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Alarm goes off and man gets up going about morning routine. He brushes his teeth and showers. In the bathroom he opens the cabinet and takes his pills. Cuts to Video Harry (nervously): youve been gone for three days now. Im starting to get worried. (Pause) I went to the park today (sadly) your favourite place. (Pause. Sadly) I was hoping to see you there. (Pause.) I miss you. Please call me. Cut Alarm goes off and man gets up going about morning routine. He brushes his teeth and showers. In the bathroom he opens the cabinet going to take his pills but there are none left. Cuts to video Harry (agitated): I bet your friends put you up to this didnt they! Ive never approved of them; they were always a bad influence. Cut Alarm goes off and man gets up going about morning routine. He brushes his teeth and showers. In the bathroom he opens the cabinet where there are still no pills. He throws the empty pot in anger. Cuts to video Harry (aggressively): Right. You have been gone for three months now and I have not heard from you at all! What is wrong with you? What are you trying to do to me? (Long pause, beginning to break down)I need you back here with me. I need you to take care of me. I want you back here with me. (Pause. He pulls himself together and becomes progressively angry.)I didnt want to do this but I dont see another way. Man grabs camera and storms out of the house. He is seen walking along a road until he reaches a park. There is an establishing shot of the park and the man spots a girl with her friends. The camera focuses on her. Harry: Penny Girl looks around. When she sees the man she looks worried and pulls her friend away. End

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