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SUBJECT: A market survey for carrier based, strike fighter aircraft key capabilities in the 2030 timeframe. KEY DATES: 26 April 2012 01 May 2012 Letter of Intent Due

Agreement and Guidelines Associated with Government Furnished Information (GFI) mailed 08 May 2012 Signed Agreement and Guidelines Associated with GFI Due
10 May 2012 29 June 2012 01 Sept 2012 GFI Mailed Response Due GFI Destruction Notice Due

ATTACHMENTS: 1) Concept Metrics Spreadsheet BACKGROUND: The Director for Air Warfare (OPNAV N98) has requested NAVAIR Warfare Analysis and Integration Department (AIR-4.10) to conduct trade space refinement as a precursor to an analysis of alternatives for candidate strike fighter aircraft replacements for the FA-18E/F and EA-18G. The intent of this research is to solicit Industry inputs on candidate solutions for CVN based aircraft to provide air supremacy with a multi-role strike capability in an anti-access/area denied (A2AD) operational environment. Primary missions include, but are not limited to, air warfare (AW), strike warfare (STW), surface warfare (SUW), and close air support (CAS). The targeted initial operational capability (IOC) date is 2030. The study will consider the capabilities available, as well as the technical risks and costs (development and total ownership), of all candidate concepts. To support OPNAV N98s request, this is a Pre-Material Development Decision (MDD) market survey for the purpose of determining market interest, feasibility, and capability of potential sources and does NOT constitute a Request for Proposals. NO SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS EXIST AT THIS TIME. This constitutes the start of market research for the capability outlined below and will be used for planning purposes only. Please note that no use of Government funding from Programs of Record (POR) is authorized to respond to this market survey; all market research responses derived from POR information sources should be fully coordinated with the appropriate PMA. Both Government and Contract Services Support (CSS) personnel are part of the committee for this market research. The letter of intent will be reviewed by government personnel only; while, market survey responses may be reviewed by the following CSS personnel: Penn State Applied Research Laboratory (ARL); Sara Lego ( Penn State ARL is a University Affiliated Research Centers (UARC) under contract with the government. All associated committee members are required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the government. However, if any submitting company wishes to obtain a separate NDA with the aforementioned CSS contractor(s) prior to response submission, please indicate this inclination in the Letter of Intent and contact the POC referenced above. If such NDA is obtained, please provide a copy to the government with the response to this RFI.

Not responding to this market research announcements/contracts related to this topic.








CAPABILITY DESCRIPTION: The intent of this research is to solicit Industry inputs on candidate solutions for CVN based aircraft to provide multi-role capability in an A2AD operational environment. Primary missions include, but are not limited to, air warfare (AW), strike warfare (STW), surface warfare (SUW), and close air support (CAS). Also consider the ability of your concept to provide other capabilities currently provided by strike fighter aircraft, such as organic air-to-air refueling (AAR), Tactical Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (RSTA), and airborne electronic attack (AEA). The trade space refinement activity will characterize a broad tradespace, to include unmanned, optionally manned and manned aircraft. System attributes and system capabilities will be considered in the context of cost and affordability. Concepts that are derived from legacy aircraft, clean sheet new design aircraft, as well as innovative technology concepts specifically tailored for the operational context are all relevant. Please provide a separate white paper for each technology concept or family of related and complementary technology concepts; multiple white papers may be provided. Materiel Concept Provide a clear and thorough description of concepts that provide the capabilities noted in this request. The discussion should address critical elements of the concept to include; a) how it meets key operational objectives, such as persistent operations in an A2AD environment, b) how it complements other CVW assets, and c) the basis for key aircraft performance and system attributes. It should also provide sufficient fidelity to establish the technical credibility of the design, as well as define the ground rules utilized for performance and mass properties estimates. To the extent possible, provide ROM cost estimates for development cost, flyaway cost, procurement cost, acquisition cost, and operating cost. Technology Concept Provide a description of the technology concept and the operational benefit associated with the technology in the operational context noted. Estimate and explain the current Technology Readiness Level (TRL); standard TRL descriptions contain in Concept Metrics spreadsheet. For technologies less than TRL 6, estimate and explain the reasonable likelihood of the technology meeting TRL 6 by the 2020 timeframe. Describe any demonstrations, experiments, testing and/or prototyping performed to date. Summarize resulting data and conclusions. Describe technology objectives and key technical metrics for future development. For planning purposes, estimate budget needed to advance the technology from its current state to TRL 6 by the 2020 timeframe. Discuss risks and technical challenges that must be resolved to reach TRL 6. Identify any enabling technologies which must also be developed to ensure successful implementation of the applicable technology concept. Discuss potential cost risks/issues. State whether these efforts are currently funded through TRL 6 maturity, and broadly identify funding sources (DoD-funded, independent research and developmentfunded, etc.). Predict system integration risk and operational limitations in an operational environment. As a top level summary of some of the required system capabilities, the air vehicle should be capable of addressing the following needs: 1. Capable of operating from CVN 68 and CVN 78 class aircraft carriers, as part of the Carrier Air Wing (CVW), with minimal impact on the ship configuration and the operations of the rest of the CVW. 2. This aircraft will be a complementary CVW asset to the F-35C and an unmanned persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) vehicle with precision strike capability. 3. The ability to conduct persistent, penetrating operations in an A2AD operational environment. 4. The ability for an IOC in the 2030 timeframe. If a spiral approach to incorporation of systems and/or technology to achieve full operational capability is employed, provide the timeline to achieve full capability.

These capabilities are broadly stated by design, with the intent of ensuring a comprehensive market survey. LETTER OF INTENT : Parties interested in responding to the market research must submit a statement of interest no longer than five pages to Jesse King ( no later than 5:00 PM EST April 26, 2012 with the following additional data, in order to verify credentials: CAGE code POC for, technical, contractual, and security purposes Addresses for unclassified and classified data transfer 4. Describe your companys ability to manage, secure and transmit information up to the level of classification required. 5. Intent to seek NDA with CSS Contractor (if applicable) 3. The letter of intent should be UNCLASSIFIED and include both an executive summary and a description of the concept(s) for meeting the top level required system capabilities listed below. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED INFORMATION (GFI): Companies that meet current Nation Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) and foreign owned companies with Defense Security Service (DSS) approval for performing classified work will receive a classified GFI package to focus responses. Prior to receiving the classified Government Furnished Information (GFI) package, all respondents are required to sign the Agreement and Guidelines Associated with Government Furnished Information (GFI). This agreement will be provided to the companies requesting GFI once their credentials have been verified. Signed copies of the agreement must be returned no later than 5:00 PM EST May 8, 2012. The GFI will be mailed on May 10, 2012. RESPONSES : Final market survey responses are not limited, and should include:


a) A description of the candidate material or technology concept, to include fundamental aircraft

and system performance characteristics (to include parameters such as acceleration, maneuverability, mission radius, maximum mil mach, max AB mach, altitude, unrefueled endurance vs. time on station, ordnance payload capacity/load-out required to be effective, etc.), an illustration of aircraft geometry and inboard profile illustrating location of major subsystems, and mass properties. The market survey is interested in the capabilities described above, as well as the sensitivities around the selected values of each parameter. b) A discussion of the implications of CVN basing on the configuration should be provided, as well as key parameters of interest to carrier suitability (to include launch/recovery wind-over-deck (WOD), spotting factor, etc.). The response should provide sufficient fidelity to establish the technical credibility of the design, as well as define the ground rules, assumptions and methodologies utilized for performance and mass properties estimates. c) To the extent possible, provide rough order of magnitude (ROM) cost estimates for development cost, flyaway cost, procurement cost, acquisition cost, and operating cost. d) A description of the concept of employment (CONEMP) for the concept in the operational context described. This should discuss how mission/tasks will be allocated among CVW assets, with surface and/or sub-surface assets, and with joint service partners. It should also include network considerations (robust comms/link/electronic attack (EA), etc.) to support this CONEMP.

e) A description of growth potential to directed energy weapons (self protect, defensive, and/or offensive), as well as improvements to specific fuel consumption from incorporation of propulsion system technologies (or other technologies as appropriate) that can be traded for increased range, loiter time, or performance. f) Discuss growth potential to consider other CVW missions such as AAR, AEA, etc. g) Responses should include the attached excel sheet named Concept Metrics. This standardized excel sheet of pertinent attributes should be filled in as much as possible. Responses to this market research may be proprietary to the responding company. Clearly identify the proprietary elements of the system. All responses should be labeled appropriately, and will be handled accordingly. A comprehensive response to this MARKET SURVEY may require a CLASSIFIED response. To the extent practical, responses should be UNCLASSIFIED, complemented by CLASSIFIED appendices if required. Final responses to the above requested supporting unclassified data must be received no later than 5:00 PM EST June 29, 2012. All responses to this announcement should indicate their business size in accordance with the Small Business Administration (SBA) Standard. Ensure that the submission provides the company name, address and point of contact with e-mail address and telephone number. Each response should have two paper copies and one compatible CD. The electronic copy must be in Microsoft Word readable format. An electronic copy of the Concept Metrics excel sheet in Microsoft Excel should also be included. There is no page limit to this market study. While not required, if tracking numbers are available, please provide the numbers to the POC to ensure appropriate delivery. Respondents may provide multiple responses, each response should be provided as a separate document. Unclassified responses should be sent to: DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY WARFARE ANALYSIS AND INTEGRATION DEPT ATTN: JESSE KING (AIR 4.10) BLDG 2187, UNIT 1140-D2A 48110 SHAW ROAD PATUXENT RIVER MD 20670-1906 Classified responses should be sent to: Outer address: DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY COMMANDER NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND 48110 SHAW ROAD BUILDING 2187, ROOM 1180 PATUXENT RIVER MD 20670-1906 ATTN: 4.10 Technical Security Inner address: DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY COMMANDER NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND 48110 SHAW ROAD BUILDING 2187, ROOM 1180 PATUXENT RIVER MD 20670-1906 ATTN: Jesse King (AIR 4.10)

In the event that parties interested in responding to the RFI believe their response would require submission of information protected as TS/SCI to satisfy the RFI, they are required to identify their desire to NAVAIR AIR 4.12.2, SSO-Kim Cristaudo (301-342-6300) as early as possible to allow the appropriate coordination. In the event that parties interested in responding to the RFI believe their response would require submission of information protected as Special Access Required (SAR) to satisfy the RFI, they are required to identify their desire to both their SAR Sponsor and to the Department of the Navy Special Access Programs Coordinator [N89-Steve Kiepe (703-692-9305)] as early as possible to allow the appropriate coordination and to gain approval prior to any submittal of SAR information. Upon approval, specific instruction for submission of SAR information will be provided. Interested parties are reminded that any classified submission shall include appropriate performance, cost, and schedule data and will be subject to review with the Sponsor. Primary Point of Contact: Jesse King NAVAIR 4.10 Phone: (301) 757-5704 Primary Contracting Officer: Melinda Stann Phone: (301) 737-2982 Primary Point of Contact at Pennsylvania State University: Sara Lego Phone: (814) 867-0526

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