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March 22-24, 2004

Symposium on Interdisciplinary Shock Wave Research

Sendai, Japan

Bubbly system radiation and Mach reections

V.K. Kedrinskii1 , I.V. Maslov1 , V.A. Vshivkov2 , G.G. Lazareva2 , G.I. Dudnikova2 , Yu.I. Shokin2 Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics,Russian Academy of Sciences, Sib. Br., Novosibirsk 630090; 2 Institute of Computantional Technology,Russian Academy of Sciences, Sib. Br., Novosibirsk 630090 Abstract. The results of numerical analysis of axis-symmetrical statements devoted to active media and carried out within the framework of the so called problem of acoustic laser (hydro-acoustical analogue of physical laser) are presented. It is well known that bubbly systems are able to absorb, to amplify and then to re-radiate acoustic pulses and thus to play a role of active media. Such kind system can be determined as saser (shock amplication by systems with energy release). Here the processes of shock wave generation by the passive spherical and toroid bubbly clusters as well as by reactive bubbly systems were studied. The clusters are located on an axis of hydrodynamical shock tube (ST) and are excited by outward stationary plane shock waves (SW). It was found that this interaction results in the eect of SW focusing inside spherical cluster, in one case, and generation of a circular SW with oscillating prole in liquid by a toroidal cluster, in the other. The reection of the latter from an axis has an irregular character that results in the formation of a Mach-disk in the vicinity of the axis. The other approach to the saser problem solution consists in a study of wave eld structure excited by reactive bubble liquid in a ST. The latter contains the sections of dierent proles with the discontinuities boundary in cross sections. In this conguration, the amplication eect results from twodimensional cumulation of the shock wave and Mach reection in the vicinity of ST axis. The statements on the saser problem considered involves also the problem of transmission of the acoustic pulse generated by the system into a surrounding liquid through the clusteruid interface with the least losses.

1. Introduction
The problem of active media (Zavtrak 1995, Zavtrak & Volkov 1997, Kedrinskii et al 1996) capable of absorbing and amplifying an external disturbance and then re-emitting it in the form of an acoustic pulse is one of the important problems of the so-called acoustic laser (saser). Numerical analysis of one-dimensional cases has shown that bubble systems, both passive and containing explosive gaseous mixtures, can be treated as active media (Kedrinskii 241

et al 1996). In such media, an excitation caused by bubble system interactions with shock waves can lead to signicantly amplifying the wave eld and generating an intense shock pulse. There is a basis to believe that cavitating liquids including combustible components as well as passive and reactive bubbly systems can play a role of such active media. For example, passive cavitational cluster arose in an inhomogenious liquid (on a solid wall) under an action of tensile stresses at interaction even with weak shock wave radiates a series of compression pulses with a frequency of bubbly cluster pulsation and amplitudes which are essentially higher than an incident wave ones (Kedrinskii 2000). The another example is pressure-liquided gases and combustible liquids (stored under pressure in containers) which contain the micro- or macroinhomoheneities. Their heterogenious structure can be a main reason of arising such known phenomenon as large-scale explosions of conteiners (Kedrinskii 2000). In this case one can say about the bubbly detonation eect (Sychev & Pinaev 1986). The reason is the structure-wave mechanism according which a great number of small bubbles lled with the mixture of air and fuel vapors are formed when lling a container and during transportation, so a combustible uid in a container can be considered as bubbly reactive media. If a container crowded by such uid is suddenly depressurized or collided with an obstacle shock waves and rarefaction waves can form, interact and excite a bubbly detonation (Kedrinskii 2000). The adiabatic explosion of a gas mixture in collapsing bubbles of reactive bubbly system as a result of its interaction with a shock wave can be considered too as some physical analogy of pumping process of saser systems. An energy release at bubble explosions results in a sequential amplication of a wave eld during pulse propagation in such reactive system and in a formation of so called bubbly detonation wave. Recent study (Kedrinskii et al 1998) has shown that passive bubbly systems can also amplify shock waves if the latter are colliding. Relative maximum pressure pref /psh in a collision plane turned out to be approximated by a simple ratio pref pr,l
1/4 2 + 24.5 ko .

Keeping in mind that experiments with so-called free systems could turn out to be most crucial, it is interesting to analyze the interaction of shock waves with bubble clusters. Wave processes in such free systems involve phenomena of dierent temporal and spatial scales and are accompanied by the generation of shock waves with amplitudes as much as tens and hundreds of MPa. These phenomena are determined by a great number of parameters; therefore, very often it is dicult or even impossible to analyze their eects in the course of a certain physical experiment. From this standpoint, the necessity to numerically simulate various states inherent in such complex acoustic active systems, including features of wave process occurring in them, seems to be evident. Wave processes in passive and reactive bubbly media were studied within the framework of two-phase mathematical model suggested by Iordansky (1960), Kogarko (1961) and van Wijngarden (1968), and modied then in (Kedrinskii 1968, Kedrinskii 1980, Kedrinskii & Vshivkov 1996). 242

2. Formulation of problem
Let a velocity jump be given at the moment t = 0 at the end of a cylindrical shock tube lled with water and having the radius rst . The center of a bubble cluster (spherical one with the radius Rcl or toroid one with radius Rtor ) is situated on the tube central z axis at a distance lcl from the end. The bubble radii and their volume concentration in clusters are R0 and k0 respectively. At a moment t > 0, the shock wave propagating along the positive direction of the z axis encounters the bubble cluster, rounds it, and refracts into it. It is worth noting that the shock wave velocity in the cluster signicantly depends on the volume concentration k0 . For example, in the case of k0 = 0.01, the velocity is equal to a few hundreds m/s, being essentially lower than the velocity of wave propagation in the liquid. This eect turned out to play principle role for the pressure eld formation in a spherical bubble cloud.

3. Focusing of Shock Wave by Spherical Bubbly Cluster

Employing a nonequilibrium two-phase mathematical model for a bubble liquid, we numerically simulated a plane steady-state shock wave interacting with a passive spherical cluster (Kedrinskii et al 2001). We here consider certain unexpected eects found in the course of this analysis, which are caused by both a dierence in the velocities of acoustic-wave propagation in the cluster and in the surrounding liquid and the actual cluster shape. The Iordanski@i-Kogarko-van Wijngaarden modied set of equations is used here as a governing system of equations for describing wave processes in the bubble medium (Kedrinskii 1968, Kedrinskii 1980, Kedrinskii & Vshivkov 1996). Governing system (1)-(4) includs: - the conservation laws for an average pressure, density and mass velocity p, , u d + v = 0, dt dv p + = 0, dt (1)

- Raileigh equation for nondimentional bubble radius = S, t - the equation for temperature T 3 (1 T ) TS = ( 1)Nu 3( 1) , t T Nu = P e (if P e > 100), N u = 10 (if P e 100), P e = C4 ( 1) |S| , |1 T | (3) S 3 T S C2 + S 2 = C1 3 C3 p, t 2 (2)

- the state equations for a liquid component and mixture p = 1+ where = l c2 o npo 1k S= d , dt

1 , pl , p0


k0 3 , 1 k0 mix , l


R , R0

p= 243

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a bubble cluster interacting with a shock wave and the distribution of pressure at the time moment t = 110 s: (1) cluster boundary, (2) front of an incident wave, (3) isobars, (4) shock- wave front in a cluster, and (5) unperturbed domain

C1 =

g0 T0 B , po M

C2 =

2 , Ro p0

C3 =

4 , R0 po l

C4 =

12R0 po l .

When an incident shock wave interacts with a bubble cluster, the excitation at dierent points of the cluster surface occurs with a retardation due to the velocity of shock wave propagation in liquid being nite. The shock wave velocity in a cluster is relatively low, thereby the cluster shape aects the wave propagation. Therefore, the shock wave formed in the cluster (as a result of the reemission of the refracted wave absorbed by the bubbles) strongly diers from that in the one-dimensional case. The picture of a bubble cluster interfacting with a shock wave and the distribution of the relative pressure p (in units of the hydrostatic pressure p0 = 1 atm) over the space (r, z) are shown in Fig. 1 for the moment t = 110 s. The calculation was performed for the incident-wave amplitude psh = 3 M P a, k0 = 0.01, R0 = 0.01 cm, Rcl = 4.5 cm, lc l = 10 cm, rst = 15 cm, and L = 40 cm. In the gures, all linear sizes are expressed in centimeters. As is easily seen, the shock front 4 inside the cluster is concave and the pressure gradient along the front is high. The latter fact is associated with the unsteady nature of the shockwave formation process in the bubble medium. Moreover, at a xed moment, dierent stages of this process turn out to be distributed over the shock front, which results in the origination of the above-mentioned gradient. At this stage, a rarefaction wave is formed outside the cluster and propagates outwards into the surrounding liquid. This wave arises due to the pressure drop beyond the refracted-wave front, which is caused by the wave absorption by the bubbles. As follows from the calculation results [see Fig.1], the domain 5 of the bubble cluster, which is bounded by the curvilinear front of the wave generated by the bubbles, remains unperturbed in the vicinity of the far cluster boundary (z-interval is 10-14.5 cm). This occurs despite of the fact that the incident wave front 2 has already rounded the cluster 244

Fig. 2 Final stage of the shock-wave focusing in the bubble cluster at t = 140 s: (4) concave front with a pressure gradient.

Fig. 3 Intense acoustic pulse (1) generated by the cluster at t = 160 s.

by the moment of 110 s. The initial stage of the wave amplication becomes apparent at this moment. This is conrmed by Fig. 2. Indeed, the shock wave focusing region in the cluster has essentially formed by the moment of 140 s, and the pressure gradient along curvilinear front 4 in the bubble system is clearly seen. Due to the focusing, an intense wave with an amplitude pf oc as large as 30 MPa (see Fig. 3, t = 160s) is formed near the bubble cluster-liquid interface in the vicinity of the point z = 13.5 cm. As a result, the cluster emits shock wave 1 of the bore type, with a parabolic wave front (see Fig. 4, t = 180s). The pressure reaches its maximum value at the parabola axis and drops fairly sharply along its branches. It is necessary to emphasize that such focusing has unconventional features. Indeed, aside from the intense pressure gradient along the wave front, it is accompanied by the absorption and then reemiting of an incident shock wave energy by the gaseous bubbles. 245

Fig. 4 Prole (1) of shock wave emitted into the liquid by the bubble cluster at 180 s.

Thus, at each time step, a new wave originates in the cluster, with its front having a smaller radius of curvature. The stability of the wave focusing process in the cluster was veried by introducing a specic disturbance having the shape of a liquid sphere with a radius rdr from 0.5 to 1 cm. The sphere was placed inside the cluster, and its center lay on the z axis at a distance ldr < lcl rdr from the end. The calculation showed that the pressureeld disturbance caused by this sphere is weak and decreases rapidly. Therefore, it does not aect the nal result. As follows from the calculations, the pressure at the focal point depends on a number of parameters, namely, the volume concentration k0 of the gaseous phase and the radii Rcl and Rb of the cluster and bubbles, respectively. These dependences can be approximated by the relationships (1)-(3) which were obtained for psh = 3M P a. pf psh
2 1 + 1.56 103 ko 1.6 104 k0 ,

for psh = 3 MPa, Rcl = 3 cm, R0 = 0.1 cm pf psh

2 1 + 2.6 Rcl + 0.11 Rcl ,

for psh = 3 MPa, k0 = 0.01, R0 = 0.2 cm pf psh

2 17.9 8.5 R0 135.6 R0 ,

for psh = 3 MPa, k0 = 0.01, Rcl = 5 cm. Inuence of incident wave amplitude on a shock wave amplication by spherical bubbly cluster was analyzed for case when R0 =0.2 cm, k0 = 0.01, Rcl = 5 cm. The dependence shows that the absolute values of pressure in the focus increase monotonically and can be described (beginning with psh 1 M P a) by the following approximation pf oc 30 + 62 p0.21 sh 246

In this case, we assumed in formulas (1), (2), and (3) that Rcl = 3cm and R0 = 0.1 cm, k0 = 0.01 and R0 = 0.2 cm, and k0 = 0.01 and Rcl = 5cm, respectively. The relationship (1)(4) are valid for the ranges k0 = 0 0.05, Rcl = 1 5 cm, R0 = 0.05 0.3 cm, Psh = 0.4 12 MPa, respectively. Analyzing the results obtained from the stand point of principles of designing powerful pulsed acoustic sources, we can conclude that a passive spherical bubble cluster excited by a shock wave represents an active medium that can absorb and amplify an external disturbance and then reemit it in the form of an intense acoustic signal. The position of the focal region with respect to the cluster-liquid interface can be regulated by varying the volume concentration k0 of the gaseous phase. Therefore, the emitted-wave absorption by the cluster in itself can be virtually excluded. With a point of view of acoustic laser one can conclude that a spherical bubbly cluster excited by shock wave is a real active medium which is able to absorb and then to re-radiate the powerful acoustic pulse. The location of focus relative to boundary cluster/liquid (and hence the possibility practically to exclude an absorption of wave by a cluster after focusing) can be drived by an election of k0 value.

4. Focusing circular shock wave re-radiated by toroid bubbly cluster

The experimental and theoretical investigations on spatial shock waves excited by circular sources devote as a rule to problems of unrestricted cumulation , irregular reection of circular shock wave in a gas and liquids (Sokolov 1986, 1988; Barhudarov et al 1988, 1990, 1994; Jiang & Takayama 1998; Kedrinskii 1980). The results of such kind studies are interesting for the problems of physical acoustics and hydroacoustics, in particular (Kedrinskii 1980). We can mention, for instance, spatial spiral charges of explosive which can be used as the sources of power hydroacoustic radiation both in water and air (Kedrinskii 1980, Pinaev et al 1999, 2001). Here we will consider the result of numerical study of focusing of stationary shock wave with oscillating prole. Such kind shock wave can be generated by a toroidal bubbly clusters excited by external initiating shock wave. The pressure eld structure is studied in a liquid the state of which can be described by Tait equation. Gas phase in a toroidal cluster is an air, the adiabatic index is equal to 1,4. Formation of sequence of Mach reections. The calculation were carried out for the following values of main parameters: k0 = 0.001 0.1, R0 = 0.01 0.4cm - bubble radius and volumetric gas concentration in cluster, Psh = 310MPa - amplitude of initiating shock wave, rst = 20 , zmax =40., lcl =10., Rtor =6, Rcirc =1 . Characteristic isobar distribution in near eld are presented on g.5,b-d, for three instants of time and two spatial scales for each. Values of k0 are from the left to the right. The level of pressure can be estimated on the corresponding scale presented. For this calculation the values k0 =0.01 ER0 =0.1cm were used. Fig.5b presents the wave eld before focusing. Fig.5c shows that already initial stage of reection of the rst maximum of wave is irregular one. Here also one can see the second maximum of shock wave and its sequent irregular reection (g.5d, two Mach-disks). 247

Fig. 5 Pressure elds for t = 110 (b), t = 130 (c) and t = 180 s(d) (left pictures has larger scale)

Fig.6,a-d, presents an example of typical irregular reection for 4 values of k0 . Here one can see that the width of Mach-disks is equal about to 4-5 cm and they have a zone of high pressure restricted by a system of close isobars which can be determined as a disk core. The isobars in front of rst core belong to the front of rst wave maximum. The isobars of a wave front reected are pressed to an axis by the wave front of the next maximum. The results of Mach-disk radius (Rmach ) dynamics versus its coordinate Zmach show that its value grows monotonically. 248





Fig. 6 Isobar distribution in Mach-disks for: d - k0 =0.1, c - k0 =0.05, b - k0 =0.01, a k0 =0.001

Unexpected eects were found at the study of inuence of radius magnitude Rcirc of toroid cross section on the parameters and structure of wave eld generated in a liquid when toroid radius Rtor remains the same (g.7,a-d, from the left to the right). The results were received for Rcirc =0.5, 2, 4 and 6 cm at psh =3MPa, Rtor =6cm, k0 =0.01 ERb =0.1 cm. Topology of the ow is not practically changed for the three rst values of Rcirc . The analysis shows that the pressure amplitude inside the disk core increases versus Rcirc : p =81.7 forE Rcirc =0.5 cm, 99.4 for Rcirc =1 cm, 166 for Rcirc =2 cm, 258 for Rcirc =3 cm, 386 for Rcirc =4 cm, 568 for Rcirc =5 cm and 859 for Rcirc =6 cm. In the fourth case, Rcirc = 6 cm, internal boundary of toroid is closed in a point. The latter essentially changes the dynamics and structure of pressure eld: the front of the wave emitted by toroid occurs a concave surface with the pressure gradient. The cumulation of ow in the vicinity of the axis tends to the formation power single shock wave with amplitude which is higher than the incident wave approximately by 30 times (g.4,d, 859 atm). The analysis of the wave eld structure has shown that function p(Zmach ) for pressure in the Mach-disk core has the maximum which increases versus k0 . In the vicinity of the toroid plane this pressure in 6-7 times higher then the amplitude of shock wave psh igniting the bubble system in toroid. The analysis of the data has shown that for diapason of k0 = 0.01 0.1 the pressure in a core of Mach-disk decreases monotonically versus Zmach but on the distance of 20 cm from the toroid plane it is higher of psh in 2-2.5 times.

5. Mach reection in ST with reactive bubbly liquid

In the present section the features of the wave structure in active bubble systems for shock tubes with sudden changes in the cross sections and with a one-phase liquid waveguide is 249

Fig. 7 Inuence of Rcirc value on evolution of wave structure generated by toroid : a) Rcirc = 0.5cm, b) Rcirc = 2cm, c) Rcirc = 4cm, d) Rcirc = 6cm.

Fig. 8 Geometry of the shock-tube: 1) annular channel; 2) working section; 3) waveguide.

analyzed (Kedrinskii et al 2002). Formulation of the problem and modied two-phase model. Sudden changes in the cross section of a shock tube of radius RST (Fig. 8) are produced by changes in shock-tube prole (transition from region 2 to region 3) or/and by an inside coaxial rigid cylinder (radius rcyl and length Lcyl ), which forms an annular channel 1 lled with a two-phase mixture similarly to region (2). The condition LSW Lcyl is satised (LSW is the characteristic distance at which the steady-wave regime of bubbly detonation initiated at the left butt-end of the shock tube is established). This inner ST geometry stimulates the eects of wave collision and focusing (the pressure in region 2 is changed by varying the distance L between the buttend and the wall) in the bubble medium on intensication of the acoustic pulse generated by waveguide 3 (radius rout ). To describe wave processes in bubble hydrodynamic shock tubes, we also use Iordansky Kogarkovan Wijngaarden model which, for the reactive gas phase, can be supplemented 250

Fig. 9 Stationary shock-wave proles in passive (a) and reactive (b) bubble media.

with a chemical-reaction kinetics equation of the type of the Todes equation [22], a more general kinetic equation [23], or the simple condition of an instantaneous adiabatic explosion of gas in bubbles at their constant volumes. An analysis of various approaches to describing wave processes in active media with bubbles lled with an explosive gas mixture showed that a simplied formulation can be used, ignoring the reaction kinetics in bubbles during their compression by shock waves [24]. This formulation assumes that when the gas inside the bubbles is heated to the ignition temperature, the reaction (on reaching the relevant degree of bubble compression R0 /R ) proceeds instantaneously: there is an adiabatic explosion in a constant volume (constant bubble radius R ) with an instantaneous jump of pressure and temperature in the detonation products: p = ( 1)Qexpl and T = Qexpl /cv . The adiabatic exponent for gas phase also changes instantaneously and becomes equal to that of the detonation products . After that, the process develops under new initial conditions without change of the mathematical model. In the calculations, the liquid phase is water; up to the adiabatic explosion the gas-phase (2H2 + O2 ) is an ideal gas with an adiabatic exponent of 1.4. At the moment t = 0, a stationary shock wave with the amplitude p(0) is generated on the left shock-tube wall. Typical structures of steady-state shock waves in the passive and active media are given in Fig. 9a and Fig. 9b, respectively. Here the horizontal dashed lines correspond to the specied jumps in pressure p(0) at the shock tube butt-end that initiate the wave process. In both cases, p(0) = 10 atm, the gas-phase volume fraction was k0 = 0.01, and the bubbles were of the same size (R0 = 0.1 cm). For the indicated parameters, the establishment of a steady-state regime, for example, for a bubble detonation wave (maximum amplitude approximately 150 atm) is recorded at a distance of x 15 cm from the left wall of the shock tube. A stationary wave in the passive medium (Fig. 9a) and the tail of a detonation wave (Fig. 9b) running in the bubble system with detonation products (passive system) have a classical oscillation structure. A system of precursors is generated ahead of the detonation 251

Fig. 10 Spatial pressure eld (a) and isobars (b) at the moment t = 225 sec in the shock tube for expansion and focusing of the bubble detonation wave.

leader and the shock-wave front. Further analysis of the wave eld structure in the shock tube was carried out for the values k0 = 0.01, rcyl /RST = 0.5 and R0 = 0.1 cm. Taking into account the complexity of the expected wave pattern in a shock tube with discontinuities in cross section, we performed a preliminary numerical analysis of the wave structure features for two formulations: reection from an annular wall in a shock-tube channel without a rod and expansion of a bubble detonation wave behind the butt-end of a coaxial rod of length of Lcyl in a semi-innite shock tube lled with an active bubble medium. Expansion and Focusing of the Bubble Detonation Wave. We consider the wave structure of the pressure eld formed in the shock tube when the detonation wave expands in a bubble medium behind the butt-end of the coaxial rod. When the wave leaves the annular channel 1 and enters section 2 of the semi-innite shock tube behind the rod butt-end a rarefaction region occurs (Fig. 10a). Obviously, at some distance from the rod butt-end, unloading is not so large and an amount of energy sucient for bubble compression to the temperature of mixture ignition is preserved in the wave. Not only does the energy radiated by the exploding bubbles compensate for the losses by the wave but the wave can also be amplied by focusing, which is conrmed by calculation results (Fig. 10). In Fig. 10a, one can see a rarefaction region near the rod butt-end detonation wave does not arise at this stage of the process. However, since the active mixture in the bubbles is preserved in this region, subsequent pulsations of these bubbles can lead to detonation. In Fig. 10, the focus zone is well dened: at a certain distance from the rod butt-end, a Mach disk forms, whose characteristic width exceeds 1 cm for a relatively small focusing radius. The Mach conguration moves along the axis, and in the case considered (Fig. 10b), it is at a distance of 3 cm from the rod butt-end. Obviously, there is some optimal geometry of the shock-tube cross section for which the pressure amplitude in the disk reaches some maximum value as well as the resulting shock wave generated in the waveguide by the active bubble medium. 252

Fig. 11 Spatial pressure elds (a, c, and d) and isobars (b) in the shock tube and waveguide for a bubble detonation wave focused and reected from the wall (shaded areas correspond to the rod butt-end and the wall) for t = 215 (a and b), 225 (c) and 235 (d).

Shock tube with two discontinuities in cross section. Calculations show that in the general formulation, the wave radiated into the waveguide can be amplied using the eect of focusing (irregular Mach-reection of bubbly detonation wave) and the wall eect, for example, by choosing the parameter L such that the Mach conguration forms near the interface (in the examples below, L = 4 cm). The waveguide radius rout can be used as a second control parameter, whose value must be chosen in accordance with the radius of the Mach disk so that a one-dimensional wave forms in the waveguide channel. For example, if the waveguide radius is equal to the rod radius (rout = rcyl = 2.5 cm and rcyl /RST = 0.5), the pulse amplitude in the waveguide is 200 atm. When the exit channel radius rout decreases to the size of the Mach stem (roughly 1 cm), the wave amplitude reaches 500 atm. The calculation results shown in Fig. 11 support the above assumption on the possibility of considerable amplication of the wave generated in the waveguide by the active bubble medium as the bubble detonation wave propagates in the shock tube with discontinuities 253

in section. At t = 215 sec, the pressure at the center of the focus (xf 16.5 cm) is in excess of 600 atm (Fig. 11a and b). In 10 sec (Fig. 11c and d), the focus is displaced by 2 cm, and the amplitude in the focus increases to 800 atm (wall eect). Figure 11e and f shows the pressure distribution in the waveguide at t = 235 sec. At this time, the wave crest in the waveguide is at a distance of roughly 1 cm from the interface and had a maximum amplitude of approximately 600 atm on the channel axis followed by a slight decrease (to 500 atm) at a distance of r 0.9 cm from the axis (for rout = 1 cm). An abrupt decrease in pressure is observed in the millimeter zone at the waveguide wall. It is seen that in the hydrodynamic shock tube with discontinuities in cross section lled with bubbles of an explosive gas mixture, a strong pressure pulse is generated in the waveguide upon excitation of a bubble detonation wave.

6. Conclusions.
With a point of view of acoustic laser one can conclude that a spherical bubbly cluster excited by shock wave is a real active medium which is able to absorb and then to reradiate the powerful acoustic pulse. The location of the focus relative to the boundary cluster/liquid (and hence the possibility practically to exclude an absorption of wave by a cluster after focusing) can be derived by an election of k0 value. The study of pressure eld dynamics for the axis-symmetrical problem about an interaction of incident stationary shock wave with a bubbly toroidal cluster was carried out. It was shown that a sequence of Mach-disks is formed in a liquid as a result of focusing and irregular reection from an axis of SW with oscillating prole emitted by cluster. Mach-disks have a core with nonuniform distribution of pressure on its radius. Data on the dynamics of disk radius and maximum pressure in a core versus volumetric gas concentration were received. The phenomenon of wave amplication in channels with discontinuities in cross sections was studied in an axisymmetric formulation. This phenomenon is observed when a wave is focused at the butt-end of a rigid rod aligned coaxially to the channel and is reected from the wall. In this conguration, the amplication is due to two-dimensional accumulation on the axis of the shock wave after it leaves the annular channel. In the focusing spot, a Mach conguration forms. The geometrical characteristic of the shock tube allow one to control (in a certain range) the amplication coecient and the position of the focusing spot. In particular, the wave can be focused in the vicinity of the rigid annular wall (in the region of passage through the interface to the waveguide) and amplied upon reection. If the waveguide radius is equal to the radius of the Mach-disk, the amplitude of the radiated wave is maximal. Acknowledgement. The work is supported by SS-2073.2003.1 and IP-SB-RAS 22 grants.

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