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FRYING PAN-Moms cook and SONG BOOK: Some moms play bake for us: sing like bacon-

- (sing the piano, some dont:sing staccato short and choppy, bob without the piano up and down on chairs as if they BABY DOLL: Mom loves her are a hot pan. children: sing like a baby BATH TOWEL-Moms do our CLOCK or WRISTWATCH- Mom laundry: do the twist while stays up all night with sick singing children: Sing without blinking KEYS- Mom drives us wherever POWER DRILL-Mom helps solve we need to go. Sometimes mom problems and she can fix is in a hurry: Sing fast while anything: pat head and rub driving tummy BOOK-Mom reads us stories: IPOD-Mom likes good music: sing through hand puppet sing with ears covered like JUMP ROPE- Moms tries to headphones keep in shape: jogging or jumping HANDKERCHIEF Sometimes invisible rope while singing moms cry: cry sing POM-POMS- Mom goes to our SWIMMING GOGGLES- Mom games and cheers for us:clap takes us swimming: sing with hands to the beat nose plugged COWBOY BOOT Mom likes horses/helps on the farm:sing like a cowgirl/cowboy HEART PILLOW- Mom prays for us: sing reverently and softly with eyes closed

1. Choose the Right (Hymn 239)

1. Choose the Right (Hymn 239)

2. As a Child of God

2. As a Child of God

3. Stand for the Right (CS 159)

3. Stand for the Right (CS 159)

4. I Feel My Saviors Love (CS 74) 4. I Feel My Saviors Love (CS 74)

5. When I Am Baptized (CS 103)

5. When I Am Baptized (CS 103)

6. Praise To The Man

6. Praise To The Man

7. I Am a Child of God (CS 2)

7. I Am a Child of God (CS 2)

8. If I Listen With My Heart

8. If I Listen With My Heart

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