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Unit 4: Story-Telling

Online Greenlight Review 14/02/2012 (Part 2)

Emma Foster

Character Designs Environment Designs Storyboarded Content Intro to Written Assignment

These are my initial character designs, even though Im not happy with some after a bit of practice others are getting there such as #7 of Thomas, #6 of Deleo and #1 & 3 of Tom. I am really enjoying myself and will keep practicing until I get something that I can happily use in my animatic.



Captain Deleo

I have been working on my environment of the cellar as I need to make it look like my characters den but still resemble a cellar. I thought I could do this though minimalistic furniture in the cellar setting. Such as my characters favourite armchair, a small rug, simple tables to display his memories and photo frames hanging on the walls wonky to show the cellars walls arent the best place for them rather the place my character has decided for them as a place of escape. I have some ideas of how these things would be laid out in the cellar so it will probably be my next step to do some concept art of the cellar itself.

I havent done a lot of my storyboarding content just yet, rather focusing on the characters first to be able to set them in my storyboards. I have however created a rough storyboard for my first act. This has helped me see how short it can be but with still having an impact so that I can focus on the 2nd and 3rd acts without trying to squash everything in.


This assignment will analyse critically Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho (1960) in terms of the relationship between story and structure. It focuses on the films editorial and camera styling as well as the impact of the music score and cinematic techniques such as the subjective camera. Sources that will lead the investigation include Film Studies: An Introduction (2009) by Ed Sikov and The Techniques of Film and Video Editing: History, Theory, and Practice (2010) by Ken Dancyger which will aid to define the key filming and editing terms in discussion. Also, Hitchcock on Hitchcock: selected writings and interviews (1997) by Alfred Hitchcock which delves into the style of Hitchcock and his films, and Robert Phillip Kolkers Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho: a casebook (2004) which unpicks the film in focus, exploring how its styling affects how it is perceived. The assignment will begin by summarising the storyline of Psycho then defining key terminology including editing and camera work before moving on to examine how certain aspects of the film such as subjective camera and voyeurism impact on the relationship between story and structure. Finally, it will conclude by summarising key points of discussion relating them back to how they impact on the films story and structure. Bibliography Sikov, Ed (2009) Film Studies: an introduction. Columbia University Press Dancyger, Ken (2010) The Technique of Film and Video Editing: History, Theory, and Practice. Focal Press Hitchcock, Alfred (1997) Hitchcock on Hitchcock: selected writings and interviews. University of California Press Kolker, Robert Phillip (2004) Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho: a casebook. Oxford University Press

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