Greendale Elementary PAC Meeting Minutes - January 10, 2012

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Greendale Community School

Group/Title Date Location PAC January 10, 2012 Greendale Elementary Library Time Prepared by 7:00 pm Shari Dick

1. 2.

Welcome and Introductions Approval of Agenda Motion to approve minutes- Minutes approved by Maureena and Anne H.


Reports a. School Planning The Grade 4s will soon be taking part in the FSA (Foundation Skills Assessment) Testing b. Parent Education Nothing to Report c. Emergency Preparedness Labels for Emergency Prep items have been done d. Hot Lunch - Pam Hildebrants first Hot Lunch will be January 20th. She has now competed her Food Safe Certification e. Fruit & Veggie Program - Nothing to report at this time. f. Lice Checks To be done Friday, January 13th

g. DPAC Nothing to report. Unsure of when next meeting will be. There has been no information received regarding new meeting dates. h. Safer Schools Committee - Deneen spoke with the City of Chilliwack regarding putting in a crosswalk near the school. Possible location near the church. The City states that they will look into it. i. j. Treasurer Our budget for running costs is $4069.43 Playground Committee Meetings with 3 separate Playground Companies have been completed Habitat, Henderson, and Swingtime Drawings are being drawn up and will be presented to the committee. An extension of the playground area has been approved to accommodate for the new playground equipment. This area will be located on the grass part between the playground and the track. - Budget for Playground: $50,000 - A Playground Information evening will be planned for Parents and the Community tentatively on February 2, 2012. Information from all 3 companies and their proposed plans will be presented at this time. Question and Answer time to follow presentations. Stay tunes for more info to come on this event.

-2Playground Govt. money to be distributed among schools is still yet to be determined. At least 12 schools with wooden structures like Greendale will need to be replaced. It is unsure of where we are on the list for demolition. We may not get much warning as when the playground will be taken out.

k. Principal 1. Ready, Set, Learn January 20th, 12:45 1:45 2. Kindergarten Registration has begun. Encouraging parents to register their children for Kindergarten soon. 4 Business arising from last meeting a. Loose Change for Playground The name of the Fundraiser has chanced from Pennies for Playground to Loose Change for Playground to allow kids to bring in loose change of any sort to help to raise more funds. We are looking for more prizes to award classes on a monthly basis in need of 30 prizes for each month. Prizes will be calculated on a Coin-to-Coin basis. Class with highest total # of coins wins. Action item: Anyone Looking for Prize Donations for Classes for 6 months worth. 30 prizes per month needed. Ideas: Chocolates, Movie Passes, Ice Cream vouchers, etc. Anything that would get the kids excited to keep fundraising for our playground. b. Blog/ Twitter Greendale PAC is now on Twitter. Twitter account: @greendalepac - Blog is set up, but needs to be tweaked. The goal of the blog is to keep parents informed as to school activities and information, as well as have links to the School website, School Newsletter, PAC Meeting Minutes, etc. The Blog should be able to be accessed through the School Website as well. c. Fundraising Ideas: Pledges, Grants, Movie Night Playground Budget is approx. $50,000. Lots of money to fundraise therefore we need lots of ideas for fundraising. 1. Pledge Form: An option will be available to individuals who wish to pledge a certain dollar amount to the playground fundraiser, either a monthly donation via post-dated cheques or one-time donation. Donations payable to Greendale PAC 2. Grants: We did not receive the grant from the Chilliwack Foundation that we applied for. We will apply again in the Spring, as new applications are being accepted at this time. - In order to be a good candidate for Grants, we feel that we must have a more specific action plan or proposal in place to present in our Grant Applications. - First Step: Community Meeting, then decide on a Playground Company to go with, and then apply for more Grants. - Michelle Rodgers has a big list of Grants available. She would like help going through this list and doing research Anne H. and Michelle M. have volunteered to do this. - There may be a small amount of money coming from the Community School. Idea: look into money coming from City of Chilliwack, Parks Department as we are a community park, the only park in Greendale area. - Ideas: Contact: City of Chilliwack, BC Government, Parks Board, Editor of Province Newspaper, Shaw TV 3. Raise the Dough Night Question if this fundraiser is worth continuing, as $ amounts raised have been low - $30-$40 raised this year thus far. Dominos has been sending

-3forms out too late to get to families in time for event. Our School receives 10% of all sales of orders on that particular night.

4. Kids Swap - February 4th, 10am - 2pm Flyer sent home with students advertising details. - Donations accepted and items will be sold for you. All proceeds from sale go to PAC for the Playground Fundraiser. HELP NEEDED: - Kids Swap SIGNS Michelle M will do - Cookies - from Costco (non-baked cookie pucks) Michelle M - People to Man Tables - Someone to Take Money at Door - Advertising FB Pages Chilliwack and Abbotsford Kids Buy/Sell/Swap Shari D. will look into.


New Business a. b. Kids Swap See above Playground Information Night Tentatively set for Feb. 2 evening. A Playground Information evening will be planned for Parents and the Community. Information from all 3 companies and their proposed plans will be presented at this time. Question and Answer time to follow presentations. Stay tunes for more info to come on this event. Movie Night Michelle Rodgers is organizing event in coordination with Cottonwood Theatres. Go to Cottonwood Theatres on a specific night and 50% of sales go to our school. Stay tuned for more details on this event. Michelle Dick needs Helpers 1. Gift Card Orders: Michelle M. Pick up/Running around Anne H. Photocopy Michelle D Ordering 2. School SIGN: Shari Dick and Michelle Rodgers 3. Thank You Cards: Cristina M. 4. Boston Pizza: Contact about Naming School when dining there and a % goes to the school. Shari D will look into.
Adjournment Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 at 8:30am



Review of action items

Anyone Need Prizes for Loose Change for Playground Anne H. and Michelle M. Review and Research Grants with Michelle R Michelle M Kids Swap Sign and Costco Cookies Shari D. - Advertise for Kids Swap on FB pages, Boston Pizza Fundraiser Newly Designated Jobs from Michelle Dick

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