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Prop list Prop

Nun Chucks A red rose Grave Stone

How to acquire
Daniels house Croydon flower shops In Croydon Cemetery

Usage in piece
Daniel needs to use these in the lighting room for training. Daniel throws this at a grave to show grief. We need to use a grave to portray the ninjas brothers death.

Costume list Outfit How to acquire Usage in piece

Clothing of the ninja training Daniel needs to wear this at the graveyard to show contrast from him as a ninja.

Black Chinese Own Clothes Shirt, Mask, Back trousers White Shirt, Black Post 16 Suit Tie, Black trousers, Black Blazer

In our opening scene, we are using a various amount of props to make out opening scene realistic. Firstly, Daniel needs to have nun chucks when training as a ninja to create realism and maintain the stereotype of the ninja. He also needs to wear a ninja based costume or a Chinese shirt, which will be illuminated under, controlled lighting. A mask will also be essential to hide Daniels face and displays the ninja as a shadow; this also makes the viewers curious of whom the ninja actually is.

In the scene where is going to be filmed in a graveyard, preferably Croydon Cemetery as it is local and easier to use for a location. We will need to decide on using a grave for our film, which had been criticized by a member of our production team as he was against using a random grave for our film. This disagreement had raised a problem, but we resolved it by decided to defocus the grave.

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