FBI Bitcoin Report April 2012

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Co.or.lrency ~ .' Unique Features Present Distinct Challenges for Deter.r.i:n.g Illicit A.

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('-v,)..Bite ,,~.-Virt1.00, COI.n".1 -;:1'-1

U April 2012

iiM_'et.Htti]'il'M; ~~j':-jp-peet' (P2P:) :nert'll;'of:':k.-1I~~d. 'L>'.i:rl Jltij' i.·J'lt't'eri'l.''jiprovidesa venue :f'OI: :und;~\ri:d!u;a:~, to generate, tl:atlS:r-e:I:,; :~aund.e:I:.; and. 8rt:ea'~:u:U~:idt:ffiund8, 'IW,ulllh OIDe S at1onyrn:lty", IhrtooU:t1. aITer.!i. :Imny af the sal]1e d1mmet1;geili ;il.,il8OCltaIted witlh 6iihe:r \ru:t'iIlU;;:"~urreucies, c 8illdh as, We hMo:I:tey ';,and. OO.d8,unique OOinll~eJi::l1:i:e,g :fm :i1n vem :Vg;at ors ~alJse :urt8,d.ecemi::I:,i."Uuze,d nature,

(UNFOUO) Bitooi1n-a.


(UNFOUO) 'IDb.e :FBI assesses i/IJ,ullih:rnediul]l

cOl:1:lfhrl.eI:1c.e~rt~jat; :un ~.e near term, c)\'be:r c'r,ul:bl:Ul:1a'~8 'II;':u'U~rear Bit oonn ;il.,il. not iher l:ii:l.y.l:net1it 6jl1:Uot1, a'~Ot1;gsude :I:blo:re ilt'.ad:u1ti:6:t1a:~ t a and. em aMu ~I'i.ed. \rU:t'iIJua:~ currencies 'N~:1:~'t rt~j.ey have :UUIiJi:'~e reason 1[0 ...1,)jlnd.o:n" l'~j:j;:j ;il.,il~s:l:neJjJt :j;:j based on :[rucrtruati:6:lj8, :un rtfb.e~Ltco~tl exchat1;ge rate :u:n 2Dll and :U~rnited. :re:I;toril'u:t1g :ut1.dicaH:t1;g bitcoirt1ili are ~:Ut1g acoe:l~ted. as, :~y:l:bleijJt !by :ROi]1e 91be1~ C:I:,i1I'blU:ij;:"~",

(UNFOUO) ~j.e

w,u~'t :~'II;' oot1f~d.et1c.e.;, ~ed. on our.l:'et1it user and vendor acceptance, ~jait rn:.Ji:UUc:lou8,ootorg 'II;':uUexJl~oLl B:UltOOu:n to launder :I:blo:O.ey",~j:m ;:lS8e&:m:neijit :U8~red. on 61~erved. c:r,UI]1~:t1a'~ot~~'!rlt~e&,; :unve.!it~gali.'lotlij,; atld proreOUIi.'UOtlili a :~:t1.d;u\rOClfua]l!"i, ex.l1ro:urt'Utlg other ·1--' .'11 ['''' ., -- ...It· n .'II~I .•. " ~I W...It '~!Ij. .. .!. 'IlA-~'k .·.• w i .• .Jt.Jelj.iQ:I:'iI:U.lj.g -'.'. ',' 8peCU~.i:C ,""'- 'D:1 OOnn. '.;;t. '!..nl.IL;:'h C uJ.J:'et1Cues" ifulUJ't ;as ~o.LU. aou . ~lil.nOlj.e)'., .t.1. .. 1.•• ,_,". a~CU.I..I:'et1 u .u;I ...'res ilt'.U rtib.e oot1frd.e nee :~ v e'~. 0'i:8. e
. J'" ... 'C _."

:FEa assesses






(UNFOUO) :Even l[~j6ll;gh ~j.ere :m :1:16eentr .... :nUItOO~:t1. ~ server to COl:bljlro.lnilie;, ~j.e :FBI assesses 'll;'ith ~:~j_ Confil denc e, bas ed on rel :ltah~e :und!ustr y a nd FB I r eponi :t1;g.;, jat c'r.i1m~:t1a'~ :u ~ s :t1lte:t1.d:u :t1.g[0 8rte.a·~ ~il00i11:18 can rtargert and. exploit ~'1:urd-l}.i]j:I:'il')'~Ltooul:1. servtees and a:l:1.:und:uvM!Ua'~'8 L¥1. u:oJ. '11: '~I({jJ1'et. Ma'Uudou8 acto:r.ll. can oo:l:bljll:'OmUre personal OOl:bll;t:I.i!te:I:'.!i. accounts IU8:un& ~~l!aahlttimand hoc:ku:tl.g and.
Ii:edlmiqu.es.l[o mea'~ U8e:I~' lI1ultOOu:t18 nd. U8e .a
boJri~i'~ 1[0 generate


(UNF(JI''UO) Hitooun w:um :Uu:k.e'~y OtlItUtlIU.e to atil'rOO'i: oy~:Joerc:r,ul]1~:tla·ll!"i.II;'~'16view it as a :1:ne;atl8· Ito C ' move or :ste;a'~ funds as we'~:~ as a. means aff :rnakul:1;g donations to :u'~:UUcit groups. If :Bitooun Mab:u:Uu~, and gro'll;'S :irnll6Jyu·~r.Lty.;, :u[ w:u'U~ beeome an :~:t1c,re;a8u:t1;gJyU8e:fiiJ'~ [OO~:f'Or var.uO:U8 :u:uUeg;a'~ aCil'U""tHe&. ~yoi:td the cy~:Joe:I~ :Iea·~m,. S:nt1c.e :Ouli:Co:u:ndoes not have a. re:t1It1:a'~:ir;red aLiIiil'i.o:I~.U[y.;, w e:t1:r'iO:l.'cen~eM :Ua :f'OCe&,d:u:ffI:cull:u es d.ete:Oil'U:t1g8U8pudoU8 oot:u~hy :OCIet1it:ury.Ut1;g users, and 6htaut1:~:t1g transaction :1:ecO:l(lij-pl.'6h~en\!i. rtibaJt:mu~jit ::l1rt:I~ootm ...·HcuO'U8 actors to :B:UrtooU:t1.,. Hitcoirn :m~~jli: a'~oo :~ogI:ca:U~y at ilt'.i.lil:; :I:blo:r:I.e),:I]:iLmrl.e rers and 01!h.e:1:' I[ c'1:'.um 8. i/I;' ~'tOa.vou d ilt',ad:urt'i:6:r:I;:.Ji:~ :nr:la'~ fUr:I;:.Jir:lc :ila:~8)1!i te :Im hy U8 ~:r:lg rtib.e lnli:e rnet [0 eonduet ~ o.1j;i."~:I:blo:tl.eil: tra :m;r-ers .. ary

B:~rtoou:n does not ~j;:.Ji.vea. ret1Ii::I:,i; ..~:irzed. auitll'lor.ulty.;, ~j.e :FBI assesses ;Ii"'u~'t :1]1ediUJ:n confidence ~j;:.Jit :1l:.Ji'll;' enr'O:lcemenri: can :i:d.eljit:ury,; 01: discover :1~1:e itl:f'OI~.I:bl1lti.o:n ah01Jit :rna:UUc:UOU8, ootor8 :u:f~j.e actors convert ~j.e:~t' btteolns into afial i.·Jlt't'eri'l.'Y.~'l:urd.-pa:f:'il.)' ~~hoohl 8er \ric es :Imay re q_iil;ul:'ecust ornerg, to s illll1mu [ \f,::"~d :0CI.e :t1Jl'uifiJ i cation or ooljk :u :t1:f'Oe.l:bllltlon ro c OI:npUe rte tta:r:l8.:.Ji0il'UOr:l8 ..P-itl.1~iil'i.ermore;, any I[~'i:~t'd-l}.i]j:f:'ii:}' ervice 1t!l'iaJi: s q.lUa·~:uFre8 a. liiM.e;i it'ar.i·~r.iuiMt' :I:blillm as regu:ster as, a. i!liio.r.I'.t;i SieN.i:i.·.e.f DJl.tiriJ:!.tt wiifh [~j.e :Fii:t1at1da'~ C:tiJ:l~ :E-nr'Orool:ne:t1it Nert'll;'ork (F:unCEN) and. :u:rnpUe:rneM an al:1Ji::i,L.:I:blo:I:1.e), :Ualmrl.e:r.ul:1;gp:rog:ram.

(UNFOUO) Alliho:ugh.

I (U) ~g€€Wii1.cl_bi, A :00« a gloiiYIr:}' o:r~~rnl'"'. AU ~~'"' :iID:]JUi!I~1 ~rugl~y :in ~(U) ~glili! ii1.cl_bi. ]~ :~ a !!I'e~Il1r'jM o:r oo:rufiorl'elil.m loJ:"l(!];i" W

i-Ire,i~lk::im!!ll00li Iih(:::i[ :r.ir:i'l: !U~.

(UNFOUO) 'IDhe C:)'rer

and. Cr,u:miJr.la:~ lr.lJteUugence s;eot~O:r.l:g'j' i/i;.'it~'1, Or.l!Lf.,uib'uli'~r.l:g:[rom the Fnl O Detl:'Out D,u~i;s;UiO:n;.:u:ttltUated. ~t~, :ul'IltenUgerice asse&u~enrt [0 eJl:,p:~l:'e ~j.e unique aspeets ai tbe :P2P' \r~t'ii:iiJa'~ciiJrrer.lcy :B:u[OOu:n.,l'1hilt:i assessmem does not atn:elnj;t-t to Judge the :nu:k.e'~:iJhood. f BitcoiJn':g, a :~Ij;g-li:el~m success as an anel~.Ijate :IJa,)':me:ijlt :1~liihod; hult e.."£.]~~I,'e.;g, ~j,o'll;.' IbitOOiJij:g (Ol~ any :IDUillUj.'e \r~t'ii:iiJa'~ciiJrre:tlcy :g;um:hllar to :Bitooutl,) are traded and.ibDij!;' c.r,urn:utla'~s can use ~j.e:rn to co:ndJiUd: :~:Un~dt OCl'~'rlUl}'.., 1"1I:1:U8 assessment d:ra,i/i;.'ij,l~rirnar,u'~y on :un[e'U~:~er.lce :[rorn ]'ar.liUary 20 I, I ~'1:rough .AllrU 20,1,2;. iiJ:t1:Ue88, 01ib.erlll;',u8e referenced :f'01' ~'tilt:iror,uC:il'~perspeetwe.

(UHFOUO) 1'thu8, :us,the FnI's, :ffii:l.iStCI~,um~:n:a'~ C}\hel~ :UMe'UU:Uger.l£eassessmeot :I~~ated to :B:urtoo:iJn,., and
In ]'ar.liuary 2.011 the Coumerterrorism D.~ v:h!:::UiO:n di>!isemu:r.lateil, an :iJr.llte:un~ger.lcebu'UUertun rtibat _,,'II,,,~';I 11.-. _',', -,' _'-,,',.:11 OOlluJU£IL ::II'Il' ,'-, ,it,_,,-_,a nCU::1~ uau:gOO1uOlj:g I' ',--' ,'D: -, " ',-' 'r[;" ",]1 -',,, -' " -,', -' ilJ:SU,lj;g ,-' -""'~'" exp,~O:I:aJ, 'me l»TeJjILili.h .'_..,,_ ,U~,[i.Cll run ,I1\UII.\OO:U.lL ,L!',j;g:gemuuaJI.CU.'FD'I' , , ,,11\, :Utllte'U~:Ugetl£epOOodJUd:8on other ~~t'ii:iiJ;."~ currencies :U:tldiUd.e:, (U) ·Cj~.t ·CFJn~JJj'aJ' 8p'J'i:niaiJm:t of Ehu:J t:tmh:' ,[JaY;!iiii!'T,i'i S)iSi.B'i!'iiit (Ifitl 1I1:.rl Ial 'CrI.t.ttt fi/:'ootJi:;. r dated 23, Fe'b:l:'iua,ry 2.01 Iand OJ) ,qilM.t 'C'.tin~in'al E;r:pJ'mi{Iii:tm: of J.f'£aJ-Mtm£'i 'Ti'aiJi:l.lg.;. darted. :8. June 20.1, I,~:t6tib, af 'Iio\I'I:udhdiaeuss cyre!:' crimiJrla:U mU:sLi8e o:f vil:'iilua'~ currencies :f'O:t' :1~t:I.e,)' :~;ilU:rI,d.er,iJt:lg.W~'l:u:Ue:B:u[OOu:n :j;g,a d:j;gl'U:rld: ~u:l:'iilua'U currency, ~j.e ovel~"':l:dhu:r.lg ar.la:~}'lI.k j'u(lgmer.lJt:g, :Ur.l. [~j:ilt:i :Ur.lIte:UU~ger.lce as~S:l~:lj1t a1»ult ~j.e use ai \r~t'ii:iUa'~cuneneses by c:r,um:iJr.l""~er.lli'urtre8,are oor.ls:~renli: \,l;',urtib, llib.ere previous :UijJte'U~:Uger.l£e roducts .. p
lLU ,_,.;1-.-.,

(UNFOUO) 1'tb:~8 assessmenr 'H,u:U~ot add:1.'e.!l8 :rna'HCUo.'U8 actors o.iiJJi2j:i:d.e:ff the C,iDe.t flnii's.tgtmIiiii';. n o
8iiJdh as tr a ditUO:r.l;a'~ol:'g::m~zed. cr,iJme grou.ps.;, exltre:mi,M grou.p;!l.;, or c!b:uM predators ..l'~'tro'iJ~j6'iJ1t ~j.e pa]:lie1'.;. ~'1.eterm ·'Uitcoun,,·' 'II;.'~j,encap:lta'U~z~il.;, :r.efe:I:',Rto OO~'I.[~j.e O]:lien SO.Ut:'Ce so:ffit'll;.':ilJ:'eused to create ~'l.e ~u:I:'iiJiJ;a'~ our.rerlcy and ~j.e PIP :rI.etlNOrk formed as a,resJU'~rt; "bitcoin" IU8:iJrlg :Uo III;' er case , . ;i:. '. -'. '11.· ":1,\:-':UII ..:! . rerers [0 lW'I.e \-r', -.. ,:11, '". -', - [-·IL.,,' ,i!=i, uJ\gll;il ~}' u .... ea !1:tel:'II;.'eenusers .., ,U.l.'iJ)ila~ 0111..1:'elj£,)'~j;aL
-',m . .;! ~_. -, a. .. ' [' .'

1'1h.8 FEU ru~!!I1~1Ili seuree ~Ol1Ijng 8::I:1i8lftiiwly .illli!lhii.;..i1l11Jilligelilm fI~~1I11. OO:ih,illli!iiUppo1~,of FEU If''iJ!lOOitillt,g ~o [!'ffi'I.i!!l~ Ib&I~O'U]li!ll.ili1lfmilmtl.mm 0JIi :B.itlm.ilill,.FEU !iO'iJ]m';' 1ffI1iY :iro:m, 1U1~(!;1fi'~lt!!!I1 ~o i1highlly fllMIl 1I'81~lhiI8.FB~ C~ .i1lli['OJiIblrujOJli o:injng (If,im.illlfil flotivH,y is cOJL:ii!!l~m!!l1 i1higJhlyml~lhi~ IOOCflIU~ ,~,,t;. :ilro:rn, FEU 81R1J1110J€8';' or FB~ !imJJJ:8S.w.iJih !!Ijlf0:~, flO:8:iIi ~o ~lIte.illli[milm~.mm ..
(UUFOUO) (UUFOUO) ~1ilI !imJI02 ,illli['OJiJblflIliOJli 00'Jll8S. frn:rn, !!Ijr::ri2J€lil.1. 01l1l.i1M~!iO'iJ1m';' !!I~~IMlb.ilili,gpO!!l11d.:i or :i!2d'V,i:8S. off~!!I1 n0 !OOJI!!Ill_O::~,rn~ruy ~HlIIlSflc1jOJ1.:i, ;(1m. Iih8m:OO:r8.OOJI.:ii!!l~0!l1mliflhlk flMI (TJU,POT,fO)1'1h.8 FB.~ fle:Imow]8!!1~ ~ftulri,prutl.i:.iprut1ri.i1lli ~h8 Ib.i~m.illli8ooru1i/bl,y iIr1w M .i~8.TI1jw ~0 8~.;.i>'.8 tlh8 p:wuilru.iIly or:B.i~m.illli. EI~WJ. :Bi~m.illli lU~ffi alse 1M00011mi1.iahle jllli[milmlliOJli flh,rrut :B.itloo.illlifllI1!!1l Ib.i~m.illli ~lIte e::.:~ Hil8. For ~h8 plli'~ of~lh!iri fI~5.S1Im1i11. ~~ FB.~ fti.S!IJ:J'mri M, ~~ IhwlMIly f ~lIi ~ o !imJJm .i1l1i[Wilm~.iolili !!I1::!~Ii'ilb.ilit£:B.i~o.illli.i.;. g€:1IlEjj'fI'I:Iy .iIl1!!1jCflIDW ~~ ~lfru~SifiOO of ~h8 :B.~co.iTh€:c(!;JlO'Jb1.y:. or: (UUFOT,fO) No 00'JL1lfooj!'JIory ,illli['OJiJblrujOJli was. :fO'U]l!!llOOtl,~1ilI FB~ fllI1!!1l ~1Ili !iO'IJIC8 ~~.tJt.g. Omrnli. ~h8 FB~ eOJL:ii!!l~ffi ~h8 lIwMIiy oflf8J}OJ'iiilili,g tlo 00 O!!iJL:i,iwli11, flrnli p.lmJ:i.jlb.le ,illi ~h8 001L18}i~. (!I:r~h8 Ib.i~m.ilill"ilW.iIfOJlJbl8.TI1 ..

(U) :Bireo:un:J; :~, a, d.eceJjlil·a'~:iJzed;.:P2;p :nerti/i;'o:t:'k-1l~ed, v:~t'ii:i[ia'~ i[i:I~~:r.l9 liil'laJt:~, traded or.l:~:uneand. C e:.:chaljgeil, :u:t111.'o dri~:~I:'.lj, O:I~ 'US o1ihe:l~eurreneies, :BitOOUt1.;.'N~te_t1.]~~j:ed, wi1ih t~tulil,-pal:'il:}' 8e:I~v:i:ce8,. aUO'l!;'8, users to mine, ~)1l}1.;.8e'~:~i' aocep.t or ~llooun:g, :[I.'o:m a:il~~1e:I~e :uil the 1II;'00r.M., :Bitooun'~, d:cet1!tr~:nirz~, :f~1i[i~.,:U8 ~:t1:U,q,iil~ .amo:t1;xurwa'~ eurrenere s, Wlb:~re .B:l100m developers :1m:UI:1It.:l:Un Welb :!iu[e.s, .rov:i:d:u:l:1ggi[i:i:dal:1ce to the p :Bitooun co:mnliJ:r.I:uly;. liil'i.ey do not ~'ia\ie a ce:r.lli.'l:a'~:ir;red. dau.hase O:I~ "'-IlJt~'tO.J:'.i.t)'. :P2:p ']'~j.e net 'Ii;'iO:rkissues ~lltoour.l~, riib:rou~:l. ~:l.e n~i-nJli:g :p:I~~, and. \fa:nUda~, ;:}'~:~ rtl~a:lj8i.liotuo:i:I'.!t S:uijCe :Bitoout1. does not have a, oet1it:ra'Uu:;red, aUIi:~to:t.'ity;, det oot:irr.lg ~i[i~ludoui!l oot:U""~Uli.)'.;. :Ud.e:r.lltufy.un users, g and. obtauij:~:I:1g rtt.',::m.:gootionreeords :U:!i prohre:lmt~ :fm enf'Ol:'oemet1Ii:.,
(U) Ai of.l.:fl: .A[ro',il 2.ilii.l.2:,~lh.c! lifuiii'dl-~.y lI!!it:o.ilill ~iT1:Idliltgr-1aiJwilbl. Mil. GIllQ:,1I"€:000dlli!ll lIb'm'e ~1Ifuli:!S m.ill.iM ,ilillliraJL:i.fld.i1OO1.:l. OllIJl.cl:U.crt;dl owr Iilw; ~:i'I, ::m d~y:i ~hro"u;gh Mil. G0:x, ~iadjlilig, aJIi tfNI"J!Jf:lgf? o:r: mow ~1Ifuli $2:1(~ ~ d~y:. I (U) Ac 0l1I]' dliltg ~ :B.it: ei IilI es ef .A[ro'i] 2ilii.l.2:, ~~ro WlJ:ro mow ~1Ifuli:fl:1l: milliM lb.i~C&ili1S..i1ill . '~. ~W·"",_ fi'l@a.@ iIbl.fii'_~, IPI,IC", .I1Ii 'I~' • O::IIi"eIlJIII:I~.IIlrn. , .IIU~ ~n" ApJil 2.ilii.l.2:oo;,WlJ:81IJ $.'I aMI $j. ~ lb.i~o.ili11, IIh.IJ: :FB,~IJ::i'IjlRlfl~8:i dlh.8 :Bj~o.iIill80l11ru1i1bly wa;. wOJilJhJ $.Jj, rn.ilUO'JIJ ~ $'1i1 milUOOli ..~·~


(U) Despite ~'i.e v:~t'iti[j;:l~ nature ali' :Bitooutl; users v.::"~ue ~j.e currenc :fnt' :many ah~'i.e iialne (U) From May 2.®.I..I. lH;ito&ilill valllJ8:i 'iJIIJ.QilU:a'l.",d reasons l~~e trust Federal Reserve :n01e8:, wHJhJ",:xc~ 1i'a18:i O'JIJ ML !IJ\no:, rnng:ilili,g as. lruig!hJ ffi $3ilii.i1ill ]1IJ.m 2.ilii.l..I. ~,O a 11l1iW es $>'I .ilill ~j.ey be'nue"ie I[~~.e,)' can exC:ba:r.I;ge ~'i.e OUl:':rer.lCY:fo:r 'II . 'II' :D€c81blOO 2.®.I..I..~ gUUl.l:g,;.services, 01:' a n::n~O:l:1a~ CiU:r.rer.lCYat a ,~me:1:' date. A~ such, :B:~li.oou:n:~, our.ret1dy ocoe_p.ted, as, a :fnl~,m ali' pa Y .Irer.lli: at bundreds ali' :regltU:l~te :I~ au'~ :ur.ldilJ.d:ur.lgvendors ~e'[~:irijg el O~'i:Ur.l;g;. ers ga:I~" mU:!1:Ue;,;. 80:Ine ~'tote'~ and. restaurams ..t In ad.dit:i:ou;, I[~j.ei[i:r:l.reg1il'~ated, ature ali' UU[OO~:ni' and n oonl~Ut1.erl i/!;'ith its olfb.e:r unique :re.aJi.Iu:re,s,;, alrLt'a0'i:8 cr,u:mut1a:~, to ~tU~ form ali' ];taY.lret1it and. rtra:t18Jer me~'ioCL



(UiIFOUO') :FBI :1~J;tOI:'iI.'u:r.lg and.~ar.la'~y']g:~,reveals ~jat cyree c1~,irmu:r.la'~ IU8e eJ!ffittmh:: pti.;m~elit
and v:~t'ii:i[ia'~ u:r.rer:ld~,~ as, a, 1II;';:},y[0 :~ll:r:l.d.er.:Infir:l.ey and to purchase or re:U~eyrer good:g, o 1 at1d services :Ut1. :fijj:t'ii:~.e:rat1ce ~j.eur cr.u:mUt1a'~ ol~;ecrtu 1fe,s,,8 :Bit OOUt1"~ik.e t~je.ge otber '!.~imilua:~ : currencies, provides opponunities :fm cr,irm:Ul:1a'~80 ilt'an:!der,;, :~nmder, or steal :fund:g. :Bitooun :U8, [ .. unique beeause it is the O:r.I:~y d.eoer.lJt:l~a:Uilled.;, :P.2P :r.lffi'i/!;'ork-!l~ed, V:~1:'i1:iUa'~ c1u:r.rer.lcy., ']'~'i.e i/!;'ay it ere are 8,. ope rate 8,. and. d:u8rtd1:fllli:~, ~lre O:Ut18, :Imk.e~ :U d:i;sl'U:t101'U 8ilJ8oeP.tih:re to :u'mdt mo:t1.e,)' I[ \fe'~,)' tta:r.I:!lre:It'i,. and :Imr.l:upu:~t:ion ~'trou.gh ~j.e 1\J8eali' :Im:~i/!;'are and botneis,


s (U) ~!i5~ ~1ilId~i:.:, C :00 a !!I'e~idp:i.iM of Ih.ow :BHm'ilili woilkri.. (U) l'ih.e :B:iJt::o:ililliiOlJEe CO!!I\2:iii.Ih.o:i1)li!j100li Gitlhl1b (h1~:llgilh1tb..oo:rnlihitl:co:illiib:itlm'ilill). 'lJiAhem !!Im~1ill!i :cfI1ili 'Ili!rn'lk fI.1MI1 !W.'I:ml:it dhft~. A:c001!!l1i1ili,g Ik!I fh,:itloo'ilill.mg ~Hl!ille is a 1'iI1.e~ !!I\2~l~:i. [OO'1J::W_IWIMy :con1lfo.l ooich cM~ ~ flo::~)li!jl 0IilI !l'Itlh1Jh. S {!'I'I ''''OJ' 0:8/bl[!l!J!, W~"'IL~I!!iJ"I.e Y.. 'L'''___' Iiii,y ',_. Ii"m fiu!! '[...__ .. ] , ~""'~ ~II ,:-o~!lKliI)i ... • ..,.j ,[" ' ·11,"" ,['iJill!;!

a. :c00\2 ~1M1ili,g Weh iii~


o:f iii::.:.:c1lJl'.i"e !!I'ewl~[i.

~ 'Iill 'D ,.;.......... ;'1:''''''''''''"''"1['';''''''''''' ,.,,""'" :"U!I:"~"':'~JaJ. "",,,'II;,,,,,,, ~'-";' ~.,,._,""",,'II· ;, ",it= 1:"1""""[' ;."",,, 111U:.a ,." ~·!'.I:·'1_;i~', (U.XlEY..lI.I. i:f"1l) ' ,~.~~ ,U!:~,,,,,,,:,:~:,.,, oi,.,,,,"'" LU,.,,,, :.a",", .]..-,.~":Il;,,II"~.J u.,.,.~:.,.'''-'j,9 !UU'L I["II~"" u.1.I.~y :,:,.,.1.0:,,:, ... :LU,." .IL.''''I[·' :OCIe :nli.'hfiie,g,3,:Bitooun user :U~;3,lA~.d.ora:ndol:b·"Uj' is gerle:r.ated :Bitco:un ad.d:re ss, :Im brig rtibe ; na nsa ot~ O:r.Is s 0:1:bie 1II;,\bat::mony:1'bl ou s (:g ee rte.lJi: box),., 'FlJ't~ pote :r.lIi'ita:Ur.lotl,j' :I'nlit)' :~ d:ust :ur.l!l)t:[rol'bl rtil'le a al:lony:l'nl:L1)' P:I:'O'lru(I,ed ~)y o'i!be:l~ e'recrtl,'OI'I:UCpay:lne:tlil: :!1,y1Stel'bl~,;, e:'£a:l:bl]lUe'j We1;:MO:ljey and, Li1:teI:'ii:Y FO:I: :R~erve-III;\I:1:udh :Im,), a'UUow users to :I:'egh~rter iWith :[,"~e :~r.I:["O:t'matuO:r.I'j, :SLis,pucihijJ~, oot:u'lo!My go unnotieed, O:I~are Ioeated :un a COU:ljltl~y rtiI'IaJi:j;g, not :ffj~,uendJy [0 US :na 'II;' e:IIIf"o:I~l'bletlJi:~l'u:UU operate as : OOI'bl p,iltl:Ue:!1'Ii;' ith OOtlil:1'.il'Uuzed, :rganu zaItUo:t1.c:a:l:ta1iUe o:f :Utl8Jturuli'U:t1g o lj;rogt'.ill~, to ensure co:mpUuatl.oo 'll;'i~'I. the Bank Sec:recy Aut (BSA.}...


(UllFO'lJO'l Asa decer.lJi:1'.il'U:ir:red.d:~lt;3'U oLi:l:'.l:'er.lCY~yilrtel'bl'j, :BUrtoou:n ll~kl"i,::Ii, oontt,a'Uuzed. er.lli'ul), ~oand

:uljcapahUe aiT OOr.t(lfllcJi::Uljg due .il:u'Uugellce (e.g ..j, :reglu'Uato:ey gill:irle'UU:r.I~}.j mO:I:l:llO:lir.lg and. reportmg :!lijJ~)~CihUil, OCl'~~U~)''j.t'til:r.I:r.I:Ur.lgn ar.lltu-:I'nlOr.le,)' :Uaur.I.de.d:r.lg c O:I~~Uuar.l.oo l)rogr.am;. or aooep.tur.lg and a p:I:'OOe~:UIj;g :Uega'Urequests :Uu:ke:gilJ~~Ij;ilS,;,


([J) ]!!:.i~m.ililis. flrurolJymi1.y i!I~lil,ds, 0JIi ~h12actions 0:[ ~h8 lU~r. Wllhi:~ :iO'Jb1@ M1N:i ariiichs.lh.flw lr:i1U.i!l12d1 :B.i1co.i1IIfIS, '\uJ11H1mflhl@ I!Ug:~iI] O1Jl~y. ~II ~ru ·'AIIlwmJi. ]H:'~co.i1II~If!'ilge 0JIi lb.i~M.ilili.mi!l: I!I~~ 1001.]5/i, flrurolJymi~,y flS. a fiJ:fI'IlUK:of ~ru O1Jne~y. I~ All ]!!:.i~o.ilili !HlIi1.SiI.mjOJLS. lPll'b:I.is.m;!!1OlliI.iM fIl1.tIl,[n1!Jjj'iMo'!, flro ]~oco] (np") ol!ll~ o fI1@ li~1 ~ ~ru lPll'b:Uc :B,i1co.i11I HlJI:i.iIctiOJL:i.. ,nr a user d~ 1i1.Oi, flR!i.Thyrn.iZ@lIhis.Olf Mif ,[1:0 flllIl!I'I8:i.s., fllili ,ili11;!m5!t:1!I1 slii1,y alJIi .i1!l8.TI.lify~h12 ~ p .imLiv.il!l:Ufll 's phys,iClll l~rtiOlli. I a I... I\lU~.ioJLa]]y • .illli ~1U]y liliIJ J r~reih.8J5. M :llromlih8 UlfhiwKi~,y Col~ge Dublin, I1cilfll1.tlll!l\J!ml1iJI:iIIHI~0!l1 '~ru ,i~li11.lilR1it:i of fllimJlJyrni~,y ~ 1U.:iUt,g :B,i1oo.inr ~ O!!i.ll.i!I:Ucllil!l.,g iw ~ arul1ys.is. 0:[ 'IID,~ 116~,~ 0:[ JPU c :B ,~c bli eim .iIIlI'r'OJilblati :ilUclIJ a;. 111 0JI1, anssc ~j 0JIi ro 000' Ill:" fllIllIl user ~.i11I:[So 0:[ JPU ,i: -,]lt1i 1fijIt; Ike ys.. bl 'I'1h.8 roS!2fl1i"Clte1f5. :iIU~:i'I, dlhBl.:lflw ellll'[wc81ll81l1. i@J:ociGS. O'I ~r OJ!1ilIil'ru,iZ0!lISBT"!I.i:GS.(:ilUclIJ a;. 8\d-!urit,!,J-ti.r.i' OJ roli!:i.ihlf5.) 'I.'iAh.o ~ &:02:;5, ~oless JPU'b:I,i:.iIlll'Fo:rrnfl'lo~1ili balltk account .i1lll'['OJ"iRlfl'ljOJli sbhiJll\Pillli,!!; ( O'I fll!I\lI~S.) Cfllili OIro"I.1L@d, 0lG11i 1Ibl0Jl2 roru 'IJI!rn']i!l1illl\J;11i , ifiers ~o:Bi~ooilili '11.'flIIGisflMI ~Hlru&:iiiOJli IIhtirlOJ',~s..I~

.. .. .. .. ..


([J) Crofl'l", fIl1J!IllU~ fI mw ]~j~ooilili &!I1!I'rG:is.:for @t'Ciru.iIi1OO'Jbl.i1!l.,g JI1'fIYlfmli1t. ([J) ]i!:01Jl", all :B.it:o.ilili ~rnf[jc ~fu"01J;gJli fI1II ~yilbl.il".8J. ([J) Co:rnlbim ~h8 1bslr:i1i102 oM Ri~ooilili ai!ll!l'1e~s. .i1i1'W!1MW fll!I\!I'I8:.;.s.~ mm MW [!'fIYlfmIi11£. of fI ([J) U ~ s ~ciru.imI!lIIlblOJL8Y ]suM\J;1Ii1lt,g SBTV.i02. ([J) U ~ a ~hiicl~fIl1I,y @ Wfll~~, SBTV.ic@~o C~:~i!lfI~ ai!ll!l'1e~:3.. Som@ dhirl!l~lii1,y SBTV.i~ of[iJ:i ~ru0[!'1i0Jli o[ Clf@flrtillli,!!; @Ws]h~, ~hsI,ru]01N:i.IU~1I"S.~o~lio!llfl'l", S1Ii IIblfIliliy lbi~Ol1\illlif:JI!Il!I'Iess. fIll.i!I :i'I(!(i"@ fIMIl @fIs,ily SIT.8:iii rihe.ir lbi~M.ili1S.fii'o:rn fI1IIy 1!I\w.im . ([J) ,~lll!lhill,id:Ufl:1s.t:IlIli Crot:I~'" :B.i~m.ilili cl.ents ~oS!2f1Jbl]G:iS,ly,ili11:li'@fIS!2 c SrurolJyilbl.~,y (:ilUdh es sllow,il!l.,g user ~o ~ 'Whidl1l Ri~0ilili &!I1!I'r~s.!e IIblm [!'fIylfmli11s. flfo:rn), 1Ibl;~&:il!l.,g @;!'[i,i8J:for 1iGli-fi!J:CihThi:ruly st:J1f1f1j 1U:;gfS. ,i~, ~o srumymil".@ Iihe.iij' :BHCl1i.ilili~ii"i:I~IIiOJl:i..

i;i;',Urtill :I:biedill:l'nl eonfidenee rtiI~atj,:Utl,rtibe :neat' term, cylbe:r cr,u:mutla:~, 'I!;':u'UU treat Btlooun as, another l);aY.lmer.llt option ::Ii'UO:r.I~ude :1'nlo:I~e rteoo:uticm;a:Uand. e:mabUu:s'l'Ie(l. ~UI.'iilua:U curreneles sueh as W e'b:MlO:r:leY'i' i;i;'~'ti.dh ~he:,)' ~'1a,ve :Ultt'Uereason to a1);a:ndon;, 1"1I:1:u~, a~e.g:!l:l:bier:llt :j;g,

(U'lIFO''UO'l 'FlJ~e :FBI assesses



(U) :e;:ioc:o:ililiai!ll!l~:>. &I@ ~.i!I~iID!I~:e:j]ii10!Il by :ri.02i!1jCllj~ ..eem as. g€lM 1fflI)2!!11 a i!I'€[i llIii~~ nenrs ruI~, .:: :rb1J?UjllJll OJIfIl by o G:is. .. ~


"or. [""latilili£

~D,. OJ'

ooilili£ [rutI!I~,

based on :[Uiil0truat:tiO:tl8,:un the bitooun e.x,d.l:u:mge rate :un 2011 and :~:umured.re:tj;j)f~'Utlg ind:tcat:utlg ~~;. ...~';I ~~~ .. 'It.-. 'I'it II.. . it . !LJ.ltoonrl~,are ~~~. !~ntlg aorep:iZu.~, paY.l:nenl[ . ~~ :gome o),!lJ'I;:;rc.r,nmu:t1al>:'l,., ~I eJ{c~j;arlge rate ror ~,; !Dly , :~.llll'l.e !ultoonrl~, :grt:lh~:Uirze.g,t and :Bireoun ~Olne,g, :I]lOI.'e 1/I;.':0CI.e:~)' aeeepted b)' ""en~j.o:r.!i and :m~dltge'U~e:r.!l rtlI'I.e : on Intemet, c}\he:l~ c.1~,~:mut1;a:~, :UljC:I:'eaS;Utl,~:>" bitcoUtl8 rto 1:r1l:r~har.e iU~~'~ goods and. 8e:I~'!ri:ce::g nd :I:nay use a to :fund. :~:m~ga'~ '!rltUe.g,., aot~

(UHFOUO) A8 o:ff Ooto:be:r 2Dll;, a, cyhe:r cr.u:murla:~ se'U~:urlga, ZellS botnet ']'rojian OO:V:U800,
rtlI:l;ilrt j.e Otl:~y occep.ted pay:rne:tlli:8 ~:r.OU~:l. Bitooin, Ll1le:t'Ii:}, :Re8e:r.Ve:;,or WehMotley,;, ~ :acOOrd:Ui:lg Ito a, OO:~:IlaMr.i,u.'UveOOll1'Ce w,~rtlI'l. good :acce:SR; l/I;.'~j,OOO :unifo:r.l'bUt:to:n ~1:a8, ot been n
~ ,,~..;! 2(J


(U) ,A.coord:ur:tg Ito open OOIU1'Ce :repo:l:'ii::ur:tg:ag,o:ff June 2Dll,,;, an orl:Uurle :lml:'ketl~llace C.ili:U~d. S:U'Uk oad 1/1;.'.. 8,8e'mtlg iU~g;,"~ d:l!ug8, and, Otl:~)' aorep.ted p·a),:r:netlJi:rt!I'j;roiiJ~j, :B:UIbooUtL, i~:Uk R S :Road, a:U1.'o ed ]);a:m::i:e,g Ito oommiiJ:rI:i:caJte arl.o:nymoiiJ:~~'~)' for rtJIjepurehase :and, :g;,"~eo:ff :~'~:~:~ iN goods, Ii:O inelude the purehase o:hU~e.g;a'~ :tlarootuCli" :un adliitUon Ii:O iiJ:g;Utlg:Bit ooun,;, OLiMOI:ne:I~, cO'Ill\rl, a'~oo :~ea\!'e :r'eed.ooek ;aOOLiit rtlI'leuj~purehase experlence :un a :g~Ite:I:n :ltiil:n:~'Ila:I~ Ii:O ot her Otl:Uu 8e'U~ rs .,;tI, ne e


(UNFOUO) As o:f JI\J:rle 2D 1.1.,;. a memlbe:r. o:i rtlI'Ieonline h'(I,:kiJ.'w~igroup :Lu:ItzSec 'll;'as, iiJ:g;ung Bitooiin Ito purchase ;a bernet, :ocoo:oo:Utlg ItO an :FEa source, 801:ttte o:f w'hooe :repo:r.t~:tlg had been 00I.'.1:'01:I0:r.::.too, It~lat ~l;a;d,reported :fo:r :~~:g than one :year."" ~iiJit

donations 'II;',U rtlIl,OUitre '!!ea'~:urlg rtlI'Ie :OCI.e:tlli.itre&, rt!Ije owners or. the o:f rec :~j:i'e s, :Lu 'ItzSe e 1)1:'0 m \ride d. iiJ,p.d;ate8, a1:tO'"uitrtlIle donations rtlIley reeei ved ~)y rtlIla:l:lkutlg donors :P:lllb:UocJ,)'!rUa,:M 8, ' a1lu 11.11X1at on rtlI'les oou a'~:rleIi:'II;'or:k::Url;g8U es te ']' 'Ii;' itter,


(U) No &1il"ti-'JblOJl"",y ]ffiJJl!!l\J!1i'i1iliJl: ;i(!i1ii,'I.\!fI1ro: or IIblo:ru~(!IJ',ing ea pt&.i lhi €;:i ~o .i;!itm.tify ;;rusp.~.ieus



(U) No .idtintificatmm ~h8.ir ~ltiJfI] ]~tmm.





(U',nl:ll'"1l;I' [n,,,. ·~~,I:·~~,~

"ljI1~"" ,I,:~, ,~~=I~ ,~.~~~~,

'1:'110'1' ,'...,,""""""""

"'~,~I~=L ,~~ ... i,,,!I, 'll~iJi,'


([J) Noll1iiiiMM.iCfj] roOl1JJlll:"of iIl'M:itt:IliOJL:i ~,tM0!l1 w.illhi Iro:fI] 'IlOW]dI,i;!itintity. J!I.if:Eic:uM~o .idt:Iil"ti:Fy ~he origililfLi 0:r::nUM5 00.11"0111 ~o0100 enline C1Jl~:C.i",,",.
MOO'€; €;Iilifmcr;11m

OOI:l:["ud.e:I:l,ootlIlat :l:na'U:Udou:g, eters 'II;':~'U~ r a ex,p:~~[ IHtoo~n to :Ilau:rtder :mo:t1e),; ']'~'1e oot1:["ude:t1,oo :~ '!fe'~:~8based on 011OO:rved Cr,Urblntl;a:~ oot:uY.U 8., tie :nn'!fe:M:Ug;ilt:to:rI , and P1.'O;g MUJt ions o:f :~rI£I:u s ~~d.1j];a'~ :llaiiJ:tl..rl.e:r,ntlgI:notle}, Iiib:roLi;gft'l,ot her v:~t'Ii: : lJ.ia'~ currencies, 8iiJd.h as e-Gold and Weh~Ijey,;, A :Ilack o:r :~'iii'\'t'Ii::Ut1:Cl: ~j;~~["uc Ito :Bu!i:OOU:t1. restriees .,...,,~ 0.""',1,
(U) :~1ilI2®11me "':»::~ $.5Jihi~~o:iJlJ Oc~IL :ilill





{to Law

nt cannot



mlil1rn] :kx:a1 iOJlior c~li1iy:f03'



~o shut o!I~

~)w :i~£;1Ibl.



Im Ib:i~m'iru :j]l\I.o1!ufI~!!I1[1001, &00"u.1: :$llib'i~o:ili1i:ilili F~!tIfizy : ('I,VI,Ij{I,Ij,',.II1i~!::O:iJJ.dlwils..O!m1)

~D :tJil)iIib'i~mili1i 0JIi

:g J!tIM ~o


""ii:;,..;!" , ',', -,II.-., - r '-, .'11.' ed: ---'11"" "..,-, -, -, _'_' IW'l.econnoenee 'II - r 'II ,:;:;,U.t1,Ce - '-'", U~, ,~e\e~" 1:0':, - '0:, .U!,~rroo:~,n~I', not ~J;;he ',' a,oot1[,r,;:h,i1"re ,a1J!w'Ior,u'L)' ( see re..l[ ~_ " -. ,', ' page 11}6..l, on s:n~.);, :~ 'Ii;J enforeement :r~e.g, d:uffioult:i:e,R :un d,eteot:urlg :!iiin~pucio1J:!i, acrtu \pit)'.;, :uderl!tu:rY,U:t1g users, and. "~_,-,,,' ,," -,,''', "'" _,-,,~~'II _ ,',--', ol:t.1a.unut1;g,-,,-', [,l..ilt1S00UOn -,',1~OhJ:g,.._p:ro:u.~e:I]\!l, '11.',,-,_ .I'blu&'1[ :3I1rrr.ilC1[-,,_-'11" lw'la[ ',~II_--',-,-" ,lm.~I.'C,to:uS, ,-,', oomrs, 1[0 '0,'-' ,'- ',I',.u '0,'-' ," u.l1COUn" ii" ,u;.l1COun ibecOI'ble&, :1'blO1:'e'I!;',ud,e'~yaccepted amol:l;g '!fend.o:I.'oS, tld users, rtib.e :FBI atll1::i:cul:tate.s, see:ntlg :nnc:l:'eaSoo, a Bitoo~n mot1.ey :~iiJ:t1.d.e:r,ut1gaot~ ~iHe.'!"L


ct:',umun a'~groulJG were iIl:su:rlg an Orl:Uu:rI.erolep:~yUt1;g game to :r~:u'Uurtate :1'bl0t1.ey :nau:t1de:r.,ut1g ~y purehasmg ~iitlilua:~ game .oli:r:re:t1~y i/i;':i.ii1:1 rifI'I.e proceeds of c:r.,Umu:rla'~aoi'U \fit),,;, acoooo:ung Ito an FBI sub-source oJ unknown :re:UnaJb:u'Uul)' 'Ii;J~.o:se reporrtu:tlg ~as,not been e or.robor.at ed 'F1b.e v:h'ij)jJa'~ game 01J:r.t:'etlc}, was, used Ito _ purchase :u:t1,~p'me \rUl:'ii:rLia'~ :urtems Ithilt 'II;Ie:I:'ethen soM Ito other li~aye:I.'oS, :fm "dean :mot1.ey",·,24

(UHFOUO) As off ]'iIl:rI.e 2iH 1;,org;;,mired.


(UHFOUO} In AugtiM 2D 1,0an :FBI source i;i;.',~rifll (I:~:r.eot ;ac_ce8:lj, biJli: of ii.l:nd.ete:rmUtl.ed.
re'~:ililb:U:Ult)' mated rtibat he illSed :r-a:k.e:rla:lne:g to regi1srter. :fo:r. We'bMorl.ey,;, a, dl:'ij)iJa'~ o1J:r.rericy eleetronie payl'blet11i: :g,y,grem" aeeounrs i/i;'~'1:Uc~'l. used, as, 1~1'ii: of a, :1'blOt1.ey:~"--Il:t1.d.e:I:,U:t1;g he service, '],[l'i.e OOIl:I.'Ce estered Ito cy~:t.eJ: c:I:,umu:t1;illlg 'I!;'~'i.o earned :1'blO1:i.ey:[I.'01'bl iiariJi-ng actU\rUl'~e.g, ~iJlt IIMIm were not ah:1:e to tr...1~:r-e:r :1'blOt1.e},oult of the United rtat es ~y It~j.emse'~ ves ,,15 t

(UNFO''lKIIo) 'F1l'i.e :FBI :r1ll:I:'ii:~.e:r ssesses wit~'i, :r:nIelI:Uii.l:moor:i:f"ud.e:t:1re;, ~:t-ased 0t:1.111:'e'r!:i6lJ.dy 'll;'it:t:1.e..i"ised a :mU:!rLi:!l off ot her 'r!:ul:'ii: .011 rrenci es ,;,rtibat mam:c_~ou s a ctors could :~ crease rifI'I.e~ at1ony:l'bl~ It}' ~y e liJa'~ n r :na:U:rI.d.e:r.,urlg [~'1.e:Ur. b:Urtoo~:rlS [~'1.1:'Ou~'I.rtih~rn,-pa1'ii:y Bitooun services regume:r.ed, outstde rifI'I.e UEL. Some off rifI'I.ese serviees aet as e.x~'I;ilt1ge:rg or rt:1:at1:!lmitrte:rg (see rte,:d ~}6..l, on pa~ e~'1Jt) rifI'Iat oonve:I.'ii: v-:ul:'ii:ii.la:~ currencies Ito fililt cunencies (01: 01ib.e:I: 'r!:u:l.'iiJiJa'~ .o1J;1~1:'e:tlcie:!l) 1: rtl:a-tlS:fe:l: bitooutl:!l bet 'Wee:t1.:1'blemibel.'oS", 0 Orlf'8'l'Iore services may provide oo.dit:Uo:t1a'~ at1onymu[y ~y a'[bll;',u:t1g currency e..l:ch,mge or. :1'blOt1.ey -",,,_' ",' "11.' ,-' -, -~' ,,'-it- . _' l ,_"it" '-_-" _'- ,_ " -_'_"';',• II_-, _' '11'.,_ '-, II.'I,aJjg~e.l. I/I;',U'w'lbiJ[ \e.l..u~:>"mj;g llusei,:·';1 -_,-, ..ii:; • -':", _' 01, e.n~ol~mjg au)' .I'blOlj~Lal,j'.- exc~'1;:m;ge ,uU.I'blllS ,uu.e:ljn.~,~1.Uon '" ..
-'}.'lI:ll"'1l;UiO'} ~ .," '~r " -, , ~~I ' ,'II'", ,- - ,1U.t1"".t1,O IU!LiJ:O=;'H.n -J';ILJ!LI!IJ' ller~ 11.-.,' --. ~,I.~j; (UHI,' 'V , ". , . ,M.:!lo~ ~lu.t1.e "'}l1o I 0 ---, ,'I., ' , - -, ,- ~ ---~~", 1[8, cr.e.al, - aJ, ., lVV10 Ot1.uU,t1.e.I'blem 1, acOO1J:nrt:s iIlS:~i:ig 1,6.,{O) !b-.an:kaeeonnrs at a, US ~:li:mkurlg :u:I:lmit:uIt:Uo:rI,;, cOOOO:UrI;g [0. a S01J:I.'re a wiiil'l. dureot OCC~ and i/i;'~j,ooe :u:nfo:rmatuotl, has been oor.rooor.ated. 'U'.l1:Ut1.gbe Otl:~:Utl.e t OCOOil:t1Jtg,;,rifI'I.e perpetrators o~ta:uned :[mll.dju:~el:l11: funds :[I.'Om V:Uct:ul'bl8by :1:'eCe:UV:U:t1;g p-ay:I'blet1Ii:S :rm :t10t1.e.l:u.me:t11t iiJii1'uon nems; riflj.ere :r1iJ:t1.dii, a were rifI'I.en used Ito purchase 156M :[rom :g6~, ,it . ~I.-. " , 'II" , 'II" - -, ".-'" ,~arm ers, ']'11., SIU!I~:e "-'1<1, 1W;1.e n oo.~ .~k: go.~,,",01,, r"', - ~',i!IIl!Oit.e)i:-:--'LO 01-II.-. ,t1.6' ,uU·'1. ~';I to tue , ne - .. u. 1W;1.i>il, ,U &II ners , . ,t 'II:,n~.cu -', -,11.· , 'II' • ...;! ~~I' ~I .~I.-. '~~I • 26 :ma.uuc:uo:us act Ot:'&--iiJS:Urlg a, u=.J:~Jteu IW.i:UI.U-p-.ilt:'l[}' ervice. s
_;\I,. . ~...Ni .....

(U'NFO''U(!Io) A8 of Feb.:I~iJa:l)

au :Ud.e:I:lltUf"UOO, :irnd:u'r!:Udjila'~operated a We~ s~rte ofte:I~,Ulj;g :1'blOt1.e},:nali:nd.e:r.,ut1;gservices ~'I.ere cybe:r. cr.,umu:t1a'fuj could vie w the progress of rifI'I.eu:r. tl:a:t1QctuOt1s acool:(J:u:t1g to a, :1:'e:Uililb:I:e;, c6Unaool:aH ve source 'l!;'iiil'l. exre~:I:et11t access ..']'~:1.e :nt:1.duvOCljLia'~ llaunde red :1:'blOt:1.eyJjs:~:t:1gWe1iMot:1.ey. 2t I


OFF,OC;:,IlAL USE ffifL¥

(U) :BHmilill, :~lk€: mOS!!, V.ili1tlUtiI 01J.NGTI:C,iJ::i, IfJJ:qJWIi'GS. .iMjv.ii!l:Uils, ~(!l 1U;i;:a ~lIIlilffllJ-~.y ~1i'1I.icoJ:~(!l ~i&!I12 lb.i~mili1:i. fm fiet O1JHoJ:.TI;C BIIlIY.iIi1ig. :i!illi Illig. OJ ~fff!lj Illig ,iIill Ibi rr. oj Ii1:i---OJ C OJ1J!f81 Illig Ihl~c.!l!\in:;,.i1I1~ anmher C IIJ.M; IIlCY-rnJU:i'I, 00 i!I_ y. iii lU.s.iJlJg ~lhirdl-jpali1t,y Itru.s.i~s, 0'iJ1sid12 ~ntoJ: ,~c.!l!\iJIJ:FiLl:>s,ys:I~m The II1lJ~1i' B aMI dLiwfi.ity 0:[ ~ru:i!J; ~lhirdJ11'fll'~,y Itru£i m~ ~ ov,id12 ~11'5. w.irih ~tions. fro mov,iItg aMll rM81Lti ally ]fI1JM12r:i1llig ~ntoJ:ili' m~. ~.x~il ([,I) Vali'ioo:i. ~lIIlili'l!l!-f'fllli1.yIb.i~m.ilili ~.iCoJ::i CfI1h, OJ aro 1U:i!Mli~ f'f£.,il.i~ai~ ~ii'&!I12 1he~,~1ili .iMjv.id:ums. amlltru£i~ ItruIY alilidl:i!J;U lb.~co.i1Ls...OJ' c~li1i, lb.iico.i1ts. ime ~Ii' omJlli'GTI:C,iJ:5..::a US!J!1i':iv;,M o!I~ Mil, wsm 1ii!!1U~ i:I1Ii ,m1~mll'[Lii:ll'y ~lhtri!l~~.y am 8]~ ~,"lI:ruy~ arurli ·~W ormI121i':i ~b.i~o.ili'1!-01e. a :B.irt:o.ilili mruik81Q1iIOO2 ]oei:l10'!110Iili ~ntoJ:Jjf.ii'.itt1o!l.f.i 0J1i . m'~t~1 ("'I:i;i") '''''':'II!Ii~lIL ~ :!i::I ~~,. o!.·HHI .... ~...... ....JI. J'. ~tlof.'j'~i'oi.'l

(U) ,~1ilI ~1U]y 2.iliiJ J FineEN' li'ev,i~1 dru i!lt:fililiirtiOJli of "\rnoOOlGY ~UI1lS!Ibl.i:iS,Kro1J :iQ'\l'ic~~ ~,OmoJ:i:llili"~ntoJ:tt:CBJ1'iillilm of O1Jlli'GTI:Cy.JIIIM':i, er 01h8J vrulU!J::~Ihru, i'U'b:iti~III~s.:m.r CIU~1lLq fli'lfml OM ~ c i:IMIllihoJ: ~mli1:i.lR1.i:i.s.iOJli C1U1Ii'e1i1q. of flUM;;, 0If o1w 1Ii:dlli ~,Oi:IllA1i1h8J]ora~jOJ1i0If 1P2J~ ~ 81ilJYmeans," It ,is. likely ~Ihru,11M; ltru.s.ilil!2:iS.1Ib1OI!I12]s, mi:lJlJY of ~lhtrd~~,y Ib.i~ooilili :i!J;1i'1I.ims,qualify ~rum as, mormozy ~~j~~1i':i, ami ~h8JoJ:r'OJ'~lIbWrol.(;yS!J!1i'1I.iQJ;5.Ilru£i~ (M8B). IUM!2J 31 CR: ]hu~, 1ilii1ilii.1iliilii(:I'f:)(:S). Thiri!ll-[!o8li1t,y Ibi~milili ~1i'1I.i02:>' ~H1m, qwlify as, mormozy ~ii:I1Ii~j~!t;1i':i aIilidl v;,M w,~ ~o ~1i'i:I1~ ]oJ:g:itirna~]y millS!!, li'''',gisl!J::1i' w.irih FinCEN • .imW'-t:m8.TI.1. li1ti·mormozy laIUM!2J,iItg ~gtfa:m:i, 8 lffi'IiI,iJIJ02li1iailili mOlMl!lIs., 8MI file :iIU;;p.jc.iO'iJ:i.i:IC~j\l'i~.y 1i'8J1"l1'l'iis. aIilidl O1J.NGTI:CYHlIi1S8(fLiOli1:i.Ii'8J1IIMli:i. li'8qujroi!l. Ai!I\!IjrtiOlilJflUy. s,illLm 81ilJy ~ a;, ~lhtrdl-Q1'ID~.y:Ri1co.ilili sgj'V,jcoJ: ~~~, :falls. IUM!2J ~ntoJ: MBB ru]~ 'l,\!(!i'jJJi!l1 ~ 8:i a iMl1Imy ~HlIi1:i.IR1.ii!l~. lihc!m is li10t 8 d~ ~~(!ti~ ~~~~I (:ilUclhi as, J~iliIlifII~r dliy) IrttM millS!!, 00 ~81,:f0lf ~ 1i'~1Ji!i:I1jO'1L:i~o 81f!':P.'_Y. IUThWk"" ~]815. ,ilill d :r'OJ'oJ:J~ 8};c~ m Js.s!IJ~ m ~1I81:i of cllt8elks. m moll18i1l1Y msnumems, . (No1~~ mli1irulilJ ~~:i, ,~1ilI ~lIIlil'i!I~~.y Ibi Ii<: o.i Iill :iQ' v,je es 'IJo!01Jil Y Iho2 m q,1l.ir0!l11k!!ob'Iai IIli 8 ~m~ H~ i!l1a ensa), (UII.FOUO) Law oJ:rrum.rcG1bl8.TI.t rnigJtt IIttiw ~lIIl1lirtioJ:s,~,O i!lj:iC~r real IU~II' .io!l~lI11ifyirn,g .irruFo:mli:l1jOJlifMo'.lbl :iO'JlloJ: ~lhird~~.y :Ri1co.ilili :iQ'V,jcGS. beesuse IU~ mlU:ii, ~.i(j12 ~h7: ~1i'1I,ims, w.i~!hJreal f3Yrn8.TI.t OCOO'UJli. ,irrurwrna tKro1J ~o ItruIY. ~1I. Ill' tt!l12. i:IlllIl OlrolJ!l8I~,~h8.ir Ib.irt: ei ns, F OJ 0:iI rmp:1 IihoJ: T 81 iIbli 0:[ S 81V k: oJ: I'm' ~m 1fflI111'fIiIlt,ybi~ooi IilI ~iI'tt!lj rn,g oJ:. lihi I tpla1Jmm Mil. Gol!I.X,i!la1~ "'rnG1bl~1i':i a~oJ: Iii!! ~.ii!l12 : ML (1o:x, w.i~!JJaC;:1IJ1i:I1!J;. CU.N8.TI.i. alilidl cO'JbW':t;~!J;,irufOli'lR1i:11 iOlili aWi. ~1Ib1i!J;]1IG:i. as, ~o:m!!iI0lI1 ~ ~ntoJ: r"',gi:i!ll'i:I1 iOlili ~~ aMIlk€:ep su:1hi .irrufomli:l1 iOlili IIJp!lflrt;d."'~~

in,\ "IjI1 ' ".. '11.' 1k.."~II·'oo:n~,uu.er.lce; !~CU, ~';I on " ,re~,il:,h).~e,UnuJU8ILt:',)'a.r.lu 'FD'I',"r.epol:'iJ:ung, " ..;;;,';1, ; " '11.',,1 'II ,"','" nr ...... me '!:'D'I' '.', r,ll;,, assesses 'Ii;',U'wln~l ,' (U'~'lI:\f'!I;I' ~J liiI'IaJ1: CJ:,u:m~i'l;ild~:~t1i1:e:tldutlg to 8rtea'U b:uli.\OOu:tlilj can m:r:get a:nd, e:tp]:o:u~ Itlbiril,-:Ililr.'il:}, :B:~li.\OOu:nervices and. an s :ur.llI:u ~OCIjjJ;,'-U'8 :~Ii.\OO~:n'IIo'a:urert;, n pr,ur.ldp;''-UU}, because liiI:ter.e :il!;, no oter.llt:ra'U:mli.\OO~:nserver ro co.r~j1'fimu:!ie,., Ma'U~eto:uilj, ~Ii:o:r.'tl, can oo:lnllr:amure :poer1=lOij;3j'U OOmlfllil:e:r\l1, and. aeconnts lUilj:urjg :ma'~war.'e and hac:k:uljg te dJ'tr:d'que:!'i Ii: 0 :M e.:.-UIli re:lIi.' ~iU li.\OOu:1:1A odllit:i6:I:1;3j'U ih:1:1:iq,Ilie,g, K tee :unV'6Uve liiI'Ie erea l'i6:n af botnets to oo:r]lproml;se \l:~ot~m computers and servers :ur.l8itl!ucrtir.lg them to mU:r.le bitOO:Ur.l8.



, .. ,.;!



(U) In :mi:d.-JiiJ:tle 21)11 rereard.bern, :[ror]l a :rujor oo:mp:uJter 8oou'd~}' :fhtm.;, '\MI~,ot.e :r.epo:t:'ii.'ung has, been :r:e'Uuah:rein liiI'Ie l~li:j, dis 00 ve1:OO, IiiIje m;j]j"Uwa:r:-e '~[nf'OOrte;j]j"re:r:.Cour.ln:r.if·--liiI:1e fllrS[ :rm:U'Ii;'at'e (I.e8~gr.I,ed to 8rtea'U 1b:~!tOO:~:r.l8 :lfrom oorm:l~rorm:ilieil, users' :mli:oo:~:n iji;',;turet, l'~'le :rm:UI/i;'a:J.'e :I;s, e.iliJlilIb:re 6:f:u:nf'OOt:~t'ig users' eoraputers and tra:t'i~:fe,l:'r,~t'ig [~eut:' d~glt:'-U nitoo~n I/i;';ilmet to a, "." ,36 " server rn ,Fb:Uarld .: (U) In June 21)11, a, Bitoonn user posted a :r~8;j]j'ge Oil a, nireoun :f'6:r~Il:l]l 81i:::lJtungIi:~at 25,;,(0) liiI'le:ht bitooins had been Mo:re:n :lfrom an unencrypted :B.Uli.\OOu:n 'li;'a:uret on rtlbe:ht OOr]llYIlJter:,.,:J,.·:J,&,:W AJt [~'1e June exd'lar.l;g,e rate 6:U aJboult $21) per: !b:u!tOO:u:rl;, e:M:urmJted value liiI'Ie 6:U liiI'Ie less """ag, $.5lXl;,C:XXt



(UHFOUO} Ac:oo:rtH:tlg to ..,cOlnplla:unli: reeei veil, !by luhe :fB1'81tlite:met Cr.,nl]le Conllllla~:tlJi: Center :un A,p:r,u'~ 2DIl;. an indi \pOCIjjJ;il'~ 6'80 IbitOOUrl8, stolen :[rom ~'1:i>!i ~'1;OO, orl:U~:ne game site. At
lub.e l'urne o:f rtihU8:u:tlc,OCI.e:tlli: :Imrk.et lub.e price " w~, $'8. lier bitooutlo;, creatu:t1:I): a, loss o:f $j,;.440".:i.3 " 0.

,-' ',,-' ,"_·~I,'· ,c+ ... 1 -,IL'", .,]1·. ',-." , ,';II~," 1I.£" 'V ~, ,, arlllJ, O]ien ,I:' ep.o:l:'iI:u,rlg,UrllIJ.i:C"1!i:;8[~'1m.I'bl:::hUCJ:tQ:u8 ',,-' carl. ex,11LUll "i!_' "',' ::lCml:',g, IW'I.eiJi;'aj! (U'}.'lI:ll'"1l;I'in.} . 'FD'I' ", ....." ,'.' " 80u:I:'OO ,,'. bitooUtl8 are generated by COlnproI'blU8~:tlg \puotum oo:I:bl])Uite:I:'S .. nd :Utl'.!litl:'tuctu:tlgrtib.el'bl to mutl.e b:uli:oou:tls., Cr,nl'bl:Url;il'~S:WurM:nnsrt:an :1m:~I/I;';ilre on a, ~uct:um's, computer, then !U8e rtib.ese cornp:rorn:i18ei1, eompurers to getl.e rate Ib:i.tcOUtl8 .
,Ui, , !I;

(UNFOUO} An :OCI.etlli::ulfred, lnrernet security researcher who.

~:1;as, eponed reUuah~y :un Itlb.e r l~rt :Ud.eijitU:Wred, ZeuS :1:ni:;"~W.ilI.'e iI!1'1;atUlj8rtamed. 8o:iw;ill.'e iI!1'1;illmUlj.ed lb:i.tcOUlj8", 'FlJ'l:u:g : Zeus so:fri:w:are 'liP'as spresd ~)y :~:urlkij 11llaced. 01:1. an :i:d.e:nll'ufiied 8OCu..:~net il!;'Qr:~d:ng 8Uil:e,,44


(U) ,A.cOOOO:Uijg 11:0. iiJ:rloonWur.l'bleil, open source :I.'epurtung :[rorn a :Imj:o:r pel.',uoo:i:c.il:~ 'W~'I£k~ :repo:l:'rt:Utl;g ~'l;as proven :re~:u..b;~ itl, iI!1:1.e p.il:st;.a oottl.et made up o:f 1,{)O;lKIO :Utl:r-ecrted COI'bl]:rllJtefS, muM ~ used to generme $7,;500 lNiO:l[~'t o:f bil00uns per day;, ali: :Uali:e ]IU:I:I.e 20 1,.1. exdl'l;ilJ:lge rat es, ~jy 1iJ:!;U:rI;g iI!1'1.e OI'bl]JUli.'U resources o:f v:i:c'urn :1'bl:OO.hU .4-:S C :rI;g l nes

(U) 3~:rlre :~argcMjca:~ Ib:urtoo~:nmUrl:u:rlg requires a, l\arge amOiJ:rlli: o:f cooU}' processing power ..nd e'~ectr,nca:~ etl.erg}',; some :mu:tl.el:'.!lha,v"e resorted to "oorto'W:ung" ll~8:Utl;g power. from :llal:'ge OOI'blPilli.'Utl;g clusters rtlI:1:1:OLi~'i. computer :~:tlJtI~Li:g:to:n." a dll:i.tuo:n to lu:tlaLiJi:~'16:I:,iaed~e.g:g, 1[0. :l:i.etWO:I::k::g Itl. Itib.e:1:'te ~'i;il,Ve been :unci:d.e:tlJi1:li;,';lb.ere unauthoneed use o:r a, net 'N6:rk hOC!. been :~:utl:k.ed,to. mrtoo~n :mu:nUi:ig.,


(UHFOUO} :FBI re:I)iQ:I:'it~:tlg from a, :re~:iJa11~e 011:rce :un(l:Uc.aJtedrt~j;ilt :u:nlate M...-y 20 I,I, an 8 unknown actor used se vet:'.a'~:~:u:~.es on a OOI'blPUitu:rI;_gcluster at an :~d.erJli.'~:lfl:ed. M~di/liJe.!lrter.n !U:n~ve:l:'g~l)' to matllLi:r~!U:re ~~Ii:OOU:t1.:!.t,46 o:r 2,6 May 2D.l.I",. It 'Ii;'O IF adil:1:'e.!l 8es 'Nere used ID A:g OOI'bllll:'Omi:se 22 :1'blOO.hU:I'I.es, :g;U:1:, and computer clusters, On 29 :~y 201.1..;. t'iW{) (i:uffeJ.'eI'lJi: lr ,~.""""" . " . ,'- .' ". ~~I, ..,· ,".~I "," - ,"". " ..'11 ,it., F ".'. 'I. "'. -',"". . ,." '" ,'11-" ''''' "ljI1' ... aresses oomllrol'bl~aJ, a n ... .u.lHOtl;il~ ,~,u\e ili;'Or,~2[;ilHOtlS, anu~I two eompurer C,lu81~1:'.!l",me
a. . , . , . _ -'..

unknown actOI: iI!1'1.en used the OOmlll:fimliged COI'blffLiJter& 11:0. ~e:gs n.et'N6:e:k:1i alt iI!1tl.'ee o.iI!1'i.eI~ ;,~I . it. ~~I . .. ~I· d.to gam ~e.gs, 1[0. two gover,nrnerlli: :~'OOU,~ltLe.S"4-1 . " . 'It· • :iJu.e:r1Ii.'M't'U. !U:n~ver!i~tI:e8, anu, tt,te

'}.'ll:ll"'1l;I' in,\ I<; :" ,.,',I."UI>!i _~.I"" '1""''''''''1<;'' "'..... (U,II.£" .............. .f '~"I' .,......,.,' ;11.1,;,11'11'11,,'1• ..,,'11· .,-..""'I<;j["1<;-'".." "''"'' ,,,[";'I:''''i''i' .,-..' ~, ~r "-"'1",U1""",·1<;,,.'11,, ;,;.III~A .\.,,;""';1;.1 "I" ,u;I ,-"-,,U,.,. _ ,'~,~ ,~,.~~~j'..,..... UI.lIU,.. lLU "" ,., ,",Y!IJ'C , .., ,=_ 1 ."~J.I",,' transfer, :U:aund.el:.j,or :!rtea'U :ffiund8, :a~, 'lWe'UU :a :1'bleatl8, o:f :I'blakutlg donations as, to groups l:1i1lI.'itUC~liilt:ungin :~me$.il:U;ocrtu~ul're~j, 8iiJdi, as ibaot~ ~~ri1=L ,M :Uo:r.lgas there :u~,a :I'blear.l~,o:f oon\'e:l:'tu:ng h:Urtoo:U:r.J8 :u:mto real :1'blo:neY'j' cJ:,illnulja'U ooto:l'\R 1/,i;I:~'U:U an :unoo:ljll'Ulre rto ~rtea:U~'I.e:I'bl. S:illjite :lmu:ijJi.':au:nillj;_& ~'i;a,ve aijon),.I'blit)' 'wM'Ue iiJ~;urlg Bitooun requires ~'1aJt iiJ:!1eI.'8, eJl:ch.mge 0:1:'tran:!lter ~'1.eur b:itco:url:!1. iiJ8~:r1;g~tul:'(l,-p;art)' bitoo~tlij not services rtibat require re a U iI!;'iO:r:Ud ;OCOOll:r.lJi: :ilr.l:ro:t'.I'blal'Uo:n.;, U8e o:f hiltooUr.l8 to make donations ~j,e to d:~;repuJi::ab:Ue g;OCftJ,pg, ('W~'1:i:ch carl. be done ;11"'U~'i:un B:itooun :P2:p 8~[e:1'bl) w:u'U:U [~'1e :Uu:k.e'U), :rel'blaun one o:f rube moor[ popular usesfor the \':~t:li:iiJa'U ILit'i:'er.lc},. C
,C, ...... '

''I."'' ,'" .ta=I """


(UNFOUO) H Bitoonn 8rta!b:u'Uuze&, and groW:!i :un 1101Yll'Ua:l:'ity,;,uli:i/!;':u'UU : beeonse an :~:r.lc'rea:!iu:r.I;gJ.)' iiJ8e:fiiJ'U tool :rO:I: 'rr,ilt,tiQ'U~, :uUega:U ;OCrtu\f:ul're~. e)'ond ~'ie c)ibee :1.'e,i.kUm. b FOI: :un~mljce;, dl'i:ulkL pOI:.imgl:.ap'J'i.)' and lnrter,r1ert gam~Uu:r1;g are :u:uUega'U 'rrit~~, a'Ureoo}' mkUrI;g llUaoo on ~'1e Internet 'II;'~t~, require S;UI'blPUe aotu p:il)':I'bler.lJi: li:r.ilr.l8:ifeI:'8. :mrtoouft mugU'iJi::Uog~ca'U:Uyatrtroot :I'blo:r.le}, :U:au:nd.ere:1:'8" jiiJ:I'bl n trn:fftc:k:er8j terrorists, ~ a and other c.1:',u:mujja:llg,WJ'IDavoOCl. rtl:ad:~rtuo:n:il'U i :Fu:tl;il'nc~:U 8),-menl;g, ~.)' iiJ:g;iltl;_gtiI'ie Inrerner [0 eonduet r g~b;a:U :I'blo:tleml:'), Ii::t'.iltlsfel:'.!l;, (UNFOUO') Altiho1J;gIb, B:~rtoou:n does not iba,ve a ce.r.I[:l:'a'U:irle.d.:illlil!1'lD:l:',urtY';1 FBI assesses il!;'ith rtiI'Ie :tbIe.d:tLi:I:n~o:nrOCl.er.lce ~'iaJi: :u... 'Ii;' enr'O:rcemenrt can diseover more :unifO:l:'maHon aOO'illtj and :un 80:1'ble ca t.e:!1,:u d.etlJtu:ry.;, :I'bl:illud OU 8 :il ctors, :uf Ii: he ;OC tors eon vert rtiI'ie.u !b:u r teoms :Utlli:Oa :ilii:at Currenc )'.;,']' hird1'[.'1";': ~",;,;..,......,.,' "..,...: 1';'.,-...,.., ,I<; require .,-..1·.,;· ,.-,,1,).' !Is., IL'-'I.J'.U ,1.1, ",,~I,'!.,I.'O..i'i:""'I.... '.. · .I,~. ,u."I.~..,U ..,'

eo ~ol'bl]lUere



........,,1:':' "' lLU ........

"I·~-'I,.,.' 1[' . r..'11",.;1 ,',';I""'I<;Jt'·ii:;'.,-..'1[,i''''''I<;"'"I:' ~~.H_I<;'I.;"I<;'it='I:'I... '... ·"''''''I<; , . [ ",U!LJ. ... U \",,~,I!U ,LU"',I.I u~,~ ,...... ..... !UItII.I.r.. ,',I.I.LU .. ,""" U..... ,." ...... ,." ,

tram~oot:i:otlK; :Fll:I.'ii:~'ie.I:',I'blo:re,;1 rtiI'i:~:OCI.-p~)' service ~'i;a[ q.ili;a'U:uFte8ag a, :I'blo:tle), au)' tta:tl:!1I'blitJte:l:"i'and. 1i:~'1e.rer'O:re Msnjl miiJ:!rt reg~rte:t' W,U~'I.~'1e :Fii:nCENi and :ul'blllUel'bletlit an atlItU-:I'blo:tley a '11", ';1 . ,lkIill:nll.le.I:,Rr.I;g:I.'Ogl:am;, 1Ml' P

-'}.'lFQ;U-"""') " ~'1D U:!i,ur.lg,Ui,ul[OOu.n"', Cu.lXlu.I'bl'!.·e,r.I['D!:"'" "regu.lliJl,i:O:r.I~ ( e.g ..; ,. ',." ,'D,", ',', . ItO " -", .. ". , .' ,u;;;;;:;,~, , ,,"'11"',,',, .I:tt1O:r.le,)' (UII, '. . 't.,li,' WII.' ,,' is I"" :Uaal:I'IiI.eI.'e.I,'ij }"P

(UNFOUO) 'IDh~s :u:ljlte'U:U~e:nce.;a;g:g~8meljJi: 'II;':u'U:U :adilj.'e.:§g. :1:eq.iiJ:Ui.'e.I'ble:ljJilg OOijli:a:Uned. :un ~'ie :r6U:Uo'll;':uljg :FBI NaltUo:r1a:UStlrld;u:tl;g CO:[Ueot~on :Re.q.ili'ure:tne:tlJrn, topies: Botnets oorllt:a:uned. :un WW -HOI -Cl'D'B:R,-0O27-1l;, :Mo:r.ley Launderfng oomtailr.led. :fin U3A.-ML4.-CID'-S:R,-OOJ,2-I.o.;, eyrel:' lr.llt:l:1il8uO:r.I:g 'll;'i1ih a, Cr,nmu:tla'U Ne..l:Jijij, ootlltaUtled. :un "'WW -C'fB:R.--CYD-SR.-(lt6I.-I.O; and V:U:l.'ii:iiJa'U iO:l:'M~·IO~tl:Uu:tle W (lal'ble:!i. ~O:r.llt:au:ned.:un WW-CYB:R,-CYDc...SR-002;.B~I. I.;,
{[J) niiii. ~Bl11: 'I/i!tti [cQ'8J1'i"I.Ii"!2!!11 ~M :[)@:m.esti.::: ~ 1]rnudl3. C~ ,~Iil12ni;gelilm Ulilii~~T€Clhru1\lo.gy C~ :11L1)?:lI.i~e Ulllii~~rulilIllihe Fill1flil.1::~l Cr!im~ :~1il1~lligelll.'m'[Jlilli~: :r~nte F81. QirnmQ11l3. fllMIl f.l1J~r!i~ lIm,y!be fli!I~l€:i-£0lI111e ~ntemi~: o ciJiiefs. t-I~:201-fElS:.I.-J®S:.I.. 201..(!ij.l.-J·,I,)9 OJ; 201-J\2:iI.-$~. 1[~G1:i1mly ..

'DU~~~ -III~' .!o ";L', ,iit:ll~'II_..' ''', '. ~~." ','. -"," .. (see ,- -', , ..... r'\s- ....-.. " ~. ". ·'II.~.",";1 , (U)',IlI!',I~1n. ..W.., 'I;"~' ,F.!I., uam, dLC lw'lal stores !ulTCOUnOUJ~I:'er.lC:>, app;e,r.lllUX, ...... ,..,. user uui/!;'.r.l.n,,jJu:!l :!l0:fri:'W;a1:'e a, :1Je:I,'ijOt1;i:"~ to OOI~:fIl!i:eJ: or :I]\Il,Y use an ot1:U~:ne;,Ub:~:IXI.-p.at'il.)' r provider to create a wa'n~~ (o:fren caUeil. an e w... ~:~) store ~~rtoou:r.l~,", to

(U) :B;j)tnetsi A:rty grou.p o:f two or :1nD:re OOIDp"IlIi:e1'g,andlor :moh~'!:e deviees that are OOI:lIi::roU~ed, and/or updated :rel]lo.te'~y :fm an :~'UUega'~ puipese .. :Bortn~:!l can be used to per,ro:r,1]l d.en~a'~ 0:[ service atrtac].'~j, send ~,p.am e-:nu:u'fi;, ~'1.oort :~:U!:e:e;"~ content, and. :Im)' aid. :u:n:~rt oiher rtype.R 0:[ orl:Uu:ne e.r,u:mur.la:Ue.l'ia, ~io:r", b (U) Caird~ng:,rUbe0.01 o:f rtra-rIftc:ku:r.lg and/or :nllrO:I:,m:aHoll"
.,. (U)''I"'i~' , ,L!'I;;~JLra:

:['t'au£l.iiJ'!:e:r.l!i: 0:[ stolen C:rMLt cam. aOOOUr.l1i: use


• .L

. ,',,:11, . '!JOOOr.lILr,'hau.lnunumrauor.l,;,
..;1 .. -'_·:, ",",','

'-"'II·.·, ',',' .', ,iiSSIU.Ur.lgU1W:10r.,UIL)'.;, a or ualal~e"

-""-' ..;I,"~'.


I~er underground:, 'IDbe e1i:ite:t18~ re net 'IiP'Ork :f mem1:te:rg, engaged, :un cylbe:r. cr.ilne o o OCl'~~u~ies that ha ve a, unique :fia:ljguage;, an underground OOiQ:r.lOI]l),,;, set o:f e.M:.]l'e0.taHOr.l8aJIDU!i: its a membe:r&' conduct, and, a 8y:Mel]l 0:[ ooc:ita'~ 8Ii.t'.aHftcaHon ~~d. on kno'li;':~edge;, 8ku'U:~i' and aot~ vitses,
(U) :E!leetmniic p~ynlC1lt :5ysi:elnl:5i:P:ro~OCI.ea secure :mearl8 o:f tl:"arl8[err,Urlg mOrley amorlg parrtUe8 to :f,...d'Ht:are e-eommeree and operate iUS:Ur.lg real :mor.ley or \!:imIlua:~ou:rre:r.ley. El:eotror.l:OC; paY:lner.l1i: :!l)'-men\.il eu~'te:r a'UUo'WlJ.ily:merlli::!i ro be :1'Wide ibertlllo'ee:r.tusers, vendors, and Gt11'le:rm erohajj!t 8" or rt~jey : Ot1:~ya:UUo'WlJ.ilY.l]lerl!i:8 to be :I~e between users or. aeeeums, l'lbere:hs 00111'1. :reg1u'fiaJtedsector and a a sector o:pe:l~at:Ui:1g ourside :1~lu:fiail,o:r)' s,Y:!irten18"

(U) :E:.'\",ehang.e:n;,i Oi:1ht1e entities ~:1aJi:;, a :ree", convert c.ilSib." ~iiI:'ii:iiJa'~urrencj, :r'Or e or d~glt;d g6~, ou.r:rency into ~e rtype 0:[ ou.r:rer.l.cy requesred .. In gerl.er.a'U;,indi ~0CI,1jj;;:"~8 must use an e.x,o'J'iarl;ger. to deposit :1nD:r.ley mro an e'~eot:ror.l:OC; paY:lner.l!i: s~rte:l]l ocoounli:, unless the e'~ootronlc ]JaY:lrer.lJi: i!i)'''8rtem [bag, a, li.hys:OC;a'~:~oc.at:UoI:"L, Iii De Ii:O rt~'i:hg, :r'OOt"exdl'ial\geJ,'ij, are a, ~urta'U:Ilal.'ii:0:[ the :11~or.ley :~i;i;' for e'~ootror.l:tc paY.lnenrt 8;,Y'8rte:I]l8, nd ~imtiiJa'~currencies, a (U)

:mat Ou:r,I:'>CIDCY:, MOrley

:1nCId.e:r,t1, eurreneses,

~'iaJi: ~'1;as,va'UiiJes6~Uy due Ii:O gove:ljj:merl!i: :re,glu:~t:[or:l. or :~ai;i;', :fiJoort .. ifu,ch as, ~'1e 'US d.o:n~at'at1d the :Bu:ro are filat eurreneies.

(U) :Ha.ekJtivlists,i Ir.lduv:~dJual~, or groups 'IMI,tO atrtack. computer 8Y:!i[eI]li!i Ito d:ra,'II;' a11i:er.l!tuor.l. a, ro pal.'ii::loll:~al~:i;ssiIJ.e;:nr.l:[fue:r.l!tel:fLllhUtc opunloll;, or p:U:r.l:u~hpe:rceu'r!ed er.lltul'U~ who O]~;tOOe rt~:1.eUI~ :oo.e6Uogtca'U posttions.

(U) IOitermet :Rehlf Chat (1:R.C}i A :fmm 0:[ re.a:H~:rne lrl!i:er,rlert sYrld'l.t'Orl6i1J:l.:; eonference, ma:url:Uy d.e&:Ugr.l,ed,r'Ol~ : group OOml]llil:r.l:lca~'io:r.l. :U:r.l. d:i;sOUS8UOr.l. :fo:r.UJ'b\.il .aUed dhar.l:ne'Us" bl.i!i: al~o aUoi/!;':nr.l;gonec
OCHl:t1e OOInI]l iIlJti:c.ail.'i:o:n'Irua,]ll.',Uvate :Ine:s.sages.

(U) :M'a1waife 0:1" Inla!He»us :sofitwaife i COI]ljYllJte:r oo:ff[ 'Nare rilb;at :f'lil~JUltate8 :u:nU~citoot:~vit:i:e.s'i' ItO :nnclull.e data eJi:,:[ult:ratuon; d.enit:.-U o:f serviee atltatk~.;. :[1'au.d;, and :sp.a:IN d:j;gsem~:rlatuon.

(U) :~I!ll'll~ :OUcolll {a\so ililno"W1n. as,:Oj~ill, <C:rca1ikm~ :O~t:olll,('"iiC1l;era:1iio:n~ :OUcolll, and :M'anlllfaetu:r:ing)i T1b.e process o:f a:U&J,'N:nng IU'I.e:Bitooun network to 1U8e a computer's :re80U1'Ce8, :un
exch;"l:tge :f'6:I~IjjJj.e l~ib:u:Uul)' o:f e.a.:I~.ij:iJl:tg ib:i.tOOiJfl:!t.,T~'l.e :Infil.'e OOIN:lYllltUfl;g :PO'l!;'ej~ a user o:ffel\l1.,. IjjJj.e more :Uuk.e:U}, Il!b.e}' are to reeei ve ~itoout1s .. (U) :rvfu.]le;J :s;eN~, ibIU:siill~S (,MSD,):, A.:ny pel.'&on dourl;g biJs:une&s :un one or :IN01'e o:f Iiib.e :fnUUo'N,u:rl;g caJ~itUe8.; 1IMI'l,O:UUy :un 8Ilin:t8~IjJt:~'U l:r.a~ i/I;',~rilI'l:Url, Unired gram,:, I,..} d.ea'Uer :un a :tb:reUgn 01' the exch;.,nge; 2",} dbec:k: cas~'tel~; :0 issuer 01: :seU:~: o:h:l:a,veUel:'8 dhe.ckij or fblOtl.e}, orders; 4,.,} :U:SSilJ.eI~,;. :!leUUe:r'i'or redeener o:f stored v.:.-rue; j.) :Infin e}' il1'atl.:!lI]litltel:'; 6.) U.s. :FtK!iJt:l:USer ~0C:e (3..1. C.:F .:R.., .1.03....1,,I,}..,sa (U) :~lnney tl1W:5!1l1~r~ A, person 1t!I'l;atprovud.eg :I:"bIcm.e},tratl:!l:mu~:Uon services .. T1b.e term ··:I]lOtl.e}, , .. ,,-' -: ',-' ,-,,' ",'''--It·, _'-'. _. '"W --, '-' ,;r,_,-, ·';1 " "1iI1-",I:'\ arne '11.-..11::ffijllJ'l-i I[ UIDiJ es -".:11--1[:1:' ans 1]l,1iS:g u on ser \ iees ,IN ea ns [~'1.e:ac reJll anee o:~ C 1U.I.'.I:e:rlC runes, 0:1:'0' te y;. ma --~,~-"----It :f~1:' o_u,:I.'.~t1Cr:[rol~. one p:r8,o:n ~~d .rilI~e il1'~t1i5mU.~:Uo:.t1,o:roU:I.'.~:t1cy,;. :~1jJ;t1il5'~ a1il'l,el:' lfa'tiJe rilb;at 0:1:' s ubst .llllllt es .ror 0111..1:'eI'lC),I[iQ anot ~'lel. location 01, per son ~)' a ,tl,}, .I]le,a ns .. (U) :~:r ..to---:Peer {P2P)i A [},P,e o:f net ili;l6:1~k:~f.l.lIMJ'l:~d.headh i/i;Io:r:kmatuo:n ~'l;as eq,iiJ;u\,ra:retllt CIlpa'hu'UitUe8 and, :l.'eiipo:nli~~u'UiHe8", :P2:P :h!i, [Y1?~ca'U:U}'IU:!lOO,for 1iI'le transfer o:f data, :[rom one peer. [0 atl0tlber ::md a:1.efree progral]l;g, rilI'!at can be e.a-.!i:U'Uy d.ow,t1:Uooded from rilI'!e It1lte:r,t1.e[., PZP :[u'Ue-41lbar,irt1;g :i;g, rtil'le 111:',iJl'ttu:l:'}, :gOIU:I.'re :r'6:l:'pUl:'aJted. :go:fli:ware., Sonle popular examl~Ue8, :urle'UlUlIe H:I]lew:irre,;. K:aza::li.;. and a :t1!UJte'U:U:a., (U) :Pulb1i&i; :Key Crypmgrapby (PKI, I:, A :[1'ame 'II;JOl:'k:fm c:le:aH:ng :::Ii secure :1]lerill'lOO,:fol:' e..'tchat1;gut1;g :u:nfot'mat:iot1, !biased on l?ub:u:tc :k.e}' c:rYlltogr. .. p'hy.., :PKI uses a certufucate auliiho:r,~l}' (CA.); w~'l:Udb,:~8.!1IU.eg, d:u.gurn'Uce~i::Ufl:Cate:!.j,[~'lat :aultiberlli'uc.ate the :i:d.e:rlltit}, o:f orga:rl:iv.::aHOrl8 and :~:nd:~~udjiJal~, over a p:ulb:UUcsyMe:m 8IUdh as liibe It1Jter.net., (U) :Rea:llnlo.neyi Coins 0:1:'1~1:' notes issued :1]le(li1J:I]l e.i1:dlatlge and :1]le:il:Sm.'e o:f v,;.-rue,.,


and backed ~ji}'a Wve:I:',r.tmetlit

and used as a

(U) 'V~:I!tua!1 ~l1:r,rii;mqi SO:I~lb:irt1;g used 0:t1,rtibe 1t1Jte:r,t1.e[~b;at :~, :Ut1, d:rou'UartUot1, ~ a, :rneiL~ijJ;m o:i exd'larl;ge b:UIt :h!i not Ib-.oc:ked. ~}' a govel:':rl:lrerllt., (U) T:rQ,jani ma'Uki:Oll:g ere d.etlli'Ual1!"i .


:so:ffit'l!;lal.'e used b:}'

cy'beJ~CJ:,irl]l;Ut1;:..-U:s me:a'U Ot1:Uirl'leoocaut11t [0

(U) :~h eo.uBdiimce gene:i~.an)' :u:nd:l!t..ate,g. ltibat FBI Jurl.gl'ble:r.lJrnare ha;g ed on ~'t:~'I.-q.lila·U~l)' :nl'l:fo:e.l]l Hon :fl:'om :I:blu'~~'~i~e a 8ouiees or a ilj;~I'I;g~ ~'l:~'1:~:>' :1:'e:Uitab:~ source, 01: ~bat ~'I.e nature o:ff' ~lb.e issue :Im:ke,g. it ~ijih~ Ii:O render a :!i6M. jiiJrl.glrer.llt ..

(U) :~kdhllnl~(mBdiimce ~:I:I.er.i.l&~)' :meal:l:!i· ~'Iat ~'I.e :nnifm,mat:to:n is :u:I:IJterp.reted,:~n '!rar.i:oti:!i wa}':!ij, lifbart ~.e :FnI has ;;:"~li:eru thlg 'rri:ei/!;':!i" :1:'~mt ~:1.e:u:nfhr.lmt:io:n;, 'W~:l:U'~ a 0 c.rOOib:~e;, :~:!i :~:r.IimnOC;:i:er.lJt o:if
rel :ilab:u :ULt)'Ii:O

arr arlit a ~'1:~'I.er :~ ve'~ e

0:' oonifhrl.e nee,

(U) :MW co:n:liidenc:e gene:I~."U~)' :I~tl:!i [hat the :i1r.1:rO:I~.I]l;lltUon OC;;Iljj!ti' qUe.M·UOI1 1i~,;or vel)' :i;s, a :['t'a_gmenrted.; ~jat it :i;s. d:Uf[OC;IU1t :l:bUk.e oobrl. ar.la:~y~·uc:ur.I:if-ere:r.lce,g; lit1;at the F.BIlbas, :!i~gnurOC;;j}n[ to or concerns or 11lnMelng, w:l.t~'I.~'I.e source.

;', '~I;" :11,;;;;,., ,'II.~"R'" '."''',', ", "Ult.. "',, '11." , ..... . ] -,. 'D,'·."',,."' .~.u.l.m... ',. " 'II' ,it'D,'", oo~[ .. " (U)' '1j'"0. use .1li.llOOUI\, an .U.r.h_I.U\.UuJU;a~ ", uDiII;'.n~Ui.IU~.ar.lu .ur.l:llrta.". lw'te nee .1li.llOOu.r.l. ,,;;;'ware'( c~.uer.ll[,. 'IDhe a]jJ1UuCilti:o.:n uses _rJ JibJh: ,I(,e)i 'Cr,i{Jiogi'aph:)i (PEel) to aiLJltolnilJti:ca'UU}' generate a. :Bitcautl. ;a;dil;l:'e8S i/I;'~j.eJ:'ehe user can reeei ve lj'.i.JiY.lmer.lit!L. t 'IDhe oo£l:re..t=l:ll. a. unique 36 dJjaraote:r-:Uo.r.lg :llil·r.ungoli' :i;s. fllilJ:lmbe:I~.and leners aud :u:g stored :iln a. usee's \l:UI:'iIlll:il·U·· 'Na:UUeC all ~'tu~. r ~e:l: lbc,:'-U :[hUe:g~rte:m. Users o can create as :matl.y :Bitooun addresses as ~~je}' :Uuke to receive pa},:I:bIe:nm. and can use a :tlew ooil:re~. :ro:r eve:r}, transaction rt~je}' reeetve ...
p', .;J-,.,

(U) 1'0. send ~jitoour.l:li,;, users :unpuit [~e ad.dre..t=l:liIllhey i/l;',j)Li:Ud:Unb':eto. send ~eu:r b:itooUr.I:ll. Ito. and [~je I amount off b:Ltooulj:ll. ~e}' 'Ii;'O:1l'Ud :Uuke Ito. rtrafl:llre.r:.. 1'~je user's OOlmjlllite:l: ~je:n d:U_glta'UUy :llugr.l:!ithe tta:r.lQotuiO:n and. sends the :u:nifo:r.lmat:io:n Ito. the di;sili..U~.uJted; :P2:r B:i:tcailn net 'NiO:I:'k.1'~e :P2;r network Ve:I:.U:[te:!i. ~'1ait ~je pe:l::giO:ll re:nd:illjg ~'1e !b:u!lOOU:I:I:!i. ~je current owner off ~'!.e b:LtooUlj:g. ~je}' are :geijil:ilng, :i;s. p.r.ob:ib:urtutlg a. :~·Uidou:!i. user from :!ipend:u:tl;g !the sa:INe b:urtoo~:tl:!i. 'II;',uoo ~ ..Onee tbe rtrau:!i.ilat:i:o.:n has been \r,;:'-Uu(l;ated. the B:Urtoou:n network, b}' recetvers can spend ~e hiurtoou:r.I:!.l. ~'1e}' ~jave :r.ece:u\,e(L.1'~j:i;s. p:ooce:sg us u;a'UUyrta:ke:g.a :re 'Ii;' milr:IJlJite8 and. :iiS not :1.'eve:rgu~Ue

(U) '],[be B:~Ii.OO:~:noffit 'Ii;'.i.Ii:I:'e o lll:'6g1:al:nl controls ~je rate aff bhooUD. creation, h"LJit:~[ dOO8. not OOr.lit:lriU the :m:a:r:kert value off a.lb:urtoou:n~the :~:r:kert v;a'UiUe:i>!i. determmed ~)}' ~je :!iUl~lUy bitcaur.I:!.~ :un d:t'Oll:UaJti:o.:n " '11~, ,I' II '11~I ~I ~,: . :$2., :$::!; '1'i' '11 "I. II . I.... '11 anu. pe:G]lLC s u.e.g:1l1:'e ~'1Dm or. li::f:'au.e iuUIi.OO:U:r.lil. ....n~:ul!:emoot :~:ililtcurrencres, to :iln 'Ii;'~'i:tc~;i. OOr.lit:r.,lh ~rI:k8 can ar:bitrar.~'U}' merease rtibe 8iiJ.]~1~y ali' eurrency, n~rtoo:un is d.e.g:~rled. [0. e:venrtiiJ;a'UUyoonrt:a:nn 2.1. mu:UUuonbitooilr.l:g ~no add:ul'i:o.:r.I;a:Uohns w:u'U:Ue created alfri:er ~'iat 1'i;fiilmt;.lll:'e vemi.'u:r.I;l)· e b :ilr.l:fliaJi.'i:on .. ,r,r-'" ~





(U) :Bitcautl. was created. hi. such a 'Ii;'.ily !that rtil~edre:tllt:!i. ·~m:utle" ~);~[oo~:tl:!ia~ a p:tederte:r.mutled. rate, .. '],[hus c~'1al:'ii:U:Ulu~rtl:aJl.'e!:g. gin i;i;ii[h :eate from 2!X)9 Ito. 200J.;, IU'Ie yeae the :Ua:st:r.lew Mtcaun 'Ii;':u'UU : ~je be created.



:-a- .. s





J: I ~

.£.II :-:Ill



=-=.1 B









~~jm ~(U) :~Ii1lJ:IiUI.81.:ii1r!; :B.i1.c!l1;.i1IIW.ilki: • 'Qm1mll 0111:rjJ1VJ!1i10 ( ~~»'I.y~.; h.1I[!':i~/~Ii1iJhiiJimili1i.:i1·/1ii!.ilki;(:1m1mlle!IL~li1![Jfltim1l: ocm~!!II.i1i1i j. Mflii'cllJ l®.I2: ~ ii.OlIE~ :ti fl. OO1b1l1b11U:niil.y w.ilki. fI'im0!l1 ru: film. 'IM,1it.!l: flThYOO.e~D f'i@ly !!I)r..;:!UJb1e lilt j li1![mm:.Iii m1I fIOO'uj: ]3:j~mi Iill. U 5@'5, lIbl1U:i'I: m 8flJt! fl. J'i@ M~ eunt w:i~11il. vs Ii.!!!1 f e'-lIbl ai 1 fI.!!I\!I'm:i:i IW!; 0!lL~:liM :B:iM:o:illliW.tkL

Iii,i;s il1:'.ihllJi: :i:o:n



] WIGS N'C'FC B and ':IT'S

AiUmr.:kUuan Federal :r6Uice (A:FP) Met1:'6jj;j)Uita:n Pol :ioo-:ro:U:OC;e Cet'i!tt'a'U e-Cr,~:I:nle 'U':t'i:i.t (Pee'l;) Neil!;' Zealand :ro:uuc.e :Rrrj':::kU C:mad:~at'i. Mo:ut'iJte(l, P6UUC.e(R.CMP) Serious OI~;gaJ:thgedCI~,U:I'b\egel:ic)' (SOCA) A

I {lQ :~Ii1I~IiUL81:;;'iI~; l~'i~m'ilil.l!:lhro!I£.oo:rn.; ·'l!.1L G:!o:, {[JSDI!!Iivi!o.lI~g:EP"An 1It1IiP.:/lil!iiJt:o'i~~!i..Ql1Imi'mro'lk€;1lifm~~,lJ.!iDtIlt11R1.l; &::~:i-S0!l1 M .1.$ AaIDl :21!i.l.l: rt'II.e !iO"iJ1Cerrov.i!!l'8:i financial aiMIl bl"ClII1Iii::al !!I'a1t-1, ~~oo!!ll ~l!i ~ru:B:i~m'ili1lM~,'I.'iMIJ"'lk8MI1 !U~:;' !!I'fI.Il.y:iIi1EIr'ffil:;. 1m !!Ij~~y .ililiimm8LiM. 'W1hiil@rDlii:;.ililifmmfltiM . mflll OOJLt~iili1l lhit!:i!iB:i,~he :FIU ffiSlU1blGi ~he :ilili['Ol'm'I~:iOlli:iii.gemlfft]]y ,ill!!Ucatiw o:fdhe ~JjijJ!!: ~!d!!: o:f ~he :Bi~mili1l eOOM'.Rl,Y,. ~ {lQ :~Ii1I~IiUL81:!iii£::; l~'i~m'ili1l l~]Illi::lk:~FilmEi;; ·'~~lll!a::~,; 1It1~F':lIihilocke}iFilomJ,£om!qi\lmt-l]ll1o::; &:C~I OJIJ ,1,& AaIDl lilJi.l.l; TIlE !iO"iJ1m is a, W~ :ii~~ ~h<i~: ~li :ilililloo;m'I~.~ fIllwIrul :Bi~mili1lliuliua:::~.Km.:i ~I o:Ii1I O!MII;; !!I~""']~I ~ a, 'ffiI1JtlnE~,. \\,!Wile lilIiiii. lm!'I,ycon1t-1'ili1l :ililb::ail1&:iie:i, me FEU fI:i!i.'i.lJmii. ~ru .ililir~arlio:li1l :is. ~Hllly :iiMI_k:fltl:i1mof~ru ~~~ ~ru£:: o:f me :B:i~m'ili1l@O!Wml,y,. s {lQ :~Ii1i~Ii"Ul.81: !in£::; :B:i~m'ililt::lhro!I£.oo:rn.; <'l!.il['~Ii:i~: lhiAp1Ii11ii~o.iii1WIiIi£.co:mi'mrulk'€;tii.: &::mS60!lI OJIJ ,1,$ AaIDl2®.l.l; ru !iO"iJ1C@ pw.ovi!!l'8:i fi mlilCia 1. ru1.4Il lluik: al !!I'a1f1, ki~!!I1 ~l!i ~ru ~)l"C ~ :B:i~m'i Ii1I ~,'l.'lMltlka 1Il!!!1 M !U~:;' !!I'fI.II.y.ilitE 1i"IfI] ii. ~ !!Ij~~,y :i1ili[mm'lIllOJlJ. WIhi[I.@~Htii:;. :i1ili[mm'lIllOJlJ m'lY cll1(i11f1ilili Ib:ia~:i, ~he :PB,~ fti.Sru1l1~ ~Jte.iIiliOO:rm'l~:ioTh ~ffilly is :iMIic;Ed:i.w o:F ~lh.elilJi.li2~~~ o:F~h8 :B:iIt: ei Ii1I C1!rol.O'.Ibl,y,. @ ~ {lQ :~IilI~Ii"Ul.81: :ii~£::;:B:i~m'illl:Clhro!I!i.oo:rn.; .'M-1.. G:!oi, {[JSDI!!IiIIiM\l]ai'."5EP"An 1h1IiP.:/liI1iiJt:o'i~~!i..C0rn1clJt.i.IiIi!ilIlNl~,lJSD_rIUt!!l~.lhirn.l: aOO!:~1 o:Ii1I .1.& Aa?DllilJi.l2; me !i.0Um~ ~,i!!l'eii. :[jIi1flil.C:t!:i] aMll ~~III1Ii~al !!I'fI~1I1ffii13~!!I1 ru 11!i:in£0ili1l ~o Mli:l/iMlrlk 31i11!!11 !!I'fIily .i1i11Ed''It,il.ii. !!Iltipla,y :ililillooman:iOTh\\'!wi:~ ~Htii:;. !U~:;. ~o :i1ili[mm'lruOJlJm'I,y cOTIiflili1l Jh"i~:i, ~IEFB.~ffiSlUJmii. ~ru :ililii)oom'llllOJlJ,is. p!!:rnll,y :iiMIiCfi~:i1mo:f ~he ~JjijJi2 ~mi2 o:F me :B:~:cfciilli 0:OJlIlli.Rl,y .. ~ {lQ up. dJ,. @iMI'lm:t; .1... ~ (lQ :~Ii1I~IIill,8'l: Gi~h"U.b; ·~B:i~oo.i~i~oo'illlt': 1h1!1f:':i:lIgirtll"Ul!\.C0rnlib'iJt:o.illlA!ii~oo'ili1l; ;;'iI~: flo::~11OOli .1.9.11, lilJi.l.l; ~lh.e !i.0UE@ :is. a or..!!I~ s.Jw:irtg W@b ;i..iJi~~~ !!Ilml~1f!i. coo 'IIi!O'ik rut!!l1 !i!U.b:mi~: c~s.. 1 (U) ,~IilI~Ii"Ul.81: !in~; :B:i~:oo:illli .iti: "T ii"&!I~~: 1h'Il[!'So:U~ W lIliJh,:inm:ili1l.i~/'Iii!.ilkmfl!!l~ ; a~~1 .1.:& .A.f:'rII, 2® .12;TM !i.01I1C@ a, :t>. OO'.Il1mrullriJl.y witi, ai 11m dl all:fI]](!;WIIit£ allli~ ~ :[i;€lily !!IU1l1 I!!1ilI, ,iruflOOiJl'lm:iOJlJ aOO"ul :B.i~o'iTh. U~ mJtl:'ll:~mE a :[i;@@ &::ooun1: 'IJ.iilHli 'liIIL!!I1e-mail a!!l\!l'm:;,:;,~o @!!Ijt rt'II.e :B:illmillli W.ild .. Wlhii:h ~Htii:;. a 'IJ.iiiki,Iii IMIjn01lllby ~h8 OO'Jb'I.mrulliiliyot!!Il mflll r 0l1IIi11f1.m ib:ifG!2S.., FlU M:W:m.8ii. ~ru .iruFmm.rojOJlJ ~M :!'I~lIJjffi~]y lf8:iJ@c1liIb'u!iil"l£~ WIhi~1I1I3~8pi, lhii~miru sa r,a,ytrmli1t. x (U) FB~: ,11L1~11.i~8 ~:>.!irn@li11: W). IC;-:!Mr IC.n'W~i'I!rJE:'Wled~riiwtuJ EJu.-ii'Wtit"-P~rymlfjti Jtll'.q~m.q H~i'I!l 'IfJr,(jurJ Cirjfi.iii'l"J~q,; :n FEo1Nll.ltrry lilJi.l. ,I... ~ (lQ :~Ii1I~ffi81.;i..iI~: :B:i~m'ili1l:B1oclk :E:x[!lllllimli': 1h1~F':Yihlloc~::':[!Ilomlf~.co:rn.;&:~~!!II .1.& A[ooi] 2.®,I.2: The !iO"iJJm :i:;.a, W~ ;i..i~ ~nu:.Ji,~!i .ililii'oml3ruo:li1l3!hwmJlB.i~fciili1l~UlIiWI.(itiOO1:i ba!i0!ll o:Ii1I c(!J;!j~!!IM1~!!I11by : 1 a ,~llIJn1!2€;L Wih1i]e ~Hliiii. a.y m oo:n1f1.m,i~!u1fI.C:i.@:i, ~h8 FB~ assumes ~he ,iruFONblro:irn :iii. ~any :iiMIj.caru,w fciF~ru 1iI1lli2 ~n!!: o:r~lh.e :B:iOCfciili1l @Cono:rn,y. III (U) ,~Ii1~me~:;i..i1~::B:ilco.illi.orog: ·'AIIlwrrul :B.i~m'ilili",; IhtlF':/ih,ilO!!i:illi.MogI~t.lhirn]; 3c.m:iii01l1 M 9 ]~lbruflj'y lfJi.l.:2:; :B:n:co:illi.mog ls Jiru effieial Web ii.iJi!2o:F:B:i~:o!!iili1l. Wlhiile ~hiiii.,ilili['OJUblmjo:li1l con1t-1jli1llb.i~:i, iru FlU ffi.S!iJJmii.~ru m'I,y :i1ili[OOm'lruM :is. p~rn]]y ,illlllljcro.iw o:FJiru ~fi1I.Ii2 ~m~ o:F me :B:i~m'ili1l@OOOl.O'.Bl,y,. II (U) ,~Ii1E~~: ;ii1~; A!!Il,~1ili CMIill iGawm; <'T1h.e UIi1I!!IEr@0I1JMIW~i~ W~@ ·YOOI CM :Buo/ My DjiiJ>,gIlb1aEililflb:l.@~,: .I. ~'!IM@ 2ilJi.l.I,,;Ihil[!' :11gp~,.co:rn~oo.591 , $lIru-ruMillii'~ I!ruMli-'weMiI~ ~~~yo"ill-<:flli"li-lb"uo/-My-!!llrt1;g-:imagili1flhl@ ; 8C!'X:!~i!l1 OJIJ :2:]!UM 2®.I. .I..; Tihe 5O'Ulm is flli1IlOOllliM Jh"llJ,g-m:iell1l~i!l1 m0!Ua, !ii~~ o~11by Ga~1I" M.8i!1lia. I~ (U) tYpo elt: I!!mlnru~ .I.0.. I~ , " ~,~IIlE~~: !i11~: ,D,nCfcillliW·II~· "'''r· '-U'" n . . 'D·· ,. II.,~ ]Ji[!'So:w€!Ii1I!I~lnmlllli ·.·II~· " II.: . ..It~ .I1K.11J,~e~,"""'C'J1K; ·'10lli ., L'",",.C'Jmry £11\1, I,....:; ~~~ ~ . ""r··,"'""'" tt:~!!1 '" 't:'~.__~ -;;'" -;; .. . .IIK.I.:,·,~€;1,'l.'l!W1I'i. ,;, lit· J !iO"iJ1Ce:is. a, OO'.Ib1mJtlllril,y .ilki, fI.irn@1 st flllll1lw,illig aJIi~ w ~o :llr!2ely !!I)n.::!Ulmli11: :ililiibJ'lm!'In.ioli1l f1Mul :Bi~oo'ili1l.'U~1f!i. mJtl:i'l: Cii'@3~ :!'I,:[lN aeceum wHHli a lffili!!ll €HR13II,&!Il!I~:iii no e!!lj~:~M :Bi~m'i.1i1I W.ilki. Wlhiil", ~Hliiii.w.tki ,t;. 0!I.iJl0!l11by~h8 oornmruIliiJl.y 8MI1 may con1f1'ili1lb,~~ ~ru :PB:~ ffiSlU1bl@:>. ~he IIili[wiIWI~:ilro1i:i:;.pernll.y :ilrnLi.cflti,w o:r~ru ~~£ ~me of ~ru:Ri~m'i.1i1I

C!l:l~Iil.ey'~,; .12~'!U'n8W.I..I..:

I'" (U) ,~Ii1EIIill~~: Amljcl@: DffirnlI Mklk;

:Da:ily T@cII1I:'Cffickililig '

~ru :B:i~:oo:ili1l: :D.iggililig


:!'I$.I.:11,M USI) Vi~rufll

1It11iP.:/1www. ..!!I.fIjl~€CII1I.ooiJW.Cia.ckilitgti!lru"*:B.ilt:o.ililr~D.iggilitgl-.11L1~"*.l.3..I.M"*.lJS:DTViIiliJU:a]"*OuH~ykl.li!lkl..fl.l.:e::i.$.IIt1: rn.: &::~~Iolili 9 :~@iRl1OO1 lfIi.l..I..: TM 9l1i1Ij'~ Is fllili OJIJliM Im!'IgredM ru.'l1il.i5hililig M'IlI!:i, ~fI1eh M!!II !!Ij!i!!:!U.s:;'iOJlJ OJIJ ail1lli!i1d, ru1.4Il ~.ililig iiCi81ilm :!'I1il!I1 :i1ili['(!IJ'lm!'IruOJlJ ~dhll.(!;logy :ti!i!U~s.. I~ (IJ) OlililiM ~rIi.I1l.8; F~gal P':!?i!!llrul.i!IlMi:mtili1l F[ali"i;.igtm; 'lJli1Ii'lli';i..iI.y co.118;[8 ])!lbUIi1I: ·'M AlilfIlyii'iii. o:f .A!TI.oJiJ'JIIbl:i1iy :ili1l ~lh.e:B:i~m'ili1l~~)illbl:',; -;;0'l!Ully lilJi,l,.I.': lItilF':II:f11}ij,'!/,mgil:>S_CfiM.@floj'lti!l'l)'.l.l®l'/.I. .I.@i!',.,<Jjz.1,1f .I.,.[MIlr.; a.cc~l OJIJ lilJi :~0J!~1i' :2'®.I..I..; TM ;ffUjlh.orri we lf~rocJh.gj-s, wHHli ~ru CI.iq,1J~:R.~1i'C1I1I Ctu:i'l€!1i'M UlIlii,~!ii~,y co.lI~~ D!Uhlili"l\. ]l@lMo1ll. m , " ~,~Ii1E1ru"I.@~: !i11~; ,D,n:.::O:Illi W·II~· ,~--IIlm'Jllbl.n,y ~ ,; lit1~P;:II @Ii1I. ~.~i1c.11i1I.ln ,ocl~...w--, u'JIIbl.lIiy,; &:: OJ! ~!!I "1 o:Ii1I p. ,," ",",CIJ:!I:I:a:ry .£l1,li, 1-;; '-U"'" . . 'D'· ,. . .I1K.1.;·rw ,. .... 0 . .....w. ,",.", ..r mil ,. '" '''''~'k- . -;;"" ... ~ '. ,....:; ~lh.e~!I.i':ce Iii a co:rnmullii~,y w,tiki, a'imlMll ro:all!wl!:ilt,g Mymte ~,(!; ffi"!!:e:ly!!I~!UIDJ:!Ii11: :ilililb1m'1~:~ ~riJI: :B:i~m'ili1l.'[jii£1f!i. mru:i'l: C[@3~ :!'I, lN :!'I.o::oon1:w:i~11i valillli €HRl3II, &!Il1I~:iii nl!i e!!l.i~:~M :B:i~m'i.1ilI J fI, W.ilki. W lhiil~ ~hii:;.w,tki, ii. @li~0!l1~ ~ru OO'.Ib1mJtlllii~,y

&MIl may O::rOO11~iili1llhd!'t~lh.e FlU ffi:i'lr.m.1ili.~he Iru[miJWjtl:irl1iJ1i ~ :i:;,gp1Lelfflll.y :ilruLi.cflti.w o:r~he ~fi1U'€; :irtruE of ~HE:B:itlm'i.1ilI 0:!ll(jl.o:rny. 11 (U) ,~Iil.~me~::ii1~,; :13.:i1!::o'in.1~dk Forum; '~PIDl::lhiiltg ~lh.e :B.:i~m'iIilICI.i~1: ~D M fIke ,i~,Mom A liF.\llJy mwus" ,; :)il)i J!UM lilJi11: 1h.11ifi:/lihiitco:intalk.0J"W'.iIMl~ ..r.hP.1i~i.c=2'I,"~::"'k!lbl;;.g:)®f\(!.il"H:mm;;.g:)®ir~1: fIC~~!!I1 0JIi $Ii FoibJlUruy 2®11: n~ iiO'Ul'm .iii, a :Ib.r !UJn !!I'0rljQ'l~~1 00. :B.:~I:: 'illi !!Ij~ !U;i,!i,~. o W lhii:t! ~lhiii,:iru[m iJWj~:llm m flY CrOOltfii lhit!:i ses, ~lIteFlU ru.sru:rn.8S, Iihe i IilI :iru[miJWjIllOJli :ti ~lffIlly :in!!lIcflti,W:j o:f ~lh.e ~Hli.I~ !i,ljm~ o:F~ :13.:i~m'ilill !!I~wlop:rn~1: CO'JbllM1l1lii~.y .. IX (U) ,UIil.~IN1'€!~: Timomy :Le~;F~ii,; :ii1~; "~F1:OwIljjj,'!UiI~ f(foJ: :l3.iJimilili fu.ruiflctioru."f'.; l.i1,~·ri.l!ly2®1 1:, lh.iIlp:/1www ..:oo~.cO.Jblt.iiliB:i./ll:iIJbliltd~yl~flil)illllf1./l.i1~ .i.vm~- ~ -ihiitlmiIllHiHlIll:iti!\'l:irOO1!i,;fI.or:~1 Olli 9 :R:!lOOiuruy 20.12; ~ru !i01JH:e :ti fI1IImIIj!U1l.c:I: 9!:lh.o:lro at Iihe C'fI'ID ,tnS!Li~ruEw.i~lhi a mfl:i!l~ 'ii, !!I'e~e ,in o::01b1ruj~ !i!'.!ielilm. He :ti a. 0l1iI11n)h,ujDj ~~ F~~ a.1ilI :~Iil.E~~: m0!ija. o::01b1fc'f11L'y [rnW.i!!ljllt,g O:O'.R1R1~1I11f111Y. alllfllYiii~ ~oohalll!!llll'~l-lIim~ ~proltillt,g ~~ Jh;'u;i,i M!i.!i, alil.!!ll:i1i'Ii'ffiiII!Ibl.~1::~ fIi!I'e 1I'!i.. I'" (U) ,~IIl.~IiTI'Le~: :ii1~; 1'Ih.o:mffi Lfc"llit~lI1IlhfI]: AC?tiw :R:IhB1DIiel1!i1og; "~l1!i:ioc:o'ilill: Mom COVGi!I: Wlill .iii:Loo'kri",; l.i1, ]'!Uily lilJil L; 1h.1I1p:llocrli:ve~rnj:::,:llitoJ'{lpm:i;i.oo:rntL®1 1/®·'Ulcllib.ilimilili-~-C01/lillii,-IiMIi1I-.iJi,-]OOks.; &:ce~!!I1 0JIi 9 :~li1i:Iruy 20,12; ~he :i-O'UE ~ :ti a, lhikllg. :lI'I (U nrouo) F:B.:~;,~~:R:: 1.1.:) 0029 11; 11 :~ml~ l®1 L; .1& 0:1k!Ib~ l®1.1.; ·'(UllfUUO) 11, :r.d'eIil.1i:Eicru:iO'JlJ o:f :1:MIJ.'1.i!!l:uflllJ:i1ltg OIDlim l!.R,~1I' 'Ci~' ~nillt,g fI,:&-uS ThJ1f11il. :l3.o:IJl.e~: am :~!!I\Jm1:i:iJ.01I1 Web iil~~ffi o:F Ooi~ em TJ.1i5 201 1~,; T,fNCLkI:58UFIIE:[M',MR: Q:P'FIlCUAL USE ONLY; IJNCLk!:ilS:[I:;:~EDlI.RJ:R: OFF,rc,~AL IJ.!:ilE ONLY; A Ol1\ll~~Jw iimi'm w.i~~ ~I &::~s.s., Iil.rOO1e o:F~ 1i"'\j1ll)T1tillL£ has ~oillII ~~~!!II :F011~S;i.~~1i1I om ~ru" ~I (U) t¥" elt. eii1!!l'ill1d~ 1 ,L z:! {[J nFO'[JO) F:B.:~: Ij!' ]'uM lillil 1: ]1IiW 2@1 1: FlU OHi~ ,[ru!'o1iJWjJ!iOlli;'[JNCLA:."sS:[FIIEDn,rnR: Q:FRIlCUAL TJ."s:l:1: ONLY,; T,INCLA:."ii:!i5~HEDlI.FO:R: OPF.rc,~L U."iiEO'NLY; a.IilIFI3.:~;iIl)'i.[rm. ~ o:f~ 1i'~:iIlt,gM:;,~oillII OOO'~ro~llmJj; ~~tl: has roproi1~1 :Ii!ro' 18:iS. IihflIilI OM ~IL z:; {U) ,UIil.EII'M~:ii1~; The N~:x~: WEfu,: ·'LJ[lilz~ : Cla'imii,~:O Hi'IW :R:.~.iV01lI O~ $1:E:.,il1il\Ilil:i1ill ]){!;JI.fI'I:~ru··,;1cl, ~'!Ilm 201 1; lh.iIlp:/IrI~~,~IIJ,.":O'Jbli'iru.:i!!ltlrl2i)l 1.or~.J'Il.lJui'lz~-c]fljm:i-flD-IIl"Ive-If0'!::e:i,w!!I~-1~-'IJitOliiikf-!!I\oouiti~,; &::~~!!II 0JIi .12 OCll~ 2®1 1: ~!IteiiOOyce :ti a ~nTIA1l1o:gy IIJ,.lIJ;:g fUhl,tiJruiJt.g Iil.ellit:i rutdl '1.i;;'I/itS,ilmm, fI1II :in.1EIi'IMI'I:iOJltjl : ~~rlive. . {U nrouo) F:13.~:J ~'!uM 1ilJi11; 1'1' MfIY 2.ilJI.l.l; F:B.:~ClEW ,[ru[omlm:ioOOli:'[JNCu,,:s..I:5.1IF,[ED: fI1II FEU !i,!U1J,-s,rnJE~ o:f IUJtI.:iJlJl1i1.Wli ~l.idb:i],i~.y ~ m~jli'li£ hss 1Il.01: ~oillII ~~Jt!!!IL ~ {U nFO[JO) 1~B.:~;lil)i AIu;giU.s:I, 2®1®: (j Au®u~: ~,; F:13.,~ ~ :~ru['Oml.mj0Jli; 1,fNCLA:.I:5.I:5,[F[EDlI.FflR OFRIlC~AL Q UoSE ONLY: UNCLA:.'iI:5,[F[EDlI.FO:I:,;!: Q:F'.FIlCUAL U:SE ONLY; Ami FI3.,UiiO'UJm w.i~~ fi1M-Wi1il!l1 &::OJ::;i,;i, ~he ~~ :iru[miJWjIllOJli wi ~ reliflhiliJi.y CflIitTI.01: 00 !!ItiI!!!m1:im!!lL :i!tl {U nrouo) F:B.:~;,n~:R::ii, 2.13 .ilij]j(.; 1 L; 1:;1Au®1J~.l®1 1; 9 J!UM 2.®10: "'{UII.FOUO) . OerujOJli o:r::l3.fI1IIik .c00"i.l1L1!iby A fI1II :[ni~iIl.@I: :80:1: For U~ .illli a MfG.£i,wly MiJilli:ir,:lfIlf€il' ().niI.iM :R:o.~ Flay:illt,g Girubl~ fI1Il!IlE-Co:rnmeree I:iflymm1. :!iil~ Schm1~. ~'!UIl~ lillil®~,: <[JNCLA:s..Ii5,[RIlEDlI.FO:R: Q:W.,[C,nAL U.~E ONLY; UNCLA:.'i"ii,[F[E:DI.4""O:R: OFFrc,nAL TJSE ONLY,: ~~!i01J~ :iii,aIillFI3..~ ~t. :t:' (U n,POUO) FI3.U: ,n~:R:; 1.1.:) JtEIi.'I,j!' fJI;Ii,; 1 1 Au®1J~: ~,: .ii, 1$ l~lImJruy lil)lJi9,; "'{UI/FO[JO) ,1}li12lil.ti[,icrujOllio:FM~y La.m!!ll2lM IIt,g W Efu,Si ~~ ~ ~~!!II by ,~Iil.i!II'I:wllfil LiIi'tk0lII ~~ ,[n1e1mlB1: Hi't'IU!l1S c.'Ite m@:i, ffi 0:[ :~ 1i1iJ11f y 2.fIIliI9~: '[JNCLA:.I:5:sn<:Il:EDI.4UR: OFP,rc,nAL USE ONLY; UNCLA:.'i~:[I;;',[EDll.ro:R: Q:8'FIlCML USE aN'LY; A o:oI~OOrnrli,w :i-O'UE~ w:i1lhie:x~ell~1: flO::~ m!OClhio:rvoful,~ 1I'~1Ii1lt,g k1ii, lb€oillIIoo:r~~!!I1 over me pt1:i'1, ~,'IJi!IllI yeffi5,. SOUE~ ~ :ilillCIOOl1[j!!l~~. ~ (U),~ 1Il.~ IITM~, s,n~: :13. o.inJW.i ikio: <I~ 1I:iIIt,g :13. II1S.ft,; IlrHp,i: Ilci.lIlilhiirimi 1ilI. ,n..: .i~m:i :~'I\'it.iki.i8 elli ng_Ib.i~ ei n:;; &:: ~!!II i em 9 Fe.brufl.1IY 10,12: ~he~lm is a CO'.R1R11U1Iii~.y fljll'm!!ll M 8]]OViiili"lig t'ITh~ w.iiki ~~ :1[~ly !!I)r.,oumelil.1: :iru['miJb'Ifll1l0'JlJ flWj; :B.:iI:co:inJ. ~Ii"!i 1IbTIJ:iII, ~ru~ a :I[~ &::00011.1: :i1lhia Vt'Ili!!l1e-mail MIIlI'm;i,;i, ~~ ~!!Ii1:~IE :l3..iJimililiW.ilki. WJrui]~ ~lhiiii,wiiki, is U w 01Ij~~1 0J,y ~he oollb1lbl1UlIli~.y 1il!11 ay oo:n1~iili1lll1ii~ ~~ FI3.,~sssumes ~m 8m iru[mmro:iOJli.is, g8lil.€if:fiUy :i1il.!!l_icruJwo:f Iih8 ~fi1U~ !i'lru~ o:f me l~:ilimilill eOO1l.oony" ~ (U) ,UIil.EII'M~:ii1~: :13..ito:o.illI : Wiiki: ·':I3.u~iilitg :B.:i~mili1:i": lh.il~:II~.Ib:i1..:o'illI.:iJLi'w.iikill3.uly.ing_lb.i~oo.iru: &::~~I 0JIi 9 Februfl.1IY lilJi,12; ~M iiIl1Li.Il~ .i:;,a cll1lfM11UlIli~yw.iiki, fI.ime!!l1;!'j~. flllO'llit.i1i"ligfI1IIYOJIie ~D:Ilr~]y !!I)r.,oumelil.1: :iru['mWI8I1lfciJli ~j; :13.:tI:co:inJ. ~6 IRTI:I~: (]Eru~ 8 :1lr12€: t'lCOOU1L1. U w.i1lhia 'lflli.!!!1e-mail a!!ll!l'm;i,;i,~:Oe!!lj~: ~m :I3.Hrn'ilill Wilki .. WIhi[I.~ ~lhiiii,wiiki, is 01Ii~~1 0J,y ~he OOIlb1lbl1UlIli~,y may oo:n1&ili1lll1ii~ amll ~lh.e FI3.,~assumea ~HEiru[mlmru:iOlli.iii. gelil.€if:'fIUY:iii101l_i::ru:i.w:f Iihe ~fiiiJ~ o :i'lru~ o:f me :13.:i IilI~OOJl.O'.Ibl,y" ~m'i ::iI "U) ,~Iil.~me~::i11~,;,D,I1!::O:I1II .I I:' '1"-n • 'm<" • W'ik' T-I'" IJ,._ 11.;' • ..•• s; I .~C;UK!_,UrnlJIIt,g; ...,,~I· '1,_ ~C;UE; ~~llllt,g ': 1It:ilp,i:.....:IilI.~jI,l1..:O:I1II ····ik·/"-I,......-.1 ;OCce~!lJ~IIOlli I!I; :;Fe.brufillY 2il)i,12; ~~ ~l[jm ls a CO'.R1R1ru1lii~.y fljll'm!!ll ali. 811OW.i1lt,gulJ~ w.iiki, r ~~ :Ilr~ly !!I~m~lil.1: :iru['OmI811l0'JlJlWj: f :13. ein, U ~ 6 IRTI:I~: (lffi! m~ a,:1[~ &::001:111.1: a 'IfIli.!!!1~ -mai 1 a!!ll!l'm;i,;i,~D~!!I_N: :B.:i~:c!!ii ilki.. W 1hi[1.~ ~lhiii,wiiki, :iii, :tIl:: w,iilhi ~IE IilIW i 01Ij~~11by ~M oollbm11U1IiiJiylil!ll may oo:n1~iili1llhii~ a ~lIte FlU ~mlili. ~HE Iru[~li1Jb1ru:iOJli :iii.gelil.€if:filly :ilil.!!lj.cf1ti.w o:f nHE ~ii'm :i'lru~ o:f me :B.:i~m'iIilI~CrOO1O'Jb1y"

'.... .., '1"[' ., I'" y T,0::~~; ,U L1)2J:m~: ,. 'I '''''I OCII'L'n,';",t.. , ... <""_ .u.lgl~!I, ,Il!! II. ,[,~]!!J'i:1,y: '"", 'D" _ ,. •-'r..... ,["IIf!i1: ,I!!!,m~!illill ,~~IOJII ,~I~l3, ,; ,,11,)1 ]!UM 1ijJI,1, .I.,;h1~[!.5!/Iwww ..!!Iftilyrl~h.c 0'.IW',D.igi~'t-Il+:B]flelk+FD1!!1If1,Y'fFil;:i'I:+:B:it:o:iM:~ ~s.s:Kmrt :Hi~lik-li!ij c:l.:2.1.:gj!j',.h1lm: oc02~!!I1 0JIi .I.(~ mUM lfJi.l..I..; • ~riJ[~ :iii fllilI OJIililM IImgm..:i1M r,u.'hili:iHJiili"ligM'IJit.i..,Ii"!!;~ar~ M!!II !!IliiiGliiS:i!m 0JIi C1JN;Q11. 1 &MIl !il~jllt,g ii£:~1i"L'm ;ElMI :ilru[miIWI~joJli ~~hnI1ilogy liD!U'€s... ~ {l,f)',~Ii1-E!INl.e~: iii1)2; :B:i1:co:i1Ii-(!(l);:; ·'~hiiJt:llliili"ll---01:cImr~lij?lM~Ji~,; 1h1~[!':Uihii~mililJ-(!(l~.eollbl: flo::~1 I 0JIi .I..iI,O=~[ 2®.I..I..; ~ iiO"UEe :i:i roJio:JIililM lIblrulk81QilfIC~ :[m ~ ~::.:clifI~ fI.1i1.i!I1 of lb.i~mili1:i,. ~18S. as {l,f) ,~Ii1-E!INl.e~: :B:i1:co:i1Ii .ilkL; "Uiii.1lt,g lI1ii~m'ilill-o:l:C~,;lh.inf':lI'w.ilki1!ii~m'ili1i-(!(jc,.cIl1i.lW'w.iikif[Js.'i~i1:co:i1Ir.m:: iii1)2; W flac~1 Olli 2.1. ~'!uM 20.1.1; ~lh.8 !irnJJm is a, 1101blllbTUJlii~.y w.iiki, l'iim01l1 M flI"l;Viiillt,g roJiyoM! ~Df1021y !!I~II.IJmIl1i. .iIiliOOo1I1mJtiOJli :E!OO'ut :B:itl1o:i1Ii.U ~ Ii"!i rnu:i1: (liE fi1fi! fI,:11' fie eeunt vii~ftiJa m:il ,i!!ll~ -mail fI!!I'!!I'm!iii ~D~ !!Ijt ~IE :B.i~mi IilIW ilki.. W lhii]E!~nliiii wiiki, :iii ~ 01Ij~~1 HJ,y ~nw Ol1IlIMlJUJlii~,y ami lIblay 00011't-1'i:iMI 0:IUmei es, ~lh.8 FB~ MW1bl8S. ~lh.e:i ili['O [lIb1 0JIi .iii ~ nsr filly :iiMI_icm:i.w o:F IilI 1 ati ~lh.elilJiJ)2~~fi! o:F~lh.e:B:iIt: IlliiIilIOO'.Rlllbl1UJliiIiy,. ~ {l,f) O[lililM ru.'hil:icmjOJli; F0!I'ernl :~gi!ii!2r Vol '1'C!I., Nil!\. .1..'10; ':BfI.1itk S0::mcy Ac~,:R~ilI!lflJtiOJL:i; DefillliiHr!l1l1:i. iJMIl 0:tlh.eJ < :Reg;uilruj 0'JL:l, :R.e'I.flrlillt,g MO'JI!zy &!1f!I,imii :B!u:iiM:~ ~D ~,; 2,1,]'!ilily 2ilJI,1, lhil[!':/Ivirww,.~o,.:g'O¥f['d'!i~R .I.; -2ilJI.I..I. iljIj!'2.1.I[MIlrm.l. .I.-.l.:&:3W,.[MI1E; flo:~-01I1 0JIi 9 Marcl1J :MI.l.2,; ~ .<IJ~~,gj~1Jij97,. ~ {l,f) ,~Ii11E!INl.e~: iii1)2,;ML Qo:x,; <'T~iIlli o:FU :i!!;",; 20 ]t-Ilil1WY 2ilJI.I.2:h1~f'!iitllbl~ ..OO'.Rl/il~iJlli_.o:F~['iim",; fICI1~1 0JIi j!' Mru'cl1i lfJi.l2; Mtl:. Qo:x,.i.,. a ~hii~l-~,y lhii"l:co:i1Ii ~fi"&!I_i1lt,g r,l!:itl:liDml, ::-.i {l,f) ,~Ii11E!me~, iii1)2: ,E(e'l.ilill P\'11JiMIilI; W.i[~I; ·'New Mt-I]'I,'i,'fI[E;:S~fllii 'You)' :B:i~m'i.lilr',; ,I,~ ~'!uM 2ilJI.l.1; 1h11iP.:/Iwww..wi~!!Il.l1O.Jb.Li.r1hmm]~]f1il)i.l. .I. ..IIhiitlmi IilI..IJbl a] WfI Ii"!!;/: iI,o::~1 N 2), ]'!UM lfJi.l. .I.,:• 501J:J'mis illill o:JIililM ru1J"li~tiOJli ~ltan,r.rov.i!!l~ ~ ~pwrljlit,g, oo:Jblllmll11roy rut!!l1~'1,~W!i Olill :i[lJ1O'lffdj(!(ilJ:ilill ~cl'Iru1\logy" ~i,eliEl!!. lbu.s.:ilMSii. &MIl C1JiHlUill W.im!!ll.eo:m, Iii [!'iIi'~:0:[ ~h8 Om1!2 Nasi, nigi~l N~~,~,k. .. ~ {l,f) ,~Ii1iE!me~, 5-,11)2; T.imo:ihy :B,. :Lill: Ji¥.. TI2CIh1lii::fI; ·'A :R,t;[k:y Qujfi"8liEy!! AIIeg8!!11 $JN.~ :B:i~llliilill F[e,ti.1::Ra:i~ii Qu!2s1joru.~,; .I.~;mUM L®.I..I.: IhHU1':Ufllf!i1~icfI.oom~ch·[cIllili,cy~'I.'i!!iI'-®.I. .l.1fl{i'il!ii~oo'illL'-illh.e-!!l'e11Q11fi"&1il".~:-¥:ir~lir-IlO1J),fiBil.Cya-:iii!kY-C!ilN;eIil0-~~I!il~-I1!iioc:oi~i:i'l:-[ai~u'€:WOOl:i.&J!i: fICI1~1 2 Aru;giiJ:siI: 2®.I..I..; TIlE iiO"U)':m Iii a, ~0: 11m]o:[Y W ~ [b :iitlJ!: 1iM~, :1T~ ii a mi:.:, 0:[ IIW.'i!:i, :i1ilI-!!I'e flftiJ ~fi"e IIl!dIanal Yiii ii aMll 1h.ovih1,o .irnilJj' Ill: ~,~IilI. A i!irI~ 1Iuii.cfl. eem :iii 1 0

'I. . ~

"U'" ,~Ii1Eme~:iii1)2; ~ffirn1I n . ,.

... ~. II•. r......] m,l::lI'i.; ,U"L'I.I.

~~: o:f ~~ Coni!!: Nfl iii, nigi1!1]:r:r~~,~lflk. ". . ., ., , . .' {l,f UFO[JO) F:B~: ,[n1)2J:oo, OillblJ!: CO'Jb1j1lIfl,ll11. Q;1i11~; Oml[!l.lfllll1t ,Re-r~[fI1 ,Forllbl: .I.:E:IUM 2®,I,.I..; !i01Jr~ .Iii. a ] '1.i~jllW't::Il!iit:i!iJJm[ oo:rnQ1ila.iIl1L • rel.iflhili~,y CflMO:I: 00 !!I'e~[lIb1jii10!l1. :N {l,f) ,~Ii1-E!me~, Si~)2; :B:i~milill :~lI[m, .',~ ju:i'l: grn: 1hfII1~1 - fllilJYM]r. .Iii 'Ili!I?:ko:rn.e!: (2S" illIllIlii :B 1'( ~,O.J,J!lilIr,; .1.3, ]'Itm 2ilJI.I..I. ,; hi!ip:i:/lil!ii~llliili1i't-l]IkOJ"d.iIMl~ ..~"?iiAV'-i,c= .I.(~iS1',.®; flem~!!I1 .I. ~'rul.,1J'fI1Y lfJi.l2; • !imi'~ is a :forum wlmm lUS!illii~: m~ ii !!I!i!il1!Uss.'illt,g lhiitlmilit:i. ;g) {l,f) ,~Ii11E!me~: :ii1)2; ]'fI1b1€!ii:Ball: 'I'1I1.E! G-"ufloojroJi: <'L-\I!l:i",'i~ :RO:§1J~~~~I o:r:B:i~milili Hflc'JC: 00 ~1IJ1Ii 2.®.I..I..; h.11iP. :/1www ..guru!!ljroJi.co..u:klri~lILllA1l1ogyQ.®.I..l./j!U1Ii....2{tu112:~11-00Ig.ue...iII.I~I1I~I-(!i:r:-Ib.i1co.i1Ir~lk:&:::~~!!I10JIi(~].!UiI.y ! lfJi.l..I..; ~ !i01JjlI:: is ~he MliM ru.'hiI.i,CflJtiOJli :F~lh.eUruitl~1 King!!l\l!im'ii Gu1loojfl1lj MW¥'fI~" o ~I {l,f) ,~Ii1ir!INl.e~: :ii1.e; ]f[iIl!iilI Mi:lk; :I)fij]y T®::Ihi; .1.9]'!UM:2: .1..1 ..; lhiIlp :/1.www ..!!I.fI.il~0:Ihi.c~.[ru..i.!!l.e-tiflJh.€.!i.M~J:Ift::ik+l!i:r-fi-:B:i~m.i[lrfHlru-fi-F!lIil:k-\.1i51kro. yJa Ilitiele2.1. 942:..1h1m: a:: m:>m!!ll 0JIi 2.1. ]'!UM 2ilJI,1,.I..; !i01JJm is alill olilllilil.e lIbli!'lgtl.z'ilM r,uhli:iHJiili"lig 1M'IJit.i..,~:i!!;fl1i"M andl !!I.i.!i::IUl3.!iii!iilJ CII.I1fi'Q11. ~o:rni.1i"Ii,g ~ru 0JIi flMI iirii,Q1I1~ rut!!l1Iru['{roiJblflti0JIi ~fi!c:hru!il o:[Y I!i!iIU~. ~ {l,f) ,~Ii11E!INl.e~: ~~&ilI L-\I!!Iiw.ig: VE!Ii11JUill'Bem,;<']~ilru :ii1~; :B.it:llliililJ E::.:.cJru:ut.ge ~~. Qo:x, :E[&:::~!!I~ Piimii DJOf' ~D M ]?tm:nii8S.~; .1.9]!UM 20.1..1.:1h.1~[!':Uwll1tuI;"'~frt.c~Jll.l. .I.*W.l.~iklr-Ihii1:clllii1li-E;}i.cillrut,ge..lJbl~,-gm,-aw:lk0!I)-~m!i-!!l1op~~plill~~,; fICC~!!I1 0JIi 2.1.]'!ilM 2®.I..I..; ~nw iimI~ :iii ;!l,[b]o:g fI1I:!!Il JIi1.i1M 1MVi?i :ii~)2 wM!ie ~~0!lIIIb1'i!i!iiOJli.iii ~D ~j.!!l'e 0 MW ii ~'bOll1::i1Ii mvatl,ioJIJ :['01 {'OJ; Vil'fI1ll1h1hii Iilkilt,g @)i.e ouj:i.'I8:i.. "" {l,f DFO'[JO) F:B~: ,[ni~oo: O:iMe CM1P.k1:i1Ii~:QII11)ill:; OmlQilflill11: R~:['i!li'[fIl :~lIbl: .1..<1, 2.ilii,I,.I.:2), ~J May 2ilJI.I.I..; ~nE , !imJj",C~ :i:i ii, '1,ic~jrnlOl1i1l:illlJbl~ cO'.Ib"IJ1'lfI:i1i11: ~lh.eIi'~nfl'b'ililiy CflIi11I.Il!iI: ~ M.!!II !!I'e~liUbljlMilll. 'l.I! {l,f DFO'[JO) F:B~: 2 ]!U111 2ilJI.I..I.:F:B:~ ,~Ii11['OmIrujOJli; ouJ".m .it>.ffiII ,l1Ij)illru~: 5!2CII.ITI~,y S [~[C1h.€ii' v."Jto Mi. r~~!!I1 r:~lit-ihil,y :ilill~lh.e[!'ffi'I:. ~ (U) flYJ- elt: w'rulrie .<Iilit .... {l,f DFO'[JO) F:B~; ,~~:R;1'1,2.133(i-'I,,,;!' ,1,.1.:1.$]!Ilily lfJi.l. .I..; :),.1,MfIY lfJi.l..I.; "XU/I.IcUl,fO) Co:rn~.i~ . o:FC'o'.mJ?!UE[ Ctu:i1)2J:ii M :1'!!I'e 1I11i:fI.~!!I1 U Iilii"!ffii":ii~:~s :rill([ !ill.€: 11:I~ '[J.'i {!if M'&JL_1Ji[lI,Ci"lJUTI ir ~lUfil C 1Jll'Q1I1y.. ffi o:FM'fI,y L@.I..I.~ ,; Ilt,gV TJNC~"5:S~:FIlEDlI.Ic'UR OFF.[(,nAL '[JSE ONLY; SE(:Rhi U.NH:I:URN.; a ooll~atiw !iOOlm w:i~ftiJe};~]lell11: fII1m~ lIblJUm o:rw~ [~iUlilig hffi OO~ 0!r0'~~~1 owr Iih.€ f&:i'I: ~,'IJiOYE!&J!i. l/1 {l,f UFO'[JO) F:B:~; ,n~:R;.1"1, 2J.J ]j!:5.<1,,1,.1..; ]'Mly lilli.l..I.: MfI,y:lil)i.l..I..: <'(WI.Frfl,fO) 2:5' '[Jrrlft~ ~D Oml~j~ o:FCO'Jbl[!'!Uj)2J: Clu:i1)2J:ii fI~::M'e1I11i:f~!!I1 UlIlii,w;rs.'i~l8S. :[m IilI.@ ]:1:1~ '[J.'i ef MM1JirllC"IIUTIIlt,g V,ili!'i.!U.fIl C!ilfiQ1l1 y, ffi o:FM'fI,y:LiI!l.l..I.~,; TJNCLA:o"5:S~FIlEDlI.Ic'UR OFF.[C,nAL '[JSE ON.LY; UNCLA:.'i!:ii:[F,[EDl/FOP': O:P.FIlC~AL USE (IN'LY; a ool]~~:1!m iiO"UE~ w:i1Jru @)i.ce:118Jl.1: iI,~~ lMu:::h o:rwlhi~ ["\)1"lM'ililit,g rnii ~1illII OOJ'~~!!II O'ffili' ~ f&~: ~,'IJiMI ~fIl"!i..

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OJ SIlJred cnrnenh

Ifs~ 'wOO?


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f s~'\Noo1

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