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To Further Malaysias Agriculture & Aquaculture Industry

Issue 5 March 2012

THE AGRI & AQUA CULTURING NEWSLETTER is prepared with the intention to provide the reader with information about the agriculture and aquaculture industry in Malaysia, while gathering insights and information on industry development and practices, as well as training opportunities offered by the Government and Private sector. The Newsletter seeks to gather like-minded individuals who are willing to share ideas and experiences in the field.


The Venturing into Agriculture and Aquaculture thread is really burning up lately! Yep, the thread has been receiving many, many questions and enquiries lately, and from the look of things, the agriculture and aquaculture sector is fast becoming a hot sector for entrepreneurs of late! This is really fitting, especially since there has been much news and anticipation over the high amount of foreign direct investments pouring into Malaysia in recent months. Furthermore, there has been much talk that Malaysia is gearing itself towards a Bioeconomy, where high value agriculture will be a prominent feature! Anyway, thanks for you all your continuous support, and happy reading!


Introduction of Legume Cover Crop (LCC)
by KW Beh

How to Apply Fertilizer Effectively

by Johnny Lak

Big Changes at My Lil Farm 4 by Raymond 4

Xian He Cao by Senny Ong 6

Aquaculture Part 3 by MJ Joel Upcoming Events

9 14

If you have itchy fingers for writing articles about Agriculture or Aquaculture, and wish to contribute your knowledge and experiences, please contact us:


Disclaimer: Reasonable care have been utilised in the preparation of the content and text of the Agri & Aqua Culturing Newsletter (henceforth referred as the Newsletter). Notwithstanding this, due to constant changes and advancement in the agriculture and aquaculture industries, we are not able to ensure the accuracy or reliability of the information provided in the Newsletter. For this reason, the reader is advised to undertake necessary due diligence on the information before relying on the same for any purpose whatsoever. The publisher, key contributors, and related associates disclaim any and all liability whatsoever and howsoever occasioned relating to the information provided in and content of, the Newsletter. We do not endorse any opinion, advice or statement published in the Newsletter Permissions and reprints: All rights reserved. Reproduction without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. To request permission to republish in any form whatsoever, please contact:

Issue 5 March 2012

Introduction of Legume Cover Crops (LCC)

Cover crops are vital tools in soil ecological management, providing habitat, food and protecting a soil from erosion. Residues from cover crops including steam, leaves and roots can provide energy and nutrition. Objectives of Using LCC in Oil Palm Plantation Reduce soil temperature Improve soil structure Improve soil organic matter Improve soil PH and nutrients Reduce run-off and soil erosion Centrosema pubescens (CP) Centrosema pubescens is a perennial climber and creeper cover crop that can grow in shade. It grows slowly and is not tolerance to wet conditions. It smothers weeds. Seed rate is about 3.0 to 4.5 kg/ha. Mucuna bracteata (MB) This kind of cover crop has a deep rooted fast growing legume with moderate drought resistant and shade tolerance. Fixing capacity of M. bracteata that has been found is high. Therefore, it can help the M. bracteata grows very fast and can cover the field quickly thus, it can suppress all weeds. Lower seed rate of two seedlings took 30 percent longer time for longer coverage. In a stand of 136 palms per hectare, only 408 M. bracteata seedlings or 75g of seeds were required per hectare. Care was taken to plant the seedlings during wet weather. To provide faster soil coverage is recommended to be sown along with conventional covers e.g. Pueraria phaseoloides. Use less WEEDICIDE, Save Earth, Save Water, Save Our Future. Article by KW Beh Used for growth and seed production. Not very persistent under drought conditions. Used for quick LCP cover establishment. Seeding rate 4-6 kg/ha. Fixes atmospheric Nitrogen. Shade tolerant and persists where Pueraria has been shaded out

Types of LCC Pueraria javanica (PJ) Pueraria javanica is one of cover crops that usually used in oil palm plantation. The characteristics of these cover crops were: Vigorous twiner and creeper and forms a dense thick ground cover when established. It can tolerate to hot temperature and smother weeds. Can be propagated through seeds and cuttings. Seed rate about 3.0 to 4.5 kg/ha. Calopogonium caeruleum (CC) Calopogonium caeruleum is a twiner and creeper cover crop with a tolerance for poor soil. It has rapid initial growth and dies off during the dry weather and is a prolific seeder. Seed rate is about 3.0 to 4.5 kg/ha. Calopogonium mucunoides (CM) Calopogonium mucunoides has large leaf. It very vigorous growth and germinate through seed.

Issue 5 March 2012

How to Apply Fertilizer Effectively: Embedding

From my previous article where I built a mounding for EACH of my young plantlets, your next question would be, How in the World Can I Apply Fertilizer ??? This method is also another labor intensive work as you will need to dig trenches and pour the fertilizer into it and cover it back.

Issue 5 March 2012

The con of this method like I said its labor intensive on and you need some time to dig the trenches. For my 6ac farm, it took 2 people close to 4 weeks to fer fertilize all the trees. You can double the workers and shorten the duration. The pros of this method is you will massively reduce leeching, as there will be close to ZERO run off since the fertilizer is embedded in the ground. Do note though I am using organic fertilizer. If you are on ic chemical then this method will be the easiest way for you to KILL YOUR TREE. Haha.

With this method, the fertilizer will last 4 months as I 4-6 put a 40kg bag embedded in it and it frees up 3 3-5 months of my time to do something more profitable. And over the long run it was proven to increase yield as I understand from MJ Joel that a Oil Palm Plantation Company in Sarawak was able to increase yield by 30% from this method. s So it is for you to decide if this method is worth your time. Since I am a lazy farmer, ITS WORTH MY TIME :D

Article by Johnny Lak

Big Changes at My Little Farm 4

Experienced some set back at My Little Farm as my partner announced that he is withdrawing from our partnership. Was told about this when I went back to our farm (end September 2012) and with 2 days notice. I guess it was partially due to the failure on my part of not able to find a really committed part partner and partially due to external forces. Things that I learned from this episode are; responsibility, expectation, projections, management, accounts has to be properly documented. As for the qualities of potential partners, they should have; integrity, reliability, honesty, liability, commitment both in effort and finance. Also never offer to pay upfront for your partners paid up capital. Rather than dissolving the farm, I decided to take up the challenge on my own. I do see a lot of potential in agriculture. I am also eager to learn sustainable lso farming. It was very challenging for me, as I reside in Kuala Lumpur, and the farm is in Keningau, interior of Sabah. With my helpers, we charted a plan for the next 6 months and targeted to arrest the negative cash flow. I decided to stay and supervise full time at site hopefully ecided to see good improvement before the coming Chinese New Year. All of a sudden, I was no longer a tourist farmer. I have to now be the Operation Farm Manager and also the Farm Management. Had to turn it around soon and need to secure new funds for the next six month too. Our plan was first to harvest all the greens vegetables as it is just not feasible and has a very high infestation of insects and disease. This could be due to the very high and regular insecticide spraying of our neighbors. r We initially tried to use no or minimum insecticide. Guess all the insects started to come to our farm. Also growing greens just need too much labor. Things took a further downturn as a helper left without resigning resigning.

Issue 5 March 2012

We switched to growing Okra as one helper had some experiences in this. We also started some pumpkins. Our little harvest was all sold at the local village market. I came up with the idea of using a planting schedule to help us plan and made projection on our harvest. By the way I am still looking for software on planting management (something like a project management for farm). Should anyone comes across any, kindly let me know. From here onwards, we did lots of planting, mostly on pumpkins, Okra, banana, yams, groundnuts, corns, chilies, eggplant. All these are mostly midterm corps that is not too labor intensive. As we do not have the proper experience, my helpers uses traditional planting management and techniques. Its just a plant as we learn. We had some success and lots of failures. Without the proper experience, and when trouble hits, we just dont have the luxury of time to search for solutions.

It was during these very stressful time that I decided to participate more in Venturing into Agricul Agriculture & Aquaculture, Agri & Aqua = BIG BUSINESS. I hope to , learn and to share. By polling our resources together, Im sure we can move forward at a higher pace. Sharing my experience, so that potential new farmers can be more prepared (before taking the plu plunge). Lets continue our adventure in starting and running a sustainable farm both ecologically and financially. Next update we shall share what we planted successfully and what we failed in.

Article by Raymond

Issue 5 March 2012

Xian He Cao T&

~ Stop bleeds and Anti-cancer herb cancer

in restore the healthy normal cells and increases of white blood cells count. Why Xian He Cao, Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb is really one kind of rare anti-cancer treatment Chinese cancer traditional herb? esearches Researches claimed that in vivo and in vitro shown inhibits of tumor growth effect. And at the same time this herb also help to increase white blood cells quantities, enhances organism to c cancer cells immunity, kill the cancer cell into suspended cells, and it advantageous to the normal cell metabolism. It also help in strengthen human body cells resistively, relieve of fatigue, to strengthen internal illnesses caused by overexertion, this herb gives remarkable curative effect. This Xian he Cao is particularly good for those accompanied with hemorrhage and internal bleeding sickness to cancer patient physique health. Its main medicinal efficacy ingredients accelerates through induction of cancer cell to perish and weaken, ancer and oppresses the anti-carcinogen with adjustment carcinogen host in NK cell (Natural Killing Cell), TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor), IL-2 (Interleukin as well as the red 2 (Interleukin-2) blood cell immunity, primarily in treating of digestive tract cancer e.g. stomach cancer, treating esophageal ncer cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic gland and breast cancer Liver and lung cancer, and for anti anti-cancer to improving of the vital energy to a healthy immune response. What is Xian He Cao In Chinese name: Xian He Cao

Some of the anti-cancer herb may offer help in control, cancer and work in such a way to help to stop progression of cancer and disease. Anti-cancer herbs also restore and cancer improve body resistance to invading pathogens, boost of immunity cells. As well as help to relieve pains, like Clinacanthus nutans, Sabah Snake Grass h powerful , has medicinal compound, which has powerful analgesic effect and antioxidant help in reducing and relieving of pain to certain cancer patient, and this is what I have been observed and noticed when I used S ced Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus nutans) during my therapeutic ) practice as a cancer caretaker. Many herb plants have its medicinal effect; it is just the matter of how to use it, and to treat certain fatal cancers and diseases. Another medicinal herb plant cinal that I planted in my herb garden: ~ Xian He Cao ~ Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb. This herb is commonly used in healing wounds, blood disorders and stop bleeds, snake bite, alleviates jaundice, hepatitis, treating vomiting of blood as major therapeutically in traditional Chinese herb. It has apeutically astringent effect, and a wonderful herb for healing the mucous membranes, it is high in silica content and is helpful in connective tissue and repairing cartilage. This rare part of this herb, which it is working in 2 ways king in anti-cancer therapy, the medicinal compounds has , efficacy function in killing cancer cells, as well as help

Pharmaceutical name: Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb, Agrimonia Pilosa Ledeb. Herba Agrimoniae Pilosae

Agrimonia Grass

Usable part: Aerial part of herb Nature: Neutral Taste: Bitter, Acrid


Issue 5 March 2012

Tuo Li Cao Da Chuan Ya Cao

Medicinal compounds and active properties: Agrimol A E, Phenol, Catechol,, tannin substance, Luteoloside, Agrimonolide, Agrimophol, Agrimonin A, B, C, Iron, Bitter glycosides, Essential Oil and volatile oil., Vitamin K1, Vitamin C, Silicic Acid, Sterol, Saponin, A~Etannin Acid,nicotinic acid amide

Its medicinal effect: It regulates the flow of blood and treats hematischesis (stop bleeding) cancer Anti-cancer and bacteria inhibitors, analgesic (natural pain relieve), anti-inflammatory effect inflammatory Antiviral, Antibacterial and anti-parasite function parasite to rid of tape worms, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, shigella, and e.coli , this herb has the varying degree of bacteriostasis function in killing parasites s, Treat Nose Bleeds, gums bleed and stop bleeding Boils, skin eruptions, snake bite and insect bite ns, Strengthen and support cardiovascular func function, a traditional cardio tonic effect. Improves blood circulation and to remove blood extravasations Treat Malaria help to bringing down fever, Treats liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, jaundice, promotes bile flow Treatment Thrombocytopenia ~ low blood plate platelet count and reduction sickness, treat blood disorders.Dysentery bleeds Coughing with blood, good sterilization, calming, sedative and relieve of cough or gasping symptom ve Treatment of tinnitus and ear syndrome disease diseases has shown progressive effect tis Nephritis is common uropoiesis disease, the kidney infection is one kind of very common disease to acute nephritis or the chronic nephritis, this herb


Other name: Long Ya Cao

, Shi , Lang

Meridian channels: Lung, Liver and spleen

will obviously enhance the treatment result, Xian he cao has diuresis detumescence function, to invigorate the spleen function, to eliminate toxicity discharged through urination. Diuretic herb hrough In the clinical practice discovery, it has very good curative effect regarding in prevention of diabetes, may apply unilaterally, as for folk remedy use, use 30 grams of Xian He Cao in medicinal prepa preparation as herbal tea will help Over exertion injury, boost and replenishing energy. Leucorrhea,Trichomonas vaginitis, vaginal discharge, uterine bleeding. At night appears night sweating and daytime appears spontaneous sweat sweating, this Xian He Cao regardless has very good treatment result to ailment of night sweating or the spontaneous sweating syndromes. Herbal decoction or herbal tea: Boil Xian He Cao into herbal decoction for Intestinal spirochetosis, tape worms, takes it e every day for at least 5~7 days. External usages: ing For treating snake bite and boils, mash Xian He Cao and past to the sores and snake bitten areas. The preparation of Xian He Cao Red Dates porridge (For anti-cancer treatment e.g lung cancer, internal cancer injury, cough blood, lung infection, bleeding gums, y, stomach disorder)

Issue 5 March 2012

Ingredients 150 g of xian he cao 50 Red Dates (seedless) 30g Goji Berries 30g Red bean 30g Brown rice or *Millet rice 30g.(Optional) 500 c.c of water

Method: a) Clean and wash Xian He Cao with running water. b) Boil with 300 c.c. of water. Cook and let it simmer in low heat, cook it until 100 c.c of extract. c) Strain the herb, and keep the herbal extract. d) Cook brown rice and millet with water, add in red dates to cook for about half an hour, cook it as red dates porridge. e) Add strain herbal extract of Xian He Cao and bring to boil with the cooked red dates porridge for another 15 minutes. f) 2 Servings a day and continue taking this recipe every day for 1 to 2 months.

Millet is gluten-free which is good for poor free digestive system. For allergic reaction to gluten. (For liver problem, can cook without brown rice.) Red Bean has diuresis effect, it helps to disperse the blood detumescence and detoxification effect, improves constipation problem, boost blood circulation Goji Berries help to improve health condition and cure, supports kidney function, improves and enrich kidney yin deficiency, and its functions help ncy, also to protect and nourishes liver, tonifying blood effect and improve eye vision. Red Dates or jujube help to nourish Qi and boost blood circulation, replenish blood as blood tonic, help to strengthen the functions of heart and lung, improving and nourishing the stomach and spleen, Red dates has effective anti-cancer compounds to cancer against tumor function. It helps to strengthen the immunologic function and reduce fatigue.

Xian He Cao Red Dates Herbal Tea ~ Energy B Booster herbal drink Xian He Cao combined with Red Dates help to make up and benefits spleen, boost energy and to raise the blood. Its medicinal preparation to be helps to strengthen the Qi and regulates blood circulation. This recipe helps to relieve of f fatigue, and help to restore energy boost. Kill parasites. Ingredients: Xian He Cao 30g Brown cane sugar 500 ml of water

Issue 5 March 2012

For those overexertion and engaged in the heavy physical labor, or physique body feel of extreme asthenia (lack of strength, weakness) and utterly exhausted, and chronic fatigue syndrome, uses of Xian He Cao 30g to cook with brown cane sugar as herbal dectoction, this is wonderful energy booster herbal drink that can help to alleviate the fatigue symptom and restores the physical strength effectively. Note: Not suitable for constipation or people with constant constipation probl problem

This herbal infusion is used by rural folks as medicinal herb tea for good health and energy booster. The part to be used is whole plant without the root, before flowering. To preserve into dried leaves, steep 2 tbsp. of the dried leaves in a cup of hot boiling water, once a iling day.

Article by Senny Ong

Disclaimer: Most important is to understand what is right for your health condition, although herbs are safe for some people, if you wish to try it is advisable for you to consult with your holistic health practitioner or doctor first. No matter what type of healing herbs or alternativ healing method, we alternative still have to be careful in consumption, start off slowly and minim it to prevent overdoses with it. minimize

Aquaculture Part 3: Fish Culture Operations and Types of Ponds

Last month we looked into site planning and how even marginal land can be converted into a productive plot if the right planning is done. This month, we shall look into types of fish culture. (A) Kinds of Fish Farm Operation There are basically two major kinds of fish farms: (i) (ii) Those which breed fish and raise the fry, and ingerlings Those which rear fry and fingerlings (the young fish) to market size Fish Breeding Breeding fish requires more time and more ponds than simply rearing fingerlings. And building more ponds can be more expensive and require more ongoing management. So the farmer must finally determine the reason for raising fish: to eat to sell, to use his land h: eat, better; or all of these. He He/she will have to have all these things firmly in mind in order to: (i) (ii) (iii) Growout If the farmer's site can only have one pond, his/her decision is easy. It is hard to breed fish when only one pond is available, so usually a single pond is used only for rearing fish from fry or fingerlings to market size. Build the right kinds of pond uild Build the right number of ponds uild Stock the right kinds of fis tock fish

For the prospective fish farmer, it is critical to decide if he/she is going to breed the fish and raise the fry or if fry, he/she is going to buy fry and fingerlings and rear them to market size, not getting involved in breeding.

Issue 5 March 2012

(B) Types of Pond The types of pond a farmer can build depend on water supply, soil, and topography, the factors which were already discussed. The two types of pond most often built are: (i) (ii) Barrage ponds Diversion ponds In building barrage ponds, it should not be built where the flow of water is too great. At such areas, it is often o difficult to keep the water from breaking down the wall if the pressure of the water is too great. Slow flowing brooks and streams make good sources for barrage ponds. Nonetheless, even when the flow of water is not great, however, barrage ponds require overflow t, channels to redirect excess water. Because barrage ponds are usually built in low areas, they are likely to fill up in heavy rains. The overflow takes extra water away from the pond, thus preventing the pond wall from breaking. Overflow systems need not be complex designs, and can be simple wide grooves cut into the top of the wall toward the ends away from the middle, or it can be large PVC pipes set into the tops of the wall to drain the water into ditches, or ev to carry the even water into storage areas for use later when the water supply is low. It is critical to note that an overflow is often not screened, because if something large catches on it, the pressure of the water behind it might cause the entire wall to break.

he Many aspects of the construction of these ponds are the same. The main difference between these two types of pond is the water source. Barrage Ponds These ponds are usually filled by natural rainfall or by spring water. The pond is formed by collecting water at the base of the valley and in the low places. The farmer does this by building a wall (dam) which holds the water inside what now is the pond area. The wall keeps the water from entering and leaving except as needed. A depiction of this is as follow:

Figure 1: Example of barrage pond A barrage pond usually needs only one wall, which is the main wall between the water source and the pond area. However, the number of pond walls the farmer must construct depends upon the land and on how he fixes his drainage system. Drainage systems can . sometime be rather elaborate, but there are also a number of simple drainage systems which can be used that do not require any complicated construction. Figure 2: Example of overflow Diversion Ponds These ponds are made by bringing (diverting) water from another source like a stream or river. Channels are dug to carry the water from the water source to the pond.


Issue 5 March 2012

Figure 3: Example of diversion pond These ponds, like the barrage ponds, require walls depending upon the topography of the land, the drainage system used, etc. A pond dug in flat ground often requires four walls; a pond built i a natural in depression may not. With a diversion pond, the water is always brought to the pond instead of running directly into the pond. Water can be diverted in a number of ways. For example, a small stream which gets its water from a larger stream nearby can be dammed and used as a y diversion channel to feed a pond. Or water can be diverted to a pond from an irrigation ditch which carries water to agricultural crops from a nearby well or lake. A farmer may have one diversion pond, or if his space allows and the water supply is sufficient, he may nd have several. When a series of diversion ponds is built, they are built in one of two ways: (i) Rosary system. These ponds are built one . after another in a string. In this system, all the ponds drain into each other an must and be managed as if they were one pond. Therefore, if the first pond in the series (the pond with the water inlet) is full of predators which must be poisoned, all the other ponds in the system have to be harvested drained before the first pond can be poisoned and drained. (ii)

Figure 4: The Rosary system Parallel system In this series, each pond system. has its own inlet and outlet. Therefore, each pond can be managed as a separate pond.

(C) Selecting A System Each kind of pond is going to have advantages or disadvantages depending upon the farmer's situation. A parallel system of diversion ponds, in most cases, is a better system. But rosary systems are cheaper and easier to build, and therefore, more possible for some farmers to undertake. Also, if the water source is good, and can be kept free of predators and unwanted fish, and if the management of the pond is done well, a rosary system can be very successful. Diversion ponds are often better than barrage ponds because they are less likely to overflow, and the water source is often more dependable throughout the year. But barrage ponds require less construction and are likely to be cheaper. In addition, for some farmers, barrage ponds are the best, and perhaps the only, way for them to use their land for fis ponds. fish


Issue 5 March 2012

The art of constructing and planning a fish pond or fish operation is very much an individual thing. Although there are basic ways of using resources, for example, land and water resources, the exact shape and type of fish pond must be decided by the farmer for his situation. Nonetheless, the farmer can base his/her decision on what kind of pond to build upon the number, size, and depth of pond he needs for what will be farmed. The number of ponds The number of ponds depends on the possible sites and on what the farmer plans to do with his fish ponds. If he is going to raise fingerlings to market size, he will need one or a few "rearing" ponds. If a farmer plans a larger operation in which he will breed fish for the eggs and fry, he will need space for nursery pond, rearing pond, and a pond for brood stock. Nursery ponds can hold eggs and fry until they are fingerling size; rearing ponds hold the fingerlings until they are market size; brood ponds hold the fish to be used for breeding. It is possible to breed fish in a corner of a large, single pond, and a farmer interested in raising fish for his own use may want to do this. But a farmer interested in marketing fish probably will want at least two large ponds. If he has two medium-large ponds, he can use one for rearing fingerlings and one for broodstock. Eggs and fry can be taken care of in very small ponds or even containers. The size of ponds The size of ponds depends upon the same factors: topography, water supply, and need. Nursery ponds usually are smaller than rearing ponds because the fry are very small. The size of nursery ponds depends on the fish species being cultured. In fact, eggs and fry can even be kept in washtubs, oil drums or any other such container which holds enough water for the number of fry and is supplied with enough oxygen.

Here are some advantages of small and large ponds: Small Ponds: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Harvest easily and quickly Drain and refill quickly Treat for disease easily Are not eroded by wind easily

Large Ponds: (i) Cost less to build per hectare of water (ii) Take up less space per hectare of water (iii) Have more oxygen in the water (iv) Can be rotated with other crops

Depth of ponds The depth of ponds depends upon the fish being grown. Fish species like different kinds of food, and the depth of the ponds affects the kinds of food produced by the pond. A common carp, for instance, eats worms and other bottom organisms and must have a pond that is not deeper than 2m. But when the carp are fry, they eat only plankton, the tiny free-floating plants and animals suspended throughout the water. So nursery ponds for carp fry are often only 0.5m deep. Other fish feed at other levels in the ponds depending on their life stage and on their own food preferences. A very deep pond will not produce as much food because the sunlight cannot light the water below a certain depth, and the plankton will not be able to make oxygen for the fish. On the other hand, a very shallow pond might be turbid, covered by water plants easily, and become very hot. Most pond owners make sure that the water depth at the edges of the pond is at least 75cm to discourage water plants. It is best if the pond is about 75cm deep at the shallow end and up to 2m deep at the deepest end. This will give the best results with most pond fish.


Issue 5 March 2012

Conclusion for Part 3 Although there are two distinct forms of culture operations, it is common for most farmers to select growout culture, as it is the most straight forward form of fish farming. The various types of ponds covered this month are well catered to this particular form of fish culture. However, even if the farmer has decided to venture solely in growout of fish fry or fingerlings, there are two distinct methods of culture: (i) Monoculture, and (ii) Polyculture. The specifics will be covered in the April issue of the Newsletter. Article by MJ Joel

Upcoming Event Event Title

National Food Technology Seminar 2012 International Seminar on Marine Science and Aquaculture 5th International Conference on Animal Nutrition 2012

6-7 March 2012

Renaissance Melaka Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia


13-15 March 2012

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

24-26 April 2012

Equatorial Hotel Melaka, Malaysia

3rd International Biotechnology and Biodiversity 9-11 June Conference and 2012 Exhibition (BIOJohor 2012) 7th International Postharvest Symposium 2012 25-29 June 2012

Persada Johor International Convention Center, Johor, Malaysia

Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Issue 5 March 2012

Meet Our Team!

Johnny Lak
Businessman. Innovator. Activist. But not necessarily in that order. Keen entrepreneurial skills, and a great passion towards agriculture and knowledge. Operates farms in Pajam and Mantin.

Mr Farmer @ Raymond
Agriculture entrepreneur and passionate about living life with a sense of purpose, our friend owns a farm in Keningau over at the Land Beneath the Wind, Sabah.

KW Beh
Fertility, fertility, fertility. Thats what our UPM Grad constantly has on his mind while working for Twin Arrows Fertilizer. Want to improve crop production? Look him up for the solutions!

Senny Ong
Our resident Chinese Herbal Specialist with a passion for the bitter stuff. Enjoys helping people seek a healthier path in everyday life. Now say with her: Bitter herbs are our friends

MJ Joel
What do you get when you cross a potato with corn? Thats the sort of questions this bookworm and plant breeder seeks to answer. And its definitely not what you think it is, dirty fellow!

Contact Point: For more details about what we do, please refer to the Lowyat Forum Thread: Venturing into Agriculture& Aquaculture For further information or clarification please contact us at

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