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Fairly we share,
together we prosper
My Dear Wananchi,

We share with you some of our ideas for creating a prosperous, democratic and equi-
table Kenya. Through these words of commitment we establish our resolve to end the
politics of exclusion, betrayal and misuse of national resources.

The majority of Kenyans have had to endure the grinding combination of poverty and
inequality, regional imbalances in income, infrastructure and social provisions.

Our proposals for accountability, dispersal of political power, decentralisation of public

services and support for local communities will help to reduce inequality. These changes
go to the heart of what is wrong in Kenya today.

The Kibaki Government has no solutions as they are part of the problem. They must not
be allowed to work for the few at the expense of the many.

On December 27th you all will be given an opportunity to evaluate Kibaki’s perfor-
mance. I urge you to give him a Notice to Quit Immediately:
Kazi bure ya Kibaki iishe kabisa; Kazi bora ya ODM ianze.

The ODM is the only Party that will promote Prosperity, ensure Fairness and most im-
portantly guarantee Accountability. This is the sacred thread that ties us as a Party with
you. Trust us and we will not fail in serving you.

God bless you; God bless Kenya.

Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga

Nyanza Edition
Pledges for the Nyanza Province
An ODM Government will: Review and reduce Sugar Development Levy and devolve the functions
Governance of Kenya Sugar Board away from Nairobi. Rationalise the functions
Through devolution empower the people to make decisions on de- of various stake-holder organisations in the sugar industry to limit
velopment projects that suit their conditions, interests and needs. bureaucracy and increase efficiency in the interest of the growers.Cut
off illegal importation of sugar to revive the local sugar industry by
Ensure that the Province is entitled to equitable share of revenue ensuring win-win situation for the Kenyan farmer and consumer, but
raised nationally and receive equalization grants and other alloca- not the sugar importer.
tions where deemed appropriate to redress past neglect.
Revive the cotton industry, Miwani sugar, Kicomi and brewery facto-
Security ries. Ensure that the tobacco farmers in Kuria and Migori districts get
Streamline and intensify community policing as well as disarming fair returns on their efforts.
local vigilante groups. Ensure that the Administrative Police are
autonomous and that they serve the devolved units. Revitalise the fishing industry on the lake by providing jetties, cold
storage and processing. Assist in marketing for international export
and ensure that Kisumu Airport has cooling facilities for storage.
Construct roads and highways interconnecting all the major
Revitalise the ailing coffee sector in South Nyanza. Strengthen the cof-
towns and settlements in the Province. Ensure that the main
fee co-operatives and ensure that a member of the Gusii community is
provincial towns are inter-connected with the modern integrated
on the Kenya Coffee Board.
rail network.
Review the tea sector by evaluating performance of production,
Construct an international highway around the lake basin to con-
processing, marketing and management of tea factories. Tea farmers’
nect with Uganda and Tanzania.
interests have to remain paramount.
Build more roads in the Gusii and Kuria districts. Hon Raila
Introduce processing of fruits like pineapple, passion and bananas.
Odinga in his tenure as Minister for Roads had already built Kisii
Ensure faster payments to farmers, especially pyrethrum growers.
– Nyamira – Chemosit road as well as Keroka – Nyangusu road.
Encourage investiment in cooling facilities for milk in the Kisii region.
Expand rural electrification programme. Exploit electric power
The nearest milk processing facility is in Sotik, Rift Valley.Promote
resources to increase electric power resources of bagasse based
livestock industry in Kuria district.
cogeneration in sugar factories. Introduce a legal framework for
Ensure all public buildings in Gusii districts have lightning arrest- Invest and expand Kisii soapstone mining. Access international markets
ing rods for protection against lightning strikes. and assist co-operatives in product development for international and
regional export.
Invest in ICT facilities. Build jua kali sheds at major market
centres. Invest in large scale irrigation schemes to assist farmers. Health & Education
Invest in bringing clean piped water to the people. Build one sub-District Hospital in every constituency and ensure that
it is adequately staffed, with necessary equipment, operating theatre,
Agriculture & Fisheries laboratories and supply of essential drugs.
Give the ailing sugar industry with a lifeline - not by directing
the local farmers to grow guavas as recently recommended by Build 2 model secondary schools in every constituency – one for boys
Kibaki to farmers in Western Province but by ensuring current and another for girls. These should include modern ICT facilities, well
“corruption” in the sugar industry is eliminated. Coffee farmers in stocked library and good sporting facilities.
the Central Province were given a subsidy by the government and
Provide more clinics in the Province so people do not have to walk
their debts were written off but a similar deal was not extended
long distances for attention. Train and deploy more community health
to the sugar farmers.
workers with special emphasis on preventive health care. We will also
Increase investment as per the recommendations of Kenya Sugar ensure rapid treatment of highland malaria epidemic.
Board and raise funds for the sector’s rehabilitation. Fast-track its
Expand Youth Polytechnics into Skills Academies.Build a public teacher
divestiture programme and allow the private sector to buy into
training institute in Gusii district. We will ensure that schools in the
the sugar mills.
region regain top performing status nationally and remove political
Ensure that sugar cane is weighed when leaving the farm and not
interference in management of schools, and invest in teachers, equip-
at factory gates so the farmer does not have to bear the burden of
ment and books.
spillage on the roads.

Ensure quality agricultural research that benefits the sugar indus-

Tourism & Environment
Promote eco-tourism in the region. Encourage investment in lake
try for example, research into growing quick maturing varieties of
cruise-ships and build an international standard conference, conven-
cane. Streamline the procurement of inputs (fertilisers) and ensure
tion and exhibition centre in Kisumu. Intensify efforts to eradicate wa-
that the price is not over-inflated when passed on to the farmers.
ter hyacinth. Encourage rainwater harvesting and protection of springs.

2 C h a n g e i s h e r e
Guaranteeing a
New Constitution
President Kibaki’s Seven Betrayals
In December 2002 there was a great sense of optimism and
euphoria when President Kibaki and the NARC government were Of all the transgressions of the Kibaki presidency there is only one
sworn into power. However, the optimism was very short-lived. that towers above all else and that is his acceptance of corruption
– past and present – advocating zero-tolerance at the swearing-in
He immediately rejected the pre-election Memorandum of Under- ceremony and now tolerating it one hundred percent. The chant “ev-
standing a covenant he had made with his political peers. Thus erything is possible without Moi” has turned “if you want to misrule
he began his presidency with betrayal and shattered the dream of and loot your country then it is only possible with Moi.”
all Kenyans who looked forward to an all-inclusive government
premised on fundamental reforms. Kibaki broke his salient election promise. His government has failed
to bring the individuals in the Goldenberg grand larceny (conducted
ODM will: Renew faith in our politics and provide sound lead- in President Moi’s tenure of office where at least Kshs. 18 billion of
ership based on principles of consensus and fairness. Equity public money was stolen) before courts of law to answer for their
and inclusiveness are our watchwords. crimes. The Kroll report commissioned by his government to identify
and recover stolen national assets by Moi and his cronies is gather-
The desire for a new constitution by Kenyans has been a long ing dust. This inaction on past corruption is his fifth act of betrayal
struggle. Kibaki had assured Kenyans that he would introduce a of the wishes of so many Kenyans.
new constitution within 100 days if elected. He broke this cov-
enant with the people of Kenya, his second act of betrayal. ODM will: Establish a Truth and Restitution Commission to bring
closure to past corrupt crimes via a process of Justice, Truth, Rec-
The “Bomas” was an inclusive, people driven, and consultative onciliation and Restitution. This shall include asset recovery and
process in constitution drafting. Enormous time, resources and ex- amnesty where restitution has been made. A process driven by
pertise were utilised. Kenyans declared a vision of a country with justice - making good or compensating for past loss, damage, and
a genuine democratic, accountable and responsive government injury; is what we are proposing. We intend to facilitate a process
that fostered national harmony by effective power sharing and that will see the return to the Kenyan people what is rightfully
devolution. Most saliently, Kenyans demanded a less overbearing theirs. The principle of Restitution has ancient African roots.
Under Kibaki’s watch another grand corruption scheme was hatched
ODM will: Guarantee a new Constitution within 6 months to - the infamous Anglo Leasing scandal - where his government was
ensure Equity, Executive Accountability and Devolution of exposed to fraudulent contracting and procuring and if it had not
Power. been exposed would have cost the Kenyan taxpayers a significant
amount of money. This level of acceptance of present corruption at
Kibaki’s cronies were heard to say that constitutional change was the highest level in Kibaki’s government is his sixth act of betrayal.
a necessity for removing Moi from power but now that “one of
their own” was in power, there was no need for a new constitu- ODM will: Review the functions and efficacy of the institutions
tion that would bring about genuine power-sharing. The subver- set up by the government to fight corruption as billions of public
sion of the “Bomas Draft” by the introduction of the “Wako Draft” funds are spent to finance them with no tangible outcome.
was his third act of betrayal.
And finally all the corrupt, repressive and regressive political forces
Kibaki lost the referendum on the “Wako Draft” by a landslide have realigned themselves in this election. Former President Moi
and subsequently dismissed those progressive individuals from the bringing with him his pet “project” Uhuru Kenyatta in his back
cabinet who demanded that peoples’ voices be heard and acted pocket followed by a motley crew of big-time crooks, such as, Bi-
upon. Thereafter, he cocooned in government with the very in- wott and Pattni are now the key actors in PNU. The “Nyayo Empire”
dividuals Kenyans had so massively voted against in 2002. Thus, that scampered out of the back door of the State House as demanded
that was his fourth act of betrayal. by the majority of Kenyans in December 2002 has finally strolled
back into the Kibaki State House – unashamedly through the front
ODM will: Introduce parliamentary system of government, where door! An ultimate seventh act of betrayal of the wishes of those
power will be shared and not concentrated in one person or office. Kenyans that voted for real change. Kibaki must go.

C h a n g e i s h e r e 3
Kuishi na kibaki ni kuumia kwingi

Unga ya ngano-331%

Dec.2002 Ksh.35
Sept. 2007 Ksh.65
Unga ya ugali-204% Oct. 2007 Ksh.116

Dec.2002 Ksh.27
Sept. 2007 Ksh.50 Mafuta ya Taa-305%
Oct. 2007 Ksh.55
Dec.2002 Ksh.22
Sept. 2007 Ksh.63
Oct. 2007 Ksh.67

1/2l Maziwa- 187%

Dec.2002 Ksh.15
Sept. 2007 Ksh.20
Oct. 2007 Ksh.28


Dec.2002 Ksh.17
Sept. 2007 Ksh.22
Oct. 2007 Ksh.30
Sugar 1kg-407%

Dec.2002 Ksh.27
Sept. 2007 Ksh.65
Oct. 2007 Ksh.110


4 C h a n g e i s h e r e
Fostering Prosperity and Eradicating Poverty

The Problem:
President Kibaki’s “growth” is for the few not all

Under Kibaki the rich have grown richer and the poor poorer. The
top 10% of Kenya’s population continues to control nearly half our
nation’s wealth. That means that for every 1 shilling earned by a
poor Kenyan, the rich earned 56 shillings. This inequality has not
altered even though Kibaki trumpets his positive economic record.

The growth is not inclusive and is exclusive only to the rich. The
richest 10% now earn 42% of the national cake as opposed to 36%
five years ago. This demonstrates that the Kibaki Government is a
ernment’s flagship poverty reduction programme, called, the
government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. The poor are,
“Usawa Programme”.
at best, bystanders.
The objective of the programme is to contribute to national
efforts to reduce poverty and hunger in ultra poor households,
Solid economic growth is crucial for eradicating poverty, but get-
increase school enrolment and attendance and improve the
ting economic growth to percolate or trickle down to assist the
health, nutrition, protection and well-being of orphaned and
poor is a perennial challenge. How many very poor vulnerable
vulnerable children and the very old.
children and adults have to die before the fruit of economic growth
reaches them?
We will immediately undertake a budget cleansing exercise
covering all Ministries in the Central Government to look for
The Solution: overall national savings which can go towards launching the
ODM Government’s “Usawa Programme” Usawa Programme. This will help us to identify question-
able debt, especially the commercial ones. It will also help in
We are determined to fight inequality head on. ODM is a party elimination of wastage that currently occurs through procure-
that is responsive to people’s most basic needs. ment, duplication in allocations, and questionable allocations.
We have already identified a large amount of savings and are
The Blair Commission for Africa recognised cash transfers as a confident in achieving our pledge.
key tool in tackling extreme poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa and
recognises its potential impact on poverty and inequality as well We will achieve stable economic growth and pursue policies
as its contribution to promoting and distributing growth. The for equitable distribution of income, wealth and resources.
children from the households receiving cash transfers have an
opportunity to break the inter-generational cycle of poverty.
A few Kenyans have been generously assisted by our develop-
ment partners in providing assistance to the very poor, such as,
Orphans & Vulnerable Children Cash Transfer Programme and
the Hunger Safety Net Programme delivering guaranteed cash
transfers to chronically food-insecure households. We applaud
these programmes and pledge to scale-up the efforts of our
development partners by extending the programme nationally so
that social protection investment contributes to overall economic

We will introduce a social protection programme for the very

poor households by monthly cash transfers. This will reduce
current poverty and inequality by providing a minimum level
of income for extremely poor families. This will be ODM Gov-

C h a n g e i s h e r e 5
Investing in Infrastructure
Your ODM Government will:
The Challenges:
Kenya’s population is pro- • Invest at least 10% of our GDP on infrastructure development
jected to grow to over 60 mil- over the next 5 years.
lion people by the year 2043.
There will be a big challenge • Introduce a special sovereign bond for the purpose of raising
to provide optimal infrastruc- finance for rapid infrastructure development.
ture and services to meet the
demands of this population. • Build good roads that will reach all Kenyans and cover all parts
of the country, thus achieving our ambition to get Kenyans and
Such challenges are already Kenya “physically inter-connected”.
evident. A majority of the
Kenyan population have no • Address the existing imbalance in the provision of road infra-
access to clean water, food and structure that is concentrated on the so called “high potential
shelter. Infrastructure (transport, areas” to improve accessibility for the development of all eco-
water, energy, telecommunica- nomic sectors and regions in Kenya.
tions and information technology)
is a central pillar in Kenya’s economic • Use labour-intensive methods in roads construction to create
recovery programme. Good infrastructure is employment cells countrywide. Minimum wages will be set to
essential in lowering the costs of doing business stem overexploitation of women and youth.
and increasing competitiveness of Kenyan products,
both locally, regionally and internationally. Road maintenance • Create Road Maintenance Training Centres in the devolved
and development has been grossly under-funded by the Kibaki regions to skill-up labourers through apprenticeship schemes.
• Construct a modern, electric, international standard 1.6m
There has also been a lack of investment by both the govern- gauge, high speed railway system to link key cities and towns
ment and the private sector on rail infrastructure. As a result, in the country for rapid transit of passengers and bulky goods.
the existing Kenyan rail network is almost obsolete due to its This would protect our roads and lower costs for businesses. The
outdated technology and aged condition. It is therefore not opening of the new railway line will be ODM’s special pledge
surprising that President Museveni recently stated that our for Kenya’s 50th Anniversary Independence.
railways should be in a museum as an artifact!
• Increase electricity generation capacity to 10,000 megawatts in
There is a direct link between electric power supply, job cre- the next 10 years to attract foreign direct investment.
ation and poverty alleviation. Electrifying rural areas, towns
and markets increases opportunities for employment in the • Explore and exploit geothermal resources to increase electric
centres and improve living standards. Under Kibaki the energy power generation to meet the emerging demands for electricity.
costs have remained high and this impacts negatively on the
cost of Kenyan goods and services and hence their competi- • Develop solar power stations and wind farms as renewable
tiveness. sources of energy.

The latest information and communications technology (ICT) • Expand rural electrification penetration through sufficient al-
has enabled countries like India and China to change their location of public resources.
destinies and future of their people. Kenya needs to learn from
their experience and significantly invest in ICT. • Invest in ICT infrastructure, especially, high-speed internet
backbone networks across the country.
Access to water is the key to survival and access to sanita-
tion is a fundamental issue of human dignity. Clean water and • Ensure efficient and equitable delivery of clean water.
sanitation coverage remains very low.
• Invest in sanitation facilities and irrigation schemes.

6 C h a n g e i s h e r e
Whats in
a name?
One Determined Movement
One Decisive Man
One Decent Movement
One Devoted Man
One Desirable Movement
One Dedicated Man
One Democratic Movement
One Distinguished Man
One Devolved Movement

Pinga Nyayo Uone
Porojo Na Upumbavu
Party of No Understanding
Pitia Nyeri Ujionee
Party of No Use
Piga Nyang’anya Ua

C h a n g e i s h e r e 7
Creating Opportunities For Employment
President Kibaki’s Statistical Distortions: • Help and target youths and adults without work and with
poor employability skills move into sustained employment.
There is no link between the high level of economic growth re-
ported by Kibaki Government in various years and the creation • Provide basic employability training for jobless people with
of employment. His Government has reported (via various paper severe literacy and numeracy problems to remove their barri-
adverts by the Treasury and his own Kenyatta day speech) that ers to employment and enable them to gain employment.
about 467,000 new jobs have been created since Narc came to
power and that this amounts to about 93% delivery of their • Promote the role of SMEs in sustainable job creation and
500,000 new pledge of jobs. provision of goods and services which are better adapted to
local market needs through progressive reform to boost pro-
This statistic is a misrepresentation and distortion of facts. duction and distribution capacities of SMEs.

There is strong evidence showing that the Kenyan economy has • Implement policies and programmes to create decent jobs
over time and history been able to create between 400,000 and and entrepreneurial opportunities to assist JuaKali workers
450,000 new jobs on average — regardless of the party in power and employers to move into the formal economy.
and regardless of whether the economy is booming or stagnant.

• Create and strengthen an enterprise culture which favours

Between 1999 and 2002 (when the economy was in doldrums) initiatives, enterprise creation, productivity, environmental
there were still 454,000 new jobs created within the context of consciousness, quality, good labour and industrial relations,
only 1.7% average economic growth. It demonstrates that even and adequate social practices which is equitable.
when the economy is growing rapidly, the rate of job creation
has neither been proportionate nor commensurate with a boom- • Open “Jobseeker” offices in major cities and towns before
ing economy. going nationwide for assisting those that have completed
secondary school education and graduates. This will be our
The sectors that are creating jobs are not linked at all with the new government initiative to deal with unemployment. It will
people who need employment most, that is, young university provide an active service to help people move from jobless-
and college graduates, youths in urban and rural areas, and ness into work. The offices will be manned by job advisers
those who are laid off because of retrenchment and industry who will register jobseekers, provide training and individual
closures. guidance in job searching techniques, including providing
traini ng, interview skills and assistance in the preparation of
The ODM Government’s initiatives to create real jobs curriculum vitae.

We will:
• Ensure polytechnics become “Skills Academies” as these in-
• Change the anomalies created by past regimes and the cur-
stitutions will be a key driver in improving vocational educa-
rent Kibaki Government that has failed to reconcile and link
tion at a national, regional and local level. They will provide
the realities of Kenya’s growth process with its labour and
training programmes for young people and adults aimed at
human resource potential.
meeting potential employers’ current and future skills needs.
Thus, these academies will be employer-led.
• Employ local labour in key public works, infrastructural
and development projects.

• Implement policies that reduce barriers to work – including

education, skills and training – to create an adaptive, flex-
ible and productive workforce.

• Pursue active labour market policies – providing tailored

and appropriate help for those without work, to prevent
long term detachment from the labour market.

8 C h a n g e i s h e r e
Cost of corruption
The billions of shillings that have been wasted on corruption scandals in this country are more than enough to improve
the lot of our citizens - by providing education, access to safe water, employment and proper roads. See the figures below:

C h a n g e i s h e r e 9
Fighting Crime & Insecurity
charges against suspected criminals-as per law, we have seen very
many alleged executions and disappearances. About 500 bodies of
young men have been dumped in various mortuaries by police and
reports suggest that other bodies were thrown in the wild. Almost
all bear classic execution signs of a bullet in the head. These extra-
judicial killings are the first step in creating a police state by Kibaki,
President Kibaki’s failure in providing safety and by throwing away the law and using police as killing squads.
security for all
Your ODM Government will never take your security for
Kenyans have a right to sleep safely in their homes, walk safely granted
on the streets and drive safely on the roads. The Government’s
duty is to maintain that security. However, crime is rising fast We will never take for granted the security of Kenyans. It will be
under Kibaki while some members of the police have been our legal duty to protect citizens from crime and conflict and ensure
involved in political activities on behalf of his government. The that the rule of law is upheld in criminal investigations. We will
recent exposure of two policemen dumping “hate literature” strengthen Councils of Elders and other community tribunals to
in Rift Valley shows clearly Kibaki’s priority – using the police adjudicate in land disputes and assist internally displaced people.
for his own political survival, not protecting all Kenyans from
crime. We will:

• Boost numbers of police vehicles, communication equipment and

Kibaki’s disregard of his duty to protect all Kenyans was most officers to enhance crime prevention and investigative capacity.
evident in the “Mamluki” affair, whose presence and sor-
did saga was revealed by ODM Presidential Candidate, Raila • Increase overall spending on crime prevention and ensure that
Odinga. The notorious Armenian brothers were state guests, the resources are devolved to local police stations.
given police IDs of Deputy Commissioner rank. They were bla- • Map crime “hotspots” in urban and rural areas and deploy more
tantly defended then gently escorted out of Kenya without the police officers to enhance police visibility and physical presence.
Government taking them to court to discover why they were
• Deploy close circuit television cameras in central business dis-
here! The independent parliamentary committee report on the
tricts of Nairobi and major cities as a tool detect and deter crime.
Mamlukis identified key members of Kibaki’s family, govern-
ment and State House officials as directly involved with the • Use the nation’s defence forces to provide extra support in polic-
Artur brothers. To date there has been no action taken against ing our national borders to help stop illegal flow of small arms.
anyone! It is obvious that Kibaki’s justice system protects the
• Set up a Metropolitan Police Authority in Nairobi based on
few but not many.
South Africa’s Scorpion force. The new “crack force” will be bet-
ter educated, trained and equipped to tackle rising gun crime and
There is insecurity in many regions of Kenya with shocking
murder and be the basis of a genuine accountable police force.
images of death and destruction from Kuresoi, Molo and Mount
Elgon. Sadly, Kibaki remains silent and does not bother to visit • Review current police remuneration, housing, office facilities
the affected areas. However, in September 1994 as Leader of and training with a view to significantly enhancing them.
Opposition he did visit the victims of the infamous Enoosupukia
ethnic violence. He shed tears at the Maella Catholic Church
with his inspirational words, “guutiri utuku utakiaga (there is
no night that does not see the light of day). This Kikuyu idiom
is usually used to lift sadness and comfort victims when no
immediate solutions are available. But Kibaki did nothing in 5
years as President for victims of Enoosupukia. The victims of
ethnic clashes have multiplied in his Presidency but now he has
no time for words of comfort let alone action.

The crime wave in and around Nairobi has caused fear within
our society as Kibaki unleashes “special police squads” to tackle
the Mungiki problem. Rather than investigate, arrest and bring

10 C h a n g e i s h e r e
The Rise Of We Pledge
Tribalism Below are some of the other pledges we have made in our Plan for

Under Kibaki

Urban Renewal
We will ensure Nairobi becomes a regional hub for commerce and finance. We will
Tribalism is a national disease knowing no
showcase our capital as a 24-hour city by investing in infrastructure, ICT, security
regional boundaries and not confined to
and planning. We will invest in urban regeneration and renewal.
any one community. It rules our national
politics and divides us unnecessarily.
Kibaki has compounded the ethnicity fac- Health
tor and deepened it in our public ser- We will provide free health care to all children under the age of 5 years. We will
vice by appointing people from his own expand safe motherhood programmes in all districts by ensuring that these centres
community. Thus, the reorganization in are adequately equipped and have improved referral system, communications systems
his government post-Moi was dictated by and transportation facilities. We will provide free ante-natal, maternity and post-
prejudice and not equity. natal care for expectant mothers.

These are first few steps in our ambition to provide free universal health care for all.
Under Kibaki kazi iendelee means let the
status quo prevail – public jobs for the
chosen few and not all.
We will introduce free quality secondary education within a system of a comprehen-
sive basic education from early childhood to Form Four.

The Fall Of We will intensify efforts and actions to redress the existing persistent gender dispari-
ties in Kenya which hamper the full integration of women in our society. There will

Tribalism be no glass ceilings on the aspirations of women as we strive progressively towards

realising a 50:50 gender ratio in all public bodies.

Under ODM Environment

An ODM Government will: We will combat escalating environmental degradation and desertification by ensur-
ing that environmental policy is built into every economic decision in all areas of
• Ensure that we represent all the people, government policy.
not just one interest group. We will ac-
tively seek to remove those obstacles which
hinder individual achievement – obstacles
We will develop a progressive sports policy, expand opportunities for excellence in
emanating from tribe, gender, or economic
sports; streamline sports administration; develop and maintain sports facilities and
bestow honour on high achievers in the sporting arena.

• Guarantee to build a Kenyan society

based on fairness and equality of oppor-
tunity for all where merit comes before

• Introduce an independent Presidential

Public Appointments Commission whose
task is to ensure that appointments to pub-
lic offices are based on merit and reflect
the ethnic diversity of Kenya in its overall

C h a n g e i s h e r e 11

President Kibaki has no constant
guiding principles - no moral,
social or political compass. He
has been integral in all post-
colonial administrations – his
future is his past. He has flip-
flopped, reneged, prevaricated,
or sat on the fence on all
fundamental issues that concern
Kenyans during his entire
political career. He has lost all
credibility and failed to lead
from the front. He is unfit to
return to work. He must be
denied another chance to work
for the few at the expense of

working for all Kenyans.

-Raila Amolo Odinga

Raila Amolo Odinga ODM

C h a n g e i s h e r e

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