playground is rotting and has issues with bugs. - Deneen Checking into funding from the Ministry

- $25,000 - $40,000 needs to budget for. - Most fundraising efforts going towards the purchasing of the new playground. - Looking at applying for Grants ACTION: Playground Committee needed. Please contact Michelle Dick if you are interested in being a part of committee. - Kristin Radatzky, Cristine Migic, Christine Wiebe, Michelle Rodgers, Michelle McEachern, and Shari Dick have volunteered so far. More volunteers welcome. c. Fundraising List and Ideas Why and What? -Scrap and Craft - October 29th -Pennies for Playground Classes have opportunity to win monthly. The class with the most pennies collected wins a prize. Containers will be located in the office. Bring your pennies there. - Bake Sale with Community School not happening - Purdy s Chocolates - Gift Cards - $95.75 earned thus far. Forms go out every 2 weeks - Cobs is no longer giving back a percentage - Ford Drive One for Your School ACTION: Shari Dick will look into Ford opportunity Bandanas - being made in memory of Mr. Q funds to go to Ellerbeck family in November/December Costco Fundraising Opportunity available ACTION: Michelle Dick to contact Costco Representative regarding this opportunity

d. e.

Adjournment - Next Meeting: Tuesday Nov. 8 7pm.

Minutes prepared by Shari Dick

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