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Greendale Community School

Group/Title Date Location PAC March 13, 2012 Greendale Elementary Staff Room Time Prepared by 7:00 pm Shari Dick


Welcome and Introductions


Approval of Agenda Motion to approve minutes- Minutes approved by Shari and Alex. Reports a. School Planning The committee will meet before the end of the year to review current plan. School Planning has been on the backburner due to Teacher Job Action. b. Parent Education Nothing to report c. Emergency Preparedness Nothing to report d. Hot Lunch Is this a Fundraiser???? - Discussion at PAC meeting to take a small % of money earned from Hot Lunchs and put it towards the Playground Fundraiser. Once costs are covered for the Hot Lunch itself, then the extra $ amount would go towards the Playground. e. Fruit & Veggie Program Any extra costs incurred will be paid for by the school. f. Lice Checks Due in April


g. DPAC Nothing to report h. Safer Schools Committee Need one or two more people to serve on this committee in order for it to formalized. i. j. Treasurer Budget Reviewed. To date, we have $11,000 in the bank Playground Committee The Chilliwack School District Maintenance Dept. will be covering the cost of the installation of the playground - $6000 - We are hoping to get most of the HST refunded to us by the government - Discussion around how we could receive donations to the playground and have it be a charitable donation. - Grant Applications will be worked on ASAP. - We do not have to pay taxes on money we take out of the bank to pay for the playground - Waiting on Habitat (Playground Company) for a $ breakdown of component costs so we can apply for grants - Committee will meet again once we have more information


k. Principal 1. Job Action Deneen warned us to be wary of information we read in the newspaper regarding job action. Please check Greendale Website, School District Website, Twitter, etc, for current and accurate information. 2. No activities outside of school hours. Basketball on hold due to job action. 3. Push for Bill 22 to go through quickly as soon as Thursday 4. Spring Concert May 9 (Transportation Celebration) 5. No Report Cards due to continuing job action. Parent initiated meetings are allowed 6. Early Dismissal may change depending on Job Action (March 29, 30) 7. Reading Celebration this Friday (not a fundraiser this time round) 8. Celebration Assembly March 30, 8:45 The aboriginal piece of art work that the students collectively worked on will be formally presented to the school. 9. Class Pictures April 18 10. Volunteer Tea April 19 11. Tech Plan The school will be purchasing new technology for the school. - Tentative Purchase Plan: - DOC Reader - IPAD 3 (7-8) to be used to give extra support to kids who dont have specific EA support - Smart Board The school district will fund $6,000 of the cost of 5 LC Projectors.


Business arising from last meeting a. Loose Change for Playground We have enough prizes. Mrs. Bridges class won this past month $322.86 raised. Total raised this past month $1168.9 b. Movie Night Michelle Rodgers - The details of this fundraiser were not what we expected. We made a decision as a PAC not to go ahead with it.


New Business a. PAC Constitution Needs to be reviewed and revised. Kristen R, Shari D, and Alex V volunteered to do this. Raise the Dough March 16 Pledges Pledge form being made and up and will be distributed to the community

b. c.



Coupon Book Raised Aprox. $855. Sample books that have not been paid for must be returned to the school. 52 Books are missing! Mr. Q Fun Run April 21 a 5/10K Run/Walk in Greendale area - 50% of funds raised goes to Cancer Research and 50% to the Playground * Volunteers Needed (x15) Fun Fair May 25 Volunteers needed (Games, Decorations, Prizes, etc) Fundraising: - Scratch Cards through Habitat (Playground company) - Chilliwack Chiefs 50/50 Raffle PAC needs to contact them in August to put our name in a draw to be part of it. We would purchase the tickets and then resell them at the game. We will make a profit from the sales. - Drive a Ford Ford has not gotten back to us about this fundraiser as of yet. Shari will look into this. - Juice Boxes - Plant Sale Forms will be sent home March 30 - Neufeld Farms April 13 Forms will go out April 30 Forms due back May 16 Pick up - Movie Night for Grade 6 Campout - Bottle Drive for Grade 6 Campout - Boston Pizza Application going in ASAP Mention Greendale Elementary name, write it on the back of receipt and 5% of the bill, before taxes and gratuity will be donated to the school. - New Ideas: Hoe Down, Beef Sales, Auction, Bingo, Heritage Park (Park by Donation),


f. g.

School Information can be found on the following Social Networking sites: Blog Twitter - @GreendalePAC Facebook Greendale Elementary PAC
Adjournment Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 13th, 2012 at 7pm

Review of action items

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