Habit and The Effects of Being Targeted

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Habit and the Effect of Being Targeted I just finished reading the transcripts of a speech (Sex, Lies, and

Mind Control) that was given by Cathy OBrien, a recovered multi-generational, trauma-based mind-control victim who was forced from early childhood to serve as a sex-slave and drug courier for top level US politicians. Shes been through as much as anybody here, and probably a great deal more. She deserves utmost respect for what shes done to expose some of the main perps and their methods in this sick game thats being played on society. Everybody should check out her story if they havent already. It very eye opening and gives hope. She had some relevant words to say that I want to expand on: It's important to realize that this is a psychological warfare technique that we're being subjected to. This is a mind war; we must deal with it logically. Logic is the key to taking back our country. They're hoping that we all are going to become very emotional and start shooting at each other. [] They know the effects of trauma on the human mind. They know that when trauma occurs, we're all more susceptible to accepting misinformation and any controls that they want to put through our controlled media. We must be vigilant any time trauma occurs to see which of our freedoms are being eroded. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and that certainly applies to freedom of mind, freedom of thought. First of all, I want to point out that much of what some of us do here in this and other facebook groups seems to be centered on creating or maintaining a sense of alarmism, and there is definitely a lot of MISinformation being floated around that only adds to the overall DISinformation about this whole issue. It all detracts from coming to any solutions. Cathy was talking about the TV media in the above quote, but the internet is even worse if you dont use some discretion and logic to distinguish between reliable information and mere opinion or speculation masked as fact. Personally, Id like to see people here be more selective in what they post as links to documents and videos, since the number that get posted exacerbates the ability to find any nuggets with value. I have a feeling that many of the documents and videos that people post links to havent even been read or viewed by the person posting, or are just the same information thats already out there but regurgitated into new presentations. Also, just because a document or video is professionally put together and the author or speaker is some distinguished person from some well-established organization that purports to have concern about our situation, doesnt mean

that theyre credible or even care about anything but the power or acclaim (or money) that they might receive from their efforts. If it doesnt offer something new thats worth knowing and has relevant value to immediately helping you on an individual basis, it probably isnt worth wasting time with here. The same thing goes for those videos of purported gang-stalking incidents that really show nothing (they seem to be posted far less often, lately). I have yet to see such a video that actually catches ANYTHING that can be said to be gang-stalking. Not to say that they dont exist. I just havent ever seen any. I know how hard it is to catch these perps in the act doing anything significant. Now on to other things related to what Cathy said above, which I hope will be useful to others I posted an article here some time ago in which I described the three evolutionary stages of the brain (Perp Mentality and the Reptilian Brain, available at http://www.scribd.com/aforwood), and explained how each of these different stages correlate to certain mental activity that guide our responses to whatever were subjected to. When the perps succeed in agitating you into an emotional state, they cause you to start thinking at a lower evolutionary level that omits logic and reasoning. When they agitate you to the point that you feel youre fighting for your very survival, you start thinking in an even lower mental state. In either case, you rely less on your logical faculties and more on the less evolved (but inherently more familiar) emotional or instinctive traits. The lower the stage you operate from, the easier it is for the perps to control and even condition you. This is indeed a psychological war that were immersed in, and so unless you understand how your own mind operates, and become aware of how you are using it, and make the necessary adjustments to your mental responses to the perps agitations, youre eventually going to lose this war (and therefore your mind as well). Something that weve evolved into our brain functions to help us operate more efficiently is the auto-response mechanism, otherwise known as habit. This is simply natural memory encoding caused by repeated stimuli/response events, which form into habitual patterns. These can be habits of thought, emotion, or action. Very often, as we all know, habits become problems for us. Most of us usually think of habits as bad things, and thats precisely because we recognize that they lead us into operating through the lower brain stages, which are less conscious states than we are in when we are forced to apply our higher brain functions and have to think or pay attention. Sometimes habits are good, though, such as when we learn to drive a car to the point that we can commandeer it through a maze of busy city streets while

holding a deep conversation about the meaning of life with a passenger who you have trapped into listening (), all the while never really thinking about how were using the gas, brake, steering, gear shift, etc. Our actions come automatically because weve already ingrained all these actions into our memories so that we can now do it subconsciously. Thats the power of the subconscious at work, which we take so for granted and dont utilize nearly as much or as well as we could (and should). The key to using your brain at a more optimal level, and therefore beginning to beat this psychological war, is to develop good habits to override bad or not-sogood ones. Remember that everything that we think or do is mostly based on auto-response mechanisms. Its only the first few times that you ever experience a unique situation that youre really fully aware of that situation. After youve experienced it a few times and have followed the same course of action in response to it each time, similar future situations will lay further and further beneath the surface of conscious awareness the more often they arise, unless you force yourself to really pay attention again and examine whats going on. Its thinking and paying attention that being conscious is all about, but its taxing on our mental energies after even a few seconds, so we naturally like to stay at a comfortable mental level where we dont have to process too much information, whether its is coming through our thoughts or through our senses (this is why bright flashing lights or loud raucous music are often irritating). Because of this, we tend to let learned habits lead us through situations while our thoughts are elsewhere. This is taken heavy advantage of by our antagonists in this psychological war. They bombard your system with so much stimulation that it overtaxes the mind until its exhausted, at which point you fall into auto-response mechanisms, and these will be operating at the lower brain stages of emotion or instinct, unless you stay on top of the situation and keep yourself operating at the higher brain state where youre thinking logically and reasoning out your options for responding (or not responding). Since we cant be at an optimum state of conscious awareness and use our logical faculties to their best at all times, we instead need to learn to raise that awareness at the optimum times, in order to catch the pattern that leads us into the lower brain states that result in responding in less than favorable ways to perp activities. By responses, I specifically refer to those of thought and emotion, at least as much as I do to physical actions. Thought is a function of the higher brain stage of the neocortex, but its still susceptible to habituation, so that we can inadvertently develop bad habits of thought almost as easily as we can develop bad habits of emotion or action. I say almost, because we have greater control over habits of thought than we do over habits of emotion (and virtually none over habits of instinct). We just dont usually realize our habits of

thought as easily because they occur before we might ever realize we even had them (you cant think about how youre thinking while youre already engaged in a thought). Habits of thought need to be recognized when we find ourselves in situations engineered by our antagonists. Never mind trying to control your emotions through force, which is often what people will attempt to do. That never works. Emotions are natural outlets that cant just be shut out without having an eventual adverse effect on your health and well-being. Thats probably part of the reason why our perps continue to engage in these activities against us they withhold much of their own natural processes, and this causes them to lose control of their own mental functioning, and reduce themselves more and more to thinking and acting like cold-blooded animals. An example of recognizing habits of thought in a gang-stalking situation is in order. Ill use an example Im very familiar with, one that I need to work on becoming more aware of whats going on in my mind when it happens, so in writing this out it will help me as much as I hope it helps others I go out on the busy city streets every day, and as soon as I walk out on the sidewalk I encounter people, and I instantly start expecting that theyre going to be antagonistic towards me, by either not allowing me the space to walk, or coughing on purpose as they walk by, or saying something under their breath to their friend and laughing at my expense, or whatever else. That right there is a habit of expectation, and its the start of a pattern that leads me into an everincreasing state of further habitual thoughts as I continue down the street. The more I focus on the other people around me, the more I expect that theyre going to be or are being antagonistic towards me. If I see anything that looks like it might be gang-stalking activity, the emotions kick in, and if the gangstalking activities actually start and begin to get heavy, I might even start to feel in danger enough that instinct kicks in, and Im suddenly operating with the least amount of logic and reasoning and mostly relying on low-level autoresponse mechanisms. If someone happens to bump into me at this point, my emotions might turn to anger and I could say something that I might later regret. Worse, I might resort to instinct if I feel threatened enough, and I might physically lash out before I even realize what Ive done. This is exactly what the perps hope for, of course, so its important that I break the habitual responses that lead me to that point. The best way to do this is to short-circuit this pattern of events altogether, which is best done by starting with the initial thoughts that I have when I first hit the street. Instead of my usual (habituated) guarded expectation of something negative coming from the first people I come across, I can change that by raising my conscious attention to a point where I can remain neutral in thought and emotion as I step out the

door, at the same time telling myself with conviction (and using some supportive reasoning) that whatever goes on around me is not necessarily purposeful or directed at me specifically, and that its okay if someone coughs or comes too close so that I have to catch my step, and that I can choose to react with a more light-hearted response than frustration or anger and instead just shrug it off and be that easy-going, good-natured, and understanding guy I am when things are going particularly good. Do you see here that a little bit of conscious attention and logical thinking early on can set up the situation differently than it would be if I just followed the previous pattern that Ive become habituated to? I dont need to remain continually attentive and focus on my attitude to the situation for very long before the old habituated pattern starts to break down, and after a certain point, a new pattern of habits will develop ones more to my choosing and far healthier for me. It might seem like I have to restart this process from the beginning every time I go out, or even restart over and over while Im out, but slowly, over more time and more practice breaking the old pattern, I begin to react more healthily and to my liking to each little situation that would otherwise increase my negative expectations. Practice makes perfect, but you cant expect perfect 100% of the time, and you should never chastise yourself for slipping. Other people have a more difficult time than I do, because they face a different sort of situation where electronic harassment is occurring on an ongoing basis around the clock, and this doesnt really seem to have anything to do with their own habits or offer a means for applying what Ive discussed. However, this isnt completely true, and although they may not be able to resolve their situation as easily as in the example I related above, they can still apply the same basic understandings of mental processes to maintain better control over their situation. The most important thing, as I said before, is to understand the process your mind goes through and be aware of it as it happens (or right after), so that you can begin to regain control over what your antagonists are attempting to do to you on a mental level. As Cathy OBrien points out, this is psychological warfare, and even if you dont want to fight, you still need to defend yourself, and the territory you need to protect the most is your mind. The body heals itself through the mind, but the mind requires your conscious attention to how it functions for it to be healthy.

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