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March 15, 2012 To: Interested Parties Fr: Anzalone Liszt Research Re: Summary of Primary Election Tracking

Poll Results in Pennsylvania CD-12 Since January, Jason Altmire has increased his lead in the Democratic primary for the newly-drawn 12th CD in Pennsylvania. Critzs attempt to decide the election via a lawsuit has backfired on him, and Altmire has moved from a 16-point lead in January (50% Altmire / 34% Critz) to a 24-point lead today (55% Altmire / 31% Critz). Altmire has grown his lead by 8 points and has made big gains with his current constituents. Altmire has moved from a 16-point lead in January (50% Altmire / 34% Critz) to a 24-point lead today (55% Altmire / 31% Critz). Much of these gains came among voters who live in Altmires current district. Among these Democrats, who make up 64% of the likely primary electorate, his lead has grown from 49 points (66% Altmire / 17% Critz) to 61 points (73% Altmire / 12% Critz).

Critzs legal tactics have driven up his negatives, especially among Altmires current constituents. Voters who said they were following the lawsuit story very closely were turned off by Critzs tactics. 49% of them say they believe Critz was playing dirty politics that I find distasteful, while 45% disagreed. Altmires constituents were also against Critz trying to deny their current Congressman the ballot through the courts. 40% say they believe Critz was playing dirty politics that I find distasteful, while 33% disagreed. Critzs legal tactics have damaged him among voters in Altmires current district. o His unfavorable rating among them has gone from 6% in January to 17% today. o At the same time, his favorable rating among them has remained unchanged at 21%.

Altmires own popularity has increased at the same time Critzs negatives have gone up. Altmires standing among voters has improved since our last poll, from 57% favorable / 17% unfavorable in January to 64% favorable / 15% unfavorable today. Altmires intense positive ratings have increased and are now significantly higher than Critzs. o In January, 18% of voters viewed Altmire very favorably, compared with 15% for Critz. o Today, 28% of voters view Altmire very favorably, compared with 19% for Critz.

Anzalone Liszt Research conducted N=400 live telephone interviews with likely 2012 Primary Election voters in PA CD-12. Interviews were conducted between March 12-14, 2012. Respondents were selected at random, with interviews apportioned geographically based on past voter turnout. The margin of error is + 4.9% for all voters and higher for subgroups.

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