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For Local Council elections you do not vote for candidates by marking the traditional , the system of voting

means you rank candidates 1,2,3 and so on. In order to elect the best candidate, Jason Lingiah, please mark a 1 next to his name. If you decide not to mark Jason 1 please give him your 2 preference. Thank you.

Dear Resident Having been selected as your Scottish Conservative and Unionist Candidate for Craigentinny and Duddingston, it would be a privilege to serve as your Councillor in the enlarged Ward. From talking to many of you, I myself understand that many are disillusioned by the lack of strong leadership and accountability in the City Council. I believe that local politics is about getting things done in the community in which we live and I have been working hard to take up issues which residents have raised and have a track record of local action. I would be honoured if you felt able to support me at this election so that together we can make the communities in the Craigentinny and Duddingston Ward a better place to live. With best wishes,

Thursday 3rd May 2012

Local Government elections

Make your vote count on Thursday 3rd May - polls open 7am - 10pm Please make sure that Jason Lingiah is your first preference on the ballot paper.

Jason Lingiah
Scottish Conservative & Unionist

Jason is keen to hear your concerns and can be contacted in the following ways: Conservative Office, 67 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh EH3 6JG. e:
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Promoted and printed by David Blincow, on behalf of J. Lingiah, both of Conservative Office, 67 Northumberland Street Edinburgh EH3 6JG.

Jason Lingiah
Jason Lingiah

Scottish Conservative and Unionist

About Jason
Jason Lingiah lives in Edinburgh and read Divinity at the University of Edinburgh and has worked for the Church of Scotland in an urban priority area. He currently works in local government and is well aware of the challenges and opportunities facing Councils. Jason has maintained involvement in a number of political and community activities and is an Elder of the Church of Scotland and a former Community Councillor.

What local residents are saying about Jason ...

All candidates will offer you their earnest endeavours in a campaign but I am convinced that Jason will be as good as his word to improve the community we live in. Ken Ward, former Regional councillor in East Edinburgh Mountcastle Crescent

I will be voting for Jason because he is a man of integrity and has been working very contentiously for this area and its people. Ray Williamson Restalrig

Jasons commitments
Sort out our roads and pavements by repairing the cracks and potholes. Give parents more choice over schools and headteachers more power to run them effectively and campaign to ensure that a new fit for purpose Portobello High School is built Expand older peoples care services to help people live longer lives in their own homes, and provide community services to allow them to socialise and prevent isolation. Ensure we have good value for the Council Tax we pay. I am very impressed by Jason. He is someone who produces results and will make sure the voices of local residents are heard at Council. I will be supporting him on Thursday 3rd May. Victoria Roberts Willowbrae Road

Use your vote on 3 May to keep Scotland in the United Kingdom

A referendum on Scottish independence is now certain to take place over the next two and a half years, and a victory for the SNP at the Council elections would be claimed by them to be a vote to break up Britain. We need to use the elections on 3rd May to make a stand against separatism and to halt the SNPs campaign to tear Scotland out of the Union. By voting Conservative at the Council elections you can send the clearest possible message that we reject the SNPs separatist agenda and that Scotland wants to remain a full partner in our United Kingdom.

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