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February 14, 2012 Press Release

Khader Adnan's Lawyer Files Urgent Appeal Against his Administrative Detention. Case to Be Reviewed As Soon As Possible; According to a Medical Opinion Issued by a Physicians for Human Rights-Israel Affiliated Doctor: Adnan's Life is in Immediate Danger
Today, Wednesday, February 15, 2012, lawyers representing Khader Adnan, a Palestinian Prisoner currently on the 61st day of a hunger strike, submitted an appeal to the Israeli High Court of Justice (HCJ) protesting their client's continued administrative detention. Adnan, who began his hunger strike on December 18th, one day after he was detained, is protesting his adminstrative detention and the harsh and degrading treatment and torture he claims he was subjected to at the hands of Israeli authorities. Shortly after being filed, the appeal was approved by a High Court Justice. Adnan's lawyer was also informed that a hearing will be set as soon as possible. The urgent appeal includes a medical opinion issued by a physician representative of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-Israel) who has been overseeing the patient's care. Adnan has given PHR-Israel exclusive permission to release the following excerpt. From the medical opinion: I have examined the patient five times over the past week, most recently three hours" ago, at Internal Department B at Rebecca Ziv Hospital in Safed. I examined him at the request of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, and with the agreement of the .Director of the Department, Dr. Raymond Farah When I met the patient, he had been on hunger strike for 52 days, shackled to his bed by both legs and one arm, and was refusing to undergo tests and medical treatment. He has lost 30 kgs and weighs 60 kg. He suffers from stomach aches, vomiting, sometimes with blood, and headaches. As of today, he is completely lucid and aware of his medical condition, without confusion or disorders in cognition or perception. His general condition is pale and very weak, his tongue is smooth, he has slight bleeding from the gums, dry skin, loss of hair, and significant muscular atrophy.

His pulse is weak, blood pressure 100/75. He is permanently connected to a heart .monitor On the basis of my promise, and that of the hospital, to maintain absolute medical confidentiality, he agreed to undergo tests and treatment with the infusion of liquids and salts, and subsequently with the addition of glucose and vitamin in accordance with my recommendation. However, he maintains his refusal to end his hunger .strike In my opinion, his current condition as described above is commensurate with the impact of 60 days of fasting. In light of the medical literature, and on the basis of consultation with experts, Mr. [Khader Adnan] Musa is in immediate danger of death. An absolute hunger strike in excess of 50 days causes the decomposition of muscles, including muscle of the heart and stomach, and the creation of toxins in the body. Death may occur suddenly, due to heart failure, or as the result of infection following the collapse of the immune system. Bleeding in the digestive tracts and renal or hepatic failure are possible. A deterioration in his state of consciousness can be expected due to the shortage of vitamins and intracerebral hemorrhage. A fast in excess of 70 days does not permit survival. Infusion of liquids, adjustment of salts, and the addition of glucose and vitamin cannot prevent certain death due ."to such a protracted hunger strike

:For further information Yael Marom, spokesperson of PHR-I: 052-5563485

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