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I was approached by several political and civic leaders urging me to seek political office in the upcoming General Elections to represent the constituency of Fox Hill, the place where I was born, grew up and received my high school education. After prayerful consideration and consultation with my family, I decided to accept this challenge. I know that Fox Hill needs the urgent leadership and representation of someone who actually understands and cares about the community and the people who call it home. Being actively involved in civic and sporting activities for most of my life, I have sought to bring about effective change in my community and strived to inspire young people to achieve great things. I now feel that the time has come for me to offer myself to serve my country in another sphere. I am hopeful that I can bring to Parliament some of the common sense ideas straight from the people of the Fox Hill Constituency, and to highlight the concerns particularly of women and children. I have been a motivational speaker to many schools and youth groups, a board member of Junior Achievement and the Bahamas Development Bank, I am a volunteer track and field school coach, and established a tennis league for women. I have been self-employed for a significant portion my adult life, and through my business I have provided employment to many young persons, and provided sponsorship and assistance to organisations and persons from Fox Hill and the wider community.

Shonel L. Ferguson FNM Candidate Fox Hill Constituency

An issue of critical concern to the residents of the Fox Hill Constituency, like elsewhere in New Providence, is security. This is even more of a concern to the residents of the historical village of Fox Hill. They are tired of the violence that this once peaceful village has recently become known for. They want a return to the positive things that Fox Hill has represented in the past, and I believe that we can fix this vexing problem. Young children must be able to play and move about their neighbourhoods as freely as I did when growing up; we can and must recreate the environment that makes this possible. Our senior citizens should feel safe in their homes, free to walk about the neighbourhood and visit friends and family without a worry about their safety. I refuse to believe it is too late to return Fox Hill to its wholesome past - a safe and vibrant family and neighbour-oriented community. I believe we can find ways to help bring this back with the assistance of the neighbourhood police, churches, schools and most of all with the involvement of families and neighbours. I will seek to rekindle this community spirit. I am excited at the possibility of serving the people of my home town. But before I can serve I must conduct a very aggressive campaign to be elected. To be successful in this endeavour will take a very strong and dedicated organization. I believe the voters of the Fox Hill Constituency will step forward with me in a united volunteer effort. We are already hard at work building winning strategies, and renovating a campaign headquarters. Friends and those who support my efforts have volunteered to help knock on doors, place signs around the constituency and of course, participate in rallies and fund raisers. With thousands of brochures to produce, hundreds of signs to order, scores of radio ads to place, and an eleven polling division constituency to cover, I will need help. I am turning to the people who have known me the longest, who know me best, and who support what I am

Shonel L. Ferguson FNM Candidate Fox Hill Constituency

Your early contribution, made payable to Shonel Ferguson will give our race a tremendous boost right out of the starting block. All contributions will be acknowledged by my campaign manager. To see more about me and my partys record of achievement over the past five (5) years, please go to Your contribution will help me raise the vital resources I need to successfully wage this campaign. Our goal is to raise $150,000, some 50% by February, 29th, and I humbly ask for your support in helping us rise to this challenge. Thanks in advance for your encouragement, generous support, and prayers. Yours sincerely,

Shonel L. Ferguson FNM Candidate Fox Hill Constituency

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