Mowat EA Revised

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Dear Elector Edinburghs City Centre is the jewel in Edinburghs crown we are fortunate to live and work in a place

e of such outstanding physical beauty. However, over the last five years I have found that often the Council does not seem to appreciate how special a place this is. From meeting with and talking to residents over the last five years I know they do expect suburban quiet but they do expect the Council to respect their environment and ensure that basic services are delivered well. Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, if not the world, it deserves world class services the Council needs to work harder to deliver these services to residents. The last five years have a lack of direction from the Citys political leaders which has led to mismanagement of the tram project which has been handled disgracefully, the statutory notices scandal which is taking far too long to resolve and the missed opportunity of outsourcing services which was rejected by the SNP arm of the current coalition which will cost the Council 151 million of contractually guaranteed savings over 7 years. Basic services such as street cleaning, repairs to street lighting, the condition of roads and pavements have got worse or stayed the same. These are basic services which are important to people who live in Edinburgh the first duty of the Council should be to deliver these services to a high standard. Edinburgh has been let down over the last five years through a lack of strong leadership. It is time to prioritise the things that matter street cleaning, road and pavement repairs and maintenance, well lit streets. Edinburgh is a fantastic city but could be even better if the basic responsibilities of the Council were fulfilled better.

For Local Council elections you do not vote for candidates by marking the traditional , the system of voting means you rank candidates 1,2,3 and so on. In order to re-elect the best local candidate, Joanna Mowat, please mark a 1 next to her name. If you decide not to mark Joanna 1 please give her your 2 preference. Thank you. Make your vote count on Thursday 3rd May. Polls open 7am - 10pm. If you need a lift to the polls please contact Joanna using the details below. Please make sure that Joanna is your first preference on the ballot paper.

Scottish Conservative and Unionist City Centre

Joanna Mowat
Scottish Conservative & Unionist

Local Government Elections Thursday 3rd May Polls open 7am - 10pm

CONTACT JOANNA MOWAT - Jo is keen to hear your concerns and can you can contact her on 07961 041 133 or email:

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Promoted by L. Turnbull on behalf of J. Mowat, both of 67 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh EH3 6JG. Printed by Copymade, 3 West Maitland Street, Edinburgh EH12 5DS.

Joanna Mowat
Joanna Mowat

Over the past five years Jo has:

Persuaded council traffic engineers to change traffic diversions in order to reduce the impact on residential streets; Made the case for businesses in the City Centre and the effects of tram works on the businesses; Worked with politicians of all parties to tackle the issue of the small number of holiday lets which cause problems for residents; Asked the Council to examine the positives and negatives of the night time economy and its effect upon residents; Got the Council to agree to mark the boundary of the World Heritage Site; Opposed the removal of the Council provision of black waste sacks in the Conservative budget.


Zero budgeting we will re-examine every penny the council spends to ensure that it is being spent efficiently and that money is not being wasted. We will protect, preserve and cherish the World Heritage site and ensure that the preservation and enhancement of the World Heritage site is embedded in Council policy. We will improve waste bin or bag collection. We will improve the condition of roads and pavements. We will make sure repairs to infrastructure are completed quickly and efficiently. We will improve the way the Council interacts with the residents to make it easy, efficient and pleasant.


I will continue to be the voice of City Centre residents in the Council I will always ask Council officials to consider what impact their plans have on the residents who live here. It is very important that the City Centre remains a place where people of all ages can live. The Council uses this as a selling point for Edinburgh but too often ignores the issues that impact on residents.

You do realise that your outstanding performance as a Councillor is going to force me to vote Tory for the first time in my life! Old Town Resident

Use your vote on 3 May to keep Scotland in the United Kingdom

A referendum on Scottish independence is now certain to take place over the next two and a half years, and a victory for the SNP at the Council elections would be claimed by them to be a vote to break up Britain. We need to use the elections on 3rd May to make a stand against separatism and to halt the SNPs campaign to tear Scotland out of the Union. By voting Conservative at the Council elections you can send the clearest possible message that we reject the SNPs separatist agenda and that Scotland wants to remain a full partner in our United Kingdom.

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