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Statement on Union Level Peace Negotiation 27 January 2012


On 15 January 2012, Union Level RCSS Peace Committee traveled to Taunggyi, the capital of Shan State for a meeting with Union level peacemaking group led by Union Minister for Rail Transportation U Aung Min at the conference hall of Shan State government on 16 January 2012. Union level RCSS Peace Committee members: (1) Brig. Gen. Pong Khur Head of the committee (2) Brig. Gen. Sai Lu Deputy head 1 of the committee (3) Col. Sai Hla Deputy head 2 of the committee (4) Col. Awn Tuen Member (5) Col. Aung Mawng Member (6) Lt. Col. Sai Ngern Member (7) Lt. Col. Sai Harn Member (8) Lt. Col. Sai Murng Member (9) Sao Puen Kham Consultant (10) Sai Moe Kyaw Camera man Union level peacemaking group: (1) U Aung Min Union Minister for Rail Transportation (2) U Win Tun Union Minister for Environmental Conservation and Forestry (3) U Khin Maung Soe Union Minister for Electric Power 2 (4) U Sao Aung Myat Shan State Chief Minister (5) Maj- Gen Zaw Win Deputy Minister for Border Affairs (6) U TunTunOo Deputy Attorney-General (7) Col. Aung Thu Minister for Shan State Security and Border Affairs, (8) Col. Kyaw Soe Win officer of the office of commander- in-chief (Army) (9) Lt- Col. ZawTun Myint General Staff Officer (Grade-1) Triangle Region Command (10) Lt.-Col. Zaw Min Aye General Staff Officer (Grade-1) Central East Command The agreement of the discussion based on the third point of the four points peace process by RCSS is as in the following, (1) The confirmation of Homong sub-township and Mong Htar sub-township as the RCSS Headquarters administrative and development areas. (2) To make the resettlement of civilians, families of the army and the troops through the discussion with the local Government troops. (3) The RCSS has the power to govern civilians and troops within the RCSS Headquarters administrative and development areas by assigning the administrative heads of the villages and village tracks. The


development process of the areas will be implemented through the cooperation with President U Thein Sein government. (4) Should RCSS/SSA need any assistance from tamadaw troops in Homong sub-township and Mong Htar sub-township, both will discuss with one another for any assistance needed. (5) The border checkpoints will be cooperated by both sides through discussion. (6) Under our troops administrative areas, it should be informed in advance if traveling with arms. (7) RCSS liaison offices to keep in touch with President U Thein Sein government and the people, will be set up in Taunggyi, Kholam, Kengtung, Tachilek and Mong sat. RCSS trade office will be opened in Muse or Namkham. (8) The proposal of RCSS economic system has positively been accepted and approved by President U Thein Sein government and it will support both the idea and ways of setting up companies during the implementation process. (9) Under the RCSS administrative areas, the development will be done through agriculture, livestock and democracy through the cooperation with President U Thein Sein government. (10) For the eradication of narcotic drugs, second round discussion will be made at Union level and RCSS will propose the plan for further cooperation. (11) A 7 point initial agreement of RCSS on 16 January 2012 has formally been accepted and additions can be made at the second round of talks at Union level. Both sides approved and agreed on the 11 points. 3. The main aim of the ceasefire agreement and the cooperation of development process between RCSS and President U Thein Sein government are for all the ethnics in the union of Myanmar to receive good outcomes. After the ceasefire, if the Burmese army is still oppressing the people, doing forced labors, forced relocation, burning of the villages, raping and killing the innocent people unlawfully, ceasefire agreement would be meaningless. Therefore trust between the two sides is the important factor during the ceasefire. 4. After the ceasefire, RCSS will implement the projects of agriculture, education, economic and health care in all the areas of RCSS administration. RCSS will not take tax from people on plantation and people will enjoy the freedom of working in all the areas. 5. RCSS will take tax from merchants and traders of above K 10 million only. 6. RCSS will give amnesty and freedom to all prisoners of different crimes in the RCSS controlled areas. 7. Any ethnic can live in the RCSS Headquarters administrative and development areas Homong and Mong Htar and all the ethnics share equal rights. All must abide by the law formulated by RCSS. 8. In farming and agriculture for families, all must abide by the law formulated by the administrative body. 9. All will have to safeguard the forest and rivers so that the environment will not get destroyed. Without permission from RCSS, no one must cut down the big trees for farming. 10. Shan State Army which comes from the heart of the people is the army which the people rely on. Therefore, the army must not interfere with the administration of the people and must help the people to become the army which the people can count on. 11. RCSS will lead in implementation of the projects of agriculture and livestock for the families of its troops and refugees of war for self-sustainment.

Central Executive Committee Restoration Council of the Shan State

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