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Facebooks New Upgraded Premium Ad Products

Facebook will be replacing our Classic Premium Ads with new, upgraded Premium Ads originating from your Page.

Why are we making this change?

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

Reach more people in more engaging ways!
Post on your Page and reach 16% of your fans Make 1 post/day into an Ad to reach 3-5x more fans Run expanded Premium Ads with a 20-30x frequency to reach friends of fans and your target audience

800M people
Friends of Fans


*4x more likely to purchase when people see friends interact with a brand

Sources: comScore; Nielsen

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

Ads originating from Page Post content show signicantly improved performance.
Larger-Format Ad with more points of engagement for users Enhanced, more prominent placement of social context (friends) 40% Increase in Engagement 80% More Likely to be Remembered 16% Increase in Fan Rate Signicant Increases in Purchase Intent

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

Ads expanded with friends perform better than classic ads across multiple metrics.
Everything starts with great content from the Page. Paid, owned and earned work seamlessly together. Simplication of Facebooks creative offerings: Anything you can do on your Page, you can do in ads.

Classic Premium ads will be phased out starting on February 29, 2012

Formats No Longer Available:

Premium Like (Photo & Video)

Premium Event (Photo & Video)

Video Comment

Premium Poll (Photo & Video)

Classic Premium ads will be phased out starting on February 29, 2012

Formats That Will Still Be Available:

Note: Marketplace Ads (Non-Home Page) NOT Affected

Premium Standard Links to destination off Facebook (Photo & Video available)

Updated, Premium Ad Products How They Work

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

How does this work?

1 Make a Page Post

Choose from 6 kinds of Page posts: status updates (text), photos, videos, links, questions, and events.

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

How does this work?

2 Promote as an Ad
The ad is created from the content of your Page post. Anything you can post on your Page, you can turn into an ad. Upgraded Premium Ads can be targeted to anyone you want. All available targeting options can be used.

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

How does this work?

3 More Social for

Friends of Fans
When the person seeing your ad has friends who are fans of your Page, well automatically expand the ad with enhanced social context about those friends, at no extra cost to you.

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

How does this work?

4 More Engagement
Points for Fans
When fans see your ad, theyll see an expanded interface below the ad that lets them like or comment on the post directly from the ad.

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

What are the six Upgraded Premium Ad Types?
1 2 3

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

What are the six Upgraded Premium Ad Types?
4 5

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

What else do I need to know?

Reporting & Metrics

You receive the same Facebook reporting options as you do now with Classic Premium Ads.

Third-Party Tracking We only allow impression

tags for premium. We do not accept click tags for Premium Page Post Ads at this time.

Creative Delivery
Your Facebook team will provide you with specic instructions based on your needs for each campaign.

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

What New Premium Ad Should I Run?
Classic Premium Ad
Like Ad with Photo Like Ad with Video Event Ad Event Ad with Video Poll Ad with Photo Poll Ad with Video Video Comment Ad Standard (Offsite) Ad

New Premium Ad or Featured Story

Photo Page Posts Video Page Posts Event Page Posts Events Page Posts (drive event RSVPs) or Video Page Posts (drive video plays) Questions Page Posts (Note: No image included) Video Page Posts (drive video plays) or Questions Page Posts (drives responses) Video Page Posts Remains available

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

Frequently Asked Questions
What if I dont have access to the Brand Page? A different team that mine manages the Page and posting strategy and execution

Facebook Ad Ops can still create ads working only with the Media team, if necessary, using posts that dont get organic distribution. This means that these posts wont appear on the Pages wall and wont run organically in fans News feeds. Who should use these Posts? Advertisers running messages relevant only to non-fans. Advertisers running messages relevant to only a small subset of the fan base that isnt covered by Page post targeting. Advertisers who need to do creative testing, without spamming the wall. Advertisers who have Pages and Media teams with little or no communication.

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I reach non-fans with Ads and Sponsored Stories from Pages? Only fans can see my Page Posts
Yes, you can reach non-fans! Ads and featured stories from Page posts allow you to reach anyone, just like with any ad. This means you can target any segment of the Facebook user base, including fans, non-fans and any other targeting clusters desired.

Will I receive the same level of Facebook reporting as before?

Ads and Sponsored Stories from Page posts have been brought to parity with the Classic Premium Ads. You can see the exact same metrics for these ads as before.

New, Upgraded Premium Ads

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I run an ad only to non-fans? I dont want the post to be seen by my current fans at all
Facebook Ad Ops can accomplish this by using Posts that dont get organic distribution. . This means that these posts wont appear on the Pages wall and wont run organically in fans News feeds.

I have been using Premium Like Ads to acquire fans. So what ads should I be using now?
Marketplace Like ads are the most efficient approach to fan acquisition. However, note that ads from Photo Posts also drive greater fan acquisition than classic Premium Like Ads.

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