How Major Bills Fared at The Capitol

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How major bills fared at the Capitol

The state House and Senate adjourned the 60-day session on Thursday after reviewing hundreds of bills. Here is the status of some of the most significant bills. Bills that have been passed have been sent to Gov. Neil Abercrombie for his signature or veto. The governor can also allow bills to become law without his signature. Lawmakers can return in July to override vetoes by two-thirds votes in each chamber.










Charter schools (SB 2115 SD2 HD2 CD1) Rewrites the states Authorizes $11.2 bil- Creates a program at charter school law lion in spending next the Hawaii Strategic and establishes a fiscal year, with addi- Development Corp. statewide commistional money for wel- to advise entrepresion to govern the fare, education, and neurs on renewable experimental health care for the energy, broadband, schools, eliminating poor. Authorizes aerospace, film and the charter school $3.2 billion in state digital media develadministrative office construction, includ- opment. by July 2013. ing $825 million in Rental car general obligation Early learning surcharge bond financed proj(SB 2545 SD2 HD2 (SB 2946 SD2 HD2) ects. CD1) Extends an increase OHA settlement Establishes an execin the rental car sur(SB 2783 Act 15) utive office on early charge tax through learning and an adviJune 2016 to help fiConveys state land sory board to renance $500 million in in Kakaako to the place the Early revenue bonds for state Office of Learning Council. new rental car faciliHawaiian Affairs to Eliminates junior settle $200 million in ties. kindergarten at the claims relating to International end of the 2013-2014 OHAs share of fortourists school year. mer crown land rev(SB 490 SD3 HD1 enue since 1978. Medical school CD1) (SB 239 SD2 HD2 State bridges Authorizes an extra CD1 Act 2) (SB 3010 SD2 HD1) $2 million in hotelExtends the ability room taxes to help Temporarily offers of the University of the Hawaii Tourism environmental and Hawaii medical Authority attract regulatory exempschool to use tomore international tions for 11 state bacco settlement bridge rehabilitation visitors through visa money for operating programs and other projects. expenses through incentives. Technology June 2015. (SB 2780 SD1 HD2 FAILED University bonds CD1) (SB 809 SD1 HD1 Casino gambling Appropriates money CD1 Act 3) Grants a 20-year liand authorizes Increases the Unicense for a Waikiki bonds for state inforversity of Hawaiis casino. Imposes a mation technology authorization to iswagering tax on upgrades. sue revenue bonds gross receipts. EsProcurement for construction and tablishes a state (HB 1671 HD2 SD2) gaming control com- maintenance projects. mission. Sets time limits on administrative and Safe routes Ten for Ten judicial review of Makes it state policy (HB 2626 HD2 SD2 contract awards. Re- to promote major CD1) quires protest projects over the Establishes a safe bonds. next decade, includroutes to school proing Honolulu rail, the gram within the FAILED Thirty Meter Telestate Department of scope on Mauna Transportation. State construction Kea, and the states Streamlines permittallest high-rise con- Libraries ting and procure(HB 1054 HD1 SD1 dominium in ment for state CD1) Kakaako. construction. Authorizes nonprofHotel renovation Emergency funds Offers wage tax cred- its to conduct book Uses proceeds from sales and other conits for seven years a November bond cessions on state liafter hotel and resale to replenish the brary property. sort construction states rainy day and and renovation. Prohurricane relief FAILED vides general excise funds. tax exemptions for Teacher projects. Kakaako land use performance Gives the state OfFilm tax credits Requires the state fice of Hawaiian AfExpands film and Department of Edufairs more flexibility digital media tax cation to establish a to develop high-rise credits with incenperformance manapartments in tives to hire local agement program Kakaako. workers for produc- that includes an tion crews. evaluation compoTransit nent for public Media development school teachers. Sets unique planning infrastructure Authorizes revenue guidelines around Ending tenure bus and rail stations bonds for motion Eliminates tenure for picture and media on Oahu. public school teachinfrastructure projers. Gifts ects. Allows state lawmakTeacher tenure Gambling ers and state emRequires that new commission ployees to accept public school teachfree tickets and invi- Establishes a nineers starting in July tations to widely at- member commis2013 be employed sion to study the tended charitable for three years beevents sponsored by social and economic fore being eligible costs and benefits of for tenure. nonprofits. different forms of State bank Bell schedule gambling. Directs the state to Requires the state study the creation of Internet sales Department of EduRequires retailers a state bank that cation to develop up could offer loans for that have customer to four bell schedreferral agreements alternative energy ules and standardize projects or help res- in the state to collect instructional periuse taxes on Internet ods. cue homeowners sales. facing mortgage Regent foreclosure. EstabStreamlined appointments lishes an interim sales tax Asks voters whether state purchase proAuthorizes the state to amend the state gram for distressed to join a compact Constitution to give homes. with other states to the governor power Campaign spending simplify sales tax re- to appoint university quirements and col- regents without Imposes greater relect use taxes owed porting requireprior screening from on Internet sales. ments on political an advisory council. action committees Tobacco tax and independent exImposes an excise penditures. tax on smokeless tobacco and other tobacco products.

State budget (HB 2012 HD1 SD1 CD1)

Venture capital (HB 2319 HD2 SD1 CD1)

Unemployment insurance tax (HB 2096 HD1 Act 6) Delays a scheduled increase in the unemployment insurance tax by one year, sparing businesses an estimated $107 million. Sets the maximum weekly unemployment insurance benefit at 75 percent of the average weekly wage through the end of the year, up from 70 percent. Mortgage foreclosure (HB 1875 HD2 SD2 CD1) Makes permanent the mortgage foreclosure dispute resolution program and the process of converting nonjudicial foreclosures of homes into judicial foreclosures. Spiking (SB 1269 SD2 HD2 CD1) Eliminates overtime in calculating pensions for new state and county employees starting in July. Computer crime (HB 1788 HD1 SD1 CD1) Creates a third-degree felony for computer fraud and increases penalties for all computer fraud and unauthorized access offenses. Personal ID (SB 2419 SD2 HD3 CD1) Limits the use and retention of personal information scanned from a state ID card or drivers license to reduce identity theft. Military protection (HB 2409 SD1) Authorizes the state commerce and consumer affairs director to enforce federal laws designed to protect military members and their families from abusive lending practices.

Justice reform (SB 2776 SD2 HD2 CD1) Implements new pretrial assessment and parole policies to improve the states criminal justice and corrections systems and reduce the number of prisoners housed on the mainland. Probation (HB 2515 HD3 SD2 CD1) Allows probation for some second-time drug offenses. Allows probation for four years for some second- and thirddegree felonies. Police safety (HB 2030 HD2 SD1) Requires motorists to move over and slow down when passing emergency vehicles stopped along highways. Electronic records (SB 2247 SD2 HD1) Allows government access to electronic records from communications providers in emergencies involving the potential for death or serious injuries. Texting (SB 2871 SD1 HD2 CD1) Prohibits operators of commercial motor vehicles from using mobile electronic devices and texting while driving. Sexting (SB 2222 SD2 HD1 CD1) Prohibits minors from creating or sending sexually explicit images electronically. Prohibits possession or solicitation of such images. Cyberbullying (HB 2295 HD1 SD2) Establishes the crime of harassment by cyberbullying. Public decorum (HB 2751 HD2 SD1) Creates the petty misdemeanor offense of disrespect of the House or Senate.

Transplant center (HB 608 HD3 SD1 CD2 Act 1) Provides state money, matched by private funds, to help the Queens Medical Center establish an organ transplant facility to replace the one that closed in the Hawaii Medical Centers bankruptcy. Appropriates money to the National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii to maintain a chronic kidney disease management program. Hawaii Medical Center-East (HB 609 HD2 SD2 CD1) Authorizes the Hawaii Health Systems Corp. to acquire the bankrupt Hawaii Medical Center-East in Liliha. Emergency care (HB 1953 HD1 SD1 CD1) Appropriates $1 million to increase the on-call availability of emergency medical care and ambulance services on the Leeward coast. Provider fees (HB 2275 HD2 SD2 CD1; SB 2466 SD2 HD2 CD1) Imposes provider fees on private hospitals and large nursing homes to attract more federal matching money to cover health care costs for the poor. Social-service programs (HB 304 HD1 SD1 CD1)

Undersea cable (SB 2785 SD2 HD2) Establishes a regulatory framework for the installation of an interisland high-voltage electric transmission cable. Power grid (SB 2787 SD2 HD1 CD1) Authorizes the state Public Utilities Commission to develop reliability standards and interconnection requirements for the stability of the states power grid. Ag inspections (HB 2244 HD1 SD2 CD1) Authorizes the state Department of Agriculture to establish compliance agreements with the federal government and other states for inspections conducted in the states of origin of plants. Ag tourism (SB 2341 SD2 HD2 CD1) Authorizes agricultural tourism activities on Maui so long as they coexist with bona fide agricultural activity. Public land (HB 2398 HD2 SD1) Transfers development rights on certain state boating and recreation land to the Public Land Development Corp. Creates an Aloha Stadium facilities special fund. Allows the PLDC to contract with state and county agencies for lease management services of PLDCcontrolled land.

Military support (HB 2410 HD1 Act 65) Requires the governor to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the U.S. Department of Defense to provide continued support for military presence in Hawaii. Military licensing (HB 2258 HD2 SD1) Allows professional and vocational licensing authorities to accept military training, education and service toward licensing requirements. Aerospace research (HB 2873 HD2 SD2 CD1) Transfers the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems from the University of Hawaii to the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. Space tourism (SB 112 SD1 HD1 CD1) Appropriates money for the application for a spaceport license from the Federal Aviation Administration to help establish space tourism. Wellness center (HB 2848 HD3 SD2 CD1) Calls for planning of a model wellness center on state land that employs Hawaiian cultural practices. Creates a work release pilot program on the Big Island for community projects. Public records (SB 2858 SD1 HD2 CD1) Allows government agencies to appeal open records decisions by the state Office of Information Practices to Circuit Court. Vacation rentals (HB 2078 HD2 SD2 CD1) Requires out-of-state owners of vacation rentals to have local contacts for the properties. Pseudoephedrine (SB 2228 SD2 HD2) Establishes an electronic tracking system for the sale of consumer products with pseudoephedrine. Pseudoephedrine can be used in the recipe for illegal crystal methamphetamine.

Sick leave Requires businesses to provide minimum amounts of paid sick leave and safe leave for workers. Meal breaks Requires businesses to provide meal breaks for employees who work more than five hours a day. Cable regulation Establishes a state commission to regulate telecommunications carriers and cable operators. Health exchange Removes health insurers from a board that will oversee a new insurance exchange for health plans.

Internet records Requires Internet service providers to keep consumer records for two years. Red light cameras Authorizes counties to launch photo detector programs to catch motorists who run red lights. Speed cameras Authorizes counties to administer photo detector programs to catch motorists who speed.

Impersonation Creates a new thirddegree felony ofIdentity theft fense of aggravated Requires businesses harassment by imby January 2014 to personation, includimplement compreing through hensive, written poli- electronic communicies and procedures cations on the Interto prevent identity net. theft. Skateboard helmets Requires helmets while skateboarding.

Appropriates $11.6 million for pubEnvironmental lic health, welfare assessments and education pro(SB 2281 SD1 HD1) grams. Allows government Early childhood agencies and private development developers to by(SB 2778 SD1 HD1 pass environmental CD1) assessments and Establishes a childproceed directly to hood obesity preenvironmental imvention task force pact statements to and provides money reduce time for projfor early childhood ect review. development proPublic right-of-way grams. (SB 2873 SD1 HD3 Civil unions CD2) (HB 2569 HD2 SD1 Exempts ancillary CD1) secondary actions Clarifies and amends within public rightprovisions of the of-ways from the states civil unions states environmenlaw. Allows religious tal review law under organizations under certain conditions. certain circumFAILED stances to refuse use of worship or minEnvironmental istry facilities for review civil union cereTemporarily allows monies. the governor and Sports concussions county mayors to (HB 2273 SD1) exempt certain state and county conRequires state edustruction projects cators to develop a from environmental concussion awarereview. ness program to provide guidelines for Plastic bags public and private Requires businesses school sports. to collect a 10-cent fee on single-use FAILED plastic checkout bags with a portion Dogs in restaurants of proceeds going toAllows dogs in ward state environrestaurants, promental protection vided that the aniinitiatives. mals are not allowed Energy tax credit to relieve themApplies a renewable selves, bark or otherwise disturb other energy tax credit on a per-property, as patrons. opposed to a persystem, basis.

Smoking ban Permits smoking in bars and nightclubs on Oahu that have dispenser or cabaret licenses and post smoking permitted signs. Toll roads Authorizes the state transportation director to impose toll charges on existing highways or construct new toll roads. State microbe Designates the bacterium Nesiotobacter exalbescens as the official microbe of the state.

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